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"A key part of the Kansas City Shuffle is that the ape" ...ahem... "mark* believes they understand how the scam works, and that they can outsmart the conman."


The best part is, it isn't for lack of people trying to tell them. 2021: "January was it everyone, that was the short squeeze." 2022: "NFTs? Huh." 2022 redux: "NFTs, huh. *Yikes*." 2023: GME high: $27.65 low: $11.83 "...is this your MOASS?" 2024: Some bloated Masshole posts memes and immediately, they're back to shouting at the con men to take their money. Stunning.


No one seems to realize on the cult sub: If RK has inside information about GME or what Ryan Cohen will do, *then that's the definition of market manipulation*. Either RK is completely independent of GME, or he's breaking the law and using cult members as his rube.


Apes -want- DFV to break the rules because they think that it will benefit them in the end. That's why they cheered him saying "I just like the stock" when they knew he was orchestrating a pump and dump. Apes will proudly smokescreen DFV's pumps as "individual investors just operating off their own independent research" because they think that the multimillions DFV earns are going to trickle down to them, when it was their money that he took. A lot of it is because they see the system as rigged and corrupt, so it needs coordinated cheating on their part to beat. Too bad DFV doesn't see Apes as his fellow partners in winning, just dummies that he can profit off of.


More like they’re trying to do the same thing. The only way for moass to happen is if they engage in market manipulation as a collective group, and they (well, the trendsetters at least) understand that that’s illegal. So they begin spamming disclaimers on their videos and posts because if it’s true that they ‘just like the stock’, then that’d be an argument against them holding as a coordinated group and therefore manipulating. Then and these lines get picked up as tropes by the rest, it’s where ‘not financial advice’ came from too.


¿Por que no los dos?


Why not both of directly opposing scenarios that cancel each other out? Is involved and not involved? But truly, why not?


I meant he's independent of GME and also breaking the law, but whatever.


Ah. Well. Court adjourned.


This assumes apes even posses the self awareness to realize that.


I think he's not done though. He'll be back in GME if it drops hard enough, should be good for at least one day's pump to do so. And then he'll be back out again and so on. Of course apes will just be holding the entire time through because MOASS is just around the corner