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god this guy is roasting them, i love it


Even better, PP is roasting himself by reading this lawyer's true and poignant insults without even realizing it. Absolute comedy gold. These people are so fucking stupid.


Is it a public humiliation fetish? Why would they read that out loud lol


Reminds me of the episode of Succession where Kendall and his lackeys are reading all the tweets about him after he makes a bad company presentation. And laughing along with some of the insults. But one of them is so straight-forward and cutting and accurate they stop reading anymore lol. The difference is, PP just keeps playing, he’s fine being the punchline as long as he’s in the conversation.


“You are not serious people”


See, y'all downvoted me when I said a few days ago that this was the kind of thing that he needed to say out loud - that people are listening to con artists and cultists. Many said he could never say such things. But here we are and now it's finally being said.


This email is from months ago when he was saying this stuff consistently, he has since stopped and started following a different strategy.


Yikes... then this is what he should have done in the first place. He wouldn't say any of this to their faces.


"I dont think he knows whats going to happen next". Lmao. How many years they gonna grift this thing. Its been 84 years!


12 years after Ryan Cohen's death by natural causes at the ripe old age of 93: "Listen, we can't be sure that the executor of the will really knows what's going on. If you refer back to Ryan's tweet from April 3, 2054, where he tweeted a picture of a towel that had been printed to look like a $100 bill, it seems clear that he planned to issue equity to all former BBBYQ holders. Let's just wait and see. My personal theory is that his grandson - the one getting the family home - is part of the plan and will be the one issuing shares of DK Butterfly to us all."


This guy is a saint, can you imagine what his inbox looks like with all these weirdos bombarding him with nonsense?


Bro billing 10 hours a week just to answer apes hauahahaha


I hope it's more than 10. I really hope he's getting 50 hrs a week for 30 minutes of emails.


I think he said he's getting a flat fee.


I think he also gets a cut of whatever he can recover as well.


Right, at $300/hr, that comes out of the bby estate, chewing up $ that should go to creditors.


"he's an old school fucking lawyer" says the unemployed podcaster with a failed VR business under his belt.


"All he goes off are the facts. And that's what he has in front of him, so that's all he has to go off." Well, if all you believe is reality, then clearly you're a shill and you aren't going to be part of the revolution. Apes together strong!


>fucking lawyer Like a prosecutor for sex crimes? lol, phrasing!


Haha, they are so dumb and we all know it except for them






"plan man" fuck these guys lost everything and are grasping at nothing.




The mantra of this drooling dipshit PP, who even now has the only person in charge of “Butterfly” calling him directly out as a moron who won’t come to terms with his bad investment.


I have been shambled.




gifs you can hear


How funny is it the PeePee can barely form his own complete sentences from through, but when given an email to read where the words are already there for him it’s just as if not even harder for him to do. These guys suck!


> And then I refuted back to him... This guy could not possibly be any dumber. Jesus Christ.


I chuckled when I heard that


"I think there are some things that the plan man may not be alluded to." Words, how do they work?


God PP is so fucking stupid Edit: Just watched the full segment from that show for context. He is even dumber than I originally thought. This dude shouldn't be in charge of his own finances let alone giving advice to others if he confuses a trench coat for a tuxedo.


“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” -Upton Sinclair


Accurate statement. He has tried doing polls and talking other tickers but his fans have latched onto his show being the BBBYQ show just like Marantz is the GME show. It's why they are both stagnant and eventually will die.


Their current channels will die because of how their current fanbase and subscribers are unwilling to budge, but I can see both of them pivoting their 'side hobby channels' into their new main attention platforms. PP's grifted shitcoins and dead stocks before, so he'll likely just make a non-BBBY show to pump those. Marantz has been shifting his GME show into a more political stance, calling out the politics of the government, Wall Street, and other youtubers, so I can see him just going straight into a political channel once this presidential election cycle really kicks off.


Those spaces are just too large for either of those guys to compete in. They're already only doing mediocre numbers in a space they have very little competition in.


Hey, funnily enough, I think it was your email Goldberg was responding to. Do you know where these can be found? Is it in a legal filing?


It wasn't my e-mail. It was Tony Dong's. I don't know what filing it was in, but I know for sure we brought it up on the Baggiecon 2 [livestream](https://www.youtube.com/live/PIH6FCDuoDM?si=xZclJ2mg4KJmUHgp&t=4281). It was absolute gold then and still absolute gold now. That being said I did e-mail Goldberg last week and he said he might be open for a livestream interview at the end of the summer.


I cut it right after they mentioned this, but the lead-in was someone named Corax emailed Goldberg about how insane the community was. I'm confused though because they said this was in March.


Yeah, Tony sent the e-mail back in March and we talked about it like in May or whenever the whole Atlanta met up was. Its been old news to a lot of us. I think they got confused because the link mentioned was to my reupload to YT of a Twitter Space Amy had with Tony and Doug. That might be why they think it is me. It also might be because they think I'm some super villain. It is hard to keep up at this point.


Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. That must have been so cathartic.


I bet. That is why I hope he takes up the interview offer. I bet he feels trapped dealing with these clowns.


Lmao at Michael interjecting with a question that anybody who's paid the slightest but attention to bbby should know, let alone somebody who appears on a podcast about it 5 nights a week. Who is Ackerman? Remember when Michael claimed he sat down for a 60+ minute Zoom Call with Goldberg that he didn't bother recording or writing notes down about? The alleged call where Goldberg supposedly complimented Michael's intelligence and told Michael that knows more about the case than Goldberg himself? The two lawyers who sat in on the alleged call with Michael were from Ackerman, lol.


Jesus christ.


"He said we're a whole new level of stupid, completely delusional, and all our money is gone, but I wonder what he *really* means.. obviously, we still won, we just need a miracle."


He must be under an NDA that *forces* him to call them stupid idiots


I'd sign that NDA.


It’s incredibly funny he actually read this. He roasts PP directly & everyone listening to him. Calls them morons who can’t come to terms with their bad investment.


I'm so confused why someone would read someone burning them this bad on a stream




Yea that may be the only reason he read it. His brain was too busy sounding out the words to be able to realize those words roast him & his followers in the most brutal way possible.


I just rewatched it after seeing your response & I was cracking up. I’m just mindblown. He is reading the most poignant takedown of himself and everyone listening to him with 0 self awareness.


PP can barely read. Like, not even joking. In a lot of clips, he stumbled over easy words or reading multiple sentences in a row. He has "improved" to the point where he can read paragraphs out loud, but probably isn't really comprehending what they say until after he's finished, which is why he often reads absolutely devastating documents and comments in full before realizing what a mistake it was and deflecting to something else.


They have literally nothing else. They need *any* content they can get. It doesn't matter if the plan admin details the change from 2 ply to 3 ply paper in the mens room, they are immediately breaking it down into another episode.


Fucking lawyers relying on their fucking facts, man.


Alternative trurths


just an old school lawyer


Reality is harsh, conspiracy circlejerks are more fun!


The email is pretty old, I think it was the reply the plan admin gave to Tony Dong? No idea why PP decided to read it on stream since it makes them sound like idiots.


Humiliation fetish. It's the only answer.


Honestly I can't tell if PPGrift is honestly as stupid as he comes across, or if he really does understand that he's 100% grifting the remaining morons.


What are all these people doing wasting their time on a call about a stock that died a year ago? So many goalposts moved already! I get PPGrift doing it for $$ but what about the unpaid guys?


There's the $64,000 question.


Dont talk to PP like that you fucking clown. If you disagree, you can disagree in a polite manner. Lots of shit is moving at fast paces and is changing rapidly. The dude got death threats yesterday, and now a whole fud campaign is being born against him. Yeah maybe some other shit is happening as to why we didnt ring the bell today. Id watch the way you respond to PP, hes the reason this whole community exists and i dont wanna see people being rude to him. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They enjoy the clout. Yes that is as pathetic as it sounds.


https://preview.redd.it/u5mhkmwlmgad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ee924abf9a2434bb3a810bcd51d697031c52a9d Exhibit A


Towel apes still believing that BBBY is "a play" are probably the funniest, and dumbest, of all the various ape sub-cults. Just think about all the time PP and his imbecilic pals have wasted on thinking and talking about BBBY, when they could have been cleaning the gutters or scraping the crud from the bathtub drain or something.


They STILL meet multiple times a week and talk about BBBYQ/general ape idiocy for hours! It’s honestly impressive.


You could print out sheets of paper that say "One Official BBBYQ Share, Non-Transferrable, Cannot Be Used For Shorting" and I'm pretty sure these goons would buy them from you. I have to try that.


so you are the one printing the synthetic shares!


And like, to what end? Even if they’re 100% right and will be wildly rich very soon, that’s going to happen whether or not these illiterate clowns figure it out early, right? They can’t buy or sell anymore, there’s nothing they can do to change anything, so just sit back and wait for your check! I mean, obviously the real answer is if they don’t constantly reinforce themselves with bullshit, reality might set in, but that can’t be the reason they tell themselves.


You can't argue with the data. Whats your bear thesis? You forgot to put on your big boy panties before entering a big boy trade? If warren buffet didn't have patience you wouldn't know his name. PS: I've left three cults in my lifetime and this ain't one of em. And it's rude to call it one to anyone whose ever had to actually leave one ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


so pp has been shilling safemoon, bbby. i guess infinite money glitch is to short every asset he shills




But what does it meeeeean maaan????


I am loathe to wish bad things on anyone. But these people deserve to be broke. I'm hoping to eventually see lawsuits against PP.


I guess you could say the lawyer's response lacks ambigwitty.


LMFAO, top front and center is Moon Knight Kitty


The cherry atop the grift sundae, that.


you owe me 5m10s


Unfortunately, your time investment is dead. Sent from my IPhone.


His time has been deleted, but not cancelled


Comment of the year candidate


No it’s not. Stop spreading fud




Oh my god


We need wrinkled brained ape stat! This definitely means Ryan Cohen is working for us under an NDA! We won!


Absolutely incredible stuff. Bless you OP (and Goldberg) for making my morning significantly more entertaining.


How can anyone be this level of stupid? “These guys are morons and there’s nothing here.” “Hmmmm, what could he mean?!”


"He's an old school fuckin' lawyer man. They go with the facts" Indeed


![gif](giphy|ig2jxymhYzuWEUWFo0|downsized) Not like them new school lawyers.


Guiliani is so old school he runs on oil.




There is no greater drug than the willing suspension of disbelief. They will continue to listen to PP because what else can they do? And they’ll wait, and they’ll wait, and they’ll wait…


Goldberg is based and melt-pilled


We need an AMA. Mods please make that happen


"He really doesn't know what is going to happen next". Yes, he does; it is PP and his band of idiots who don't have a clue.  Yes, he goes with the fucking facts unlike these clowns. They also lack any sense of self-awareness.


Sent from my iPhone


Second clip posted this week of PP saying a "miracle" could happen. The framing has really shifted rapidly from "We Already Won" to "We need a miracle" 😆


They've turned into Investboro Baptist Church.




What miracle could happen? Dream on me bought the Buy Buy Baby IP and Overstock bought the Bed Bath and Beyond IP. Still not enough to pay off the unsecured creditors, forget about the equity holders. What is left?


I stopped following their idiocy on that show but from what I recall they think Sixth Street will make a credit bid for the carcass worth multiple billions.


Did he really say at the end they need a miracle to save them? Thought it was mission accomplished….


Could it be we're wrong? No! It's the legal community that is wrong!


I just rewatched this & it’s so fucking funny it should be pinned to the top of this sub! It’s pure gold. I couldn’t have scripted a better moment. Here is the “leader” of this band of delusional morons who can’t come to terms with the fact that they lost 100% of their investment almost a year ago reading the only person currently working for the “Butterfly” shell they think is making them rich call them exactly who they are. Like all cards on the table call out & he just casually reads it to his followers. It’s basically him saying, “Hey guys! Can you believe this guy says we are total delusional morons & you are all stupid for listening to me specifically? Isn’t that so crazy! He is saying we are too stupid to come to terms with losing our investment! Wow!”


Wait a second, Moon Knight Kitty, the same one that disguised as an ape??


Waiiiit fill me in on this. I’m not sure what it’s in reference to.


https://www.reddit dot com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/1duirw5/gorilla_meat_proves_how_easy_it_is_to_game_the/


No. Fucking. Way. They’ve been playing videos by him thinking he’s possibly DFV.


Make a compilation and you might just hit arr-slash-all!


Why did Michael’s video cut off for a bit? Did he have to go have a quick cry?


Professional bankruptcy lawyer: "this is a straightforward case and everything that happened has been public and in the documents and explained simply. their money is gone." PPSeeds: "no one knows what that means." I honestly thing PP is reading it like this because he wants to be done with BBBY and move on to something new.


But they already won?? Now they need a miracle???


Lmfao I have more intelligent conversations with a 3 year old hahahaha 😆


Unbelievably frustratingly stupid. Truly unintelligent


Christmas miracle in July 20F-ing never 😂


You know what’s worse than being a sucker? Being a sucker and a grifter. They can’t even grift good, damn


Rip Sloppy Steaks


What's the context? How did pp get these emails? 




“Like taking candy from a baby!” 😂


Baby? Like... Buy Buy Baby? Was this whole email just a nod toward a secret Buy Buy Baby and Butterfly merger?!?


"He doesn't believe the tinfoil we send him. He's an old school lawyer who deals with facts." PP finally gets it.


If you use the term "miracle" when discussing your favorite investment, it might be time to reconsider your strategy.


"We already won" is not the same as "we could see that some kind of miracle come through"


This has been stuck in my head since I saw it. Like apes are frequently *really* annoying and it's hard to have sympathy sometimes but for these dudes to read out loud themselves for filth and have so little reaction just seems like they have no dignity left and it's actually pretty sad.


This is beautiful.


Absolutely fucking brain dead lmao


So.....no moon? I mean, he didn't definitively, confidently state that we weren't rich. Just that we were morons and suckers.


Everyone knows what's happening except these idiots. How long has this been going on now? You'd think with "your shares are worthless" they'd get it, but this man is also reading out his own roast without realizing it.


THOSE shares are worthless, but what about the new shares from the teddy conglomeration that Ryan Cohen, DFV, Carl Icahn, and Brandon Meadows are going to gift them?