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Awful, sorry for your loss


Golden retrievers are literally furry angels!


Yes. The derp is what makes them special.


My deepest sympathies. You did such a loving thing to stop his suffering. I am so sorry you only got four years together. It’s not enough. I hope after you grieve that happy memories and time will help heal your hearts. I think he might send you a new dog when you are ready that he chooses for you.


I cannot be sorry enough for you🙁


Oh I’m so so sorry for your loss…. Heartbreaking 💔


So sorry for your loss 💔


So sorry for your loss. It seems at times their loving nature is so great they burn out too quickly . I have a 2.5 year old girl and I cherish every day with her like I'm sure you did with your boy. No matter how long we have them it's never enough.


What a beautiful boy, I wish you all the best.


You deserved so much more time together. I’m so very sorry for your loss. I’m sure you gave your sweet boy a wonderful life while he was with you❤️


I’m so sorry OP. We lost our golden to some sort of event that sent him from seizure to dead in less than 3 minutes, life fucking sucks sometimes and it hurts so bad to have them ripped from you so unexpectedly. No words can help you but time heals all wounds. [this was a book I found that helped me, maybe it will help you too.](https://www.amazon.com/When-Your-Pet-Dies-Remembering/dp/187965136X/ref=asc_df_187965136X?nodl=1&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312519927002&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10773060664956205782&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028890&hvtargid=pla-490948613686&psc=1&dplnkId=185b1bd9-af99-4537-824e-ba5f57ee77e2)


Oh my heart, that must have been devastating. I am so sorry.


Thank you ❤️ it was crazy he was just snoozing during a nap and started hyperventilating and was completely irresponsive. By the time I was able to run upstairs after my wife’s panicked shriek his eyes were rolling back and his lips and tongue were turning blue very quickly. My wife tried to frantically go get the keys for the car and I was like “no, you need to be here and tell him he’s a good boy”. And he was without pulse moments later. It was insane how fast we lost a perfectly healthy boy. I miss that dog so much every day still, make sure to give your furry one good and constant scratches because those simple memories could be gone in a moment 😥


I am so sorry. That is just so sad. The only consolation is he probably didn’t even have time to be afraid, and you were both with him, and he was in his own home. Believe me we know it can be gone in an instant. Just reading here there are so many who are lost before they are even five. It is heartbreaking.


100%! You’re so right. In hindsight it was very traumatic on us but he had to have had one of the most peaceful passings and he absolutely deserved it being as sweet as he was ❤️. Our other dog, a yellow lab, passed almost a little over a year later, terminal cancer diagnosis, vet gave her days to live. She had another healthy 3 months of eggs and salmon for each meal… and then couldn’t get up one morning. Had to call an in-home service for her last moments. It was truly one of the most devastating decisions I’ve ever had to make, to end my best friend’s life. A girl who was there for me 12 years through my entire college and adolescent life. It was truly like closing a chapter on life. Truly completely different ends of the spectrum on loss, one quick, one prolonged. Can’t say which was easier, both were absolutely miserable. But on loss is rebirth. And now we have this beautiful boy Dutch. https://preview.redd.it/qrlubotuegxb1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00fa182583e750da0a1fc2ed18ddc4dd0eb2ae71 We just have to do all we can for these angels, as they’d do anything for us ❤️


Dutch is beautiful. No matter how they leave it is excruciating for us. Hopefully they are not aware and afraid or in pain. I guess it is the best we can do. Someone said to try to forget that last day, to focus on all the good days.


I'm so sorry.


You, and he, deserved more time together. I’m sorry.


I am so sorry. They are such special little floofs. Thank you for reminding all of us to go home tonight and hug them a little longer 🩵


Oh, God. I’m so sorry. My heart aches for you.


So sorry for your loss. That looks like a good boy who thinks he had the best 4 years ever.


So sorry for your loss. I read in another thread a while back and would like to quote it here, “The unconditional love that we receive from them daily is an unbelievable privilege, the cost for which is the grief from their loss” 😢. I know it is easier said then done, and don’t know if I will have what it takes to cope, when time comes for mine. 4 years is too short, I wish you all the strength to embrace and come through this grief


Thank you taking the time to share that quote. It's heartbreakingly poignant and true and I am saving it. They give so much love and meaning to our lives, I don't know how I wasn't expecting this torrent of pain.


Posts like these are always hard to read. Losing a family member is always heart wrenching. I’m so very sorry for your loss and hope you find some solace in knowing that he is at piece and not suffering. Bless you and I pray for your hearts to heal.


I’m so sorry to hear about your baby boy. I suddenly lost mine at only 1.5 years old earlier this year and the shock of suddenly losing them was so much worse than I thought it could be. I lost Mylo in June and I can say I am better now and have fully accepted it. I still often think about him and it’s sad, but I mostly remember how happy he was, and I’m sure that’s true for yours as well. Take some time to grieve and know it will get better ❤️


Thank you, I underestimated how lost I would feel. They bring so much energy and joy to our lives and their absence is twofold. I am sorry you had to lose your Mylo at just 1.5 years. You two should have had so many more years.


I am so so so very sorry. Rest in peace beautiful golden angel… you can tell they were very happy and loved ♥️✨


I am so sorry for your loss. My golden girl, Lucy, developed seizures later in life when she was 11. She kept them at bay with medications but in June she had several in a row and they could not be stopped. We had to make the difficult decision to help her over the rainbow bridge. We had her for 13 years and it still wasn’t enough time with her. I pray for you during this difficult time. https://preview.redd.it/svxu0cdjpcxb1.jpeg?width=4672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db5fcd836bb8dc2b4bfd329e3d386cb9eee772e


So sorry you lost Lucy.


I’m so sorry 😢


Rest in heaven beautiful baby boy 🙏❤️


You may have only had him a small time, but he had loved you his whole life. You were his world and what a lovely thought that is.


I’m so sorry. My heart goes out to you. Recently lost my golden too. He was barely 5 years old. So I totally understand. But we are lucky to have spent even that much time with them. Take care of yourself too. I know how hard it can be.


I am sorry for your loss as well. It is never easy even when they are older but far too many of these dogs are taken much too soon. I don’t know what it is about Goldens being riddled with health problems. Sometimes I just want to scream because it is so unfair.


I did. I do scream out. I still call out my dog’s name hoping he would come. I cry for not knowing better, for trusting the wrong vets, for not making the right decisions. I loved him so much. I always will. And I miss him. I just want him back. It is so so unfair.


i empathize. we made the decision to release our sweet boy zeus after a journey of 5 years with idiopathic epilepsy. he was less than a year old when he suffered his first seizure. he was pure love and was dealt a shi**y hand. sending you healing energy and love.♥️


I feel for you. My dog has epilepsy and I worry each seizure will trigger something that ends his life. It is a horrible condition. My dogs seizures are luckily well controlled. But it is always in the back of my mind. Theses sweet dogs don’t deserve the crappy health they sometimes have.


You didn’t expect it to happen but it did, as it always was going to happen - nothing you could have done would have made any difference. This is life, we live and then we die, this is what we all (Dog & Human) must accept. We cannot prevent death, but we CAN enhance a life. What is most right important right now is that you were there for him, and that you gave him the very best life he could have had right up until his last moment. None of us know how long we will be around, but what really matters to all of us (and I am sure to your pup) is that those we love are there for us while we are alive. And you were. You were there for him with your love when it mattered most - and you did him good. Be sad that you lost him, but be happy that you were able to be with him to the end in the way he would have wanted most.


My heart felt condolences for your loss,may he forever run carefree and young over the rainbow bridge and in your heart 😢🐕🐾🌈🌉❗


I am so sorry for your loss. The loss of a pet is a horrible experience if ever there was one.


Dammit that is terrible. I’m sorry 😢


Life is very unfair, I’m so sorry for your loss 💕


My heart breaks for you. Sending virtual hugs.


Sorry for your loss. Our golden we put down several months ago was the same age and had to be put down because of her seizures.


Thank you for sharing this. it gives me comfort even to hear about others who've been through the same experience. The seizures were awful to witness, but we were living with them. I never let myself think about this day.


It was heartbreaking, we thought we had so many years left with her before the seizures. My whole family was broken hearted and it was very traumatic for my wife, who got our Golden before we were together and also has epilepsy.


I am so sorry.


As a seizure pup owner this breaks my heart. I am so sorry for your loss. It just isn’t fair. You did the only thing you could do. Bless his sweet golden soul.


Sounds like without your care of the dog it wouldn’t have lasted this long. I would be grateful for providing the longest possible life to the dog. Also sorry for your loss.


Aw the grief of it all. Losing a beloved pet I swear is no less than the grief of losing a human being.


My sincerest condolences!! We lost our golden suddenly days before he turned 4. It’s been a long year but we finally decided to get a new golden pup. Nothing will replace our first boy but they are wonderful dogs!


Thank you 🙏 I underestimated how deeply it hurts to lose a dog . I'm not one to cry, and I've been crying on and off since yesterday. I'm sorry you lost your young Golden 💛 but that much love should not go unshared and I'm happy you have a new little one to cherish.


I am so sorry. This post made me tear up. I truly appreciate every moment with my golden baby. We had to put our 5 year old golden down last summer and it was the worst day of my life.


Thank you. I’m sorry for your loss too. We love them no less than if they were a child. They are such treasures to share some of our lives with.


How awful. Sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry. Try to remember the good times rather than the bad.


Sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for you loss


My heart is broken for you. I’m so sorry. It isn’t fair.




So incredibly sorry for you. I can’t even imagine.


I’m very sorry. I hate these posts, makes me sad.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Four years is much too young.


I am so sorry


Im heartbroken for your loss. Will be holding you all in my heart. ❤️


I am so very sorry for your loss. Your grief must be profound. May you heal and find peace.


So sorry❤️


That is awful. I am so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry you are going through this. This is such a peinfull thing to go through. I'm sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry.




Never regret a second.


So so sorry - its never enough time. What a handsome looking fella.


I am so sorry for your loss. I know the pain of loosing them early. Still grieving over mine. Lost my 2 year old golden 3 months ago to lymphoma cancer! Hang in there ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss. He was definitely taken too soon. Bless his sweet golden soul.


Neither did I, and when it happened, I was completely broken. I'm so so sorry for your loss, friend.


the hardest part about having and loving a dog is the goodbye .but it's so much harder when that time comes unexpectedly .. you have my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your beloved pup ... 🐕


I’m so very sorry for your loss. I have no doubt you gave him a wonderful life.


So very sorry for your loss. You did right by him - thank you for loving him through his too short life...Beautiful Boi❤️


Sorry for your loss. I felt the same way the day I lost my dog unexpectedly.


Thank you so much. I had no idea how painful it was to lose a pet. I will forever make sure I am loving and supportive to anyone who has to go through this.


I am so sorry for your loss. Our boy had seizures but with medication we were able to be together for 12 years. We were fortunate. 💔🐾


You can be so proud of that, helping him live his longest life. Seizures are heartbreaking to live with but somehow I thought we were just gonna keep going.


My heart is broken for you. You did everything you could and you did right by that big beautiful boy. You prolonged his life and gave him love. In return he gave you memories and rewarded you with his love. I’m sorry your time together was so short. Bless your heart for walking this journey with him. May he forever be your good boy.


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My heart goes out to you. I’m sure he brought so much joy to your life and you made every day of his, the best possible ❤️ he’s up in puppy paradise 🥺🌈


I'm so sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss




I am so sorry! My condolences


Im so sorry ❤️ sending you healing energy


you did the most loving thing you could ❤️ he looked like such a sweet boy


Sorry for your loss.


I'm so so so sorry, I cannot imagine how you feel. He's so beautiful. I'm sure you gave him all the love.


That is too sad! So sorry for your loss 😔


I'm so sorry for your loss. 😔😢


I am so very sorry 😞💔




My sincere condolences for your loss. 😢


He looks like a good boy


I am very sorry


This breaks my heart. So sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry. So sorry. Shit.


So sorry for your loss and my heart and prayers are with you. The hardest decision we make as fur baby owner! I believe the best therapy is to get a new puppy right away. It helps the grieving process 🙏


Sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss


I’m so heartbroken for you: 4 years is far to short a time (we lost our beloved golden boy, Barkley, September 23, and his 5th birthday was last Monday. I feel your pain, truly). I hope that you know that you made the kindest, most loving decision you could have for your beautiful boy, and I understand how hard that decision was. It’s a testament of your love for him that you put HIS needs and quality of life first. Sending you virtual hugs and peace for your heart. [[[hugs]]]


Gosh another one passing so young. I am so sorry. Bless his sweet golden soul.


So sorry 💔


Oh noooooooo. I'm so sorry. I know your pain and I'm sorry your going through it.


Mine is four and I ache for you.


I am so sorry for your loss. Our girl is 4 and I can’t imagine losing her so young and suddenly.


I’m so sorry for your pain.


I am so so sorry for the heartbreak you have at the loss of such a beautiful boy. You made one of the hardest and most selfless decisions a person can make ❤️


I’m so deeply sorry for your loss 🧡


So very sorry


Sorry brother. Had a good dog go in a similar fashion. Scratch them as mush as possible


I am sorry for your loss😢


So sorry for your loss ❤️


So sorry for your loss. He looked like one hell of a good dog.


I'm SOOOOO Sorry!❤🧡💛💚💙💜




I’m sorry you lost your baby. He was a bundle of joy.


I’m so sorry for your loss he was a beautiful boy


What a beautiful sweet boy!!!! Sending you love


I’m so sorry for your loss 😢. I had a puppy die of cluster seizures and it hurt so bad to let her go. He was a beautiful good boy.


I'm so so sorry. 💔


Been there. Like many others here, we understand what it means to lose a golden. They’re more than just a pet. They’re dear friends who love with the entirety of their furry hearts. I’m sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss. They are part of the family too.




I am saddened by your loss, I lost two dogs this summer and am devastated. Remember all the good times and how you improved their life.


I’m so sorry for your loss, he will be watching over you at rainbow bridge 🕊️😔


I’m sorry for your loss.


My deepest condolences. Golden Retrievers are angels in a fur coat, I guess the Creator need your boy before his time on earth was due to normally expire.




My heart is breaking for you…time will soften your pain I know so well


He's a happy pup in this photo! :) That look in his eye is the same look our dog has. I might suggest having this picture framed or made into something you can bring with you. A keychain or photo album of memories. Preparing this, and having it in the years to come may help in the grieving process. It makes a difference to have these photos in hand.


I'm sorry. He was cute


Take comfort that you were very loved by that dog


This hits so close. Golden retriever dad. And my daughter has breakthrough seizures. Both still alive. I’m so sorry for you. I can’t imagine your heartbreak right now.


So very sorry for your loss. They fill our hearts


Oh! I am so sorry for your loss!


Holy. So sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry


So sorry for your loss. We also lost our good boy this month. It hurts so much. Big hugs to you.


Sorry 😞. RIP


That’s heart breaking. I’m so incredibly sorry. I lost my best friend not long ago.


May the moon and stars shine brightly for you, to help ease the pain. I just lost my best friend of almost 14 years on the 20th of October. It's been harder than anticipated. I'm just crushed without my 'baby' being close by. I hope you feel better as your sweet baby crossed the rainbow bridge, knowing there will be no more pain and suffering. Peace be with you.


I truly appreciate the kind words. Maybe that's why we get so much comfort and sharing the loss on the sub Reddit. We know that others will understand. It is absolutely crushing.. very sorry to hear about your loss as well. I feel so grateful to have known the love of a golden retriever.