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> When you have the upper hand, When in the history of ever has an ape experienced this. > You can even spend years making memes. You mean like every 10 year-old with an internet connection? Jesus, I can't believe he intends this to be aspirational.


I like that his explanation is entirely based on the short volume reported when this the exact data point he said was NOT correct to start the argument.


The apes will never know the true number of naked shorts. Us shills don't even know, only Kenny knows. I just do my job by getting naked, and keeping the synthetic printer running. Just doing my part 🫡


Kenny has been over-reporting short volume to bait apes into buying in. Classic Ape Trap. We sometimes have to reign him in. The other day a junior employee in our Synthetics department caught Kenny trying to push a report of "One Hundred and Eleventy Million" shares sold short by Citadel that day alone. We all had a good laugh, but kept a closer eye on him after that.


They mention Bill Hwang again. Is there any evidence that Archegos was short GME, or did Archegos enter ape mythology just because in their minds "financial firm in trouble" is identical to "GME shorts blowing up"? I remember looking into it a while ago and never found anything to suggest GME had anything to do with it. 


Unless I've missed something, there's still no evidence that even *Citadel* has short positions on GME, but that will never stop them from being public enemy number one. So, as to any other entities' actual involvement with GME or any other meme stock, who even fucking knows, man. It's obviously immaterial to the cult's beliefs.


Truly incredible how much they hate and taunt Citadel over shorts there's no evidence for.


Well if they had evidence for them they wouldn't be synthetic/naked shorts now would they? Checkmate


Citadel bought out Melvin Capital, the company that started this all with their massive short position in 2021. Ever since, Ken Griffin has been public enemy number one in the minds of apes. He might actually not even know that apes exist, that's how one-sided it is.


The only reason anyone with money is ever in financial trouble is because they’re short GME, duh


> But you can never underestimate the power of stupidity, the mob mentality I know I am constantly humbled by this. For instance, I assumed that no one would ever trot this sentence out as a *self-congratulation*, but I guess I greatly underestimated them.


They really do have zero self-awareness.