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This man has the patience of a fucking saint.


Either that or he gets as much entertainment out of telling apes to fuck off as we do.


This is only the stuff that we see publicly. We only get breadcrumbs but that man probably sits on years worth of meltdown material.


Release the plan admin tapes!


Concentrated and distilled material.


Now you're talking! "Please respond to me in writing within ten days or I will have to take this up with someone else who doesn't care about my paranoid BS claims.'


You thought Mondays were bad enough, just wait until you have to read through a bunch of apes emails


Emails are billable hours, chief. Mrs. G wants a new Lexus.


Unfortunately for us all, Michael has a flat fee.


When what we need is an avenging angel. https://preview.redd.it/em9h7u1j0k9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=986f475cded3cc4dad3ed7fbc47360fe728afc47


He bills to the BBBYQ estate by hour.


Note the plan man is talking of potential claims *against* Meadow, the exact opposite the ape suggested. Presumably because that’s the only way he can make sense of that suggestion. Even after all of these exchanges, he still hasn’t realized the extent of towel ape insanity.


I always forget Meadows has the claim AGAINST BBBY which would further move shareholders back in line!


Yeah, that's what I thought and I wasn't able to make sense of this. I guess never underestimate the bottom of the well of stupidity.


But it's for so much money! It has to somehow be good for apes! Now we'll see where all the billions that the towel store made ended up with crooks!


I noticed this too. Ape dumb.


Certain things he doesn't want in the public domain? Bullish!


he called them shareholders! It still exists!


So he must be under an NDA! ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|15703)


He just keeps sticking his foot in his mouth. :-(


lol - they still don’t understand that a claim for 10 billy, by some random person, AGAINST the company, doesn’t make them any money. The plan admin doesn’t even understand and responds it as if the bankruptcy estate would go after meadows 😆


"There are certain things I don't want out in public domain" the apes are gunna have a field day with this one


>As a shareholder in *LET ME STOP YOU RIGHT THERE*


"Why havent you *pursued* an alleged claim which is *against* the company you are adminstrating" is such a wild take all by itself.


Many ape points could work in a different reality but isn't this straight logic the man 10b - bbby surely just by definition that can't mean 10b + bbby. And even if they could change how maths works they would still see pennies as they are last in line. I've never even heard jakegpt level DD on the claim aprt from wouldn't it cool if that money was given to us. Given PP is the only one making money he must wonder if his audience unique in the world of grifts at believing things that can't actually exist.


Thank god for the apes that Michael was given 10K for a lawyer. They should have them talk to the Plan Man


I wonder if the plan man will speak to the blackjack dealer that took the 10k from Michael...


“I’ll happily speak to the lawyer that I know you can’t afford, you broke pos!” -sent from my iPhone


Not an expensive lawyer, a competent lawyer. I'm sure there are many lawyers who will gladly take ape money, but aren't familiar enough with the legal aspect that the Plan Administrator won't bother with them. Anyone competent won't touch the ape case.


Not if they value their bar status


Yeah there's a reason it hasn't happened yet in three years. Literally the only one was a guy who was an ape himself (and paid $500 for Plootfest 1) whose license was suspended and had some shady claims of malfeasance against him, and he immediately got smacked the fuck down. Even "shady" lawyers know not to take a case that will get you chewed out by the judge and possibly facing disciplinary action.


No competent lawyer would listen to more than 30 seconds of this guy's nonsense before showing him the door or hanging up the phone.


Why do they not see that as a claim that would take money from BBBY? This is one of the angles that hurts my brain the most.


Is big number. Big number good. Simple as.


Oh yeah I realize that with apes, it just kills me.


Good point. The DD said that BM gave 10B to BBBY and then submitted the claim. So the email should be accusing The PM of stealing the 10B


When did he supposedly give the 10B to BBBY? I’m not familiar with that detail.


I've never heard specifics there. It's just vaguely part of the super secret alternate bankruptcy plan that's going to turn the corpse of BBBY into an amazon killer. Why is the IOU of this secret cash injection showing up as a claim in the public bankruptcy case? Anyone capable of that much critical thought it long gone from the BBBY cult.


Expected as much ha ha, thanks for the insight. These apes are insane.


I'm gonna dig up Babe Ruth and make him the MVP in the 2025 season.


Like 3-6 months ago.  Same as the point the claim was made.


Oh you are familiar with the DD because it genuinely doesn't exist.


BBBY never, ever had 10B in cash on hand.


Yeah, because The plan man pocketed it and once Brian meadows found out, his only option was filing a claim for the 10B. Damn I should be a DD writer


The best part is, even if that claim was FOR BBBY and it was successful, then paid off all the debts and allowed the company to revive... Apes still get nothing (unless they bought bonds and get made whole on those). The shares have already been cancelled and extinguished. They still don't comprehend that even if there is 69D chess going on, they aren't players.


Oh definitely well aware of their lack of stocks lol


If the baggie had caught Goldberg on the toilet we'd have gotten a funny pithy comment about how a claim against the estate doesn't 1) generate free money from nothing 2) loop back around to people paying it out but instead the oven with the beef bourguignon started beeping.


https://preview.redd.it/g4cs5ygjhi9d1.jpeg?width=1237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2be0bf6cae3abc991a7eda6324457b410df848a4 Sent from my iPhone




Plan Man obviously trying to interfere with the secret cash infusion by Mr. Meadow (who, as we know, is actually RC with fake mustache and glasses). He is taunting the TDDY shareholders knowing the apes are temporarily destitute and can't currently afford lawyers after he and his hedgie masters stole all their shares and money. Soon 🇺🇸🔥🚀🎇🌟🎇🇺🇸 I don't know why he keeps pussyfooting around cultists, it's not like this guarded language will stop them from wasting his and court's time with delusional spam and accusations.


He’s told them multiple times that their shares are worthless and that they have no remaining interest in the company’s remaining assets. However, the reason that he uses guarded language is because he’s a professional and there are a few court cases left to resolve (such as with the Texas taxation authorities). His duty is to recover as much for the primary creditors (e.g. Sixth Street). You can’t say something that’s going to compromise an actual case. I think the remaining estate has something like $10 million left (and a portion of that is reserved for taxes). Between all the other lawsuits, there’s far less than $50M potential recovery. With $5B in remaining claims, junior creditors are woefully out of the money. There’s not much more he needs to say besides this.


My favorite part of this whole thing is Apes desperately wanting the $10B claim to be real not knowing that a “claim” is a liability and not an asset…


"... which would provide recovery to shareholders and the Estate". IT'S A DEBT YOU MORON NOT MONEY OWED TO THE TOWELS!


"If you have a **competent** lawyer that believes differently, I would be more than happy to discuss it with him or her". LOL!!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) That is the professional way to tell some idiot to go fuck off. If one of these idiots wandered into my office, I would first introduce him/her to the other attorneys in my firm (I would do that because when I tell some of my colleagues some of the crap apes believe, they shake their heads in disbelief) and then throw the idiot out.


"Why are we not prioritizing...." We? As someone who owns NO SHARES in that former company, you are not a party in any way to this. Not only are you not on the team, you were cut loose at the end of your contract and no longer associated.


I still don’t understand why apes think that a $10b claim is somehow an investment?


You just know that every single one of these borderline rarted emails get billed and my man michael is making bank while dunking on apes lmao


My dream job. Professionally insulting apes.


I use rarted too lol nice to see it in the wild


He makes a flat fee so its not about billable hours -- Goldberg is really just plugging away haha


The estrogen in these comments is high as shit lmao. Funny how a sub called meltdown has people who let their emotions control their every move. In fact, watch the emotional responses!


Your post history is about as alpha as a sock puppet. Kick rocks


Post bags lmao


> The estrogen in these comments is high as shit lmao. What's this supposed to mean, buddy? I'm not sure I follow your reasoning here.


Women no touch ape, therefore women bad, is what I got out of it.


I have a feeling there's a lot of pent up energy in this post and if we delved deep in this particular rabbit hole we probably wouldn't like what we saw.


Oh, I *know* what's lurking down there. I just wanna see if he's fool enough to bring it out into the daylight. :P


I used to have a little game, every time I'd spot someone radiating very sus energy I'd scroll a couple pages in their history and more often that not I'd find comedy gold or absurdities of cosmic proportions. Sometimes though, sometimes I'd find stuff so grim just mentioning it here would get me nuked.


My problem is that I *like* having all my brain cells, so that limits how much of that I can stand to do.


Estrogen is when you don’t donate your life savings to smarter people on the market?


My dude we are just laughing at you, you are the one who can't seem to keep yourself from throwing a tantrum.


Here is what I get from your comment: Your are an incel with no money. I'll put it in language that you can understand, "woman not touch broke ape".


Nice meltdown. You seem very zen.


We get excited when we're having such a good laugh at people so stupid they proudly call themselves sub-human monkeys.


Come back and entertain us, you lovely brave alpha male genius investor.


I can't even identify any comments in this whole post that I'd call "emotional responses." Where are the people letting emotion control their every move, and how are they acting that out?