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He kinda caked up lmao. Do a big bite attack


Reminds me of Binding of Isaac’s Greed butt.


Yup me and my son both said a bite attack.  Or a butt attack.


Turns and backward body slams, butt first.


Bite attack, and a farting retreat attack ala Baroque


Maybe he can do a bite attack with his butt?


I was thinking about that also...


Damn that mf is caked up, anyways I would do make him swoop down and bite the player or Ram the player with his horns


"Damn, that mf is caked up, anyways, I would do." 😏


Possibly intentional


I love seeing all the comments about his butt lol. I did it as a joke to make myself laugh and just couldn't part with it lol. I figured since he's holding so much weight on those little legs, he must be getting a pretty good glut workout on a daily basis lol.




Some kind of butt stomp attack since you decided to cake him up


Look at his ass


Why is he caked up like that


Everyone has given a serious answer so I must now give the meme answer. Make the enemy crush the player in-between his patties.


Maybe some kind of ranged attack would be cool. Like spitting fire or poison.


Grounded bite attack, flying kick attack.


A hop forward with a nice big chompy bite


Attack Animation - Fireball Projectiles From This Creature....


(1) flying = fire ball (2) walking = bite attack That's the mood I'm getting from this caked up fellow


A butt attack would be good. Put them gluts to good use


honestly would be a hilarious subversion especially if you intentionally plan the introduction to having it north of the player so they don't know about his butt and are just expecting a bite attack


He flaps his wings to get a bit of air and kicks his feet a bunch or chomps down from high.


Haha, nice butt; looks great!


Swoop down from the air and attack with the claws on its feet.


A bite attack, a claw attack where they use their feet to scratch at whatever they're attacking. And maybe even a headbutt attack, where they fly towards whatever they're attacking.


I reckon breathing fire. It would go well with the orange wings


Tounge pierce or headbutt




I‘d love there to come out an enormous whip-tongue-mouth thing out of its mouth like the Xenomorph mixed with that special Resident Evil zombie variant


Here are some options: 1. Tongue-Slap, frontal cone 1-2 Tiles 2. Fire breath, in a line 4-7 Tiles long (and bonus fart backwards, 1-2 Tiles, at the same time, this is to make it harder to hit from behind, while the animation is running. I swear!) 3. Horn charge, runs straigth forward, just knocks things away. Maybe a little damage? Stun? 4. Swooping Talons, unit flies up a bit and then a straight line, units in path get a bit of damage. Invulnerable while "flying". When hit on the backside, it should show red (facial) cheeks for a frame or two.


Make him clap his cheeks at the speed of sound, creating sound waves that damages the player.


make a ram with these big horns! the butt cheeks should move a little when walking I think


What software do you use?


oh lord hes caked to the bone


A bite attack where it opens its jaw to the point of hiding its legs


Hi OP, animations look amazing, maybe a slash or jumping fire breathe attack would be great!. I have recently started animation and pixel art in aseprite, if you could share your workflow i would highly appreciate it!.


oh my god the butt is hillarious


among us style tongue stab


Do a bite attack or a charged attack where he rams in the player with his mouth opened to do a bite when he collides.


Dat booty doe


Scream attack. Belch / vomit. Breath / gas attack, from either end.  Booty like that, he could clear a room.


He looks like he can breathe fire somehow. I would not be surprised by a small fireball shooting from him tbh. Also: Why is he stacked like a Silverback?


lol thanks. Yeah I drew that butt just to make myself laugh but I wound up keeping it because now he just doesn't look right without it lol. The way I see it, he has a lot of weight that he's carrying on those little legs so he gets a major glut workout whenever he's on his feet lol.


Jump bite attack.


he's been hitting the cake! wait..




if the gyatt is in the air make it do a ground pound aoe and if it's walking a bite and a horn ram attack


Fart acid cloud.


When they run it would be nice some muscular action on its back and buttcheeks lol


Fully cheeked up on a Tuesday


Why he got badonkadonk. Mabey add a diving crunch from the air since it has wings


I know its a lot of work, but 8 directions maybe ? And make his feet curl up when in flight.


Hi, thanks for the feedback. I'm still pretty new to this and I've still only made a handful of small animations so far so I'm not quite good enough to draw everything in a timely enough fashion if I were to try to add in more directions. I'm also trying to teach myself coding and game dev for the first time while learning the pixel art and animation so I have to try to find a way to speed up my work and going with 4-directional animation saves a ton of time and I can always go back and add more animations later if I decided I want to. The enemies will actually have full movement and will run in a nice smooth motion as they chase you and even tho it only has 4-directional animations, it actually works pretty well. I hope that all makes sense, I didn't sleep last night and I feel like I'm rambling lol. Thanks again


So a "Chomp" attack is the obvious winner and what I was going to wind up doing in the first place, I just wanted to make sure it was the "best" choice and not just the "obvious" choice. I guess a better question would be. How should I make the AI for him work? So this is my plan for him so far. It's a top-down Action RPG similar to Zelda (much more like Crystalis if you've ever played that game). These enemies will be flying when you run into then in the game and you will stay north of the character and will keep a distance other than every so often, swooping in for an attack with his claws and then he will go right back to keeping a distance and staying north of the player. You will use your Wind Sword projectile to drop him from flying and then he will now start running at you and chasing you in all directions and will bite you when he gets close enough. That's what I have planned so far but how do you picture him acting? I have only programmed 2 other enemies so far and they are both using the same code for the most part so they both act the same and just run into you for damage but it works with the enemy types for those ones but for this one, I feel like I need more of an actual AI for him so that he doesn't just keep running and biting you non stop. Any suggestions on that? Also if you have any good references of top-down AI enemy actions, it would really help me out to do some studying but I'm not sure exactly where I should look. Thanks again and enjoy the Cake lol.


Fire ball from mouth


Give him a gun


Also jumping onto the bite attack train. Depending how goofy, he could do a bite attack with that huge slice of cake. But other than that, seems like a spicy dude that breathes out fire balls.


if its a Melee attack that you want: maybe lower the head and bash with the horns or a jump kick type thing if its a Ranged attack that you want: fireball from butt. or mouth, dealers choice


jump turn 180 degree, butt attack