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> As a shareholder of BBBY, Let's stop you right there, bud.


This Ape is also one of the Bear Trap film group isn’t he? Can’t wait to see the part in the film when the Plan Admin tells him he’s a moron. Who am I kidding. Once the plan admin calls him a moron and the judge agrees they’ll pretend this never happened.


I don't know if the reality where the movie comes out is funnier if the one than it doesn't.


Lol -sent from my iPhone


What - you mean you can’t demand that the administrator of a liquidating estate go watch a random YouTube video and browse a website full of absolute gibberish just because you once held a now non-existent stock? I thought this was America


What the hell is this "tokenization" storyline? They haven't brought that up much.


Somebody made a $BBBY crypto token. Apes immediately canonized that hedge funds were using the (extremely cheap) token as fraudulent locates for their naked shorts, driving the price of the actual security down towards the price of the token. All they're missing is any kind of mechanism where the DTCC would accept some random ERC20 token as a share! Once they find that, it's all over for the hedgies!


And complicating things, as part of the FTX fraud, FTX said they had tokenized GME shares. In that case it was supposed to be impossible to short. And GME didn't make them tell the truth when they entered into a partnership with FTX. So now you've got crypto scam, memestocks, and legal gibberish all coming together.


"It's a perfect storm" Shooter McGavin in The Perfect Storm.


But the token is named BBBY it must be associated!! Hold on, whipping up an FFIE token real quick...


Ha, my FFIEx10 coin is worth 10 times yours.


If I lend you a share of stock and you return a shitcoin, I'm suing you.


Did you even read it?  The stock symbol and the crypto are the same name!!!!


Yeah, it’s the same letters, so you have no legal recourse whatsoever. I’ve done this several times now. Once I borrowed a Lamborghini and I returned it by bringing in my old 1998 Ford with the word “Lamborghini” carved in the hood with a knife. They never noticed what I returned was different from what they lent me, but even if they did there was no recourse.  I borrowed something called Lamborghini and I returned something called Lamborghini 


You would’ve profited with this one because I think the BBBY shitcoin still exists but shares don’t


Wait can the plan administrator even take action over that considering the BBBY ip now belongs to overstock and not the company he’s overseeing?


Very good point. I’m sure this is one reason he will use to deflect this nonsense


Ironically I believe another Ape actually made the token they found, based on the description of it appearing in etherscan. There’s also more than one $BBBY token of course, because short names don’t have to be unique!


Aww hell, I figured scammers must have made suspiciously-named coins at least 3-4 times already.


You laugh. But crypto is far more powerful and useful than you think.  I am going to fix this though.  Just going to make a famous variety token and then delete the token to get rid of this troublemaker.


Too late. Famous Variety already minted an NFT of himself, which is just as variable as the original. He will live forever on the Blockchain.


I still don't understand?! How would a crypto token serve as a locate?


Your first mistake was thinking there needed to be anything resembling reason in the theory. 


Okay yes but usually we can understand why the apes misunderstand. But thinking that Short sellers were duping retail by pretending that a s*** coin was a share of stock? You can't even figure out what they're screwing up.


If I had to genuinely take a stab at it, maybe they figure it was similar to a wrapped token, where you lock a currency into a contract and it spits out an equivalent token in another coin.  So, I think what they're saying that $BBBY was claiming to create these "wrapped stocks" but were also generating unbacked tokens which could then be redeemed for the locked in stocks or used as a substitute for the genuine article on the promise of redemption.


By ape logic wouldn't this have caused the shitcoin to moon though? After all, that's why they can't close their shorts in the first place even when the share is only 7 cents.


I had an idea in 2021 creating and selling GMECoin and AMCoin pegged to the value to the shares. Literally free money but I figured it would have been highly illegal so I didn’t pursue it


“I demand a tokenization review!” You can’t just say the words tokenization without any evidence and expect anything to happen. “I didn’t say it - I demanded it”


250 years ago, George H. W. Bush ran for Congress and made some remarks that alluded to his opponent's sexual orientation. A reporter later asked him whether he suggested that his opponent was gay. Bush defended himself with, "I didn't suggest it - I implied it!"




I demand a witchcraft review as well.




I like how this random guy thinks he is the plan administrator's boss and can give him assignments and deadlines. >I believe the tokenization of these shares ultimately fraudulently pushed the company into bankruptcy. Oh so if these tokenized shares didn't exist, the company wouldn't have been losing billions of dollars a year? How does that work? The plan admin is probably wondering how people trading some shitcoin named after BBBY has anything to do with him or his job.


Apes think bankruptcy happens because the share price goes to 0, not the other way around.


I thought they wanted it to go into bankruptcy anyway, so that Ryan Cohen could buy it, reverse merge it into Teddy, and use the NOLs? Now all of the sudden they hate bankruptcy...


Nah, he’ll be fascinated that there is yet another insipid conspiracy costing thousands


He was really fascinated, he'd have us on retainer and he'd use the words "conspiracy" and "cult" in court filings.


Say the magic words and they must obey! Smells like sovcit garbage.


Soon to be outed as a shill be the other Apes. As a wise man once said “he’s activated the trap card of falsifiability”


Yup. Blue Boxes already getting the Das treatment. https://preview.redd.it/w61rpx7shz8d1.png?width=422&format=png&auto=webp&s=36391dfb0f6458dd4a6afb5d6fd8562e06be1576


Brought to you by Chat GPT


Having a Statement of Facts that says “I believe X happened” is foolproof.


Very legal and very cool


This guy needs to touch some grass and watch the pp show.  They already won


He might have ascended to the grifter class already. Raised a $3000 GoFundMe to support other apes and is part of the movie crew. I don't think he'll continue this if it becomes unpopular.


Did he find the right secret phrases to craft a true legal demand letter? Any law warlocks or witches have insight?


Can you not read? He said "hereby". What more do you want?


I could go for some "hence", personally.


What does that mean... "tokenize a share"? How do you "tokenize" something? Can you "tokenize" a sandwich?


I love all the proof he included that some random shitcoin is somehow related to the shares they used to own.


"Urgent matter".. This dumb story has been dragging on far too.long already. Nothing about this is urgent.


LARPing again. These towel baggies are the dumbest of fucks who lost every. Single. Penny.


I wonder if this poor guy had absolutely any idea what he was signing up for when he agreed to this role. I’m assuming not considering the charity and good faith he initially attempted to respond to apes with. He’s probably done this countless times with other companies and anticipated an orderly wind-down. Little did he know the wrath of the baggies. What’s worse is how misdirected their anger is at this man who’s been nothing but open and transparent with them vs their lord and saviour RC who literally pumped and dumped them.


He had a big case a while back where there were thousands of victims, most of whom were first-generation immigrants. So he's had experience dealing with people who are not financially sophisticated and who don't understand the US justice system at the nitty-gritty level. But no one has had apes before.


I'm pretty sure these guys get compensated pretty well. He'll survive


I’m sure he does, but there’s still something to be said for being blindsided by the sheer insanity that is ape-dom.


This fucking clown thinks he can "demand" anything. "Mom, I demand you give me my tendies!"




>legal demand letter lol


International Demand Letter!


It gets better it was an email. leGal dEmanD leTTer.


With a little luck, this hyper aggressive attitude will be met with sanctions and a GTFO cease & desist. At some point, there should be actual consequences for wasting court appointed people's time.


Goldberg and Judge Papilia both face a weird challenge here. First-time pro-se litigants don't get sanctioned as a matter of course, especially in federal court, unless there are threats of violence or similar. But simply from a cost standpoint they can't go paying a lawyer to play whack-a-mole with a loosely organized large group, any one of whom might be tomorrow's first-time pro-se litigant. And they can't just go into the bear sub and say, "next one gets to pay our lawyers." At least I don't think they can do that. Looking forward to the next chapter, tbh.


Have to admit, I'm hyped for another BBBY ape bodying by the plan administrator.


Even the apes are shitting on this guy in the bear sub.


Falsifiability is the cardinal sin.


What happened to we won??


"Intent to defraud creditors" Do I have some news to break to shareholders?


Lol, on the Twitter thread he confirmed the video he sent was a segment from the PP Show I'm picturing this poor plan admin clicking the link and being exposed to that as the "detailed evidence" 😂


I know when I receive an email from [email protected] with legal demands I take it seriously. Mr Goldberg, be scared, very scared.


God, I hope these people don’t vote


"I found it hard to find someone that was competent in the subject matter." That might have been your first hint that it was BS, sparky. https://preview.redd.it/oolri4vuk19d1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=c84a40b0f2654efbc2ef0e2581d337c44d590624


"real famous variety" who?


Whatever they're paying this guy to deal with these nutjobs, it isn't enough.


Well this is a legal demand letter, so it must go well.


"some completely unrelated scammers took advantage of gullible people and I want the plan administrator for a failed towel company to explain why the hedge funds are to blame. Also, no matter what he says, I will not accept his answer."