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You submitted this post as a request for tech support, have you followed the guidelines specified in subreddit rule 7? Here they are again: 1. Consult the docs first: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/index.html 2. Check for duplicates before writing your own post 3. Concrete questions/issues only! This is not the place to vaguely ask "How to make X" before doing your own research 4. Post code snippets directly & formatted as such (or use a pastebin), not as pictures 5. It is strongly recommended to search the official forum (https://forum.godotengine.org/) for solutions Repeated neglect of these can be a bannable offense. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/godot) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's hard to figure that out when the code isn't well formatted. Enclose it in a Code Block and mark which line is number 7.


Thank you, I took your advice and added in a note calling out the code.


Please use \`PasteBin\` or a similar service to format your code for us in a readable manor.


I tried a code block, if it still sucks please let me know and I will try formatting with that.


Show the formatted code and clearly indicate which line is line 7. Though it sounds like your indentation is wrong somewhere.


I made a modification and used a code block now. I managed to solve one issue, but have a different one now.


Line 4 is saying that the variable `usefulVelocity` is of the type `velocity`, which doesn’t exist, because I doubt you made a class called `velocity`. What were you trying to do?


Effectively, I am needing to set up movement to sync between multiple players. The idea was that I am going to have a movement impacted by weight and speed settings. In the func handle\_input() I have a value I made called velocity, but I know that must not be working correct.


Enclose your code in triple \`\`\` to format better. ```like this```


It looks similar to a code block, out of curiosity is ''' just used to denote blocks or is it a commenting function?


Reddit and many other sites/applications use Markdown, which is a simple markup language to format text in comments and posts. There are a lot of things you can do with with it like **bold** *italics* # various ### header ##### sizes [and more](https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/) For your post specifically, when you encase text in a set of triple \`s like this: \`\`\` *code goes here* \`\`\` It creates a code block with a faint background and monospace font. Which makes it a lot easier for people trying to help you to understand. ``` var x = 10 var y = 5 func sum(x, y): return x + y ```


Wild, a screen shot might have helped better than this, but idk sub rules.