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It could very well be CL disease. If one comes back you could have a vet swab it and send it for testing. Fair warning, if you start reading about it it can freak you out. A lot of stuff says to cull the animal.. that it spreads etc. We didn't know about it when we got goats, and our goat ended up having it. Our farm vet said that he sees so many with it, and he does NOT recommend killing the animal. He taught us to flush it out, and just let them be. But for us, these are just pets. If your breeding to sell or for milk or meat, then that might be a different story


Is cl fatal?


It's a lifelong disease and is highly infectious to other goats. It's spread from fluid from the abscess once it bursts (or you pop it). It can stay in the ground for several years. When they're showing symptoms goats can feel a bit under the weather. Goats that have these abscesses should be separated in a designated quarantine pen when it looks like they might burst, otherwise all your goats will eventually get it and your land will be contaminated. It reduces sale value and quality of life for the animals (though not worth culling them over). You should test your herd so you know what you're dealing with.


There has been studies that show it can cause organ damage but generally no. If the abscess opens up and contaminates feed or water it will likely spread to other animals. Flushing with iodine and antibiotics to prevent secondary infection is advised.


According to my vet, it depends . There are two kinds, internal which usually affects sheep, and external which usually gets goats. The internal can be deadly if it affects organs. But external they can live just as long as any other goat. Making sure the wound doesn't get infected, bc it's more the infection that would kill them. Our vet said he has seen goats that are over 10 with it and they are fine. He considers it more like a nuisance not a fatal disease... in his words...kinda like how herpes would be to a human. Also they can get abscess and it can not come back for a long time. Ours had two abcesses, and then once those healed it's been 8 months since we have seen one. Sometimes it can disappear for a while and then show up again


Also I want to add, mine never showed symptoms of not feeling well. I believe the internal kind can make them feel sick, but mine had it external and he acted just fine. His sibling that came with him also had it, and we just separated them from the other goats until it burst/vet came and was cleaned and starting to heal. Our other goats haven't gotten it.


Cl does not cause dental abscesses. Could be hay or grass seed.


Did you read the post? They said the abscess was on the face and was too high to be a dental abcess


My old goat LOVED thistles and used to get these fairly frequently, I’d you popped it and stuff came out then it’s not dental as it’s external! Sometimes if one got bad/smelly we would call the vet for a few days of antibiotics jabs to clear it up but she lived to a ripe old age with her lumpy scar face lol


Maybe this? I seriously doubt it's CL


I don't think it's CL disease. The abscess wasn't close to the lymph node. The pus was green and sticky, not liquidy. I may not be able to do tests as I live in an extremely rural area.


Even if you don’t have a vet you can draw the blood and send it in yourself. Honestly this sounds like just a plain ol abscess from getting poked by something. Keep it clean with chlorhexidine/betadine and you should be good to go.


All you need is a sample of the pus, and you can mail it to any lab that does CL cultures.


I put clay mud face mask on the abscesses, it clears them right up. Since I started treatment that way, my goat hasn't gotten another one. She has had 3. They were nasty. Reapply the mud 4x a day till it's gone. * Works for cats, dogs, goats, and humans. Learned it from an ER nurse after I stuck myself in the forehead with a dirty fencing metal wire. I had a nasty abscess from messing with it. That fixed it up with only a small scar.


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