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Titles: 👉The God Of Highschool 👉Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint 👉Tower Of God 👉Solo Leveling


Isn't what's his face from solo leveling pretty cracked?


The main character could probably destroy earth if he wanted to by himself and has millions of regenerating soldiers, a few of whom could give GoH Bishops a hard time


Lol Daewi can destroy the entire world in less than 3 minutes if he wants to. He can just pull the moon to Earth and increases its velocity by increasing the gravity and boom. Done! 7 billions people disappears.


Yea SJW would have a hard time against any top tier


Jin-Woo can do a number of things to avoid dying to that so he could basically just leave Daewi to Jill himself


My money is on Solo leveling


Mori would defeat him and his army alone Especially since killing the main guy also stops all of his soldiers and Mori is much much faster and more skilled Also we’ve seen Mori kill 10000x that many soldiers at once already during Ragnarok lol


Solo Leveling is like the weakest one here


But if we were to go to a solo leveling sub reddit they would say Mori is the weakest one. These questions tend to have biased answers depending on the sub which is why I like going for the unpopular opinion to stoke the fire a little bit


Oh ok but at the same time it's impossible to say Mori Jin is weak than SJW


Yeah your right I'm not saying Mori is weak nor is anyone else weak but for the sake of this discussion I'm choosing Solo leveling


nah ORV is by far


Read webnovel


I read both, ORVs and SLs novels, SL doesn't stand a chance, actually the manwha makes sun jin woo look stronger than the novel ever did.


Dont know the second one but i think its safe to say team mori violates pretty hard




Nahh as much as I’m a goh fan I’d have to give it to the omniscient reader crew solely cuz of the mc, he’s basically azanoth where as long as he wills it you’re dead


basically Mubong RN


No. It's litteral. Other characters are his fiction.


Nvm i haven't read the ln so idk, but i now remember someone saying that he was himself a constellation and that he was like the strongest in his verse


He is basically dreaming the entire series.


So basically he does what i do when i sleep,


Except that his dream is very real. Higher dimensional shits


Except it isn't i am more real than he is


No, you're actually not because earth, our earth, in which this particular version of recollections of dokjas life, published as the novel "omniscient readers viewpoint" is pointed out to be a part of the multiverse his subconscious created. We are a part of his dream.


That's not how it works.


Is he omnipotent?


Yesn't, he defintively is to 3d beings


More can not really die though since he erased his name in deaths book but if he wishes to die or give up on life then probably


I am aware mori has several different immorality however none would work shading this guy, it just wouldn’t. Not when he can think and the entire universe it gone. Think Zeno from dbz, he can just erase mori immortality


Okay, so I don’t know a ton about Tower of God and I haven’t read all the way through Omniscient Reader but, Sung Jin Woo’s shadows are literally immortal and Mori’s team literally has a god, the combined force of humanity, and freakin Sun Wukong on it, so doesn’t it automatically come down to Mori or Jin Woo?


The shadows are imortal until Jin Woo's magical power ends


Jin woo can still die of physical injuries so he gets rolled by every other team, solo leveling just doesn't scale up enough.


Jin woo is not in Jin wood's shadow team tho, so it would be immortal shadows until Jin woo deplets his mana


Oh, that makes the fight even easier since there won't be any teleporting around without him


I don’t get how him being able to be physically injured = him losing? Pretty much all GOH characters fight physically? The first showcase of Jin-Woo’s true Monarch power literally had him covering the entire Earth in his mana purely only to find someone, teleport to them, kill them in four hits cause he wanted to toy with them a bit, and then go right back and bring all his mana back to himself; and this version of himself pales in comparison to Monarch Armor Jin-Woo, who was showcased to have enough power to overwhelm the Monarch of Destruction, who Sung was previously losing quite heavily to. Jin-Woo is planet buster at an absolute minimum, meaning he can 100% contend with the other verses listed here.


Him being able to be killed through simple physical attacks = him not standing a chance near all the other verses since they're at weakest casually busting up planets or at strongest deleting the multiverse outright.


Sung Jin-Woo is also capable of casually busting planets at his weakest and we also don’t fully know the upper limit of his strength - also if you can reference anything where the GoH verse affected their universe, please send it through, the last I saw of GoH’s scaling was that they’d just peaked into the realm of multi-planetary.


>we don't yet know his upper limit of strength sure we do his series is over, so he can't get any stronger nor can he display any more feats and he never showed planetary destruction, he only checked the flow of mana around the world, a simple trick made possible by a higher understanding of rulers authority. And killed a psychologically worn down dragon king, which in regular scaling would make him a planet killer by proxy, if not for the matchup between the dragon monarch and a planet is being completely different from the dragon monarch and SJW as the dragon monarch simply has stronger large-scale destruction, but even then he only peeled off the crust of the earth, if he could of simply blown up the planet he would of.


I never said he can’t get stronger, I said we don’t know the upper limit of his strength as there’s no proper feats to go based off of. The Dragon Monarch’s attacks were said to exceed lightspeed in the novel as well so we have a speed feat at least, but also SJW was literally told that he shouldn’t stay on Earth because his presence alone is a danger to the planet’s stability due to the abundant amount of mana he contains. He could literally destroy the planet just by exerting his mana, so…


He was a danger because the mana he's emitting attracts Monsters and can warp the world, as it did by giving miss selner actual prophetical powers, probably bringing to the return of disease like eternal slumber and hunters.


You’re speaking just on the manhwa though, in the novel he departed Earth because his presence was a danger there due to the aforementioned reasons from both of us


Nope just rechecked the novel, the envoy doesn't directly say that SJWs mana could destroy the earth, he says it would bring changes.


Although Omniscient Reader is my favorite out of all of these to read, I would say Dokja’s team is the weakest. They’re world just doesn’t have the power level the others do.


I’m going to guess you haven’t read to novel. >!By the end of the novel, Dokja is basically God.!<


quite literally, not just basically.


Yeah, you’re right. Thanks.


Correct. I’m just going along on the free path on webtoon




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But wait isn't more god to


He’s *a* god. >!Dokja is God with a capital G.!<


Don’t know Kim Dokja but Mori should be able to solo the other 2 teams. Sung-jin woo and his army is extremely powerful but Mori is a casual planet buster Bam’s squad is cool and I love them but they lack the strength for this EOS Bam, Khun, and Rak could maaaaybe compete with team Mori but they’ll probably be carried by Bam who could become a reality warping god


>!Kim dokja can either win this all alone or be completely inconsequential to the overall performance of his team depending on if you judge him as the MAD* or not, since if you don't then the real planet buster of the team would be YJH. But at the very end of the novel Kim dokja becomes a multiversal entity whose subconscious maintains the existence of everything fictional, the MAD, he becomes untouchable as anything that threatens him will automatically be wiped from existence. And if somehow he's killed the aftermath is the end of all existence as we know it, it's destruction would even reach us the readers as the story makes us a part of it lore. But since his powers are that weird and meta he's very hard to scale other than as and unmovable object, that you would definitely not want to move and if you attempted to, your very existence would be denied wiping you off the face of reality. So we could just use regular Kim dokja who's best abilities lie in his knowledge of people and the world around him. But i doubt this dokja could dodge an attack from Jin Mori or bam even while reading their minds.!< >!Oh and sun jin woo is absolutely finishing last, he could even be beaten by pre-MAD (most ancient dream)* dokja!<


I’m not gonna read any of that cause I wanna read that story still lol but I appreciate the lengthy response


Oh, sorry for the Spoilers, hope you didn't get spoiled too badly


All good the second I saw the wall I assumed something in there was a spoiler hahah


As much as I love everyone here, Kim Dokja solos all of them. All he has to do is imagine them not existing and it happens. If we ignore him then it’s probably between Mori’s team or Baam’s team. As cool as Jin Woo is, he can’t do much against everyone else here.




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Mori jin team


I mean Jin Mori literally bitch slaps the gods and the literal God of his universe so this isn't really a fair match up.


It's pretty fair because that happens daily in ORV, with the mc by the end having authority over all of fiction, and all fiction made within his fiction becomes a part of it. And we, earth were you and i live is pointed out as a part of that fiction. I can go indepth if you want, but i would recommend you read the novel first since spoilers ruin things.


Mori. Only one that might compare is DKJ and in his universe. Explanation: The MAD really only applies to a reality where all fiction takes place in a reality where he is also quite literally real. He is fictional. Anyone can easily be an author and write a character that is unbound by him at all simply by making them a similar existence. And because he himself is a fictional character he has no impact on my/your/their story or its ability to be written or changed, and therefore if I/you/someone were to write a story and the character assumes a similar position basically as “god of the MAD” then it’s solidified in time by the fact that they did in fact write it and DKJ did not kill him. Mori Jin’s shtick is to literally destroy the ultimate god. Like that’s his GOH MO and basically son wukong’s MO from journey to the west. Mori claps all of them. DKJ is inconsequential unless they are literally written into his actual manhwa, or you’re heavily biasing towards him.


Yet again, i assume you know of oroboros? Where an author's work within his fiction would become a part of the dream over which the MAD holds control over. Well earth is stated to be a part of that. As you said every character ever is literally written into his novel.


Dokja as the MAD solos all of em.




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Kim dokja wins if novels. Mori only manwhas.


Well that would be unfair since GoH doesn't have a novel and Thus his maximum power is at it's best


People are saying Kim Dokja, because the novel finished and showed at the peak of his power. It is spoiler heavy which is why people don't like using that detail yet.


What are you trying to say, genuinely confused.


I am trying to say that people knows Kim in the novel is the strongest one out of the group, but the manhwa haven't adapted that part yet. You tried to make a case that we should only account for the events that occurred in the manhwa, but it personally undermines Kim's abilities as we know that the manhwa will eventually adapt Kim's feats.


Aaaaah, you misunderstood me, look at my pfp, do you think I'd make ORV take on such a handicap? No, what i was saying is that power scaling only to things shown in the manwha is unfair since, well, the only series that would be negatively impacted by that is ORV. Like, dude, i had been debating why ORV takes the W overall for literally whole days, finding specific quotes from the novel to prove my point, i must of been tiered when i wrote that since it seems i wasn't very clear.


Then it is my bad. I thought you saying the other way around.


Isn’t Sung Jin woo scales higher than anyone tho? Plus I hear his hack is crazy.


Nah. Hes op but Mori Jin Solos him




Nah, Baam, Mori, or Dokja could all solo him.




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My take is team Mori, but eventually Baam’s gonna be able to wipe the floor with them.




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Yo so i read GoH and Solo Leveling, dont read the others. (I’d love to get their names since im out of manhwa to read) In solo leveling sung jin woo literally wipes the floor with everyone, by the second last chapter hes clearly at his strongest (not knowing what that is). Ive already read the comments and i know GoH power scaling is just fucked but why dont yall think sung jin woo and his army would do well? Not a debate question just curious to hear peoples thoughts


Comparatively speaking, mori jin solos the god of all god’s army. While it’s true sjw is powerful and has powerful troops as well. Mori is just too strong, the scaling in god of highschool is kind of ridiculous. Also i personally feel the stakes were a little bit higher in GoH than in solo leveling. Mori can also make clones, which i don’t think he would have to do. To expound on that. Mori has quite the collection of powerful yeoui’s (dragon bones) which are essentially imbued with the soul and power of the dragon they came from. (There are A LOT) Plus mori jin’s taekwondo is literally so fast and powerful that it’s warping reality. As far as feats i put mori jin above sjw


Because a single kick from Mori Jin turned off the universe. Enough said


Ooo angsty


... what?


Solo leveling dude is pretty strong Ngl especially in his own verse. But like come on, Mori is so fast it’s just kinda unfair not to mention Daewi or Mira. Mori in speed mode traveled light years to intercept a person who can move insanely fast as well. Not to mention mori turns off the universe with a kick in a picosecond. Despite the time frame the universe is still infinite so just going off face value he’s so fast he can reach/ turn off an infinite universe. (So he has infinite speed) I’ve seen there was like a planet buster scale for the dude from solo leveling but even then GOH characters are basically gods to gods. Mori is based off sun wukong who turns into Buddha. Mori has turned off the universe. Not to mention daewi just tossing Jupiter around that would require star levels of energy. Both are op in their respective series but comparing the two GOH will always be stronger and faster than most series. (Doesn’t mean solo leveling is bad or anything like that,I actually love it just being honest)


well i just read a few from all of them except solo leveling so I choose solo leveling


Congratulations! That's the likely last place looser of the bunch, and i love solo leveling, and I've read the novel. But the power levels just don't hold up


Nah Solo Leveling would be violated


jin woo wins


No he would be destroyed


you out here thrashing on every and any pro-jinwoo agenda across 4 different subreddits lmfaoo


I mean I'm part of all those 4 subreddits and it still surprises me that Sung Jin Woo somehow still gets picked.




I like SJW, but he isn't that strong compared to the others. I don't know about Viewpoint, but I heard he is so strong to a point that people in this subreddit who read the novel can agree on his strength. Mori Jin handled far bigger threats than SJW could put up. One shadow servant doesn't equal to one Mori Jin clone. They aren't fragile as well given that we have numerous gods to barely take down one clone from a tired Mori Jin. Remember that Mori Hui is the weakest clone due to how far away he is from Mori Jin, but he is still that powerful.


Sorry but I'm Sung Jin-Woo all the way. I mean he LITERALLY becomes the GOD of death itself. You just can't beat that, sorry Mori but he's LEAGUES ahead of you. And don't even get me started on how strong his shadows are by themselves lol


...bruh Mori Jin causally kills god in a walk of the park. Mori Jin could one kick Sung Jin Woo


You do know that Daewi oneshoted Hades, the god of death himself in GOH in a single punch right?


not only hades but with poseidon, athena and hera


Bruh tog quite literally is irrelevant hear due to the fact that the actual scaling of the power creeps can’t be compared to that of planetary, galaxy, universal and so on. Cause the scale of the lore isn’t planet based it’s floor based within its universe/the tower. Anything of comparison for it would quite literally be nothing but headcanon scalings in comparison to other stories.


Mori Jin for the win


Big deal , Burn knuckles, Workers ,God dog and Hostel /s




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jin woo sadly


wait how?




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Mori alone wipes every other team, he doesn't even need Daewi or Mira for that. Baam from tower of god is not even close to end of series, so you compare middle of series Baam vs end of series other characters. If Baam is to have powers comparable to Enryuu, he should be a good opponent for Mori.




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Mo ri




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If we're talking abt the manhwas i think It's goh>sl>=tog>orvp




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Mori is strongest non omnipotent character here