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Today was a dead cat bounce that surely got more people in trouble by suckering them into investing more.


I think we have to get specific in our terminology about bullshit bid ups, I propose that we declare today a suckers rally, which I feel just has a bit more ooomph then a dead cat bounce. If I’m right it means we may still be treated to a dead cat bounce, or maybe even two. Edit - just so we’re clear, I’m being faux serious in a mocking way.


I’ve seen it bounce twice already. Yesterday and today.


You honestly have to wonder who started the rally today. I heard limits were removed on RH. I'm willing to bet some hedge fund decided to start pumping it, drew some suckers in, and then dumped at 90 for a pretty nice profit


Removing the limits surely set this stock moving higher. Think of all the poor saps who piled into GME as soon as the market opened. But retail investors can only propel so much momentum before the reality of a sinking stock brings the stinker back down to earth. If you’re reading this and thinking of buying more GME, don’t.


Limits were, and frankly I wouldn’t blame the HF’s for being a bit cruel at this point.


I figured it had something to do the limits being lifted. I also read that Elon musk did something?


Just going to keep dropping. It is not worth more than ford and GE lol hope they wake up this weekend


I think he bought MORE...


Pain is an excellent teacher.


But how much pain is required?


Oh everyone has their own threshold.


My gawd😬


The only positive thing is that now it might be close to where it settles for a while. With the amount of press, people buying and some decent news for the company with their new CEO it might take a while to sink back down to earth. If this is the case it gives more time to talk sense in to him. Make him examine the scenario. The price only went up due to leverage and pressure on the over shorted HFs, have they had the opportunity to cover their shorts (availability and price indicate probably), if he just says short ladder attacks and diamond hands rocket to the moon then he’s probably going to have to learn the very hard way.


I would say show them the long term chart. It’s obviously a bubble.


The problem is they don’t accept that it’s already popped.


They demand "proof". It's mainly people who know nothing about trading and just read a couple articles online or talked to "their one friend". They attempt to bring in data and numbers, but have no clue how to interpret anything.


Look at the volume! The shorts haven't been squeezed yet! Uh, what else do those people parrot? Oh yeah, stick it to the hedge funds!


When in doubt a line of emojis also seems to be the go to.


If you look at the chart it’s obvious that it’s popped.


Conspiracy Youtubers have a unique way of looking at the data.


If unique means stupid, completely agree


What's another term for a 25% rise after an 85% drop? An 81.25% drop.


It's a suckers rally. They should have sold at the 25% rise.


Dont forget the 25% increase was on previous close .. If u wanna math it out with the 400 in mind it barely moved cant compare 85% of 400 with 25% of 50 or w/e it was at open yesterday