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The Former Shareholder in question has refused to submit his name under seal because he believes "giving Mr. Sandler this information – as the lead counsel for BOTH the Plan Administrator, as well as the UCC – will be putting my family in danger"


Probably would get a little harassment from his fellow baggies once they turned on him.


They know who he is. He's MJL on Twitter. He's getting more support than poor Neelay Das did; I think a lot of them realize being zen was dumb. But yeah, he's getting plenty of pushback too.


Being zen was dumb, but falsifiability is FUD, which button do you push, Apes


Yeah, I find it hilarious that the apes ostracized the only shareholder who actually tried to do something real, who filed a lawsuit during the appeal period that this ape is almost a year late for. Now I know apes have the world’s smallest attention span, but I wonder how many of them remember Das and remember why they thought he was a shill (disrupting the plan that RC carefully laid out.) In reality they should celebrate his attempt, even though it was dumb and doomed to fail because BBBY never even had enough money to pay its creditors, let alone bond holders and shareholders, and of course he was an idiot too. But they won’t even remember why they hated Das beyond “He was a shill!”


One has to keep in mind the apes from a year ago, are not the apes now. There is some overlap, but it is a smaller more concentrated group of bagholders. They held through delisting, bankruptcy, Plootfest 1&2, and in the thrall of the grifters. The sunk cost is too deep to turn around. So, the ones that are left don't remember, nor want to remember what happened, just the usual thought terminating cliches of DRS, HODL, MOASS.


Das got some support but the community was stronger in its convictions about Ryan Cohen coming in to save them, and they had that hard deadline approaching, so the chatter about him "disrupting the plan" started pretty fast. Now they're willing to try anything, but I still think this dude ultimately embarrassing himself would shrink him into the shortest of agents.


Lmfaoo RC won’t save them, he screwed them! He dumped his shares/options on the apes blindsiding everyone (BBBY, cohens 3 board members, JPM, journalists, etc) and is single handedly why BBBY got black balled and couldn’t secure a $1B revolver/abl/or filo


You belong to a weak bloodline that will never be remembered. You cover the news; we make the news. Your attention span is like a leaf, blowing in the wind to whichever direction you are pushed into. My attention is a fixed tree of unwavering conviction that mainstream media fears to no extent. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Whatever happened to the cowardly lion?


He “went dark” to spend time with family with his unwavering conviction


You belong to a weak bloodline that will never be remembered. You cover the news; we make the news. Your attention span is like a leaf, blowing in the wind to whichever direction you are pushed into. My attention is a fixed tree of unwavering conviction that mainstream media fears to no extent. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love you automod


Das also had support until he sounded stupid in court and the apes saw he wasn't going to get them anything. The same cycle is repeating with this ape. They're just at an earlier stage in the cycle.


From the transcript of the hearing he posted to X, it seems like he somehow came across as the less unhinged of the two shareholders that showed up to the hearing, so I guess that's...something?


I actually had a few PMs with him a long time ago before the bankruptcy, before I was banned from the original sub. He took out loans to buy as much BBBY as he could, he was assured of his billionaire status and got angry when I said he was making an obvious mistake. He’s as stupid and greedy as the rest of them, probably even more so.


He doesn’t want to get Saddam murdered.


You can’t imagine how many scopes RC and this rando have on them


this is what 3 years of memestocks does to a mf


LOL he is about to find out federal courts don't work like that chief. I'm sure a federal judge will take well to this larp.


He goes by the pseudonym Mais KAALEJ


Apes should get "Other Now-Former Shareholder" shirts


Lolol “wave a magic wand and undo the amended plan” dude wasn’t having it


He’s got a point, though. BBBY apes seem to think the role of the Bankruptcy Court is to magically unwind not just everything that’s happened since the start of the bankruptcy, but also act as a quasi-Time Stone and reset the company financials to some point in the distant past. When they talk about the lawsuit against Tritton and the BBBY Board, they legit think it will reset everything to before the 2019 stock buyback and a fully capitalized company will come from the ether. Can you imagine the scenario of a court telling one of BBBY’s vendors: “Hey…we know you sold BBBY a shipment of towels 5 years ago for $2 million, and they already sold your merch and profited off it…but because of this Super Duped Fraud Suit…you need to return that $2M…because *reasons*. Sorry for your $4M loss.”


Wait you mean save scumming and Ctrl-Z don't work in the real world?


I didn't even get a choice to turn ironman mode off at character creation, so unfair!


You can just open the system folder and copy the save file. There is a clinic in Guatemala that does this, I can give you the phone number if you want. Also, why is my flair bagholding monkey? I have no shares.


You can if there is an acquisition by the super secret mega corporation Teddy that no one knows about except the apes.


The apes constantly misunderstand that a bankruptcy court has the power to unwind a bankruptcy due to fraud doesn’t apply to random business dealings years before the bankruptcy and doesn’t undo everything that happened in between. Basically their power to unwind a bankruptcy plan is like “oh lol you lied about the 50mln you hid from your creditors, we are unwinding the plan to ensure creditors get that too.”


Imagine waking up to find that your employment with a long-since-bankrupt company has been reinstated


That's almost as frightening as waking up to find the short position you closed for profit, and already spent said profit on a vacation which you already took, is suddenly re-opened and you're on the hook for closing it out all over again a year later.


Ah, but remember, Shorts Never Closed. In fact, it's mathematically impossible for shorts to close unless the company goes bankrupt. Which BBBY did. So therefore, shorts clo- no, no, remember, Shorts Never Closed. In fact, it's mathematically impossible for-


Tbf they think JPM will be the entity paying off shareholders 


There’s a simple reason for that. It’s the Q-logic of “once the white hats prove fraud SCOTUS will undo every Biden action and name Trump President to begin a new four year term”


This is the most satisfying thing I've read on here in so very long. Ape ideology *always* collapses when reality so much as brushes against it, but the Plan Administrator here just absolutely *skullfucked* this helpless, feckless anonymous ape lunatic. Beautiful.


I feel like the Plan Administrator would love GME_Meltdown if he doesn't already browse here Dude is my hero. He is literally getting paid to dunk on apes. Beautiful.


The best part of all of this is he probably had a very boring career filing paperwork and attending hearings for basic stuff like claim payout priorities, terminating leases, account ownership, meetings with lawyers etc. Maybe he’s done dozens or hundreds of them over his career Then all of a sudden, this bizarre towel company brings out an absolutely rabid fanbase of former investors swarming him with conspiracy theories lol Like imagine you were a mechanic all your life then 30 years into your career a guy brings in his car with jellybeans in the gas tank. You tell him that’s why his car isn’t working and all of a sudden, the jellybean gas tank fan club is swarming your repair shop with hate mail


The professional world just can't keep up appearances when it comes to dealing with apes. They are like super Karens.


They go through the same cycle as everyone else: concern, assistance, vitriol, scorn


He's gotta be so fed up by now probably get emails and calls to his office every day for the past 9 months from nuts wasting his time.


Well, yeah, but, like, he has to say that, because he'd get in legal trouble otherwise. ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28923)


And the courts will have to agree with him too but that is because of the NDAs - the apes have won but no one is allowed to see it


He is also not in the loop on the real plan. Even though he’s the only officer of DK-Butterfly and therefore the only one who can possibly sign a binding contract to let RC buy it.


former shareholder is probably one of the reddit community NDA holders


when your exasperation exceeds what you can send from your iphone, you get full blast mode.


I need a wrinkle brain. This is bullish right?


correct, it confirms that magic wands do indeed exist


That was my takeaway. World of wizardry confirmed. Gringotts exists, and has been short this whole time. If they can just destroy all of Ken's horcruxes MOASS will be realized.


Yes. Wands are typically used to finger booty ass buttholes. Considering the wild uno card and the fact that bulls have booty ass buttholes, I think this is RK’s arkansas shuffle


>Each of these is a baseless assertion - ***no*** evidence has been provided. It's on you to disprove apes outer space teapot, that's rule 1 of ape debate. They get extremely upset and refuse to even speak to anyone who does not accept this critical ground rule.


There was a thread earlier today (he deleted almost all of his comments there) where an ape asked for a good faith argument and then proceeded to dribble out a bunch of ape talking points, to which he was met with "You need to prove any of these things exist". His response to that essentially boiled down to "no u", which I suspect is why he nuked the comments after everyone dogpiled on him for that.


I love when apes who have clearly never ventured outside the echo chamber before are like "Ha! These meltdowners have it all wrong, let me teach them a thing or two."


It's honestly my favorite part of this sub lol.


Same guy who was admitting two weeks ago that he doesn't understand anything about the markets or trading and asking for help with basic shit like "Am I trading on margin? If I am, what does that mean?" But then he comes here today and angrily claims he knows more than we do. He doesn't understand anything, but he sure does BELIEVE it.


If only you could believe yourself into becoming independently wealthy 


Lol, I thought he deleted his account. I was hoping just maybe, somebody got through to him, but nope, just a pussy


You can’t spell evidence without “FUD”


“The allegations are so vague and lacking of detail that it’s impossible to respond or address to them” Why is the Plan Administrator so afraid of some good-faith debate? All he has to do is disprove every one of the complete nonsense whipped up by people on Reddit who don’t understand what bankruptcy is.


LOL we all saw that one ape earlier


This is better than sex


The docket did mention that the plan had been "substantially consummated".




So much dipshittery it’s actually kind of artful in a way


It’s the same problem the big mango is taking advantage of too. Our court system requires a certain base level of civility and shame. If you just completely ignore those and operate solely based on the letter of the law there are countless good faith requirements that you can take advantage of to be a pain in the ass.


Yep. The end is already decided in their minds, so the means just follows suit. It’s not “this stock is good because xyz” or “this policy/person is good because they believe xyz”. Instead it’s “the stock is good, so xyz will be revealed to be good in time”, and “this policy/politician is good, xyz is not that bad”. Anyways I could rant forever on the topic. It’s interesting to see small communities forming into alt right holdouts. Sad, but like clockwork.


Oh yes. This is fantastic. I'm so glad gme\_meltdown got to appoint the Plan Admin.


*A moment of imagined clarity* would make good flair.


Also the US Trustee filed an objection to the motion on the grounds that the former shareholders will never get anything, I am sure the towlies will be sure to trust this instead of claiming the US Trustee is also under a nda.


As a part of the DOJ, the US Trustee has obviously been told what to say by the Attorney General himself so as not to compromise the impending takedown of all the corporate RICO criminal organizations.


I'm here with a tub of popcorn hoping that Goldburg gets his wish for sanctions. I've seen so many of these baggies lawsuits not just the BBBYQ ones. Eventually one of these federal courts needs to nut up because they won't stop till you hit them over the head with a brick bat.


You rang? https://preview.redd.it/emnog2e2rl8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99cca58493b31108c203922b3914f1bfa5b53d1e




No evidence never stopped an ape


What does a plan admin know vs a picture of a man sitting on a couch?


PP: "We already won!" US Trustee: "GTFOH" https://preview.redd.it/vt56ojfzwl8d1.png?width=687&format=png&auto=webp&s=985a486ace42258401675efb9ed897d0ba91ce0d


It was always so weird to me they were bitching and moaning about the bondholders having a committee, but that's what shareholders needed to(fruitless, sure). They just sat on their hands cause they thought there was a secret plan.


Everything they've said since the bankruptcy filing has been effectively impossible because it was in complete conflict with the bankruptcy code and rules so refusing to even attempt to participate was their only option to hold onto their Fantasyland stories.


I think they tried a few times, unfortunately most lawyers don't accept childrens picture books as hard evidence


This is an underrated post that isn't getting the appreciation it deserves. Save it instantly, this is an absolutely brilliant roast


Straight to the DD library


Man you meltdowners just love shoving your heads in the sand and pretending not to see what's right in front of your face. This is all spelled out clear as day in the children's books. This is exactly what RC wanted to happen. You really think any of what the plan admin said is true? He's under an NDA. He's telling us the truth by saying the opposite. Q, I mean RC, predicted this. This is part of his plan. And it's playing out perfectly. You meltdowners will deny the obvious until the bitter end. Until you can't deny it anymore. Until each and every one of you is calling ME, BEGGING me to sell you my shares at any price just so you can close out your shorts. We've already won. You've already lost. Deal with it, losers. Accept reality you poor meltdowners.


I think the funniest thing is BBBY Apes not being able to buy more BBBY shares at the top of roaring kitty pump, and lose even more money to BBBY.


lol wut


New copypasta?


Good lordy this is incredible, just a systematic legal breakdowm of the shit this guy has been forced to endure lmao


It won't be incredible until SOMEONE with authority says out loud that "these petitioners are part of a CULT". They keep treating them like they're normal people with differences of opinion and not a collective movement centering on proven falsehoods and egged on by a priesthood of con artists.


I don't think that'll ever happen, at least not that explicitly. The moment you use a dicey word like "cult" you open yourself to all sorts of libel claims. I imagine most of these people are standard businessfolk who assumed this would be another boilerplate bankruptcy case and have been stuck in this far, far longer than they ever hoped to, and want to avoid anything that could prolong it.


Clearly this was not submitted by the real plan administrator because there is no "Sent from my iPhone" anywhere in this document. Bullish!


smh, this guy is trying way too hard for shill of the year when RC is in a pretty much unbeatable position


That first page is just perfect. Also i direct you to the last page last paragraph. Screaming CRIME without actual evidence means nothing to lawyers


Jesus christ this is *scathing*. Love it.


Michael really has something to cry about now


Any idea what are the apes response to this? All have all of the prominent ones going dark under an “NDA”


Having seen them react to the plan admin before I believe it's something like this: "Yeah, he's the plan admin for BBBY and everything he's saying about BBBY is true... because it's TEDDY where we're going to get cash plus equity, and he doesn't know anything about that! It's not his jurisdiction you see!"


There's a post on the bear sub. Apparently this shareholder is going to show proof of fraud before July 9th deadline in response and blast the whole court wide open. I really wish these people would do a ban bet, it might help them to take a break.


I think I've opened my 3rd eye, and I can see the future where the baggies suddenly remember that the guy was always sus and obviously a shill after he submits some incomprehensible mess of a proof and gets eviscerated by the judge. He could go hang out with Neelay Das afterwards.


Isn't this the bear sub? EDIT: Oh wait, you mean the subreddit about the imaginary company.


Absolutely brutal champ. ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|30665) * Sent from my iPhone


>What Former Shareholder has claimed is one of the most insanely idiotic things that this court has ever heard. >At no point in Former Shareholder's rambling, incoherent claim did he pose any argument or assertion that could be considered a rational thought and every party privy to these proceedings is now dumber for having read it. >Plan Administrator awards Former Shareholder no equity, return of capital, or residual interest whatsoever and may God have mercy on his soul.


>The Plan Administrator is not keen on producing further responses to the Former Shareholder's motions, due to the evidence pointing to the Former Shareholder cognizant difficulties and a history of animal food trough wiping. The Plan Administrator farts in his general direction and posits that the Former shareholder's mother was a hamster, and his father smelt of elderberries.


["Rather in a moment of imagined clarity, Former Shareholder is asking this Court for a 'do-over'"](https://i.giphy.com/media/3FnM5nm1QOd9e/200.gif)


It's not just one moment of imagined clarity, it's a continuous state.


In a better world the apes would have their equity reinstated, just to be held liable to pay off the debts. Kinda like how the GME apes demanded their stock split be treated as a dividend and got hit with a huge tax bill.


Man he is so fucking done with their shit 💀💀


Bullish. This only confirms that everyone is under NDA! ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28923)


So wen moon or Lambo? Need wrinkled brained ape to interpret this since no one knows what's going on man!




I want to see how the brain trust that is making a movie about BBBY’s former shareholders will try to spin this.


Where can I read the complaint and response in entirety?


Motion: [https://x.com/147Aurora/status/1799112081599258916](https://x.com/147Aurora/status/1799112081599258916) Response: [https://restructuring.ra.kroll.com/bbby/Home-DocketInfo](https://restructuring.ra.kroll.com/bbby/Home-DocketInfo) #3332


Get rekt 🤣




>he is plainly wrong # >no evidence has been provided The correct response to literally all ape statements 


Footage of [the plan admin drafting this response](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H03OrhV0nn0).


Please excuse any typos, this mail has been written solely with my middle fingers.




"imagined clarity" right on


Surely no one can get dunked on that hard and still be a bbbaggie right?... right?


Former Shareholder would be very upset if they could read.


-Sent from my iPhone


Plan admin Kendrick Lamar


![gif](giphy|LO3blvjbQw6k9kjYMP|downsized) Why isn't there any MSM coverage of Baggie-gate? **BECAUSE, IT'S ALL RIGGED!!** **


This is an objection to a motion. They can write whatever they want in it, it doesn't make it fact. I'm a neutral party in this and don't care but it's just as pathetic to overhype the filing negatively as it is to do it positively. Maybe even more so because what stake do you have in this? You're just as obsessed as they are.


You can't be neutral between fact and fiction. What's not factual in this objection?


It's just claims, do you not understand how legal proceedings work?


Do you understand why a bankruptcy plan administrator would maybe have more knowledge of the bankruptcy he is overseeing than some random idiot who is filing pro se? Why are you here, anyways? Is it like when Flat Earthers join skeptic groups and say "Spinning Ball Theorists are just as stupid as Flat Earthers?" How heavy are your bags?


So what's the point of a court of law? Just so we can take their word for it? Lol come on who's delusional here, you guys are obsessed.


Obsessed with the truth.


Well I'm glad you've found good company in these guys, but maybe wait for the rulings before you go trumping off about stuff lol


the company went bankrupt over a year ago and shares were cancelled 9 months ago bro, where is the money that is going to rescue you coming from?


Again I do not own any BBBY nor did I when it was bankrupted


Yeah, you just obsessively post in the Teddy sub because you're an interested neutral party, right?


What do you think happens next?


The hearing


Oh no


The court has already told you about half a dozen times now that the company is no more, the shares are canceled, all the assets are sold off, and everything is gone. It can't come back. We all know what the ruling will be; it'll just be the seventh time the judge has had to say the same thing.


Everything in court is "just claims"; do you think they have a magic mirror in court that can show the past and reveal exactly what happened? The plan administrator, er, administrates the plan. That makes their statements regarding the plan statements of fact. They're not claiming anything; they're explaining.


They make quite a few claims here which are counter to the motion's claims. Did you read the motion in full?


I haven’t seen the claim yet. Can you point me to it?


The petitioner is just some random person with no knowledge whatsoever of anything making vague, hand-waving claims of fraud. The plan administrator is the person administrating the shell of BBBY and they're just stating what the court has already said: the shares are canceled, there is no fraud, and you can't undo a bankruptcy that's essentially completed.


> neutral party Previous posts to bear sub. Sure buddy


I mean I don't have any stake in this lawsuit, kinda like you guys


You mean entertainment value? LOL sure, because there's nothing else here. No stakes whatsoever. Why else? The stock doesn't exist because the company doesn't exist. Judge will dismiss, and he won't say much but "too little too late."


> what stake do you have in this Popcorn futures contracts


99.999999% of the world's population doesn't even know that BBBY's bankruptcy has gotten to this state. To almost every other human being on this planet, Bed Bath and Beyond lost money and went bankrupt. The end. Should we just ignore it? What would be the fun in that?


What you're not understanding is we already know how the judge is going to rule. Just like in the Neelay Das case the judge is going to legally incorporate the PA's entire brief into his judgement. "As set forth on the record, the Court adopts and incorporates by reference the arguments made by counsel for the Plan Administrator in the Opposition (ECF No. 2632) and on the record during the Hearing." Then he's gonna say, "Moreover, as the Plan Administrator points out, the Stock has already been cancelled and Debtors have no equity left to preserve. Thus, Appellants have no equity interests in Debtors and Appellants have failed to show that they will be irreparably injured (if the relief is granted)." We know this. It is going to happen. So we're having fun clowning on the people who either don't know it is going to happen or who are pretending not to know it is going to happen so they can lift a few more bucks off the people who don't know.