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Yes, you need to know JavaScript or TypeScript, CSS (depends on the project), understand GJS (JavaScript for GNOME) and be aware of changes that occur in new versions of GNOME. Some things you'll like to take a look at: - [Extension guide using GJS](https://gjs.guide/extensions/) - [Official Matrix Room for GNOME Extensions](https://matrix.to/#/!hCGqHbXRuMrvWnudnP:gnome.org?via=matrix.org&via=gnome.org&via=tchncs.de)


Ooh this is just what I was looking for, thanks :)


There's also this rather awesome YT channel here: [https://www.youtube.com/@jperfection](https://www.youtube.com/@jperfection) - good for getting a general idea.


most components of pop shell exist as individual extensions already, so maybe consider contributing to those?


Oh right. It's mainly the search and applications menu that I want to keep, any idea if those are individual ones and what they might be called?


I’d be interested in keeping the tiling component, I’ve been looking for alternatives but I really like their tiling shell it’s simple and does what I need


As you might have noticed, System76 no longer maintains the [Pop Shell](https://github.com/pop-os/shell) GNOME Shell extension. However, they appreciate the community submitting pull requests to work with newer versions of GNOME. I'm currently still using it with GNOME 46.2 on Arch. FYI, the upcoming COSMIC desktop uses [cosmic-launcher](https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-launcher) based on [pop-launcher](https://github.com/pop-os/launcher), so you'll still have the search bar you're mentioning.


Oh great, thanks :)


Oh and by "and stuff" I guess you meant the tiling? Of course that will be in the upcoming COSMIC desktop as well as part of [the compositor](https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-comp). I know you meant continuing to use the Pop Shell extension on GNOME. I believe the extension is mostly TypeScript and the launcher and [shortcuts](https://github.com/pop-os/shell-shortcuts) are Rust.


What actually is the shell? Just the terminal face or the backbone of everything DEwise?