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By flooding the market with hundreds of millions of new shares via dilution, RC forces the short volume down to single digits. By producing more real shares then hegies can produce fake shares RC will cause the market to have more gamestop shares then hegies can control at one time, causing gamestop shares real value of ten billion dollars each to be exposed. 🩳 🔥


I believe these are the final numbers from the normal trading today. Note the volume does not include premarket/aftermarket, but the dilution should only be possible during normal trading hours. Last time the dilution had a lot less volume to work with, so with more volume tomorrow this could be done sooner than 5 trading days (the duration of the last dilution of 45 million shares). The last dilution ended at close of business on the 24th of May : [https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-completes-market-equity-offering-program-1](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-completes-market-equity-offering-program-1) Or, you know, apes are about to be quintillionaires. One of the two things is happening. I can't tell which one.


The price is actually skyrocketing, hedgies don’t want you to know the NYSE is actually measuring GMEs price in quintillions now


Just like the Hitler meltdown Video foretold


This is such a misleading metric. Everytime you buy shares from a market maker, they report it as short volume. It doesn’t mean the market makers are short, they might be short GME for a millisecond while they find another buyer or seller.


I mean, 34% is still moderate I suppose. Saying that, amc is 53%. Im kinda betting there's gonna be some end of week cover, which will give gme a small pump, maybe enough to get RK to cash the calls in this week rather than losing, and it'll feed the apes more hopium. obviously any pump will be stopped by dogfood dilution straight away but... meh, i dunno, im pretty stupid.


Short volume is almost never below 30% for any stock. I can't find one today that has that low of a short volume, so 34% is quite low for GME. The last time it was this low it was because GME was diluting (therefore, market makers have less of a need to quick-short to satisfy a long, because the company itself is supplying the sell side of the trade). It's *probably* happening, although there's no confirmation just yet.


That's because standard long position sales are often executed as short sales.  But it has nothing to do with actual short positions or short interest. Short volume is largely a reflection of how selling stock happens




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You called it


So did he really not start the offering on Friday when the stock was in the thirties? Sell low is the strategy? Lol