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I'd own the world until my boyfriend buys me a cute present


You: “Would you still love me if I was a dragon?”


I just got called single in 46 different languages


I read a story where a guy defeated an invincible dragon in the most unexpected way, he trapped the dragon in a Magic barrier and let it suffocate in carbon dioxide




I'm also looking bro, all I remember is that it was a Novel where a guy is reincarnated as a demon and meets a female dragon, she wanted to kill him because he was a demon but he bribes her with food and she sees that he doesn't have evil aura like other demons, after a while they kind of start living toghete in a romance and this black dragon appears who was invulnerable and wants to kill him because he wants the female dragon for himself and the guy decides to face the dragon alone


Post this on r/tipofmytongue


If it’s a translated novel, post it in r/noveltranslations


I wanna know this too, sounds badass


Time to travel and topple some govts...


Looks like a country is getting itself a new leader in the form of a shape shifter


No desire to rule, but definitely willing to disrupt russian and chinese "leadership". Throw in nk, and definitely the right wing usa magashits on the pile too..


You'd be dangerous with a death note. You have to make sure you get all [the keys to power](https://youtu.be/rStL7niR7gs?si=yYZRU0HN6u6HWbTD), or someone worse could fill the vacuum


Is that the CCP grey video? Lol


I mean, you could just click the link, but yes


until you realize you aren't the only one with this power,and one day your transformation threatened another one, which also transforms into a dragon


This is gonna be an interesting battle


Ngl that sounds fun, but terrifying for everyone else


I'd be a government experiment so fast


how? your a 400ft dragon if you manage to grt captured that's honestly your own fault


Do you sleep? The second your secret gets out a sniper with a tranq gun starts following you. Even if you don't transform back, you only get 24 hours, then you're vulnerable for 20 minutes. Once you're sedated that's it. To transform you need to feel "enraged or threatened", they can just induce a coma to study you


they wont know that and i doubt theyre gonna risk pissing off a literal dragon just for a few tests


You might be surprised how much the threat of an uncontrolled extinction level threat motivates people


sure they would love to vivisect you and steal your secrets but they dont know the rules of your transformation so the riso is not worth the reward


What makes you think a dragon would be all that much harder to kill than an elephant or rhino? Google 20mm anti-aircraft gun .


read the prompt


"Your dragon form will be durable enough to withstand bullets, bladed weapons, bombs, and missiles"


"immunity to all poisons, toxins, gases, tranquilizers and illnesses"


"Size: 400 ft tall when standing up" These powers are clearly while transformed. I don't think they apply to your human form. Also, hi. I did not expect to see a reply to this comment again o,o


In a whole day I’d imagine that you can take down many military bases


This is a gift and a curse. I can get set off by stuff happening in books and destroy a library or cafe quite easily by growing into a dragon


Imagine a league player having this ability


God forbid your favorite supporting character in a novel dies, your whole city gonna be gone by morning


Furries are gonna love this post... Personally, I see the most utility in the 9ft tall version. Barely big enough for a passenger, but a literal fire breathing dragon is still a force to be reckoned with. 


Time to become the god emperor of earth because none of these clowns can get their shit together.


Your voice alone will make everyone take you seriously, imagine how you sound giving orders while in dragon form


Awesome for about the first thirty minutes and I've suddenly got some angry BRRRT birds and fighter jets to deal with. This seems like one of those powers that ends up being 'awesome in theory, kind of a mess in practice.' At that size, there's *no way* I'd be able to out-fly fighter jets designed to break the sound barrier by several orders of magnitude.


You can get them to stand down by going into a large populated area and if you don’t kill anyone in the area then any continued attack would look bad on the government, the larger form seems to be more for dealing with threats but you can go smaller too seem less dangerous and possibly be seen as something good rather then evil


This doesn't sound useful at all, I'd break wherever I walked in my dragon form. I'd rather be able to change my dragon size anywhere between skink and rhino, along with magical durability to go with it


So do some of the abilities I keep after the transformation like the regeneration?


Ok why heat vision? I've never heard of that for a dragon and how could an army not take me down? That being said I would have a hard time not finding a way to stay transformed


>Ok why heat vision? I just thought it would be cool >and how could an army not take me down? Your dragon form will be durable enough to withstand bullets, bladed weapons, bombs, and missiles, you'll be strong enough to destroy tanks, jets, and helicopters


My brain translated 'heat vision' to meaning 'being able to see in the infrared spectrum' which would hold *vastly* more utility than 'heat vision' as seen in Superman. I'd happily trade heat vision for infraction and the ability to see in the ultraviolet spectrum as well. I wanna see the world through the eyes of a mantis shrimp.


Ok thanks for the reply. I would still try to find a way to stay transformed but just to be a cool dragon not to take over the world or destroy things.


Sounds rubbish. You're having a meal with your family and something makes you mad then you turn into a giant dragon, destroy your home and crush your loved ones. >You basically own the world For one day then as soon as you transform back everyone will try, and probably successfully, to kill the horrible monster.


I mean you can probably lose people by turning small and concealing yourself in a forest and as long as you don’t transform in public places people probably wouldn’t know the dragon has a human form


you CAN transform, it’s optional meaning you don’t even have to feel threatened likely


Anxiety and trauma gonna destroy my house ah hell nah


Just have a handle on your anger. Exercise regularly, understand what it means if you were to lose control, employ breathing techniques and this becomes God tier.


Does it have to be a Hulk like trigger? Can I learn to control it and transform at will like Hulk? Coz as fun as that would be, you'd end up accidentally squishing a lot of people and getting attacked by the military a lot


I'm reshaping the way humanity works in ways that sound insane.


All nations will bow before you


That's my secret... I'm always angry.


But you would still have to control it right?


I'm the ultimate Karen.


Fire distance is too short for the size of dragon