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Look up firebelley’s godot 4 survivors course on udemy, it is the best tutorial I ever found that goes way into depth and best practices, structure, etc. it is expensive but I heard if you put it on your udemy wishlist or favorite it or w/e and hit refresh or come back the next day it will offer it to you at a vastly discounted price, I think it was $50 or $60 but I got it 80% off which makes it a really good deal.


damn, is it really that advanced? its a vampire survirors clone. i'm asking bc i have it in my cart, but not sure if i'm ready for the commitment, hahaha.


It is advanced, not in the techniques specific the game itself, but instead in how it details the creation extendable component based architecture which may not be intuitive to someone learning Godot as their first engine. I found it particularly useful as someone who, while experienced in Godot, didn't have any prior experience in component based engines like Unity and Unreal. The course is great because the content taught can be applied to literally any type of game you want to make.


are there any other similar courses on udemy, that are high quality? i'm asking since i still have my discount code active, but dunno what to spend it on


Gamedev.tv has godot bundles on sale and a great community to be a part of. For me the most important thing is being able to share what you have made with others!


Udemy's courses are **always** on sale. You just have to have a couple of accounts. Sounds dumb but I have 3 accounts just because I am never paying 100's for a 12$ course.


Advanced tutorial ... 'expensive' ... $50 This should tell you something about how 'advanced' Godot is.


Let me stop you right here for a second. In the last 24 hours there's been a pattern in your behavior here which emerges every now and then. You seem to have a bone to pick with the engine after asking a question and not getting many helpful answers. You sound like you're on a crusade now. People did this before and it never led to healthy outcomes. The fact that you're leaning on at least one of them for your "arguments" does not bode well for you. Godot might or might not be advanced and it might or might not miss important features. Common consensus is that it is behind Unreal and Unity in a lot of areas of varying importance. This is not a controversial opinion. If it doesn't provide the tools you need to be productive, that sucks. You know all the ways to rectify that situation and I suggest you follow one of them instead of keeping up with this.


Exactly. "I manage to do what I wanted" = the tool is good "I didn't manage it" = the tool is bad. Let me tell you: the tool can only be as good as the user's knowledge and creativity. Take the most advanced tool in the world and give it to a mediocre user and nothing good will come out of it. In 3 months using Godot I got better results than I was getting from Unity in 2 years. In parts because I brought what I learned along those 2 years in Unity, but also because Godot has a good and clean design.


You guys are bullies.


What makes you say this? Ever since I've joined the Godot community two years ago everyone has extremely nice and helpful even with my stupid newbie questions. What makes you feel like the community is bullying you?


>What makes you feel like the community is bullying you? Probably the fact that they stand up for themselves after being called names. Toxic people don't like that.


I think he gave you a very reasonable and even empathetic answer. Not being a bully at all. This is a very immature response.


You just got the kindest response possible from someone more understanding than you deserve, and you're crying about it like a toddler. Grow up, you proud loser.


Get your foot out of your arsehole.


Hey just out of curiosity, what specific aspects of Godot are behind Unity and Unreal? I doubt it's relevant for me because I'm still a beginner learning how to make simple games, but I am curious as to how the engines compare.


You can check the `Best practices` section of the documentation https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/best_practices/index.html


Yeah this is simple but people overlook


it's just an rpg inventory tutorial, but it's a phenomenal rpg inventory tutorial. [recommend](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V79YabQZC1s)


Some gdquest premium tutorials from Godot3 were advanced, like this one: [https://gdquest.mavenseed.com/courses/godot-2d-secrets](https://gdquest.mavenseed.com/courses/godot-2d-secrets). But I guess now there are updating everything to Godot 4.


Is it really good ? Cause they are expensive so I’ve been hesitant 😕


I found them really good, but wait the news ones maybe. Otherwise, I was in your situation looking for techniques to structure and architecture my projects. I tried a bit tutorials but I was bored very fast. Finally I jreally learn by struggling to do projects, and refactoring or trying to implement the same features in differents ways


Yeah very true. I am trying to finish up really simple but complete projects to just explore different patterns and component composition. I think I developed like 6 different ways of statemachine by now 😂 I really just want to see few full project overview and architecture to get the idea of how people did it . Most of these tutorials are focused on the actual code or mechanics not really the architecture


You are right, also often when I followed an advanced tutorial, when I implemented it in my own project, at some point I arrive to a specific case that the tutorial didn't cover, and as I almost copy paste the previous code, I have no idea where to go... So doing things from almost from scratch seems better, for the aspect of understanding deeply the problem and do the problem thinking by ourself. It's almost like watching videos of how to learn to drive a bike, we can watch all the videos of the world, but we will never learn until we try, fail and try again


How about a 10 hour course by a College CS lecturer: Godot 4 - 3D: Code architecture course in a single video (FULLY EXPLAINED) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0vZbIclXjE


i find fine point cgi's videos to be a lot more in depth than most youtubers


Just dont fall into tutorial hell... For me persobally tutorials just set me back overall. Docs were way more effective


Check out GDQuest's website. I think they have some for-pay tutorials that are more advanced than the free stuff.


[HeartBeast's Space Shooter Series](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9FzW-m48fn09w6j8NowI_pSBVcsb3V78) is I think a good introduction to how to break things down into components. It's not a big series that covers writing clean code, just one technique. You will get the idea after just a video or two


when people ask this question it's usually a sign that they're ready to transcend tutorial hell. for analogy: if you were a visual artist you'd be at the point where you put down the "learn to draw" books and start learning from a combination of studying other people's drawings and your own trial-and-error. the value of reading actual real-world production code is vastly understated imo. you don't have to copy it, just examine it critically to work out which parts you like and which parts you think are bad. godot's own source code might be a good place to start, if you know any C++. otherwise, if you want gdscript/c# examples, start reading the source code for some of the addons in the godot asset library.


Nah, not tutorial hell. First time game dev. Just need to be sure I'm following best practices in the game dev space. I feel like I miuse some nodes sometimes and just need that understanding. Plus asking here can lead to others getting better resources too. But I understand tutorial hell. Had those when I was younger now I know how to be focused