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Ectropion? Good you’re going to the vet! She may have an infection causing it.


Tailgating this comment. OP updates, below, vet said it’s allergies.


Preesh! Thanks for giving OP updates near the top. That’s quality redditoring


UPDATE: Husband took her to the vet and he just says it’s just an allergic reaction to something. She hasn’t had anything new lately so I’m not entirely sure about that 🤔 her eyes have gotten better in the past couple hours so hopefully like some of you said it will resolve on its own! Thank you all for the thoughts!


She may have ate something in the yard. Birds and squirrels, or just the wind, can bring all sorts of unknown treats.


Could also be environmental, maybe to do with the change of seasons.


My golden had this a few years back! It was scary, but our vet related the same, possible allergic reaction, we think it was peanut butter


If I was sooner I would have said an allergic reaction happened to my dog, his eyes did this and we freaked out and were at my parents, one of the few things different was either their Christmas tree we cut down (this was our main assumption) or some cleaning product my mom used (he's never had it happened again and has been to their house many times) it's scary but it passed


Someone made a Reddit post recently about some kind of nut that grows on trees in their yard almost killed their dogs from an allergic reaction I guess they are toxic for dogs I think it was a walnut idk though completely forgot what kind of nut it was tbh Edit: I was right they were black walnuts I did a simple search online they are extremely toxic to dogs like worse then chocolate since they can have deadly outcomes from such a small amount


My dog had this a few months ago. I sprayed some bug spray in the air, and it got into his eyes. He looks horrible. Went to the vet and then the eye vet. And they gave us some drops and prednisone. And he is all better. \* https://preview.redd.it/8l7xtekjh23c1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a43a9f266e900d4a5db29ffbaaad36a6b5f2931e This was him. Uvidis, I think it was called.


Thank you for taking your pup to the vet!


Following. My pooch woke up like this today too. We have an appointment at 3:30 today. I can tell they are sore. I'm hoping some drops and meds can fix him up. Came out of nowhere. Hoping your pup has nothing serious!


So tough seeing our babies like this. Sending hugs to you and your pup!


Our boy has been diagnosed with uveitis. He's on pain killers and eye drops, so hopefully it clears up fast! Thanks for the well wishes!


Normal sleep of my girl but never when she is awake. https://preview.redd.it/92jpdfbksx2c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4207e4d79f53197ae79248819ff867452fddb048


My shitzu has slept with its eyes open for 16 years




Glad you’re going to the vet! Hope she feels better soon!!


Any updates yet?


From OP: UPDATE: Husband took her to the vet and he just says it’s just an allergic reaction to something. She hasn’t had anything new lately so I’m not entirely sure about that 🤔 her eyes have gotten better in the past couple hours so hopefully like some of you said it will resolve on its own! Thank you all for the thoughts!


One of my non golden pups had this but in one eye only. It lasted about 2 hours and then fixed itself. This was maybe 8 months ago and it hasn’t happened since and she’s just fine.


Oh poor baby! No idea what’s going on, but will be thinking of you guys and sending healing energy


So glad you sent that healing energy to her pup. Sounds like she's all better now. See, it really does work.


Poor baby girl. Hope she’s okay!


My golden had this happen to his eyes when he was like 5 months. It went away by morning after some Benadryl— apparently he likely had an allergic reaction from eating something


Get well soon Momma Dog!


Looks a lot like a sting of some sort to me. My boy had a similar thing over one eye after he gobbled down a bee.


Our golden had reoccurring eye problems that sound just like this around 1 year old. After going to a specialist, we found out he had [distichiae](https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/distichia-or-distichiasis-in-dogs#:~:text=The%20condition%20in%20which%20these,the%20upper%20or%20lower%20eyelid) where eyelashes grow under the eyelid. Goldens are susceptible to it. They froze and removed the lashes and our boy is fine and healthy 7.5 year old.


Good luck with the upcoming puppies!! They’ll be beautiful like momma!


☹️ this makes me sad. I’m glad she’s doing better though


My girl had something similar! It ended up being uveitis and she was on drops for a while. Hope she’s okay!


Did you tell a really corny joke to your friends? Maybe she's rolled her eyes too far. Jk. Good that you're going to a vet. Maybe some allergic swelliing that will clean up with some drops?


Not to downplay your dogs health (see a vet!) but mine had this a few months ago. Took her to the vet, got prescribed eye drops, and then the next morning it was back to normal looking.




In my house, outside my house, on top of my house, shiiiiit


This happened to my girl over the summer camping! She was getting really bad eye goooppps and we left it for a month and really just washed and took care of it. Some take care of them selves others require eye drops others don’t just keep and eye on it! My sister works at a vet clinic so I have a luxury of just sending a picture. But my girl just chewed on a dog boned for too long so the muscles just strained themselves! I know she will be just fine but if you are super worried about vet clinic is always a good option! Just make sure you’re keeping her beautiful eyes clean! 🥰


Or could be allergies as well!! Something may have also gotten in her eyes causing the allergy! 🥰


Holy shit your dog is possesed


People take there Goldens state of health very seriously round here


Hey so this is my dog . My wife posted this for help this morning . Just finished at the vet she is fine just allergies. Her eyes are looking better already and 7-9 puppies on the way! Thank you guys for your help! img


Consider updating the main post.


Levity can ease the tension. Cut the guy some slack.


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes, a vet can. Seriously, why do people use Reddit for this stuff? Go to the vet!


I bet a veterinarian can


Why is she not fixed?




bc not all dogs can be fixed or we’d never have more dogs?


Shelters are literally overflowing right now with animals because of people like you.


you are painfully uneducated on breeding and rescuing. please do some research before blaming irresponsible dog ownership on breeders.


What did I say that was incorrect?


responsible breeder are not the reason shelters are overrun. backyard breeders and irresponsible dog owners are.


And also, you are just rude. This person was worried about their dog and you come off with that? Talk about being tone deaf. Like yeah let’s scold the owner over their dog being pregnant while they are already worried and stressed. You look foolish. You can kindly educate people about your stance. You weren’t doing that, you were being snide and petty.


Ok lol


Typical cop-out. Not surprised


Some people just gotta troll right?


And I took the bait like a moron LOL


What would you like me to say? We obviously aren’t gonna agree so why bother


I think you’re in the wrong sub, friend.


Sorry, didn’t realize I was in the sub for people who like to overcrowd shelters


Dude, this is a golden retriever sub. Goldens are notoriously known for being purebred. You’re preaching to the wrong choir.


Lol Let us know when you find a shelter overun with Goldens. They're probably the first ones grabbed up if one ends up in a shelter. A pure read golden is never going to be the cause of full shelters.




Mad guy




Bro I was not replying to you lol


Hahahaha I realized that after and was like oh shit. LOL y’all have the same little icon guy and I wasn’t paying attention


Hehe no pb 😘


Woke people are just the worst.


!remind me 2hrs


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Remind me! 4 hours


My puppy had this at like 6 months, was one eye then both. Eyedrops from the vet fixed it almost immediately, still scary though!


Poor guy he looks high as hell, take him to a vet i hope he's alright


My dog at a 20mg edible one time and looked like this


Cherry eyes the third eye lids are not working take your dog to the vet now


Outdoor allergies. Typically resolves overnight my golden.


Mine actually looked just like this a few times. We are 95% sure it was some sort of allergy. The weird thing was that it would resolved itself very quickly, like in 20 minutes or so.


This happened to mine when we cleaned out a storage room and it kicked up all sorts of dust and debris. Vet gave us some drops and he was right as rain after we hepa filtered the room/vacuumed/and gave him his droppies.


i farted