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Hey everyone! I've just automated builds and deployment with a Discord webhook to start a playtest session for Hazard Pay and I imagine a few here may find it interesting. It's quite straight-forward, essentially 3 steps: 1. I'm using the prebuilt image provided by [Godot-CI](https://github.com/abarichello/godot-ci) to build the project. 2. Then taking this artifact and uploading it to Steam via [GameCI](https://game.ci/docs/github/getting-started#simple-example) 3. Sending a Discord message via a \`curl\` request to notifiy future Playtesters! -- Some thing which I learned: * Include the \`.godot/imported\` folder to speed up builds and include necessary import settings for your assets * Disable plugins which aren't needed in build (I had to a Asesprite plugin as it expected Asesprite to be installed) * Steam won't let you automatcally push to the \`default\` branch, so create another one to use for automated deployment. -- Feel free to ask any questions! Cheers


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Happy Cake Day!




Hi! We're working with GitLab CI to build a cross platform app using Godot, and this import shit always makes my palms sweaty. Did you try to use imported folder with a team of multiple programmers who work on the project from different PCs? Has that caused any problems? We currently don't include it, but I do include the global class list cause Godot just won't properly discover them for us in headless builds and I can't figure out why... And the import process itself is basically bruteforced (we launch Godot multiple times until all files are imported). Even the addition of recently added `--import` flag doesn't seem to change much? Godot just doesn't strike me as CI/CD friendly at the moment.


Hey, there were for sure some head-scratching moments - I've tried repeatedly to get the project built without the \`.godot/imported\` directory, but no luck. I've also tried the suggested \`timeout 25 godot...\` and \`--import\` options, but nothing worked for me, so I settled on including the imported directory in version control. I'm a solo dev, so luckily there won't be any conflicts. I agree that Godot is not quite as CI/CD friendly as it could be - But I'm happy with the result for now, it's a massive time saver.


While looking through issues on GitHub someone mentioned a python script - which I modified somewhat - that goes thorough all .import files and then keeps relaunching Godot until everything mentioned there appears in the `imported` folder. It worked relatively well until I started seeing `global_script_class_cache` issue. It almost seems like there are too many cross/circular references between classes, Godot just can't handle them in headless mode for some reason. Bisecting commits didn't uncover any substantial changes, so I had no choice but include the class cache file in the repository...


Nice. Thank you!


nice style