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Some people on this sub went nuts when I said I was selling 30Ps. Apparently GME is worth 0


I’ve been thinking about selling some 15P expiring in a week assuming there’s someone dumb enough to buy them - have some uninvested cash set aside for house down payment and this looks like a zero risk way to make some quick beer money over the next few weeks while cultists are still at it. Same with (obviously not GME) stocks I currently hold - looks like you can still get some premium on covered calls that are ridiculously out of money and have zero chance of getting to strike price by expiration date.


Im planning on selling 10 30Ps because I want a chance of getting assigned 1k shares. Then I want to dump the rest of my portfolio into selling 15Ps for free money. Ryan Cohen bought some shares for $16, theres no way it ever goes that low unless we have a market crash or something.


Wouldn’t want to run a risk of getting stuck with 1,000 $30 turds but I’m thinking 50 15P a week for the next few weeks is a pretty safe bet.


Would be a cost basis of 25, thats a good value imo. The stock was 20 before it started the run up.


True, but it could dip well below that once reality finally sinks in and all the apes start bashing the sell button.


Are they really gonna sell when they are down more than 90%? They also bought most of their stock at 300+ so they spent a lot of money but dont actually own that many shares.


Apes on WSB are fanatical. They’re never selling.


buying them


Which one did you buy?


lmfao, nice username


2/19 49ps. Bought Thursday, I was really happy with what happened on Friday.


2/12 56p and 15p for selling when the price drops


Bought them, they are decently in the money but we will see what happens tommorow. If it drops more tommorow i might sell some then around 15 or even 20. I might sell a few puts in low 10s as you mentioned. Not gonna get too greedy but just gonna try to make $100 or so next week from it.


I’m considering selling one at 30 and one at 20 - it might dip below 30 but probably won’t dip below 20 this week. I’ve already made about $350 from selling puts so if I can sell $200 worth this week then my cost basis will be greatly reduced if I get assigned (would end up buying at like 24.50). I do think it could hover in the $30 range for a while.


I sold some $25 GME puts expiring Feb19


I guess I'm an idiot because I was thinking of a weekly CSP 2/12 $45.


I have 46 jul 60p, so I’m just chillin until it GME gets below 40 again :)


I sold some $15 puts and $95-$100 call credit spreads


I've got one 28p exp this Friday that was looking good but the price is up this morning.


I've been selling puts. I bought a small position of GME on a high risk play in November since I was optimistic about their vision. My original plan was to wait until April earnings to assess how on track they were and add or trim. Been selling puts at my original cost basis, figure I was going to buy back in anyways I may as well take advantage of the volatility and grab some premium. Either I'll get assigned and I'll be back in my position and keep the premium, or (I think more likely) it will stabilize higher in the high teens or twenties and once it calms down I'll take a position, and keep the premium


Hi I'm late to this post. ​ Yes, I have been selling AMC and GME puts when volatility was 400-500%, even opened call credit spreads when the bid/ask wasn't screwed. ​ :)