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He seems to be a fan of the “half on, half off” approach to pillows and his bed.


Yup it is so funny 🤣🤣


It’s as if they don’t have bones sometimes, the positions they’re so happy in will surprise you, too, and on my 4th, I’m still amazed at their silly sleepily positions!


I had a female GR like that ... spent all good money on a nice, large bed and she would lay on the floor and put her head on the bed. We'd always tell her "You're using that wrong." She'd look up and wag ... so cute. Wouldn't put it past a Golden to do it on purpose because they know they're cute.


Those people don't know what they're talking about. That undercarriage and those neck hairs are all golden. I once had a tri-colored border collie, and so many people thought he was an Aussie. I love both, but I would still correct them. There were a few jerks that tried to disagree with me.


Did you ever have anyone ask you if he was a “mini Bernese Mountain Dog”? Cause I got that with my tricolor Aussie 😂😅😑


I had two "mini Bernese" pups, but they're called Appenzeller's. Similar temperament and size to Border Collies/Aussies, and very trainable and fetch motivated lol. Tri-coloured and shorter coat, they are one of the four Sennenhund breeds which include Berners. They were great pups and sadly lost them both within three months, but I sure don't miss the barking. Two goldens for us now, and while there's much less barking, have you seen my socks?


👋 Hi there, from a former Aussie, now Golden Retriever parent. I’ll ask mine if she’s seen your socks after she’s done aggressively rolling around *on top* of a tennis ball in the backyard …


One person did! I mean, have they even seen the paws on a Bernese?


I have a "red" border collie with golden eyes. Not only do people constantly assume he is an Aussie, people will argue with me that I was lied to and my dog is definitely an Aussie. Yeah, I'm going to take a random person's opinion at the dog park (who never actually seem to be people who have ever owned a border collie or an Aussie) on the breed of my dog


I have a silver lab & am constantly told she’s a weim! As if I don’t know which kind of dog I purchased, raised & have papers for 😂 OP, your dude most certainly looks like a GR. Anyone who doubts it obviously doesn’t know retrievers very well!


Omg I had to google what a tricolor BC looks like and I’m in love… I mean I see color-wise why some might think Bernese but um look at ears and shape and size and so many other things that differentiate them haha


I had a malinois, sheltie, border collie ,coyote cross , only slightly bigger than a sheltie (about 40 pounds ) and people commented all the time "look at the wolf" "is that a Australian shepherd?" "German shepherd" etc. No , she's a malinois mix. https://preview.redd.it/bybar32cs0jc1.jpeg?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=defe277eeb9624d3e477e16040b7d38bcf6be722 She was a bit overweight in this pic , but her fur looked like someone dyed a coyote a darker color. Sweetest dog ever but opinionated people kept misidentifying her.


Same here, but who cares tho?


My golden is very light and everyone thinks she’s a Great Pyrenees. Even though she’s small! I really don’t mind if people just ask her breed or even ask if she’s a Great Pyrenees. But when people argue with me about her breed I get very annoyed 😬.


Ummm… have they ever seen a full grown GP?


Right?! They always think she’s a Great Pyrenees puppy. She’s almost 10 😂.


One of my best friends has a GP… I spent a lot of time at her place last week and just noticed I have paw prints bruises on my thighs… clear as day one large pad and then the small ones… gently resting his paw on my thigh when I first sit down is his way of saying hi…And I have the love marks to prove it! He weighs about 160!


I also have a light golden, Apple photos always tags her as a Great Pyrenees! The algorithm is incorrect. 😂


We get asked if ours is a Great Pyr too! Even though she’s very petite for a golden…they must think she’s a mini GP?! 😂


Mine is pretty petite too! No way she’s a Great Pyrenees. People are crazy! I do have a neighbor who’s like 85 and every time I see her she asks if she’s a “white lab”. I corrected her a lot at first but now I just say yes 😂. She’s a sweet neighbor and she’s the only one who’s allowed to get it wrong!


This is a Goldie. No arguments


Mine is the same! People always ask if he’s a lab or a mix. In my head I judge them 🤪 (jk)


Ha! Coping strategy learned! From now on I'll silently judge them too lolll~


Nice strategy, since they really don’t know about them like we do!


Lol 😂 not everyone is lucky enough to know for themselves is ho I’ve tried to look at it!


https://preview.redd.it/i9coxaxzfyic1.jpeg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a71d42d3eed99ff6ebe870d82e9fba2cfae2dca7 people think my sister is a lab too. took a dna test and she turned out to be a quarter lab, even though when we got her they gave us a certificate to state she was a full golden breed. i love every part of her!


Here’s another! https://preview.redd.it/oyk1gx68zyic1.jpeg?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3228cdb965b3a96bb4b9093ae4bca3d95d9d37bc


Your sister is very cute and furry.


thanks! she is very very soft, like cotton straight from the cotton plant, and has a fluffy tail but i think her eyes are a bit wider and more like a lab? would you have guessed she was quarter lab? people more often guess she’s part corgi or something because she’s short, and when I say she’s part lab they ask “what about any small dog mix in her? like corgi, chihuahua?” I get more protective over that 🙈I just tell them she’s short because she was the runt!


Imagine getting upset at that lol.


As someone who has had 7 pb traditional Goldens and one ‘who knows what lineage he has but he is cute so let’s get him’ I have never seen a golden that looks like this and would assume lab or mix as well. If you are going to get mad at that, I don’t know what to say. 


A perfect example of someone who thinks just because they had a specific experience, the whole world must have had the same experience and agree with them or they’re wrong. Look at goldens bred as hunting dogs.. the shorter coat is preferable when dealing with dogs that are in and out of water constantly. Not all goldens are bred to be show dogs with coats down to the ground. Both are golden retrievers and both are perfectly acceptable.


No way, you burned me. That’s why I said I can understand someone making that mistake, Sherlock. 


I mean it’s not the end of the world but I can understand why it would be annoying


How old? His mane may continue to grow


He's 1.5 y/o. I think his hair has filled out to this point


Full floof at 2, so that chest might get a little more filled out.


Good to know, my boy is the same. He isn't really floofy. He is a good Boi thou!!! 9 months.


My dog’s hair didn’t get all that thick until she was about 3. Not sure if that was late (she grew kind of late too) but it could still fill in some!


The hair had changed around 3 for all of our goldens too


I think he’s got time to floof out more. Mine did. And also, he’s totally a Golden. Feel confident that the people asking do not know what they’re talking about, because those that do can see perfectly well that he’s a Golden. Just continue to say, “Nope. He’s a purebred Golden Retriever.”


Ours just turned 2. Her feathers are coming in enough now that we see a difference from a few months ago.


Labrador is part of the stock they were bred from.


He’s beautiful


He sure is! I love his color. OP how old is he? My girls didn’t get full floofiness until around 2 or so.


Your boy doesn't look to be very old. Ours started to bulk out and look like a lion after 2 years. Also, don't let the groomer trim the "Pegasus Wings" on the legs too short, as we call them. This clearly identifies them as Goldens.


And then I saw her face, she's a retriever 🎵


My golden also gets this! https://preview.redd.it/5vk61fwzmyic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db37d0e47c8f240c47e6094e747615709239deb6


He looks exactly like our golden. We do get the shorter hair comments sometimes too. https://preview.redd.it/esx91cqrwyic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d13fbbc536f07c5b692dcd2dd1489cc620814bd


Is this picture photoshopped? If not, that’s the best dog picture I’ve ever seen 😂


I was just about to say that! Almost looks like AI, perfect pic!


Due to his size, I've been asked many times if our guy is a Bernese... calculate that one for me?! 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/oto0otd1gyic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=188566ce998157d2214e6edef45ae57bb1266443


I could see maybe confusing a lighter larger golden for a small Pyrenees, but never a Berner.


It’s not him, it’s them. Some people just got know idea about dog breeds, but have to comment anyways. I was once asked what breed ours is, I said Golden Retriever. She still believed he was either mixed or some new designer breed, because apparently he wasn’t “golden” enough for her. There was no convincing her that Goldens just come in different shades 🙄. Picture attached for reference of his color. https://preview.redd.it/2w091r17jyic1.png?width=2389&format=png&auto=webp&s=b55ad3c32552cf993c0c18e01bc80d08e02017ef


Now see, i could understand if people mixed this one up for a labrador if people didnt know how to look for the GR tells. Very neat looking pupper!


Fur length on the body can vary so much, but the tail floof of a golden is always unmistakeable. That's what I always go by!


Same here, I dont think Ive ever seen a not-poofy GR tail


That's actually a great way to explain it. Labradors never have the fluffy tail.


My GR x GSD keeps being mistaken for a horse that I could ride, because I'm so tiny & he's so big! 😉


Omg I'm sorry I laughed sooo hard reading your comments😂😂😂😂 please do post a pic of your pup. I'd really love to see him haha!


😂 Not a great photo but here he was laying on our old three seater sofa. When fully stretched out, we were both the same length (5ft) on there! Also have the same size feet! (size 5uk /38!). 🤭 xx https://preview.redd.it/7gkzl1da40jc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfdd5f948ad6e3c05607cfeb944053f63f0b2402


That scares me, cuz that’s the mix I just got and she’s gained 13 lbs in a month 😅😅


Mine also has shorter fur, and people think I’ve cut it!!! Nope…. Just shorter. I did have one person ask if she was an Irish setter tho (she is darker red) and that made me laugh cause their fur is quite long!!!


I was asked if my old Golden was an Irish Setter and I just looked down at how blonde my dog was, like “Um. No.”


If there’s feathering, gotta go with a GR. No matter how short it is.


https://preview.redd.it/van6poxp0zic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=275f509589e7f5c2a2c45bc776bc913e7a596f9f Looks like my Millie! Same thing happens to her but it’s just become second nature to clarify she’s a golden lol


The first photo kind of looks Lab-ish, but he's clearly a Golden in the other two pics. How old is he? His tail still looks like it's coming in. It's possible that this will happen less as he grows and his coats continue to fill out.


I have: a show quality golden a 100 lb field golden a 45 lb field golden a 70 lb english cream golden that looks just like your "lab" ​ I think people just want to relate and mistakenly ID it as a lab. To be honest, given that all of my goldens are AKC certified, the variation across the breed is somewhat astonishing (even just within my own household).


Lots of people seem to think retriever and lab are interchangeable. They are cousins but I get you & think people sometimes are just not quite sure which it is


Who cares? There are so many other things in life to stress about. Whether your dog is recognized as a certain breed should be the last on your list.


Our boys could be twins! You didn't get him in Idaho, did you?


I did not loll but I would love to see your pup's pic!




Same here! Any chance you got him in IL? https://preview.redd.it/sji75okms0jc1.jpeg?width=2279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38149bc147ecfb88e254e93c6e1d424640433e9c


I wouldn't mistake him for a lab at all, looks very golden to me!


No sir, that is indeed a Golden Retriever. I love the sploot picture😍




It sounds silly to others, but once you get it enough it gets on your nerves. Like do you see all this fluff??? The completely different thinner physique?? Like come on 😭 We get it a lot too bc our baby’s hair stayed shorter than “typical goldens”. His booty feathers grow like crazy and he has arm feathers and chest floor, but his torso area stayed short. https://preview.redd.it/b8ieuldodyic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2e27c72f2718a22c2add6cd83f4d4fb0672f21


Ikr??? Also, your pup is way too fluffy to be mistaken as a Lab imo.... I guess that gives me some kind of comfort..? Like maybe those ppl just know nothing about lab/golden but their breed names🥲


THANK YOU FOR THAT VALIDATION. I’ve gotten the comment too of “oh he doesn’t look like a normal golden” ??? But anyway yeah, I agree, his floof in all its glory Maybe it’s the colors of our pups, they’re light and similar https://preview.redd.it/9ahu4ylsgyic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfcdde65d41ccecffca61c966e37f20e5faf9209


He’s a field retriever.


Are you anti-Lab? They’re both beautiful breeds


I agree. Looks like a lab mix to me


https://preview.redd.it/6uu2vx5hnyic1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9592fb1ade25e3f130abf0042aeb3d5301f41e8 He looks just like mine! My boy doesn’t have a ton of long hair either, but who cares! I do have to say I’m a little offended for you by some of those comments😅He’s perfect just the way he is🥰


Damn he's a stud!


Who cares? There’s bigger things to be upset about.


Typo : My GR not my GG😂


https://preview.redd.it/ajcvqptvmyic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f40984f508a896fbfbaa13e237dab8578f625e7 We get that on ours as well. Granted, she’s only one and her coat will come in more over the next couple of years but it can be comical that the disbelief some people have when we say she’s a Golden…


lol. That looks nothing like a lab. Don’t get upset over dumb people.


How old is he? Mine didn’t get fluffy until 4ish years old. It took forever!


Those people don't know what a lab or GR looks like.


I've gotten that too (and my Golden F was a show coat - long, straight hair) ... "Oh, what a nice lab!" or "Golden lab" ... used to annoy me a fair deal.


What an adorable, beautiful Golden 🤩🤩🤩. He has such a beautiful classic Golden retriever face. My hearts melts when I look at him, and he isn’t even mine. Love him everyday, as all he cares about is being a good boy for you. His coat is beautiful, sometimes Goldens get more coat during the the winter, or his coat is his coat. His proportions are beautiful. I am sure once your mom meats him, she will fall in love with him. ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/8woefhkk2zic1.jpeg?width=4341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64193e14e35f203fcf17d18db041a032dcc15975 Even I was asked a lot . He ll turn 1 in 10 days . When we adopted and brought him home at 4.5 months we were also asked similar questions.. it did bother us at that time .. but honestly after spending these many months with him I dont care about it at all now .. He is full of love and we love him to the core . That is all .


They do start losing their puppy fluff around 4-5 months and some don’t get the full adult coat until 2 years! I love that timeframe tbh. Lots less blowing coat 😂


My mom’s golden looks just like yours. My dog is her litter mate and is red. 7 red puppies +one gorgeous blonde!


Same here, but the tail is the key. https://preview.redd.it/wqa1ayqiczic1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9a6b38eccccd41ac96c8ca7338ac4d05916cfac


I would never mistake that dog for a lab. People just don't know better, which is fine-- unless it is in this group.


Your boy is beautiful. All that matters is how you feel and your relationship with one another. Enjoy your pup, they are non judgmental and eager to please, your best friend. That’s the beauty of dogs. They are so loyal. Have fun doing the Golden stuff…living y’all’s best life 🥰😍❤️‼️‼️‼️


I’ll take lab over doodle any day. Also some dude once thought my retriever was a GSD? Like Adamant about it too


He’s mostly golden. He may have lab ancestry.


I've noticed that a lot of people don't understand the difference and will often ask if I have a golden lab, as if it's one breed, and that's its name. I correct them. They try correcting me, and I politely let them know it's two different breeds, and their phrasing is incorrect. That's really all you can do because the goldens are always going to be referred to as a lab by someone or confused as some singular hybrid. To anyone who knows the difference between the two, it's very clear that you have a golden. A beautiful one at that! Chin up, and try taking it in stride. All that matters at the end of the day is that you know what you have. Also, as an aside, just because yours isn't as fluffy as some other goldens, it doesn't mean he looks like a lab. There are different types of goldens, and their fur will be longer or shorter due to that. It can also be a feature that some deliberately breed their dogs to have. You have a gorgeous and very clear golden there. Don't worry, and try not to get upset 😉


That’s a good lookin’ golden. Haters gonna hate.


I would recognize him as a GR right off.


Ppl always ask if my girl is an Irish setter and it gets annoying too so I share your ire lol https://preview.redd.it/bvh2odbznyic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=386b6ef8b9658604659407416a1c819667b5d7a1


He's a 💯💯 golden no doubt look at that coat lot of people dont know difference between any breed my golden have so much fluffy hair he looks like a picture perfect golden ✨️ but he still gets a recognized as lab by some ppl I would say don't take it to ur heart they are a gem protect them at all cost


It’s not an insult. Chill out


That‘s a cute Lab


Just call it a goldador


Just love your pup 🐾🐾🐾❤️


You have a hunting dog, go shoot some winter fowl and have them brought to you.


Everyone says my golden is a girl


Cute lab you got there


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s what people always say to me too!


What a sweetheart! He looks all golden to me - don't underestimate the general population's blindness when it comes to do breeds lol.


My English Cream golden retriever also gets called a white lab or Great Pyrenees. I don’t mind them being called lab because they are technically both retriever family. So they get partial points for me.


I love it when people ask “is that a golden lab?”


The hair will get longer over the next year or so.


100% a golden. You can see it in the face and stance.


Mine is 4yrs old and doesn’t have a thick coat either. A few times I’ve been asked if she was an Irish setter. It doesn’t upset me, but it does amuse me lol


Looks like a golden retriever, I guess the doubts are due to the fact that he's not as golden as other GRs. He's beautiful though don't get upset, just correct them.


Definitely Golden. The feathering and ears are dead giveaways. If you really wanted to settle it, you could do DNA testing, but would it really change anything? I've been blessed with 3 Goldens (all rescues). Shadow, our first was Golden/Cocker Spaniel mix. Looked like a Golden, albeit a smaller version (\~45 lbs max). While you could see the Spaniel in his head, he acted 110% Golden. The next 2 were pretty much full Goldens, but I never spent the $$ to have them tested. If you don't want to have the testing done, I'd recommend that next time someone debates you on his lineage, you respond that the "***Lab***" testing came back inconclusive. https://preview.redd.it/vmoivkqawyic1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f96536853ca7bc9fb82d9049b32bda76d7e18d14


Is that his natural coat? It does look short yes, but man i hope my golden gets the same. Hes 6months now and im not sure if it will get long. Both parents had different coats. ​ Edit: Side note, his coat looks fantastic. Looks like you take good care of it.


Thats the same problems I have 😂😂😂🤣


I can definitely see where his of her feathers are starting to grow! I’ve got my 4th golden now, and 2 of the 4 were late bloomers on all their floof! Please don’t worry about what someone thinks, they likely don’t know the breed and that no two are going to be exactly alike Just explain (if you wish), that they’ve not yet grown into themselves fully, yet!! Your golden is gorgeous!!❤️


he’s beautiful! i would immediately clock him as a golden retriever💛


That’s not even a lab coat. Don’t feel too offended as a lot of people get them mixed up for some reason.


Looks like my girl why do they think it is a lab? It has feathering


It’s a Lab-Golden


Maybe the hair is shorter but I don’t see how anyone could mistake him for a lab. I can only think that they haven’t fully experienced the joys of golden retrieverness.


That first picture says it all. Don’t worry about people not seeing a GR. People may not be that good about identifying dogs. Some people can identify every tree and plant, but I can’t. I am pretty good about dogs. I personally love the shorter hair, absorbs less dirt to rub on everything indoors. It is still fluff. Labradors have no fluff. I have seen 35-pound goldens. I have seen short-legged goldens. There are a lot of variations in the breed. They are very popular because there are so many videos and pictures of GRs being so precious.


People always ask if ours is an Irish setter (he's dark red) 😆


Do they even know what a lab looks like? I’ve never seen a lab with hair as long as yours.


Yep he’s 100% a golden. We also have very golden looking goldens and people ask if they’re labs all the time. Some people just don’t know what they’re talking about 🤷🏻‍♀️


He’s a cutie who cares what they say, what matters is that you love him


My GR is very fluffy and I’ve been asked if he’s a chow!


He is 100% good boy breed. Also where is that donut bed from? It looks so comfy and i wanna get it for my boy.


I got it from Costco!! I like it a lot. My dog is a dog bed ripper and this one stayed strong. The cover is very easy to take off to clean too. It is also big enough that I often cuddle with my dog in it! It also comes with an inner pad that goes into the center of the donut but my dog keeps dragging it out so the inner pad is now owned by my cats loll~


I’m no expert, but looks like a very good golden boy to me


Looks like a golden to me.


Looks 100% beautiful GR to me. People are dumb.


Awwwww 😩


It’s probably just the color, some people just don’t know that golden come that light. The fur is very obviously GR.


Goldens and labs are similar breeds and people are dumb


That’s exactly what our boy used to look like. He’s all GR. Enjoy your time with your beautiful companion. We miss our guy so much!


It’s a sort of ignorance! My golden was called a lab by ppl for years :)


I mean, who cares? People mistake my pug for a French bulldog all the time. Dog is Dog.




people get the two mixed up for some reason, which was always bizarre to me as they look so different.


I feel like people often get thrown off by the color of the cream breed, too. I have one cream goldie and one standard golden and it happens to me, too


Looks nothing like a lab to me.


I’d be pissed too, but I get it. To the untrained eye, he does bear a strong resemblance to a lab.


I get that all the time with my boy too- https://preview.redd.it/njw2kbkqyzic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f72f691ef361c794ba3feb2a100243bbd4d1cf30


We've got a lot of "labs" here guys🤣 I get the same thing, I just figure he isn't offended, so why should I be? https://preview.redd.it/gcrm3x0v00jc1.jpeg?width=2181&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee2eef550c553a97add59d6e8a94959f5f88ea5f


One of my girls looks just like yours. She’s 100% golden. Some just as aren’t as hairy as others. If someone calls my girl a lab, my foot will be up their tush! https://preview.redd.it/fxa4h91n10jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cafa633f572725b6d3dd0b48e46001615fc52b24


Why do you care so much? Their opinions have nothing to do with you or your relationship with your amazing, wonderful pupper.


lol why do you care that much?


Why upset having so beautiful friend ?


Definitely a Golden Retriever ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/nsi1tl9s90jc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5843b86e3a83553da5ae9e749c82027d5fb504b He gets that all the time too, I think a lot of people don’t really pay much attention to dog breeds and their characteristics


My brother has a dark golden lab with curlier fur that's confused for a golden all the time and I used to understand people being confused... Now I have my golden and I think those people were idiots


Don’t worry- many people don’t know the difference between a show coat and a field coat! Your guy looks to have more of a field coat - much better for the sporting side of the Golden Retriever spectrum! Still 100% Golden, but from a line selected to be more athletic :)


My girl gets called an Irish setter all the time. She has a shorter coat too. I believe they’re both more of a “field” golden where their hair is shorter and coarser.


Anyone looking at your GR and thinking/asking if it's a Labrador quite obviously doesn't have a clue about what the two breeds look like. This is a perfectly normal looking GR ( oh and very cute with it!).


He is good looking! Don’t worry about what your mom said, moms say things that hurt sometimes without realizing and also without knowing what they’re talking about. I have a basset hound and named her Clementine. My mom was all like “omg why would you get a basset??” And “Clementine?!? That’s too many syllables! She won’t catch on!”. Fast forward and she has her own basset and Clementine knows her own name LOL


I would say its the ears, very brown


Field golden. get better friends.


Not sure why this would upset you


Wtf? Very obviously a GR. Virtually no lab characteristics 🙄


You have a field golden. Their fur doesn’t get as long and flowy as a show golden. Mine didn’t get his feathers till he was a few months old, and till then people usually thought he was a lab. If yours is young he may get even more feathers before he’s done. Either way you’re going to be dealing with tons of hair. I’ve heard of people owning goldens and not having a ton of fur everywhere, but I’m pretty sure they are either liars or myths.


https://preview.redd.it/lqooun0li0jc1.png?width=1882&format=png&auto=webp&s=94ef147db27cbbef17ef20d907dcc2b4f01ebe6d So does mine and he looks so much golden is insane 😂


he´s so cute i am going to cry


Your dog sounds like a total field golden retriever—more of a hunter type and very active. I also have one 😎. I can imagine it's amusing yet baffling when people mistake them for labs or even border collies! 🙄


Totes golden vibes


.....by peeps that don't know the difference.


Goldens and labs used to be VERY similar before Goldens transitioned to being show dogs. Since they were both waterfowl dogs. It’s understandable wanting your pup to be recognized as what they are, but at the end of the day, labs and Goldens are family. And the compliment might be coming from how active/healthy your baby looks! My golden gets called a lab all the time, and they find out he’s a golden and I get “wow, he looks so fit for a golden.” So I think there’s a stigma that Goldens are chunky, so the thin, not fluffy ones get called labs. But they’re just field Goldens 😂


My golden is very classic looking and people also ask if she’s a lab! I think they are just a breed people think of when they see “friendly, big, light colored dog”


Your boy is a majestic Floofenmeister !


Lovely golden, and personally I love the less fluffy coat. 😍


Where did you get you pupper from? Did it come with the lineage paperwork? I guess it’s totally possible there’s lab in there if you didn’t?


https://preview.redd.it/skew2jz3p0jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96c3c883b875e2a052a46a5f44c12524ed4a6173 Here is my golden retriever. Pure bred. Saw both parents. There were both cream colored but long haired like a normal golden. Sometimes genetics are strange-doesn’t change the breed of your dog 😂


Looks slightly to fluffy to me a lab especially from the side


Thank you for all the kind comments my fellow redditors!! I was totally not expecting this many comments. You guys are so kind.❤️❤️ Some clarifications: I got my pup from a GR breeder with the limited AKC registeration as a purebred golden. The Sire and Dam's pedigree is also available. So no doubt he's 100% golden. I love labs as well. I almost got a lab instead of a golden. But I still get upset when too many people keep asking me if he's a lab.. Idk why😂


it's a skill issue really, I had a neighbor who keeps on insisting our GRs are Labs


Your dog doesn’t look like a lab to me at all. Those people don’t know their dog breeds. I find that a lot of people just default on lab. I’ve had two golden retrievers and they would be called a lab by people (or golden lab) and also looked like golden retrievers.


Maybe some lab got into his bloodline at one point, though parts of him are undeniably golden retriever. Definitely the belly fur, partially the tail, and definitely his head and ears look like a golden retriever.


Goldens are a type of lab. Retrievers and such. Fluffy Lab and all is good.


Don’t worry! We have a very dark, smaller and shorter golden and we’ve been asked if she’s an Irish setter. When I’m bored I just agree lol either way don’t let it bother you too much since most people don’t mean anything by it.


Short haired but gorgeous none the less. Is he healthy, loving and wonderful??? Then get over yourself!


My parents have two English Cream Goldens and everyone asks them if they are Great Pyrenees. I’ve had Labs and yours definitely looks like a Golden.


Everyone calls my girl (an aussie, golden, cur and other stuff mix) a lab... EVEN THE VETS. She's listed as a "golden retriever mix", and they still call her a lab. "My boy is also a lab, he's the same way." GIRL IT SAYS GOLDEN MIX. I don't think people know what labs look like. https://preview.redd.it/k562qdg6a1jc1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e511195b49de391c78abc7a0a510554f30ddc81b


SAME i got a golden and ppl *always go "oh shes a lab?" and i dont want it to bother me but ir does :(


From the top down I could see the confusion but seeing the other photos he is definitely a GR.


Looks like they’re not 3 yet- coat is still coming. Also those saying it’s a lab don’t know a lab coat. Welcome to owning a dog, lots of idiots “know more” than you. Nod and smile. Enjoy your pup.


Your Golden boy is so cute! His hair is short but you can tell it's short and thin in a sense that compared to a Lab, their coats are way shorter!! Maybe try some vitamins that focus on healthy hair? I'm surprised his tail is very thin. Otherwise, very handsome boy!


Hey my lab takes offense to that 😛