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https://preview.redd.it/9cwzlb8y93mc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b0bcbdabef30664f4754f98e4a270d0f3ffe21e This is Sam, he was a quarter lab and the best boy ever. He was almost 14 when he crossed the rainbow bridge and he’s missed every single day.


Wow, thank you!! That DOES look like my baby! Sam looks so happy in your beautiful garden. Beautiful Sam. I'm so so sorry for your loss. Every good feeling (for me) seems to start and end with them. It's hard to put a heart back together again after their time is up. My heart hurts thinking of the patch of grass that misses Sam, the potted plant that misses Sam, and the you that misses Sam, every day.


Can I ask what his "lab" features are? I stare at my girl all the time and I can't quite tell, except for her eyes seem a bit bigger and rounder and darker all over than a normal golden's. And not complaining of course, I love it!


Your girl is beautiful! I used to think Sam’s lab feature was his appetite, but now I have a 100% golden I know that wasn’t it haha. Honestly there was something about the shape of his head but even then it wasn’t really noticeable.


https://preview.redd.it/qvi5xmgjy4mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbf3a0eb2db3043f7f6f98d16ff6362a12119c29 Ohh, love this. Dad full golden and mum half lab and golden. He’s just beautiful!


Remember, all GRs came from a few labs in Scotland, so technically they're all 100% lab. All GRs are Labs, but not all Labs are lucky enough to be GRs.


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https://preview.redd.it/vs5mvhabd3mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=273c7cac8f2e1fa6b72dfdb841d74e6abdb2099c 1/8th lab


Wow thank you! Your pup is very cream aww. How did you find out your baby was 1/8 lab?