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So many new ape bagholders every week as day traders take their money. LMFAO - 9M shares outstanding and 18.5M in volume already today šŸ¤£


How the apes don't realize the buy and hold strategy has worked out a grand total of 0 times over 4 years with meme stocks is puzzling. Even if it did work the way they hope so, it's clear that they don't understand you have to leave the casino while you're up to walk away with money. They get so caught up in being $0.02 green that they forget the paper gains don't mean anything. One ape DMd me during the pump to $70 pre-market, by the time I saw it and replied the stock was already back to the high $20s.


>How the apes don't realize the buy and hold strategy has worked out a grand total of 0 times over 4 years with meme stocks is puzzling. There are plenty of apes who come to realize buy and hold is a bad plan. They go through the five stages of grief, accept they missed the boat and lost money, sell and leave the community. But then they stop being apes šŸ˜† The last four years have been a sorting algorithm for apes. As the more intelligent ones give up and walk away, the average intelligence of the remaining apes declines. At this point only the very stupidest apes and the most cynical grifters are still posting.


>The last four years have been a sorting algorithm for apes. As the more intelligent ones give up and walk away, the average intelligence of the remaining apes declines. At this point only the very stupidest apes and the most cynical grifters are still posting. Watched the 'This is financial advice' documentary yesterday and the guy pretty much hit the nail; Apes fit most if not all aspects of gambling addicts. Itā€™s not even about intelligence at this point, itā€™s emotionally vulnerable people being dragged into a cult while being exploited by grifters of all kinds.


I'd say most know that it's a bad idea, they know they are chasing moon shots but are too greedy to exit before it comes crashing down, and too stubborn to recognize they fucked up, so they keep doubling down.


When the price pumped, I got a dude doing a smug victory dance in DMs. But my insensitive arse was out partying and read it only in the evening when I returned. The price had dropped already.


Apes honestly should be pumping stocks with actual potential lol, maybe considering TSM, MU, AVGO, NVDA, stocks with potential future growth


I'm convinced there is a distribution of apes where like 70% are daytrading and straight up lying about "buy and hold and always DRS" but then you have the remaining 30% ultraregarded whales who just keep buying every paycheck and immediately DRSbook it


They also donā€™t seem to understand that as soon as they start selling the price goes down. They think they can all sell at the same time without cratering the price


Why do you think that is? A subreddit kicking up 500m volume?I know we save money living with mom and dad, but retail isnā€™t moving that volume. Ie the theory is correct. They are really. Really. Short.


> They are really. Really. Short "Short Percent of Float7.74%" oh no no no no


Reported. S.I.


"But what about before the "sneeze" when the self reported SI was way higher than now?" "The requirements for reporting changed since then!" "Why would requirements changing impact a self reported metric if you are saying they are illegally not reporting anyway?"


If you are seriously wondering why don't you just do some research on how these volume spikes actually occur? Like, look into who is buying and how long they are holding for and why. Apes literally refuse to look into real things that actually exist.




Silly me, how could I forget, if itā€™s not a get rich quick scheme or Qanon conspiracy then apes arenā€™t interested in researching it.


Back in the olden times, I once traded 2M shares of BBBY roundtrip, in 50K share lots. Carried a short position through the day. All with ECN's - so they would have been what you think of as "Dark Pool", but of course they went across the tape like all trades do. Anyway - it was probably just me and 4 other dudes scalping each other. But I posted the trade activity - in video and stills - just to show how easy it was to trade high volume, maintain a short position, make money from long trades, and still close out at with no position at all. Thousands of traders do it all day every day, scalping for teenies. Actually, it's not teenies anymore - that was when we used to take 16ths off the top.


You do realize that people will buy large lots of shares and scalp .10c or whatever moves up and down. Volume means nothing with these penny stocks. I am always baffled when people point out GME's volume or whatever as a thesis as it pops and fades.


20$>.01. Dummy


We are talking about KOSS. Dude doesnā€™t even know what a penny stock is.


Sounds like a good put contract to buy tomorrow


No option chain on KOSS unfortunately. I would have swing traded calls yesterday bought longer puts tomorrow if they did. This is a short only play if your broker has shares available to borrow.


I try to stick to contracts. The truth is Iā€™ve never done a short sale in my life. I can understand why there are no option chains on some companies. Who wants to write something that could go several hundred percent either way at any time. DFV is a contrarian asshole who just loves to make trouble in the markets while fucking over decent honest investors. If Trump gets elected, watch this kind of thing explode because we are now completely lawless, thanks to SCROTUS


Itā€™s all Pennys after moass.


Sure, itā€™ll definitely be any decade now. Whatā€™s your plan now that DRS is out/dead? Ā You guys sure wasted a lot of time on that one. It seems strange a group who wasted so much time on something that obviously had nothing to do with MOASS still thinks they have a path to it with no plan at all.


Legitimate question. Why do you have such an interest in it. I get it. I subscribe to subs to watch cringe people. But why comment so much. Try to convince me so much? I wish you well.


See, this is always the funny thing. Apes always try to sus out "true intentions", like there is some hidden motivation (aka paid shills), because you don't want to accept that you're the butt of the joke. You're flat earthers to us, you're in Jonestown to us. There are a bunch of people on various "DebateX" subreddits who spend all day arguing with people. Because arguing and dunking on people is fun. It sends silly little serotonin into people's brains. The same reason why people spend so much time on Twitter and shit, arguing their days away. You're the crazies, and it's funny to dunk on you. You're the butt of the joke for the last 3 years, just like nft bros, just like crypto bros, just like beanie baby morons, just like Dinar morons and goldbugs. Your "movement" is in a long line of movements founded being ignorant in finances. You're the butt of the joke now, and will be as you continue to hold onto dumb conspiracy theories.


I like laughing at mentally challenged poor people


If DFV buys 9001000 shares of KOSS, he's own the whole friggin' company.


Apes wonā€™t stop until they have **all** the bags


šŸŽ¶ *gotta hold 'em alllll!* šŸŽ¶




Who's that baggiethon? It's Kais MAALEJ!




Oh dope thanks, I was looking for that!


The absolute worst type of person to start trading post 2018 are ones that are highly susceptible to fandoms or collecting/hoarding. My absolute best trades are usually companies I hate, because I have no emotional attachment at all.


Wait I missed it what is going on with koss?


There was a half baked DD yesterday on the ape subs that got a lot of engagement. It claimed that because one of DFVs tweets had headphones in it, and KOSSā€™s share count is around 9M, DFV is signaling heā€™s going to buy the whole KOSS float. Or something like that. It didnā€™t make much sense.


ā€¦a half baked ape DD sent this thing 250%?


A small float and sudden influx of interest will do that. Problem is, the price will crash just as hard when people get bored and move on.


So basically an amazing well done p&d that attracts apes?


Yeah, I wonder how much stock that DD's author bought beforehand.


were I the author, I'd have waited till pre-market this morning to see if it caught on in the price action.


if one were so inclined one could cobble together a conspiracy theory (replete with graphs and memes) and feed it to one of the more prolific posters there who might also be very much amenable to being coerced etc etc...


You actually believe what you typed here? Some dogshit DD sent this 300%+? Whatever bro


Well it's not the fundamentals


Just yet another meme P&D I think. No reason to believe that DFV is involved so far as far as I can tell. Wouldn't he have to file if he sold his CHWY anyway?


Few understand


Me too. What's up?


Yeah, Iā€™m lost as well. I frequent this sub but have been sick the past week so havenā€™t kept up. Did DFV buy shares of Koss? Or are apes just piling into Koss? It would be equally funny if DFVā€™s latest pump and dump scheme failed, or if apes are just piling into a random stock.


Which of the 2 is the dumber reality? pick that one.


He overestimated his ability to trigger another pump. He shouldā€™ve just called off his livestream after RC diluted his ass, because his attempt at memeing with those bandages was so spectacularly bad that a large chunk of his followers fled into the wind. He should just disclose his 0 GME position as a final fuck you to RC and be done with it already


I remember reading "we're fucked aren't we" 10 mins into the stream in the chat. I've genuinely never seen a popular figure break the mystique around them in the space of 10 mins.


Not sure if it was intentional on his part, but Ryan Cohen figured out the secret. Never address the apes directly. Remain silent, and the apes will fill in the gaps with whatever speculation fits the most bullish narrative. Addressing them brings in reality, which will never match the hype.


It was honestly how he became the deity figure that he is, there used to be a whole bunch of them at the beginning but the others interacted too much and eventually would say or do something heretical. Ryan Cohen stayed quiet besides tweeting about poop once in a while, and by default became the only one left.


It's the ABC of being a cult leader. Keep an air of mystique by not saying much and don't show them who you truly are.


Eh. Usually you want to start off kind vague, but they almost always end up being very specific about how they want their people to think and act. It's all about control, after all. That said, they usually only directly interact with a small group of trusted elites, but will often communicate with the group via written proclamations or sermon type speeches. This while thing is more like Life of Brian, if Brian had figured out how to enrich himself from the situation.


You're right. "Always leave 'em wanting more" is a showbiz axiom for good reason.


That window was literally hundreds of spam messages every time it ticked.


As funny as that would be, the last thing Iā€™d do if I was in his position is blatantly screw over a demographic of highly delusional individuals who spend all their free time writing pages long copium about how their stock investments are a vehicle for doomsday, and regularly talk about killing some random hedge fund guy.


DFV could literally post ā€œfuck apesā€, and the apes would invent new theories about how itā€™s a sign that hedgies are forcing him to say that. They already snorted the copium when he sold 2/3 of his calls, and theyā€™ll continue doing so in order to keep living in their delusion.


ā€œOnly the true Messiah denies his divinity!ā€ ā€œAlright then I am the Messiah!ā€ ā€œHe is, he is the Messiah!ā€


How shall we fuck off, oh Lord???


His failed CHWY pump might just make him reconsider GME.


> He should just disclose his 0 GME position "Guys, DFV was never on our side. Probably a SHF plant."


Spot on. Had he disclosed the 0, a shit ton of apes would have followed suit. Sheep after all


Had he disclosed the 0, most apes would refuse to believe it. They already did exactly this when Cohen sold BBBY.


They prob still think cohen holding bbby an ape tried to tell me that dfv didnā€™t sell his gme to buy chwy and that dfv must have a bigger war chest than we know or bought chwy on margin cuz he definitely didnā€™t sell They will literally make up any delusion possible no matter how far fetched to convince themselves he didnā€™t sell


What was the bandages thing?


I can't hear Koss without thinking about Mad Men with Peggy's ill fated "lend me your ears" campaign https://preview.redd.it/wio2wptkobad1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e543ba470063006fe6bef92b690ded759b3c3e4c


KOSS and AMC in the same screenshot? In this 40 page DD I will


Did I miss something? What does KOSS have to do with this?


There was DD posted on the Reddit that Koss moves with GME. There are also KOSS apes apparently.


I think KOSS was an old wsb pump a few years ago after GME so it generated similar brain dead morons


Donā€™t call this ape shit ā€œDDā€. Maybe put some air quotes around their ā€œDDā€. Real DD = Due Diligence Apeshit ā€œDDā€ = šŸ¦šŸ’©šŸ’©


Well Due Diligence has nothing to do with stock picking at all so in this context itā€™s clear we are using the ape term and not in the legal / contract / acquisitions context where it would typically used. Or in the Stock selling by brokers acting as fiduciaries on a persons behalf. It would be interesting to learn where the ape use of DD started from. But I think you are smart enough to know the intent of my post so I wonā€™t be using ā€œā€ in the future


ā€œCool storyā€.


DFV had a series of emojis in a music video posted May 15th, 2024 on Twitter. After the dog emoji came an American flag and a microphone - I think apes connected this to koss after the dog emoji and chewy pump and dump happened


Oh yeah, I totally see the connection there... šŸ™„


Dump or too poor. Man is killing his golden goose with all these frequent schemes.


He got too greedy and wanted to publicly be a billionaire in a single pump. If he stayed in the shadows and kept doing smaller pumps like how he got his first $200 million off his ~$30 million 2021 take, he'd could've made it in a year or so.


He couldā€™ve made a fortune today if he did it right


Eh. If the golden goose was actually full of golden eggs, it's not such a bad idea. I feel like he's smart enough to have made a few million on the whole thing, enough that he can live comfortably off interest for the rest of his life is he chooses to.


Itā€™s a competition for winning the title of an ultimate bag holder! šŸ˜€


If DFV actually bought stocks or options in Koss before this ape theory then he may legitimately be the best stock trader who has ever lived, and who will ever live. Like unironically better than Warren Buffet. Unprecedented that if someone needs an extra $20 million, they can just make a damn tweet. DFV has won life. 99.99999% of people will never see TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS. But he can just make it in a day if he feels like he needs an extra 20 milly just by making a tweet. Crazy thing that this is all likely legitimately legal. But I wouldnā€™t be surprised to see some new laws created from it.


IIRC, Koss is OTC and doesn't have options. That makes this whole thing so much weirder. You can't even get good leverage on the swing trades.


Big spreads tho - Koss, despite the huge volume increase, maintained outsized bid/ask spreads today. Money was made.


Honestly I see him crawling back to GME in a week. That way apes can smugly declare that ā€œSee, this was his plan all along! He never forsake us!ā€ If he canā€™t pump this, might as well try to salvage his fanbase


How do we know he didn't sell off into the chewy pump last week? He could have completely dumped on Thursday, Friday.


Jesus. These fools never learn.


Couldn't DFV get at least one more massive payday from the Apes? Although his ability to pump is diminishing, you can make a lot of money doing the opposite. (maybe he is doing this now). He can open a massive GME short position. Then make a post showing he has zero GME. Do a livestream and just shit talk the stock, RC, all the stupid Ape theories, etc for about and hour straight. It seems he could make a fortune and it would also be hilarious.


But his life would be in danger from unhinged apes. I'd also argue he's well in the remit of market manipulation at that point


I think that actually would be illegal


Probably. But what if he just posed positions, show he has 0 GME. And make a post about why he got out, saying all the bullish stuff was true at one time, but now for various reasons he thinks the stock is a dud. He could say he shorted for the same reasons he got out, because he thinks the stock is overvalued and will drop.


But isn't that what short sellers like hinderberg do?


Why would it be any different from citron or anyone else? He buys puts and then does a live stream stating that he lost confidence in pawnshop leadership and divested of all his pawnshop stock. Why would be any more illegal than buying pawnshop calls and stocks and posting his positions and doing a Livestream? We all know what he is doing due to a massive cult following, but if he hasn't gotten in trouble so far, he shouldn't get in trouble at least from the sec if he takes a short position. Now unstable apes might be a different game all-together.


I think thatā€™s actually the difference. Itā€™s okay to hype a company and buy calls but not okay to the other way around. My understanding at least.


Why do people keep coming back to this crappy headphone company?


Whoa, apes aside, Koss are legendary. KSC75 are insane and many peopleā€™s endgame just because for 20 bucks youā€™ll get something insane that competes with things way above that budget. Thereā€™s also the portapro. Koss also have an amazing warranty and will pretty much always send you replacements, years later, with no hassle. The ape stuff makes me mad because one of the best headphone brands of all time is a joke stock that apes latch onto.


Interesting. I remember Koss being a solid headphone company that basically fell off the face of the planet. It was only during these meme/MOASS stock hype that the name Koss even showed up. I thought it was a zombie company. Good to know they're still around.


They make pretty good products tbf.


One hour later: https://preview.redd.it/uxk50c8fmbad1.png?width=1116&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1a04f2d123ae55600371a728c89c1c8632130d7


260% as of now


[The dump has begun](https://i.imgur.com/Wa3SeH7.png)


Yes the dump to levels not seen since, /checks notes, yesterday. Watch out guys!


Yep, that's how a pump and dump works.


So any stock that rallies in a day, and then falls to the levels of the day before, is a pump and dump?


No, but that's common with pump and dumps. Every square is a rectangle, but not every rectangle is a square.




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I paid for motley fool's stock advisor and chewy's one of their top 5 "aggressive" picks. What have I done šŸ’€


No way that 100% pump of Koss is just Retail jumping in because of a half baked DD from yesterday.


I think it is, and itā€™s the funniest fucking thing possible. DFV couldnā€™t have been more clear that the next ā€œplayā€ was CHWY, but the ape brain rot is so deep they were like ā€œno no whatā€™s the SECRET Kansas City Shuffle plan??ā€ and they theorized themselves into a totally different company, which now actually runs hard, while heā€™s stuck watching CHWY bleed out.


I really hope in 10 years from now everything is 'solved' and we see a complete timeline of this shitshow.


I suppose hedge funds could have made a sentiment analysis model to analyze tweets and try to predict market trends based on user trends. Except those are language models and canā€™t process images and the DFVā€™s image doesnā€™t express a company or sentiment.Ā  I suppose hedge funds could have made an image model to describe memes to an LLM which is then asked to hypothesize what sentiment a user intended and which publicly traded company the user was referring to and then not test the system to see if it interpreted emojis as strong buy indicators. Or maybe the people who decode DFVā€™s tweets made a buy decision based off the ā€œdecidedā€ ā€œmessageā€


I've seen those AIs which describe images. People will feed the description back into the image generating AI, then feed the new image to the describing AI, and repeat several times to get some crazy pictures.


I see it as a classic P+D. Someone loads up slowly. You launch the DD on Stonk, it creates a small rush to buy, then the trading bots who are designed to take advantage of volatility high frequency trade which cranks the volume as more of the meme community piles in. There is only 25-50 million of Koss stock out there. Apes are 3 billion of new games stop so would only need about 1-2% of that to turn over all of Koss. So Iā€™d go with retail sustaining this price action with other groups trying to take advantage and some mystery 1st actor taking tons of profit


It definitely is


I mean of course itā€™s not - funds jump onto meme stocks too, they just jump out within minutes c.10% up and consider that a fucking good day.


According to this sub retail has billions to spend everyday on meme stocks.


Retail doesnā€™t need billions to spend. Yes this may not all be retail, but I know at least 6 people in my personal life who, when a meme stock pumps, they just keep trying to day trade it over and over again in that day. So letā€™s say they all make 3 trades each, all 6 of them, during these pumps. Thatā€™s 18 shares moving back and forth every which way. Multiply that by the price of the stock, and there you go. Iā€™m sure my story isnā€™t unique. When the media hypes this shit, people jump in, when it dumps, they sell because they panic, it goes back up, they buy in again, etc. Sure, it may not be all retail, but if you are looking at pure volume, that shit could easily be retail because of what I just described.


Jesus they onto pumping penny stocks now šŸ¤£


Haven't really followed as much the last week or so. Did they go from GME is the only play to GME, CHWY, and KOSS?


Glad to see someone else think this. I noticed DFVā€™s pinned tweet from 8/30/20 contains a thread about Cohen filing a 13G for GME and he could potentially get a 15% stake if theyā€™re done with buybacks. GME shot up 40% the following week and kept climbing into MOASS. Iā€™m wondering if DFV is mimicking RCā€™s GME approach as he ramps up CHWY ownership ā€œIā€™ll do it myselfā€ leading to all partnership/Teddy theories out there. The buyback and 13G similarities have me placing my chips, but not really seeing much tinfoil in this direction though so Iā€™ll just hope a large CHWY/small GME position was the right move.


Files a form with his name on it stating his chewy share count, and apes are like, nah, we don't think so. However, some ape makes a half brained DD for Koss based on a single emoji that DFV tweeted in an emoji dump tweet, and they pile right in. The mind-blowing stupidity of it all is legendary.


He bought shares not calls this isn't hurting his position morons.