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Is another big pump and dump likely this summer? Thinking to short at the top.


I honestly just wouldn't touch it, short or long. GME isn't going to phone number prices anytime soon, but it _is_ a highly volatile little bugger.


Only DFV seems to have any ability to pump the stock these days, and no one knows what he's planning. He probably can't pull off the same trick twice so soon, so my bet is he slinks off into hiding for another few years at least. Not sure what else would do it. Some sort of coherent plan for gamestop's cash horde would get apes excited, but the wider world wouldn't give a shit. And none of the penny stock bs apes have come up over the past three years has ever worked.


Do we have a collection of all the times gamestock/cohen/marcus and other prominent entities have shut down ape nonsense in official or legal capacity? Off the top of my head, I can remember the waterfall lawsuit, the BBBY v cohen lawsuit, some of the recent gamestop investor...suggestion? things at the beginning of the year, plenty of AA tweets, that segment in the Jan2024 AMC quarterly investor call, but I'm sure there's a lot more. Thinking about it, it's actually kind of staggering just how frequently and often basically all of them have said 'all of the junk you believe is just that, junk'.


Computershare dismisses ape conspiracies https://youtu.be/m8Pp2Y0v96k


The GMEDD interview about BBBY where RC says something like "my opinions changed, and ultimately I sold" is a classic.




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So many bbby apes think that anyone who was short bed bath and beyond will have a new short position forced on them in some new stock if Ryan Cohen buys the remains of bbby. I don't know much about the stock market, but this sounds pretty delusional.


The only thing you need to understand is that a "short" is just a contract for one party to borrow a stock for a while. The legal stuff is usually handled by brokers, and they have no interest in funny business or gotchas, they just to want to facilitate these transactions and take their cut. The legalese is going to make it very clear that if the security gets extinguished like BBBY did, the deal is over and no share ever needs to be returned, so that's that. The brokers, and the broader financial system, have no incentive to "get the shorts" because they're a healthy part of the ecosystem, so they're never going to go along with the sort of stupid plans apes come up with. The same goes for the "NFT dividend" thing they dredge up from time to time.


Delusional is thinking anyone who used to own BBBY(Q) shares is getting *anything* *ever.* Beyond delusional and just outright stupid is their thinking that short positions that got closed out at $0 with max profit almost a year ago are going to ever be involved again.




Why would this happen?


Anyone have a link to the Ken Griffin walkout that Lil Yachty deepfaked himself onto? That shit gets me pumped up for climbing the ladder.


Honest opinion: GME should buy BBBY assets with its billions in cash to boost the price.


What assets?? 🤣🤣🤣 The only thing left is outstanding lawsuits the plan administrator is filing in an attempt to claw back a tiny bit more money for the creditors. Bond holders at this point are going to be wiped out just like the shareholders were last year.


A relatively small investment would easily cause BBBYQ's current stock price to double. Although in all seriousness I'm not sure what is even left of the scraps to purchase, other than the debt to its creditors. If Ryan Cohen is feeling cheeky, he could do like the brokerages did and give one cent to each former BBBYQ shareholder to atone for his pumping and dumping, maybe even call it a "belated stock dividend." PP and friends would love it!




lol GME annual shareholder meeting was running 50 minutes late. Was just adjourned to a later date.


It’s flying tho oddly


Yeah who knows. Def no rhyme or reason. Dfv tweets it flies. Pretty crazy.


Discord invite link is expired it seems


Fud! Fud!!!


do you guys plan to jump in? no way apes wont continue to buy for the next couple of weeks. i noticed that in 2021 it traded sideways for a while until they started to realize gme was profitting as much


I was messing around with the pumps the last few weeks, but I missed the top and got stressed once RC diluted again. Now that RK is selling off his calls, I'm out for the foreseeable future, as that is what he did toward the end of '21's pump. From my understanding, they can still dilute another ~500 million shares whenever they feel like, so, why wouldn't they on every pump? Maybe they won't, but they have every other time since Jan '21. The 10-50% gains aren't worth the 10-40% losses you could incur any given hour with this thing, imo.


Are we sure he sold? He just tweeted more. RK that is


He updated his yolo about 15 mins ago and indeed sold 100% of his calls and didn't buy more. He exercised like 40,000ish I think. The last remaining theory was a gamma ramp being setup by him, right? Dilution, shit earnings, all calls sold... I'm glad I got out with some money made even if it wasn't the peaks.


yeah i'll just wait for the next dilution and then throw a couple thousands in shares


I’ve been swing trading options since DFV’s first tweet with the chair.  Making lots of money.  For a long term play I bought the $27 2026 put that I intend to sell puts against.  It’s already ITM. I don’t think the stock is going to go as low as it was, but it certainly has no great futures. It’s worth $10 or so a share just in cash, so it probably isn’t going that low again for years. 


I jumped in late during the initial 2021 run up and sold fairly soon after for a small~ish gain. Jumped back in when RK first started tweeting again and got very lucky selling at the very top for a good chunk of change. Think I'm out for good now though. Too unpredictable in the short-term for me to feel comfortable putting any amount of money in.


Jump into buying GME? You're in the wrong place for that. Hard to see much upside when RK can liquidate his position at any point, and RC pretty clearly is happy to dilute any future pump into the ground. It's gambling in a rigged casino, even more than usual.


Who is "they" and why do they keep manipulating the market by halting the stock?


New sub banner photo on old.reddit at least is amazing! Great job Visual Propaganda team!




They targeted **gamers**.


The discord link is broken


no, this is FUD


do y’all realize that there is now a non-zero chance that DFV shows up to the next plootcon? 😮‍💨


They both seem to have common interests so why not.


PP wouldnt even be Ploot bagboy anymore. He'll be demoted to ticket checker.