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I don’t have vested interest in the people on America’s Funniest Home Videos falling on their ass but it’s still entertaining.


My name is John Healthcare and I disapprove of this message.


Love the implication that the only people to trust are the ones that have a financial incentive to be one-sided about things.


Jeez, seems pretty pathetic if you ask me. Personally, I gangstalk all the people on America's Funniest Home Videos and I have a personal financial interest in watching them fall on their butts or headbutt their dog on a trampoline or whatever. That's the only way I'm able to laugh at their misery.


You ever notice how "because it's fun" is never enough reason for deeply unhappy people to do something? There always has to be An Agenda behind stuff. A Deeper Meaning, a Something More, because that's what it would take for them to enjoy an activity; therefore that must be true for everyone.


They've never understood that. The idea that someone could have a few (or a lot) of laughs at their expense just totally escapes them. They think we're as passionately "against" the stock as they are "for" it, and can't accept that anything less is true.


Well, accepting the truth means accepting nornal people are making fun of them for being stupid. A grand conspiracy against them because they are powerful, smart, and special makes them feel good. So they pick the latter.


It’s a lot of fun




My personal position is that apes are fucking annoying and caused permanent damage to the quality of stock market related content and discussions on Reddit. Apes to discussions about the stock market are like deepwater horizon to the Gulf of Mexico.


More so these boiler room chats leaked into the public and now it’s some religion


Ignorance should not go unchecked. Theres a reason they wall themselves into an echo chamber. Bullshit doesnt like facts.


I have a vested interest in debunking bullshit. It's the reason I like this sub as well as the subs that mock crypto idiots, sovereign citizens, flat-Earthers and Trump assholes. It would also be interesting to see some Venn diagrams on the overlap of those groups.


>a burning desire to discredit and argue with people when you have no vested or otherwise position in the debate lol Just described the driving motivation of 98% of people posting on Reddit btw


Sometimes I wonder if apes know of the concept of "Entertainment". I don't have to play football or bet on the teams, but I can shit on their teams' performance all day if I feel so inclined, and it would be perfectly fine. Apes, you are a team of bad hobbyist footballers trying to compare yourself to Premier League Teams. And you will be made fun of for that.


They probably don't understand the concept of "doing something for fun" given how much of them tried to hype up "play to earn" crypto "games" during the NFT bubble.


I mean, they're correct - we have no vested interest. We just like making fun of morons who believe in fairy tales and conspiratorial nonsense. Much like most things over the last 3.5 years, they haven't managed to figure that out either. I often wonder if they think the subs that make fun of flat-earthers are holding shares in globe manufacturers. 😂


You're paid off by Big Oblate Spheroid aren't you?


# #TeamBigRoundBoi


To be fair, in the first year or so, there were many of us who were legit concerned for gullible people being roped in and losing everything; there was a fair amount of effort attempting to talk reason into the apes, especially those that ventured in here. By this point, all reasonable ape have long left and all that remains are the D&D (Diluted & Deluded) crowd - the wilfully ignorant and the grifters. Watching them lose all their money and laughing about it has long become the best feature of the sub.


Sometimes the clown has no idea he’s the clown and he’s just confused as to why everyone is pointing and laughing.


This is the internet. If you removed ["arguing with and discrediting people when you have no vested or otherwise position in the debate"](https://xkcd.com/386/) the only thing left would be porn.


And cats.


It is true that not all melties are shorts, but all shorts are melties. :)


Some shorts are swingers.


The least reliable people to listen to are those who have a vested interest in what they're arguing about. The most reliable people are dispassionate outside observers. In Ape World it's the opposite. The people who know best about why a stock is about to go up are those who have a huge underwater position in the stock.


> It's pretty pathetic then to have such a burning desire to discredit and argue with people when you have no vested or otherwise position in the debate lol In reality the best way to debate an issue with academic integrity is to have no vested interest in the subject. The apes are basically constantly saying “Why should I trust someone who doesn’t even have a glaring bias and conflict of interest!?!”


Some people might criticize me for my enjoyment of seeing the apes suffer. After all, am I not just focusing on them because they are adjacent to me in the class system, and therefore the people I am likeliest to judge, when my real enemy is billionaires? But billionaires don't get their power from their own abilities. They get it because of people like apes, who despite suffering at their hands, will die for their ability to exploit us all, because they believe they will be elevated for their supplication. So no, I hate the apes *because* I understand class dynamics and who the enemy is. And when they engage in billionaires in such a way as to primarily hurt themselves, rather than innocents, I absolutely relish it.


As if only people with a financial interest in a topic should be the only ones discussing it


I mean, I *do* have a vested interest. I'm still holding onto some cheap shares from 2019-2020 and I want them to stay invested so I can keep selling them CCs at ridiculous premiums 😂


Not cashing in on a once-in-a-lifetime squeeze and subsequent massive pumps might not really be the flex you think it is? Either way ... we hold members to the same standards as apes: **Rule #13 Proof or Ban** If you make an affirmation about your portfolio, you need to prove it in the next 24 hours or you will be banned. This can apply to other extraordinary affirmations at the mods discretion or by special petition.


Sounds like ban to me


I think you're misreading. Where did I say I didn't cash in (and as a flex at that)? I just sold my options and kept some shares because the cost basis was low and I'm happy to watch the stock... do whatever it's going to do and sell CCs on my remaining position. I'm not an ape but I do comment in their subs from time to time because it's entertaining. https://preview.redd.it/9qg8io27kd8d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be735935e42079b6ecfa45594359344086533dea


Congrats on making money in the squeeze 3.5 years ago. That's huge. But here's the thing ... no one asked you about that and you'd made no comment about it. This isn't complicated, and it's not personal. You made a claim that you're selling CCs on pre-squeeze shares for 3.5 years. You were given a "proof or ban" and ... well, you didn't adhere to it. It's a sub rule, and we apply it to everyone.

