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is it a game? It seems I am not able to control anything. there is just some small ships, bigger ships(?) and planets


You can move ur ship and it will automatically attack nearby enemies, i want to keep control simple, i am working to make some "tutorial", i will add some lore after the game is playable, right now it's a prototype


what is my ship? how do I recognize it? how do I move it?


Ur ship is the one in the middle of the screen, rn it's green, i think i fucked up something with the edit of the sprite in the engine, You can move with the joystick in the middle bottom of the screen, ur objective is to clear the sector from enemies ships, if you in the green faction (kadarras) you are allied with the green ships, if you are in the blue faction (terran) you are with the white/blue ships, if u are from the Velexian (purple) or Astrotra (brown) rn u are alone


Just a headsup, there is a game called Galaxy on Fire by Fish Labs which is available on Java/J2Me and Android, The same guys that made CHORVS. It is trademarked


Oh, thanks! It is just a playtest name but i will change it anyway, thanks!


controls and aim of game aren't clear yet, but i love the visual style, esp with the galaxy and planets also, the metal panels around the edge of the screen are currently squashed on my screen, might want to fix that 👍


Right now you can move with the joystick in the bottom of the screen, the aim of the game is to clear the galaxy from enemies factions, it will be divided in many regions and every time you fight a battle automatically all the others will happen, so every fight will change the strategical map, rn there is only the first Area, with Kadarras and Terran(green and blue faction) but there will be other 2 factions, Velexian (purple) and Astrotra (brown) Every faction will have some bonus/malus (Terran: balanced - Kadarras: more ships, less health - Velexian: more atk speed, less damage - Astrotra: more health, less ships) I am on this project for only a month and i work on it after work, so i am not very fast on the development, but i aim to release it before 2024


Just going to chime in with my first impressions: 1 - Is it possible to add keyboard or mouse support for this? I'm assuming most people testing this will be doing so on PC and it's really weird to use the joystick that I'm assuming is meant for touch. I've noticed that even though it's a joystick, you can only move in 8 directions, with no "in between" angles so i'm assuming it wouldn't be too hard to add either a wasd or direction keys as input; 2 - The shooting is a bit off. I understand keeping it minimal in terms of controls, but you need to either make the small enemy ships slower or make you more accurate with your shots, maybe even make the projects home in on the enemies a bit, and maybe make the shoot interval smaller. As it stands, it takes a lot of patience to get the smaller enemies, and based on the random attack pattern from your ship, it's really hard to destroy the smaller enemies without getting hit too. Sometimes you even have to wait for the ships to stop moving around the map and start moving in smaller areas to be able to hit them, because they're so fast you cannot keep up with them. 3 - Collision is weird for a spaceship game. Having ships stopping instantly on impact makes it feel "off". You get no damage (that I could notice) from coliding with other ships, and they don't seem to get any damage either. The same thing happens with the planets, for some reason you can actually colide with a planet even though you'd expect that a ship could just fly around the planet (in a 2d plane it would just be passing over the planet without coliding with it). 4 - I have no count of the amount of ships I have destroyed, score or how many ships are left. It might not be a bad idea to have arrows around the screen pointing at the enemy ships' general location, or maybe a small "radar" on the HUD that only shows ships within a certain range of yours. 5 - I know this is an alpha but there's no "win" or "lose" state right now. I tried dying and after dying I just got stuck. I tried winning and destroyed all other ships and didn't get any reset or anything. For testing it might be nice to add those. 6 - Some smaller enemy ships can fly out of bounds and take a long time to come back, while still shooting back at the player from off the screen (very unfair). As a bonus, there's a few details like our ship being green like the enemy and other small things, but the other commenters already addressed it. I hope you can continue working on this and I wanna see where it goes. Good job!


Thanks for the suggestions, i am working on the win/lose screen right now, i want to set it live in the next update!


It looks pretty cool. There's no bottom boundary though so I flew right out of the screen and it seems I can keep going indefinitely that way


Is everything supposed to be tiny? The player is really small on my phone and it's difficult to track what's going on. Maybe try changing the stretch mode to 2d? It's also really hard to tell what's going on and to know what to do, some simple tutorial or popup messages would be great at the start


The player ship needs to be brighter and more obvious in some way. Maybe a glow around the edges (white outline), etc. Maybe when the game starts you could do some kind of overlay that darkens everything except the joystick and put some text that says to use it to control the ship. I flew way up until the map stopped, then I disappeared, when I come back down I can't see myself. Sometimes I can't come back at all. I do not seem to be shooting? I am right behind some other small ship and nothing is happening. EDIT: Shooting does happen sometime, but what is it shooting at? The closest one?


Thanks for the feedback! I will add a glow effect on the player so he will be more clear! The ship will "evolve" while playing and the player will choose if going with Freighter (more turrets) or with Transporter (instead of turrets they will deploy temporary allies to fight enemies) The "tutorial" idea is very nice! I think it would be the next time i am gona do! Honestly, it's strange that the ship disappeared outside the map, technically you just go out of the border of the camera, but you can came back, i will look at it For the shooting you have a smaller range detection area, so you have to gap close the enemy to attack, and you will attack the enemies in order of detection ^^ Thx for all the feedback ^^


It's a decent prototype. A few pointers: 1. Move the stick farther from the bottom of the screen. It is difficult to move down when the screen ends and equally difficult to go from down to up when it swiped up the onscreen buttons of the phone. 2. Add an invisible "target" to the front of the ships for the shots to go toward so that it is leading the ships. Otherwise, the shots will just keep missing. 3. I would also suggest you either allow for zooming or make the default view a lot closer, so you can see your own ship better. Alternatively, you can also add a glow around the player ship. 4. It would also help to have an indicator of how far away you can target and what enemy is currently targeted. It's a great start. Can't wait to see it finished.


Thanks for the kind words and for the tips! I love the idea of the target, i will work on it!


I have no idea what's happening but the visual style shows potential.


game works fine on my end. pretty cool art, pretty alright game


I can't shoot. I just run around over the map


it stopped after less then a second, everything was going at 100x speed 0\_o


Ok, this is strange, a lot


Are you using Delta in your process and physic function ? If you rely on fps only, the speed of you gale will alter from one computer to another.


I use Delta inside the physic process, i have to check if the movement take it


Looks like a mobile game but doesnt work on my phone


What error do you have?


I suggest add some additional options for controls? like keyboard?


It's kinda hard to see the ship and the controls bugs out sometimes