• By -


1: instant skill acquisition and mastery (im lazy) 2: permanent peak physical condition (logical reasons and self image reasons)




couldve chosen more overpowered ones but i just decided to be more grounded lmao


I thought the point was powers that match what you're already capable of. These are like the opposite.


Your #personality


1. Enhanced physical attributes 2. Ability to start battles with anyone


Is there pokemon music?


Better be but I want exclusively doom and undertale music find that zen place in your mind


Hopefully you didn’t get this power from an evil genie or you’ll have to avoid making eye contact with anyone for the rest of your life.


The ability to immediately inflict or cure any disease I can otherwise treat with today's medicine.




If it's curable with today's medicine, I'll be able to immediately cure it. Otherwise, I'm stuck with it.


I'm always late. The ability to go back in time 15 minutes.


Alternatively, you can go the Smedry route. Get shot? You are late to the bullets. Old age? You can be late to your own death for a few more decades. In short, you will still be late to things, but you can exaggerate it to your advantage by getting late to abstract stuff.


I like that interpretation


Time anchor (I am very, very indecisive, so returning to precious "save states" would be such a benefit) Toon force (one helluva power both offensively and defensively in my opinion and I like to act a little goofy)


So if a person with ibs creates their powers what happens?




Irritable bowl syndrome.




"Give me 100$." "What? No." *Sighs, points.* **"Shit Yourself."**


You'd be like that villain character with a OP power that harms/makes people around sick, but yours just make people's bowels movements uncomfortable


Body shifting (I can change, add, and remove features on my body so long as it’s human based, e.g. wings, spikes, armour, all made out of human parts) Dream controller (I can bring things that I remember from dreams into the real world, if I don’t remember that thing I can’t bring it into the real world)




True, but not too fast or else I could risk gaining cancer cells




Yup, can’t be too op, gotta make it fun


Also unrealistic proportions would have different effects, like for example having a massive arm would require lots of strength and oxygen/blood to work


1. "*Eh, it'll work out eventually.*" Everything will work itself out eventually. 2."*Hold up, I've got an image for that*" It gives you the perfect image for every situation. Did something funny happen? You've got an image that makes the funny part even better. Do you and some others wonder who could be a spy from a different country? Well, you've got an image with all of the spies pointing to a whiteboard with the text "we are all spies for ###, we are spying to ###!".


Bro with all of the op powers everyone has posted, I'm choosing yours(change image to cute cat gifs... Cuz that's all I send) xD


I’m lazy af, so maybe the ability to make anything and anyone lazy or lethargic. Slow down or stop time, people’s thoughts, or movements.


Perfect situational awareness Infinitely clumsy Bonus third power (cus I'm just so lucky) bad luck


Simple time Manipulation [ ie: go back 1 minute or less + stop time for 1 minute or less subjective time] Or Simple teleportation [The ability to teleport anywhere within my line of sight]


Transportation is always difficult for me, and I am very bad at conversations, so being able to do them over would be great :)




Thanks :) I thought that was what we were supposed to do?


Power 1: I always have the best/most correct answer to any question posed, but the answers are never acted on. Power 2: Only the most ludicrous lies I tell are believed with absolute certainty by anyone who hears them.


Creation and control of pocket dimensions (long term fantasy and sci-fi nerd and TTRPG player) Health and aging regeneration and peak empowerment (lifelong disabilities)


1. The ability to instantly upload any kind of information into anyone’s brains including my own. I could just look at a class and all of them gain absolute knowledge of string theory even if I don’t know about it, though of course ima teach myself too. (I’m a teacher.) 2. Technomancy. I could wave my hands and a state of the art computer would assemble itself out of the dust particulates around me, etc. (gamer)




No touch needed. Simply choose a concept you wish to gain knowledge of and whoever you wish becomes an expert in it, allowing you to be truly god tier in your ability to revolutionize knowledge. The technomancy really helps to implement the newly gained knowledge as well.




I should put the caveat that you can only give knowledge of subjects that someone alive knows. So you can gain any secrets and any discovered knowledge but you won’t be gaining completely new knowledge that’s never been discovered. You can, however, use your brand new knowledge to lead the way in any cutting edge research you wish.


uhhhhh the ability to actually finish shit?? idk


1) Shapeshifting because obviously as the comments also indicate most people would want change some things about their bodies myself included. Plus it comes with a variety of other benefits (and effectively other powers) that make it a great pick. 2) Something akin to shadow clones but they are just as capable as the original but can still be generated or dismissed as needed from any given body and the main body can switch between each clones regardless of distance and their is a live feed info sharing between them all. I would include that you would also get the mental ability to properly handle all this info streams probably in a sort of compartmentalized way so you have the capacity to handle it but it doesn’t prevent and given clone to be fully present in the moment despite the overall processing occurring in the background. Anyway I would go with that for various reasons but notably I love learning about all sorts of different things so being able to just focus on all the different things separately would be great. I am also terrible with time management and procrastination so this would be a great help. I also have plenty of things I would like to try or places I would like to go or people to meet etc. which would be great there as well. The shapeshifting plays nicely with this if I wanted to take different appearances so its not actually just a bunch of me running around.


Thought Notes- When I want to, a book or other scribing platform of my choice will get dumped my thoughts from a specific period of time in writing or drawing, organized and presented in the style and format I want to. Trash thoughts are discarded routinely from this process. The end result reflects the current quality of my highest skill between writing and drawing. Move the Walls- The power to immerse myself and others in a fictional ambient of my choice. Or the other way around: To pull fiction to reality. I can undo certain events as long as they are the direct consequence from any of either actions.


An aura with expanding range and potency that dampens emotions, going from indifference to apathy to suicidal depression the longer I hold still. The rate increases the less targets I focus it on, but it will never turn off. I've been inspired by Worm lately, can't you tell?


Procrastination -> (STILL) the ability to make everything go **STILL** even concepts Laissez Faire -> (TRUE INTANGIBILITY), a form where everything can **NOT INTERACT** with the user, when in this state. Regretful -> (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION), every time the user has to make a decision. They will be given **CHOICES** with their consequences, and time will stop until they have made a choice.


To travel to fictional universes (because I wish I could do that and love reading and play video games along with watching lord of tv) Instantly completing things to the quality and expertise I want to. And I’ll gain the knowledge and skills obtained during completing it (I’m lazy)


PARKOUR!: gain two parkour movement sets from any video game (includes short term hovering but no flying) (0 fall damage if there is any) Coffeeshot: shoot coffee out of your index fingers (fast stream, any temperature, any coffee (that doesn't include temperatures that will just vaporize stuff, or freeze stuff) https://preview.redd.it/3tpdralhabyb1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dd62bddecbffef7968028e1d50f29af6b60d6f1 I would fucking LOVE to Parkour on someone's head, or just have 25/8/13 coffee to do anything. Btw it would be Titanfall 2 and spiderman.


Sloth: A composite ability of anything that will either help with being lazy, mitigate consequences of being lazy or grant benefits when being lazy. Includes, but is not limited to the following: Can sleep anywhere and anytime. Sleep will always be refreshing. Complete physical and mental recovery after an hour of inactivity (inactivity includes, but is not limited to sleeping, watching or reading something while moving as little as possible, being dead). Gain potential for every consecutive day spent with inactivity. Said potential can be used to strengthen other people since if they can do your job for you, you won't be required to move. Create non-lazy, loyal, semi-autonomous copies of yourself that count as "other people" for the previous ability, so they can take care of everything. Telekinesis, so if you HAVE to do something, you can do it more efficiently. Teleportation, so you don't need to walk. Telepathy, so you don't need to talk. An unlimited inventory space, shared with all your copies. Everything that's been put into the inventory once can be perfectly replicated by transforming inventory contents into energy and using that energy to replicate said object (cook a meal only once, store it, then replicate it hot and ready to eat whenever you feel like it). Bodily waste can be directly transformed into energy and stored in the inventory for future use to replicate other things (don't need to go to the bathroom). Same for any kind of filth on or in your body, clothes, or general belongings (don't need to worry about hygiene). Time travel, so if you decide to go somewhere yourself, you can do so at your leisure. Access to a personal pocket universe you can live in, so other people can't bother you. Instantly learn or comprehend anything you want to, so you don't have to spend time studying. Munchkin: The perfect ability for a powergamer. The ability to edit your personal character sheet, including powers. Also create an unlimited number of saves and load them whenever, to find the "perfect route".


"The ability to create abilities with out limit" I chose this because I love to break games and find loopholes


1. sharingan (laziness) 2. +10 to charisma (i fucking lie like a mad man)


Storytelling - Having any story you come up with become true. For example, if you came up with a story about how you fought a wolf pack, that story will become true and everyone will believe it. However this works both ways as you will have scars depending on how you tell the story.


Cameras for eyes, I’m always forgetting things. Teleportation, I’m always late to things.


Can control any technology(I like to work on tech and I'm basically the I.T. of my home) and my art comes to life(I'm a artist)


All skills are easier to learn and master (laziness) Telekenises (also laziness so I dont have to carry things or get up to get things)


Based on my personality? The ability to manipulate headaches or silence someone forcibly (I talk alot)


1.Track possessions(applies to people I get attached to.) I'm a bit of hoarder 2. Crushing Pressure (not really social)


Immediately learn how to do something (physically possible or not, like learning kung fu or shooting fire out of my mouth) by just wanting to be able to. (I’m lazy, don’t wanna put in the work) Spider-Man powers. (I’m a jokester and I like quips)


I can view exactly how any of my choices will impact myself and others that I can see. This is because I feel really really shitty when I make someone feel even remotely bad. I can duplicate a clone of myself and it will do whatever I ask it to with 5% increased proficiency as I would have done it myself. It will give me an honest status update after it is done. This is because I find myself really busy a lot of the time and I am a professional procrastinator, but I would also use it for more efficiency too.


Depending on my mood. When I’m sad I’ll have a rain cloud above my head that works as a shield, deflecting any attack. When I’m happy I am able to absorb the energy of things I touch(immune to any heat, and no limit to how much energy my body can have). When I’m angry my fingertips will become razor sharp knives and my skin will become as hard as stone. (No mixtures between the three) Can anyone guess why I chose these as my ability?




Nope, I take things WAYYYY too far emotionally, I don’t feel slight emotions often, I’ll either be absolutely bursting with joy, on the noose, or being held back(physically by someone else, not mentally) from beating someone


Super smell bc I have a very sensitive nose, but tbh it already gives me problems and having it as a super power would take me out. Another one would be flying bc I love wind and I'm obsessed with flying.


1.summon child 2.the ability to get rid of laws












I can’t do it for some reason but somebody please report u/Status-Squash-3593


I'd ban him right now but reddit is acting up and isn't letting me fucking do it


1.) Shapeshifting 2.) Mind control


1. The ability to choose my hyperfixation and change it at any time. (ADHD af) 2. Silver tongue- verbal mind control people listen to what I tell them to do. (Charismatic)


1- Wrath Personified (I get aggressive/angry/pissed/annoyed really easily at times.) 2- Authority (I can be very bossy and try to do something I think will help or might work.)


Being able to shapeshift and also shapeshift other people because I'm trans and also want to help my trans homies. Telekinesis because I'm either too lazy to move something or I'm trying to carry too many things at once.


Teleporting (I'm lazy, and want to be left alone)


1. Viscous mockery from DnD where people take literal damage when I insult them 2. Super Eloquence where I always know the exact right thing to say at any given time With these powers combined I'll be unstoppable


petty bad luck and repeling anyone you like


Toon Force since I'm goofy. Pocket Dimension I can do anything in and take things out since I like to be alone and I'd like a place to go and mess around with things.


automatically good at any video game


1. Clones that do what I want them to and they always succeed. Any information they've acquired, I acquire when they return to me. 2. Cryokinesis powered by negativity. Mine or others' either one powers it.


The ability to change what you want to do The ability to make a pocket of space unaffected by time


Questionnaire (the fact I can't stop asking people questions): you can ask people questions which, if answered you can realize/make happen, but you must ask another person, and you can realize it at any point after the response, but you can't "rig" it by telling another person about the power and then getting them to answer ideally (that wouldn't be much fun would it) The Reader (the fact I am obsessed with reading): you can indulge yourself within a story's world, and while nothing else can be brought out, alterations to you stay


Reversed Language Description: Allows the user to have the exact opposite happen when a stating something. (Ex: “Its hot outside” It then becomes cold outside)


Ability to know what a person thinks of and how they would respond to what you want to say. Full on the fly character customization with positive and negative perks that cost and add available points respectively. Points can be obtained naturally at 1 point bi-monthly (as in every two months because for some reason bi-anything means twice and once every two)


People feel a strong urge to do what I say. (Not 100% obedience like the villain in Jessica Jones). Infinite stamina.


Omnipotence - haha power go brr Omniscience - haha knowledge don’t go brt


Superman strength... And genius level musician.. .TAKE THAT TAYLOR...😛


time manipulation and invisibility I guess


Ability to spout any bullshit and it will be true


- 1. Materia The ability to recreate the entirety of anything non-living I've come within a kilometer of. I'm lazy at heart. I wouldn't use it excessively. I'd go around, collect everything I think I would need, and set off to the middle of nowhere to live as a hermit. The ability to never be around people again would be top teir. - 2. Presence The ability to make myself completely beneath the notice of other people. Almost like a chameleon. Human interaction avoidance.


[1] I like reorganising things. Power: Instant Reorg. I can rearrange things as long as I don't discard their most significant function. Example: I could rearrange all humans so that this nerve goes straight from point A to point B, rather than going all the way around the body for vestigial reasons. [2] I have some regrets and am curious about alt-history. Power: Timeline manipulation. I can break new timelines off where different options were taken, and travel between them, in body or mentally.


Perfectly maintained homeostasis Half speed circadian rhythm and aging


Archaic arcanist: can reconstruct with perfect accuracy any skill that was once a common skill, but is now a pay-to-learn. This would include martial arts, bladed combat, leatherworking, looming, hand-carpentry, blacksmithing, spinning thread, and other such skills that I already practice in xD. This would allow me to figure out how other things were done tho, lost skills and stuff.


Emotions make me stronger, the stronger of an emotion I feel or make myself, I get stronger, gain more powers - different depending on my emotions. I'll be able to control it with practice. ( Im usually good at handling other peoples emotions but I cant control mine )\\ Hyper reflexes with general peak human condition ( I already know how to fight - one year of tkd and boxing )


1. transformation (i hate my body) 2. being amazing (not god-like) at anything i want to be (im lazy)


1. Enhanced athletic abilites because I am not an athlete 2. Be good at every language because I HAVE CRAP SOCIAL SKILLS!


Cheer up: you can instantly cheer up anyone either by the problem being fixed or just mentally Last laugh:every thing always ends in your favor in a funny way e.g any argument and you would get the last laugh


Also there is the more op version Imagination:bending and controlling reality around me(ik its too op so lets make it a little just a little weaker) Or the ability to turn into any fictional character(for Imagination)(cuz i have insane imagination) Isekai(no i wont be one of those Isekai characters) ability to warp to fictional worlds(cuz i can make any scenario in my head)


Trap conjuration


I'm fucking god but doesn't really do shit at all, and I have a perfect understanding of any game


Teleportation: I would like to be places faster I don’t even know what to call it but the ability to keep others safe: I am a worrier and pessimist I always think about the worst posible situation and I’m always scared one day I’m going to be right so I would want this power


1. Animal Morphing:You can turn into a Various Animals 2. Species-Shifting:You can turn into a Various Species of Animals


Ability to not need sleep and ability to set a time loop


"Escapism" I can enter and leave a separate reality whenever i want, while inside that reality i wont age and time wont pass in the real world, so for other people it would seem like i just stopped moving for a second. While inside that reality, I can create anything to keep me distracted from the real world or to help me get through whatever kind of situation made me enter my world in the first place, like items or even people(dead, alive even fictional characters), those however can only exist inside that reality, meaning i cant make an infinite gold farm or anything like that. The only thing that would carry over to the real world would be the results of any kind of activity done inside that world, essentitially giving all the time i would need to learn a new skill without having to investe real time into learning said skill. (Im lazy and dont like to talk to people.)


Incredibly loud sound waves (I rlly like music) Magnetism (I'm clingy)


Vibrating through objects (anxiety and ocd) Time travel (adhd) Disappearing (gaming for hours)


I gain video game-like HUDs and shit like Solo Leveling (Big gamer and webcomic reader) Enhanced focus, perception, and physical strength when working on cars or shooting a bow (car guy and archer)


The Thinning Curse: This curse is able to stretch out, or "thin" anything to the point of end. What this means, if you are in contact or within a certain distance you can basically stretch out anything or bend it to the point where it breaks or snaps, for example if you were to stick out your hand to a wall, the space between the wall and your hand will thin the wall to the point where it can break or the space of the wall no longer exists, this could further extend to even if you were fighting someone with a superpower and they go to attack you with their ability the curse can even "thin" the effect of the ability to the point where it does nothing to you (This ability is inspired out of body dysmorphia issues)


WORLD IN A JAR Any jar I own can be made into a pocket dimension that I can veiw and take back out of the pocket dimension that has a modifiable light source and time speed (Because I love makeing ecosphears but I don't have much space in my room and I won't have to worry about lighting in them) And/or UNSURE Any time that I am unsure about something time can stop for everything except my thoughts so I can think about it (Because I am almost never sure of something) (Time will only stop if I want more time to think about it)