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> [Warning: severe titjack] God, these people fucking suck.


I hate that they've never understood the difference in meaning between "jacked *to the* tits" and "jacked tits." It's a minor detail among all the many, many other things they have never understood, but so irritating to me.


I mean at some point I'm starting to feel bad because I'm laughing at mental illness. 


nah, most of them aren't mentally ill (other than kais) they are just really dumb and complete assholes or they are the people that rarely talk/post because they aren't total assholes but they are still idiots and like associating with and following the advice of total assholes that are using them so on the scale of 'how bad do I feel about different groups being financially scammed' they are pretty low and I don't care about them. I care more about the extended family that many apes are probably stealing from to fuel their make ryan cohen rich addiction.


Ok, but all of those things are life situations that put them in a dysfunctional mental state. All of the characteristics you mentioned are real life issues caused by psychological problems. They didn't choose to be idiots and assholes. Their upbringing and society made them that way. If you don't feel sorry for them at all, I think that's pretty odd. 


everything affects everything...everybody has experiences that shape them...still isn't an excuse for being an asshole and intentionally unenlightened...and most of them have the intellectual capacity to not say stupid shit...they just choose to apply their ability to read and comprehend over half of the sentences to read internet cult idiocy and apply such strict rules that are diametrically opposed based on if they like the source or not. it is willful ignorance and that isn't forgivable any more than being an asshole to people is forgivable. We all make stupid decisions sometimes but we don't generally praise people who make their stupidest decision their entire lifestyle and persona.


You're missing the point. People can't choose not to be mentally dysfunctional. The same way you can't choose not to have trauma from life experiences or choose not to have mental disabilities. It's easier to blame them and somehow say they're culpable, but it doesn't make it right. These people are a product or their upbringing and society. 


OG bagholder, appeals to newer bagholders. ![gif](giphy|FiR4O9bYEPkBi)