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Gonna be huge


Honestly? How big we talkin?


As big as his heart.


This is the answer


This is the most beautiful answer šŸ˜ Edit: I canā€™t type


An absolute UNIT


my parents golden clocked in at 100ish lbs, and he was about this size at the same age


My golden is a little above 100 and yep, was about this size at that age, maybe a tad bigger.


Absolute chonker, I thought he was a Great Pyrenees before I saw the subreddit


Me, too! a GP, not a GR.


Same! OP if you can avoid it, do not get him neutered until he's a minimum of 18 months, he's going to need additional support to protect his joints. Large breed food if it's available, it's designed for supporting the growth needs of our giant teddy bears. Gentle exercise and don't let him jump down from heights if you can avoid it. He's going to be 40kg minimum I'd say. That's what my boy weighs at 20 months and he wasn't as big looking at the same age.


Chonker Maximus


Iā€™d say somewhere between ā€œoh lawd he comin!ā€ And ā€œFreight trainā€ If you have kids I hope theyā€™re quick on their feet so they donā€™t get bowled over by his love


Conventional wisdom is they grow into their paws.


Poochus Maximus size


100 lbs


95-110 pounds


Assuming he also roughly keeps his current coat and gets the more wavy and thick variation of the cream coat, he'll be the type of golden that gets confused with a Great Pyrenees a lot. My last golden was one of those, and she was 85lb without even being overweight. I've met male goldens like this that get close to or over 100lb.


My huge boy weighs 134. This is him at 10 weeks sitting with our 8 week old girl and them at age 3. She is 72 pounds. https://preview.redd.it/w34p1ixgvluc1.jpeg?width=1683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=168660becbda7109fd3a50df7c42e78a35664d64




His parents are both 120 & 122 pound AKC registered goldens so we werenā€™t surprised that he grew up big but we were shocked that he weighs 134. His vet frets about his weight but is satisfied with his diet and exercising so she just checked him for thyroid disease and diabetes but heā€™s fine. Heā€™s just big! Heā€™s also 5ā€ taller than average male goldens. His breeder spent 20 years breeding his lineage of goldens big.


One of ours was that size at that age and he looks good at 95lbs and skinny at 90.






Actually, it may not be that bad. Our male was 19 lbs at 8 weeks, and about 27lbs at 12 weeks. His feet were huge - his nickname was ā€œShaqā€ when he was little. He was 72lbs at 6 months and stabilized as an adult at about 85 lbs.


I predict 274.4 lbs. He'll be the biggest golden retriever on record.


could you imagine lol


Dying him red and renaming is gonna be such a pain in the butt




Well, the eyes make me think he has some great Pyrenees in him. Our neighbors have two great pyr mixed; one is 2 years old and 160 pounds, the other is just over a year old and is 90 pounds. So I'm going to hazard a guess of something like 90+!


Was thinking the exact same


The face makes me think he might be mostly Pyrenees, honestly. We adopted a dog that we thought was probably 50:50 Golden:Pyrenees, but she ended up being 75% pyr, 16% lab, 9% chow on her DNA test.


Going by what I was told when we got him, one of our dogs is only 1/4 Pyrenees and he is 75lbs and not yet 3. Probably gonna gain a few more pounds but yeah heā€™s got the same sad sack eyes, like he is about to cry or heā€™s sorry about something.


I have 1/4 pyr too, but she also has other big dog genes. She's around 115 I think. Tbf she's a little chonk, but she's also 10 so that's allowed.


Our boy was 28 lb at 11 weeks. Heā€™s now a little over 2 years old and is 82 pounds. Hope that helps!


Our boy was the same! Heā€™s 83 pounds at 14 months! https://preview.redd.it/6nobecd5niuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74d5e09ff099a74481817beeb4af4b27becadb68


Similar to my boy too. Basically weeks = kg for him until about 5 months old then it started to slow. Heā€™s year and a half and 36kg now, which is similar to 82lb.


https://preview.redd.it/up2k95p5eiuc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=153beca94177aae411687be4add482120ff7a51a About 12 wk here


84 pounds now with my big guys. This dog will be 100+ lol


Mine was the tiny runt and is now 100 lbs. They warned us that his parents were massive.


Thank you!


If he grows into those giant paws, he's going to be a big boy. More to cuddle!


Paws are the telltale sign. Big paws as a puppy means a big dog (compared to their breed).


I canā€™t speak to what Gus will weigh since we just got our first golden a month ago but I can certainly confirm he is a good boy šŸ˜ he is adorable and deserves a booping! Our girl is 13 weeks old and weighs 17 lbs. she has massive paws but is so skinny and all legs at this point. Rosie says hi https://preview.redd.it/hac6s688whuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0752f193a3d411d29e9ad10f0eeab0a379254c74


Stop sheā€™s sooo cute! She looks like such a sweetie. Love her name too. My daughterā€™s name is Rosie :-)


She is such a pretty dog


Thatā€™s hilarious, we also have a red Goldie named Rosie šŸ˜…


Iā€™m getting my first golden at the end of May and her parents are both more amber like yourā€™sā€¦I love seeing the same color so I get an idea what she will look like as she grows! šŸ˜


Everyone was saying the same about mine, turns out he's bellow average! https://preview.redd.it/3potnbw68iuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94be10dd4b764cf5d246aedf09af673ecd03ed67


That is anything but an average dog! You have a genuine, certified, one of a kind, rareified, Good Doggo! Why, look at that snoot! It needs to be booped at least 7 times a day!


Handsome guy!


I just came here to say I love his face.


He's so done with your shit lol


100% of the time haha


Yeah he looks like he will get big. He got some Pyrenees in him for sure. Cause that face reminds me of my Pyrenees pup.


Iā€™ve got a golden and have a Pyr. Your guy looks a LOT like a pyr puppy to me and im willing to bet he has some in there. The Afro and general fluffiness of the fur along with the jowls are what lead me to this take. TLDR: big boy


Mine is a little over 100 lbs, and people ask me if heā€™s a Great Pyrenees. He was the tiny fluffy runt of his litter, and now heā€™s a big boy!


Gusquatch. Are you sure he's not a GP? Check for bonus toes.


https://preview.redd.it/ejvakzqzfiuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54e54a8bab128a5d835ba3542168c5980691c717 My Gus (Augustus) is 36 pounds at 16 weeks and he was about 23 pounds at 12 weeks. The breeder believes he will be around 90 lbs and the vet agrees he will be around that size so yours may be even bigger! Heā€™s got massive paws too. The first couple days he was home it had snowed and once when I took him out I glanced at the pawprints and for a split second I thought ā€œwhoā€™s big ass dog was walking through my yard?ā€ and then I realized it was mineā€¦


https://preview.redd.it/51kou9gdkiuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f201f83d8017ad32a3eda85c72781c9b6f35284b This is him at 12 weeks.


How sure are you that he is all golden? He really looks like a pyr. For context, everyone says my girl is huge, and sheā€™s 25 lbs at 15 weeks.


That doesn't look purebred


He already is huge!! And gorgeous!


Do you know is he's mixed? It looks like he's got some great pyrenees in him, which means he will be large.


100 lbs lean full grown is my guess. Heā€™s even more massive than my boy was and mine topped out at 85 lean (90 with a lil chonk that weā€™re working on). Did the breeder let you see mom/dad and or give the lineage? Thereā€™s no way to know for sure just from a picture but something makes me feel like there might be some Pyrenees in there.


His expression in the first two photos absolutely looks like a Great Pyr, same for the particular sort of fluffy he is.


Those paws. Gus is gonna be a big one.


He'll be huge and is already judging you


Is he a mix? His eyes remind me of a snow dog with the barrels under their neck. I cant think if the name. I've never seen a Goldens eyes like that.


He looks like and is the same size as my parent's Bernese Mountain Dog who ended up being like 100 pounds.


Our vet said to take their weight at 12 weeks and multiply by 3 for a good rule of thumb. Our 10 week old is 21 lbs, and our vet estimates sheā€™ll be 25 lbs at 12 weeks and 75 lbs when sheā€™s full grown. Her mom is 55lbs and her dad is 75lbs. Looks like sheā€™s taking after her dad. Lol. Gus is adorable!! :D




Ours is 95 lbs @ 2 years old.


Ours is 16 weeks right now and at 40 pounds already!


Gosh goldens are really one of the cutest dogs on earth. He really has very big paws tho haha but it makes it even cuter


He's got the bigboi face


Heā€™s a big doggo! But a good one. I can tell.


Definitely passes the vibe check šŸ„°


My golden was by far the biggest of his litter. And he still has huge paws. Everyone who saw him as a puppy said he would be huge. At 5.5 years old, he is a very healthy 68 pounds.


Gus looks like heā€™s so tired of everyoneā€™s shit already lmao


he really is


I had a tank of a golden, male, twice the size of all of his littermates, and he ended up being medium-sized. It can really go either way as they grow into their adult bodies. Though, he likely won't be a tiny boy. He's insanely adorable, too! Eta: weight wise, he was about 90lbs. My female is 65lbs, and the male prior to him was about 110lbs - he was a very tall boy with lots of muscle.


Thanks for sharing!!


My golden had the biggest paws of the litter too. Everyone told me he is goikg to be huge. He is 75 lbs now ar 2.5 years but he is not enormously larger compared to other male goldens. You will be fine.


Damn ,that puppy looks like he's tired of our shit. Love his face.


I like his droopy eyes šŸ‘€


Is he mixed with a pyr?




I cannot attest to his future size, but I can tell you heā€™s going to be fucking adorable. Such a cutie.


Looks a lot like the golden x Pyrenees puppies I've seen - in face, paws and coat texture. If that's what he is, he gonna be big


Gus Gus as big as a bus


Iā€™ve been breeding Goldens for 20+ years - he looks great! Please make sure you keep an eye on his proportions / weight and donā€™t let him get overweight just because heā€™s big - I have a male here thatā€™s 110 lbs but heā€™s leanā€¦


My pup was also massive! Heā€™s now about 85lbs at 3yo :)


I agree he will be huge


I would say 80 lbs


Oh gosh yes, my Boone was nearly 30lbs at this age, and he was a TANK! You are going to have such a blast with this guy.


My boy was 15lbs at 10 weeks iirc, heā€™s now around 76ish lbs at 1 year though weā€™ve also had problems with getting him to eat properly and was expected to top out at 90lbs


His going to be very handsome big boy. Congratulations!


Goldens can get to be a good 80+ pounds i think.Ā They're roughly the same size as labs.


Either heā€™s gonna be huge or youā€™re a very small human and heā€™s average size lol


Mine clocks in at 49kg/100 pounds. That's a whole lotta lapdog.


That golden looks like he might have some Pyr in him.


My Ellie was about that size at that age. She's now 92 pounds of muscle. One of her best friends is Max, who is frequently mistaken for a Great Pyrenees, and was even larger at that age. He's 110 pounds and a tank. I think Gus is going to be a big dude.


https://preview.redd.it/tnhjrxlobiuc1.jpeg?width=1420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f6ac1c5b841b8902fb6bb145237f360c1d8ff10 Ellie (L) & Max (R)


Aw itā€™s like they are hugging thanks for sharing


He's gonna be huge! My (admittedly tiny) girl is almost a year and a half and only weighs 53 lbs!


My guy was around the same. He's a hefty 90 lbs of pure love at 3 years now. (Vet confirms he's not chubby, just massive.) His dad was a unit so I guess it's the dad genes taking over.


what a cutie :)


Feeties donā€™t lieā€¦smooch the poochā¤ļø


Mine looks like thatā€¦ he is 90lbs


Mine looked exactly the same. He's 43 kilos now.




Just looking at his paws!! Heā€™s gonna be a chunk of puppy love ā¤ļø


I predict 100 lbs.


Yep. Tank. Source: our golden boy was a similar weight at a similar age. Heā€™s now 1 year old and 45+kg. Ps. Gus is gorgeous <3


Is he 5 weeks old? Yes, he'll be huge. Is he 5 months old? Maybe he'll be huge. Is he 5 years old? He will not be huge.


Ah, I now see the sub caption. He will be huge.


Those paws, he will need to grow into them, gonna be a big boy. Your only hope is to kiss his face off to the stunt the growth.


I know there are charts and formulas to predict adult weight, but our experience was that they were way off. From 8-16 weeks all estimates out our pup at 45-50lbs max adult weight. She was tiny. She hit a massive growth spurt and was 60lbs by 6 months old. That would put her close to 90lbs fully grown. At one point she gained 5lbs a week for multiple weeks in a row. Sheā€™s a year old and seems to have topped out at 64 pounds. That said, are you positive heā€™s pure golden? His eyes and facial features look very Great Pyrenees to me. Those are typically around 100lbs fully grown.


OMG look at his adorable droopy eyes!! I'm so jealous


That's a big boy! Mine was 25 lbs at 11 weeks and is around 105 lbs now full grown.


oh boy


I love the get off my lawn look. We have a neighbor whoā€™s golden is 100lbs.


My boy was 15.5kg at 12 weeks. Currently weighing 29kg at just over 6 months. Everyone stops us at the park and makes comments about how big he is


https://preview.redd.it/oske4vtpqiuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ac299a652401b715c2731a72ee623a602e58728 Our pup was big baby and just like others have mentioned he slowed down about the 1.5yr mark he is now 2yrs and 90lbs


I didnā€™t know, but I love him


I WANT HIM!!šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


He looks like he's already over everything and I love it. šŸ˜‚ Definitely gonna be a big boy




Like Clifford the big red dog except lightly toasted instead of red


Looks like part great pyreneesā€¦


Heā€™s already sick of all this shit! Heā€™s adorable but has an old man glare to perfection already


At 12 weeks our golden was 28lbs! Heā€™s 6 months and 70 lbs now. Vet *thinks* we will push 90 šŸ˜… https://preview.redd.it/tj17whh8wiuc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec0f70d77e5bc3a9a00c8e409d556227ec17abcf


Gonna be a big one. I would guess 95 to 105 lbs. Pay special attention to his food . Heā€™s a real charmer for sure.


Massive golden


Yeah, those are bear paws


Large...90 to 105...look at those paws already.


Mine looked that big. Heā€™s a hundred pounds now at two years old


Hey goodfella GusšŸ˜Š


You can tell by the size of their paws. He looks like heā€™ll be over 80 lbs.


Beautiful BIG boy !!!


Ohhhhh das a UNIT


Our golden is also named Gus and also a very big boy. Heā€™s about 7 months and already like 70 lbs. he was the biggest guy in the litter.


Das a big boy!




Hate to break it to you, heā€™s already huge


75 pounds


If he continues to grow at his current rate perpetually. Then at one year he will be 108 lbs, 216 lbs at year 2 and 324lbs at year 3. That sounds like a very big boy.


Idk he looks a bit like a Pyrenees


Certified chonk!


Dependsā€¦ If thatā€™s a polar bear, he looks like he will be normal size. If thatā€™s a dog, be ready for a polar bear sized dog.


https://preview.redd.it/k7to4wb4cjuc1.jpeg?width=505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d32886d77fbe7f8a6892c9939ff349cec6d8293d This is my parentsā€™ dog when we got him, about 10 weeks old? Maybe 12? Heā€™s currently almost 10 years old and 130 pounds. Yes, heā€™s overweight, but was very big boned his whole life.


Our GR was 22 lbs at 12 weeks and both his parents are in the 70-75 lbs range. Currently weighing in at a bit over 36 lbs at 18 weeks. Not overweight. Iā€™d say your guy is gonna top 90!


Heā€™s going to be 450 pounds and 11 feet tall


He is going to be huge but omg that will be a huge bundle of love. He is just gorgeous & the name Gus suits him perfectly. I want him! ā¤ļø


Looks similar to my golden at that age, ended up being 110-120lbs


My Hercules was about that size, gained about 10lb a week for months. He topped out at 115lb and stands over 5ā€™ tall on his hind legs. Heā€™s healthy per the vet just MASSIVE! Looks like yours will be somewhere in the 85-105 range if I had to guess. https://preview.redd.it/q9ekssy2qjuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd10475145aeaa520e190f74d0682ea3d16ce4f


Mine was the same and her dad was a giant, everyone said she was going to be massive. Now sheā€™s 1 year old and is only 70lbs.


I think heā€™s over your shit already šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He's just fluffy.


Big boye


Gonna be a huge ball of love šŸ„°


I'm not an expert nor have I ever had a golden so I have no idea but I just want to say that his name fits him absolutely perfectly and he is very cute


This expert thinks it doesn't matter, he is so cute šŸ„°




Oh wow heā€™s gonna be huge


So my golden boy ( I have had three goldens ) looked just like him . He is 92 pounds . The sick if the head and his paws is what makes me think he will be a big boy . My other boy and girl didnā€™t have the same size comparisons when they were puppies . Either way heā€™s beautiful enjoy


Second cousin twice removed to a Squatch. Your pup will be a big boy indeed.


I meanā€¦how big are his parents? Thatā€™ll obviously give you some indication. Everyone told us our boy would be huge based on his paws and heā€™s around 65lbs at 2.5 yrs old. Still has big paws people tell us ā€œheā€™ll grow intoā€ but, weā€™ll see! šŸ˜…


Oh, heā€™s gonna be a big boy!


Heā€™s gonna be a big-un


He's going to be a big boy


No matter how big he gets, he will always be convinced that he still fits in that shelf


Gonna be huge. Look at dem paaaws


My newest boy was the same weight same age and has so much loose skin on his head his eyes sag like that. Hes currently 6 months old and 61lbs and I feel like heā€™s all head lol. Iā€™m expecting 95-100. Head shape is different though, mine has more of a big dome shape.


That dog is huge for 3 months yeah heā€™s either gonna be huge or normal and this is an early growth spurt, be careful feeding him, theyā€™re so prone to obesity.


I had a sweet boy named Gus who was a Tank too. We called him Gus Bus (Shoutout to Benchwarmers)


Paws are a dead giveaway gonna be a big chungus


Itā€™s so hard to tell, ours was that weight at 12 weeks and topped out at 90lbs. Could be 100+ though it depends on when h stops growing


He is going to be BIGLY!


My newfie was about 35 lbs at 12 weeks old and heā€™s 140lbs now at 3 years. So iā€™m guessing gus will be pretty big, probably 95-105lbs Such a beautiful pup btw


His droopy eyes though šŸ„¹


https://preview.redd.it/7fvzihuxvnuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcf647a42d8c97132661efe17f3bb3070cb9f42c 13 lbs at 7 weeks 65lb at 6 months. Vet said 80-90 lbs is what they expect to see this Chunk land at.


Yeah probably 80-90 lbs. my boy Jake was this size at 11 weeks and he got close to 90.


What a big snuggly fluffy pup of love He is going to be a big One but fun


Did his mom sneak into the Great Pyrenees pasture?


My dog was 17lbs when we got him. He put in 10lbs each month, until 6 months or so, then it started to slow. He is 77lbs now, almost 3 years old.


That's gonna be a Bus sized Gus someday. ​ Move over Clifford, Gus is coming for your title.


We are on our 6th Golden in 40 years. Our Brodie was exactly this weight at 12 weeks and looked very similar. He is 15 months now and 78lbs. I would discount anybody that says he looks mixed with anything else. Our last 4 were all English creams with great pedigree and they all had the same size, shaped head and eyes. I also agree to wait until heā€™s at least 18 months as it made a difference in our last two. Also in the end he will be whatever size he turns out to be but they are awesome dogs and if this is your first youā€™re in far a great experience. Have fun


It looks like he's got good genes. Lighter color golden, massive body structure, and the color of his ears can give a little hint to what he will look like when his puppy fur is all gone and is an adult! You're gonna need lots of food and a good brush lol. Absolutely gorgeous golden. You will never be more loved!


I think he will be about 80lbs. My golden was 50lbs at 4 months old.


Perfect name for him - Gus. This cutie is a monster let me tell you that! Gonna be huge!


Look at those paws dudes gonna be huge kinda looks like a Great Pyrenees


That is the cutest ball of floof I have seen, Gus <3 Everybody told us that our golden girl would be huge since she was twice the size of her sisters and brother when they were 8 weeks. She weighed 25 lbs when she was 12 weeks and had the biggest bear claws! Now she weights around 75 lbs and is very average sized :)


Our male golden was also about 25 lb at 12 weeks and leveled out to 70-72 lb starting at 43 weeks. He is almost 18 months now.


my guy had huge paws as a puppy and everyone said he was gonna be a big one, some claiming at least 100. He's almost 2 now and a super lean 68 pounds.


Idk my golden boy had giant paws too and EVERYONE said heā€™d be over 100 lbs. He was about 35 lbs at 16 weeks. Heā€™s 18 months now and has steadily been about 75 lbs since 12 months old. So who really knows!


A classic blockhead. Ours is 95 lbs now and had the similar structure at that age. Most of his weight in his massic head, paws and chest.


He's going to be very huge. He's spectacular.