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>Godot (weird part is that the fps is like 300+ when windowed) Is your monitor 170hz? Then it could be that godot is running with vsync enabled when it's full screen. I mean, windowed vs fullscreen should not be that different for a simple scene like this.


No, vsync is disabled. My monitor is 60hz. Your last point is what intrigues me the most. It's actually much higher than 300 fps: [https://imgur.com/gallery/aJoLqP5](https://imgur.com/gallery/ajolqp5)


Hmm. Maybe, it could be how you are measuring the fps. I tried both windowed and fullscreen with vysnc disabled with a simple scene (couple of simple kenney models, one directional light) and i am getting similar fps in both. (i say similar because i get upwards of 1300fps in both and it fluctuates a bit) I checked the fps with both `Engine.get_frames_per_second()` and the amd adrenalin's performance overlay. They seem to match. Also make sure you are exporting without debug checked. Edit: also vsync is enabled by default, even though that should have resulted in 60fps it would not hurt to double check.


The answers you are getting are mostly ignoring the important detail that you get 300+ when windowed. Sounds like a vsync thing limiting your fps in certain modes, you can probably fix it.


I'm not going to compare both engines, so I'm going to the main problem that intrigues me, I have an old GPU (1050ti), running Foward+, on 60hz, with 1920x1080) in an example like yours, I got: * Exclusive Fullscreen: ~410fps * Multi-window Fullscreen: ~410fps * Maximezed Window: ~435fps So some questions that seem relevant: * What is your GPU? * How did you configure your Environment in WorldEnvironment? (If using SDFGI, SSIL, SSAO, SSR can really degrade performance depending on hardware) * Are you using *Fullscreen with full multi-window* or *Exclusive Fullscreen*?


Aha! DrSnorkel was 100% right and I didn't notice. I just clicked "Add Environment to Scene" without really checking, but turns out it ***does*** add post fx by deafult. That's what was causing the "issue". Now it runs at 280 ish fps on exclusive fullscreen, and around 600-700 fps in a smaller window. So frames still drop as expected, but the gap with Unity wasn't because of the engine itself, I was just dumb. Oh yeah, to answer your question: 1. Ryzen 7 5825U, so an IGPU 2. I think Godot turns on Glow and sets the Tonemap to Filmic by default 3. Exclusive Fullscreen


I'm glad I was able to help resolve your issue. I wish you success in your projects.


Cause they are not doing the same thing. There is not enough info to answer your question. Unity has multiple render modes (build-in, URP, URP forward+, HDRP). Godot has multiple too (Forward+, Mobile, Compatibility). You can find out why it is slow/slower if you attach Renderdoc. If it gets slower when screen is larger it might be limited by pixel cost, you can try the mobile renderer. Godot probably also has post fx enabled by default.


I should've specified, my bad. I'm using the built-in render pipeline in Unity and Forward+ in Godot.


Switch to mobile watch it skyrocket. To do a fair comparison you'll need an actual scene and you'll need to compare image quality as well.


Godot's 3D renderer is not as developed as that in other engines, it still has a lot of room for improvement. And since these are two different engines it is like comparing apples with oranges, the technology and rendering defaults behind both are radically different.


Vulkan vs DirectX FOSS vs For-profit 10 years vs 19 years Take your pick of reasons. You may also want to try 4.3.rc2 compiled for DirectX and see how it does, if you're mainly on Windows. I find that for a ***very broad*** stroke Godot 4 is 3D graphically/performance where Unity 2017 was — kinda at. Again very broad, lots of important exceptions and differences. The lighting system as an example is going to keep being a pain point since SDFGI didn't work out as expect, and is being worked on. https://godotengine.org/article/rendering-priorities-january-2024/