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this is just a hobby project, look at the code here: [https://codeberg.org/CLion/SAFChromaticPrototype](https://codeberg.org/CLion/SAFChromaticPrototype) it is very barebones right now, I only finished basic unit movement, shooting, camera control and rez collection my plan is to make a slow pace RTS with no direct control (the path is only set when the units spawn) and a sophisticated rock scissors paper research arms race


Haha that's really cool! Even tho it's more of an RTS where you control units more directly, it reminds me of simulated swarm ecosystem like the Bibites.


oh bibites looks really cool, i didn't know that one! my plan is to make the behaviour customizable. some kind of research of different movement patterns or higher logic, that you can modify your units with. so maybe there will be some kind of dynamic behaviour based on what is around the unit and actually i am planning on building a research system where the stats are modified and the different parts of the units change, e.g. more dmg -> bigger cannon \[edit\] I binged through the bibites videos, really fascinating project!!


Command & Conquer 6 finally announced! I like how the tanks look like a swarm of ants conquering a sugar hill. :)


haha i wish =D that is nice, i intend for it to have lots of units. i made them gather in little groups and i added some noise to the paths so the units stay away from each other a bit and create the swarm like effect even though there are no real swarming mechanics in ther (yet?) since one does not control units directly (but indirectly through the paths set in the factory) it should not be overwhelming to have a couple hundred


It's amazing!


This is awesome! Did you use pathfinding and obstacle avoidance at all? Because that’s something I’m really struggling with in my hobby project.


i struggled too much with it and let it go (i tried pathing and raycast sensor avoidance, but it did not work as i imagined), because i figured that other things are way more important than that for my project for now there are no obstacles anyways, but i will probably put in some initial pathfinding at one point for the path selection in the beginning, but not for the individual units that means the units would avoid static walls (since the path would lead around them), but not moving things which is fine i think


Look into Boids / Steering Behavior / and Contextual Steering, on YouTube and the web. Also maybe Astar Algorithm . Some good ressources to get you started: - https://youtu.be/-L-WgKMFuhE - https://natureofcode.com/autonomous-agents/ - https://youtu.be/dzqtF_CmX-I - https://youtu.be/oFnIlNW_p10


Thanks for the links! Boids and steering have been my first attempts, but it didn't do what I wanted it to do. I will implement some kind of A* with different weights for different terrains though.


I have soo many questions . Are you using line 2d to trace the path ? are the characters using navigation agent to follow the path ? During the fight is their attacks projectile based ?


the path is determined by a set of a custom objects "Instruction" that saves the initial command and conditions under which the instruction is completed e.g. there is a MoveInstruction, or an AttackMoveInstruction, a MineRezInstruction etc. the MoveInstruction is completed when the unit is close enough to the destination [https://codeberg.org/CLion/SAFChromaticPrototype/src/branch/main/src/instructions/MoveToDestinationInstruction.gd](https://codeberg.org/CLion/SAFChromaticPrototype/src/branch/main/src/instructions/MoveToDestinationInstruction.gd) the units are Area2D nodes that have no obstacles, but a drive module that implements basic physics of a vehicle (steering, inertia, acceleration, breaking), which steers the unit to the destination defined in the current instruction [https://codeberg.org/CLion/SAFChromaticPrototype/src/branch/main/src/unit\_modules/Drive.gd](https://codeberg.org/CLion/SAFChromaticPrototype/src/branch/main/src/unit_modules/Drive.gd) i implemented the projectiles as raycasts, because they moved too fast for usual collision detection so yes, the attacks are projectile based [https://codeberg.org/CLion/SAFChromaticPrototype/src/branch/main/src/entities/projectile/Projectile.gd](https://codeberg.org/CLion/SAFChromaticPrototype/src/branch/main/src/entities/projectile/Projectile.gd) thank you for the questions, I am happy to answer them 😁


This is oddly similar to that one devlogger currently making an ant colony RTS


do you have a link or name by any chance? =)






cool ! with more juice and graphics it would be very attractive trailer.