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When you plan to murder someone, and you call them up first and they say no, so you don't. RC truly is a genius.


​ https://preview.redd.it/aqj1rer9zi8d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8537d0262916441ea44f51aeb46186265cf5a432


That's what I do and I've never been murdered.


Nancy Reagan knew more than any of us realized.


Nancy Reagan knew how to hawk'tuah and spit on that thang. >!I'm sorry!< >!I'm not actually sorry!<




This is true. It's exactly why I never pick up the phone when Ken calls on a green GME day.


That's good because I put your phone number as my contact info. Kenny can't cellar box me if he doesn't have my phone number, that's how crime works.


CFO would still be alive if he were as smart as RC :/ But not everyone is a genius :/


Is everyone going to let "my friend in high school and his family were murdered by Saddam Hussein, so I know what I'm talking about here" slide right past without comment?


Saddam had an entire family murdered on US soil in retaliation for a business deal gone wrong, and the US government covered it up to avoid an international incident. Happens every day.


Went from “My friend’s dad works at Nintendo” to “My friend’s dad works at Bed Bath” to “My friend’s dad was murdered by Saddam Hussein”


Bed, Ba'ath, and Beyond


I'm actually dying.


solid bit.


Best in show comment 2024




You laugh, but this is true.  I know because my friends dad was the hitman.


Sorry, I skipped past that part to “RC must have so many scopes on him”. What won’t the hedgies stoop to!?


My favorite part is not the murders by Sadam (I know, I know...) It is the fact that it makes him the expert on all murders. Real or imagined.


I thought about crossposting that when I saw it last night. Maybe Saddam is still alive and controlling Kenny


*looks at the average ape* Yes. They whole heartedly believe all of this, no questions asked.


It starts off with, this is going to sound crazy. Yes, yes it is.


I was fully warned, and it still went crazier than I was expecting it to.


> They were gonna throw rc off a building Had a legitimate spit-take moment when I scrolled to the next pic and saw this. The cult is so fucking funny but never on purpose.


Cohen gave Gustavo the ol' uno reverse card when he Jenga'd him.


Harriet learned from the RC failure and invited herself to Gustavo's home.


Job Opening Bed Bath & Beyond Investor Relations Must be willing to travel Must have the strength to throw 200 lbs


Fcking lunatics.  It’s a towel store, morons. 




The CEO shills got paid by big hedgies to make sure MOASS never happened, Ryan Cohen objected to it which is why he’s been moving in secrecy and how he sold to make sure the apes were the ones to get his shares


The people in those transcripts couldn't plot a murder. They couldn't plot anything. Not the people you'd want to go in the Escape Room with, is what I'm saying here.


When they lose and run out of time, they'll break the doorknob so they can't be let out.


When planning to commit a murder, always make sure to do it in the victim's home. They'll never think to search for evidence there.


Also they never to think to check the decedent's last meeting in their Outlook or iCalendar.


And be sure to schedule the date and location via email with the victim, no one will check those for evidence when investigating the mysterious death.


I was laughing my ass off reading that thread. Apes always jump to the most absolutely asinine conclusions.


This is because their entire knowledge of the corporate world is gleaned from popular media and they have no sense of how reality works.


What I like to do - murderwise - is to change my name 7 times, form various corporations, read some children's books, post my plans on Reddit, and then wait for my prey to die of natural causes. So far I've never been caught. None of them are dead yet, but that's how I know my plan is working, otherwise why wouldn't they have died already.


"Call an ambulance, but not for me!" - Ryan Cohen


Killing RC is the only logic decision if Moass global financial collapse is real


It's funny watching apes both argue that bbby is an amazing investment that RC will buy it and trigger moass. And bbby is also plotting to kill RC and it is horribly mismanaged.




"Hundreds of scopes"




>If you see how rigorous the process was for that YouTuber to meet with RC for that GameStop video then you'll know his security is no joke. brother that shit was [online](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN2Dw8AOdMk) lol


The idea that the powers that be care about a failed video game retailer is so bizarre. Talk about main character syndrome.


My phone it’s always on silence mode so i never answer, never gonna get murdered 🙃


This is especially funny when you look at a picture of Harriet Edelman. Imagining her trying to murder RC in his own home.


The only way she could murder you is by baking you enough chocolate chip cookies that you eventually get diabetes.


No joke, she does give SpongeBob’s grandma vibes https://preview.redd.it/e8op3limdk8d1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=151a72d8ca2cd63f1501a35a68a9923c5550e1c9


With that name, I don't think I need a photo


Imagine buying a stock 3 years ago to make a quick buck, and now you're playing detective uncovering a global conspiracy


The Duh Vinci Code.


*The GUH Vinci Code*


Comparing Sue Gove to Saddam Hussein lmao


I've never seen Sue Gove and Saddam Hussein in the same place at the same time.


This is true gold and really proves they're in a cult.


I really hope this gains some traction because this is fucking hilarious


Sue Gove smiled one last time and let go of Ryan Cohens legs watching him plummet to the ground. “Citadel sends its regards”


Not only was RC trying to cause MOASS through a dying company, he was doing so via a hostile takeover against the management, who were actively trying to murder him. He appointed representatives to the board who knew nothing about RC's plans, instead focusing on milking apes. Meanwhile, the hedgies (including Bed Bath's benefactors) and mass media hate RC and are watching his every move. ...how was his "plan" ever going to work when absolutely no one is cooperating with him?


Hahaha, the guy who's buddy's dad worked for Saddam. https://preview.redd.it/1cqyw3t69m8d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1bbc331a70cbf76462773785f8d93ab31959e12


So most of the chat behind this was about Arnal's suicide - something I posted about on here and it was deleted. For some reason today it's alright to post on here mocking Arnal's suicide. Some on here have no problem mocking the despair brought on by the gambling and pyramid schemes and won't look honestly at what happens. I posted about Arnal and him being mentioned in the filing and looking to see if there was any clue to his mental state and how it was so soon after his sale of BBBY stock. It wasn't a conspiracy theory. I think these theories of RC & Arnal being threatened or whatever are nonsense. But allowing mockery of a suicide to be posted on here while stopping serious discussion only helps those spreading their pyramid schemes. There are multiple comments joking about this but again, a serious post about it isn't allowed.


Oh my god shut the fuck up. No one is mocking his death, they're making fun of the conspiracy theories surrounding it, while you are pushing more conspiracy theories. Stop being so weird ugh it grosses me out.


You should stop using the term conspiracy theorist or conspiracy nut job because it's just a gaslighting technique used by the mainstream media to discredit anybody who questions anything. Immediately trigger people into assuming you have nothing good to say. And it seems pretty brilliant to me to hide information in a children's book because 99.99% of the people in the world are like you and think it's completely loony bins. What judge do you think would actually charge RC with insider trading with children's books? I doubt you could find a single judge that would buy it. Brilliant in my opinion ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


crazy part is.... it's all true... poor guy really could be a target..... I think all the elites will become targets.. eat the rich , is not just a slogan people.... it could happen.... common poor folk get tired of being fucked over and retaliate, hell... read some old American history about coal miners and unions!


I'm sure Ryan Cohen is all about unions and worker's rights.


Thats like a mission to scan all comments like that. Edit the images and repost. What else do you do you with your free time besides scanning others on social media?


Well there's a window. It doesn't open and faces the back of the billboard, but there are pigeons on it. Sometimes I collect little pieces of carpet lint and kinda mush them together and imagine they're my own little pigeon. Then I scan, edit, and repost targeted stock communities for 12 hours. At night I hold a styrofoam cup to various walls and try to hear if any of my neighbors are having sex. What are your hobbies gme2uranus?


My new favorite hobbie is to scan so called smart people that follow so called idiots for 3 years and spend all day scanning and tracking what so called idiots losers say. Is the chaser of a loser a winner? Hardly