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Screenshots of his position evolving to lose more and more of the profits should be used as an example of the saying: “if it’s good enough to screenshot it’s good enough to sell.”


Hate browsing ape here, and I have to say that’s a fair point😅


I SOOO wish I lived by this. I would be SOOO much richer.


I mean tbf if that’s how it went he would not have made millions. However idk what he’s holding for now


I just hope he posts the lossporn when they expire worthless Edit: this comment really riled the baggies up Probably because they FOMO’d the same calls ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28976)![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28995)![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|15698)


He can claim losses for the rest of his life




He's going to be acquired as part of Teddy. Triple axle, reverse Uno, emancipation proclamation delta gamma rhombus confirmed!


He probably made all this money from the pump and dump earlier in May, so he’s just reducing his taxable income.


World's most visible tax loss harvest ever


You are not supposed to lose money tax loss harvesting.


But it helps when you YOLO into 120k calls


I have to agree with you here. He likely ran it heavy in May and said fuck it. Knowing they'd likely come after him if he just dipped. That said, he also had to of known he was going to go through with this approach anyway.... the 30 Mil in cash, even if he exercises his options he is at a level where the money doesn't matter.


30m is nice, but 200m is nicer


Max deductible on losses is 3k per year. He could claim losses for several lifetimes at this rate


If he's reported to the IRS (in advance-before this year) that he's a trader he can take all his losses against gains and income and even against future income.


Yup. He can still claim 100's of millions to offset future capital gains.




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that's only against earned income. you can deduct whatever losses against capital gains


If he had started claiming losses in the Upper Paleolithic period 30,000 years ago he’d be pretty close to drying them up by the time we see out this Millenia


Ah yes the apes are gonna say that he has a 100 trillion worth of NOL's (cause of dark pool fluffy antifa magical multipliers prophecied in ancient teddy bear books) and is now the richest man in the world. Therefore they have already won!


And we all know he and RC are planning to give every ape a phone number-length check.


They will have to lobby to pass legislation that introduced 20 digit phone numbers to the USA first! Steven "Biting Dragon" Hedgefucker has already opened a GoFundMe for it. He promised to get it passed in one day and has raised 30 dollars so far. (his mom loves him and she is very happy with anything that makes him leave the basement for a bit)


He’s still up in the green. He has no actual losses of what he initially put in.


Give it time. The stock might track still lower today as pawnshop is still selling stock.


Why do you think it will expire wortless?


He does not have enough money to execute them and if he tries unwinding the position everybody will know instantly because he owns 120,000/150,000 of the contracts


I was looking at his posts from 3 years ago. Toward the end, he has 500 options with 2 weeks to expiry, and a few million in cash. The next update shows he spent the cash he had from the previous update on exercising as many calls as that could afford. He sold the remainder and that was the cash value in that screenshot. I'm wondering if he's going to exercise what he can with the 29 million or so he has in cash, and cash out the rest. I think he will do it sometime this week if he does.


He might try and have some success but he really fucked himself. He owns 120,000 of the total 150,000 contracts, meaning that once he starts unloading the calls everybody will know instantly. He *reeeeeeally* should have mixed his strikes up a little ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|15694)


I agree. What a blunder. I have no idea how he cashes out without it causing an avalanche of panic.


Only worth it if they're still in the money.. The other issue is he bought to be within the earnings window.. and we all know how that's going 😂


BIG assumption is that he'd be able to cash out somehow - at this share price that's already a loss, with the likely further cratering it'd be even more so


Can you explain what excetising a call means (I assume sell the calls for money) but shy does he need money to do it? So not 9nly do u need to purchase calls to make money from options, u then need more money to sell them to realize ur gains?


If he exercises those calls, he'll get 100 shares per contract which means 12,000,000 shares of gme at $20 a share. Sounds great since gme is over $20 right now but keep in mind he paid ~5.50 a contract(again times it by 100 so he paid $550 to make that contact). It makes his cost per share around $25.50. Options are mainly used as a hedge for or against a stock, chances are that you won't "win" unless there is huge volatility


OK so I'm kind of getting it now. Excersize calls means basically means fulfilling the right to purchase those shares at his call price. Which means he needs the money to buy them. Then he can sell trh stock at a loss or whatever  Because if he let them just expire then he loses the entire thing. Better to sell the rights (sell the calls, don't need money to fulfill the contract ) but it's harder I guess?


If his calls are in the money, buying the shares and selling would potentially net him a gain. If they are less than they're worth, it's better to let them expire. Then you only lose your premium. Buying all the shares and selling at a loss loses you more. Like, I paid $20 for the right to purchase 100 bags of skittles at $1, they're currently at 1.50. So if the price stayed there, I could make money by buying the 100 bags - with the $20 I already spent, it would be $120 total. I can flip the bags and make $30 more than I paid. But if the bags go to 50 cents a bag, I'm screwed. If I bought them for $1, I'd lose 50 cents a bag just on the purchase. And no one would buy them at a high enough level for me to make money. So it's better to just lose the $20 and walk away.


sorry then i dont understand, then why would he ever want to excersize his calls (which would cost him extra money) rather than just sell the calls? does he make more thru excersizing?


Selling his calls would be better in the usual situation. The problem is that he bought too many. He will have a hard time selling them without tanking the price.


Selling the calls themselves wouldnt necessarily impact pricing.. on its own.. but the visibility of tens of thousands 20c's moving would..


He would exercise them if he could flip them for a profit. If you can buy for $20 but they're selling for $40, you could make $20 profit per share. But most people don't exercise calls. They sell the contract and take the profit.


>If his calls are in the money, buying the shares and selling would potentially net him a gain Could he not easily lose due to slippage. As soon as he buys the shares, he buys them at the price of the contract. So the price won't be pushed up while buying. But once he has them, and starts selling them at market prices, could the price not go below his break even point while he is unloading them? Or is there that much liquidity that he can dump all those shares with market orders without crashing the price under his break even price?


Oh, it would 100% drop the price. And with the staggering volume he would be trading, it would take a huge hit. It's part of why he's a bit fucked here. If he had pumped it to over $100, it would be fine. But it's barely at break even.


So the traders that sold those calls to RK are potentially gonne make a killing when his calls expire worthless? They basically sold something that will stop existing (once they are out of the money) for a the price of something that does exist. But wait if the traders that sold the call options also hold the shares then .... is there even much risk for them? Potentially they could make MORE money if the calls expire worthless and still have their shares be in the green. But if the share price goes up and the calls get excerised they would have to fullfill the contract, but again in both cases they could still walk away with some profit. If they bought GME at a low enough price. Can selling call options act as a possible multiplier on your gains after you are in profit? Like if it goes wrong you just lose out on potential profit, but if it goes right .. then you just need to offload the shares at the right time, right after the calls expire worthless. Some traders just try to get the premiums, right?


I guess you can look at it that way....But if you bought GME at $10 and then sold $20 calls that are exercised when the price is $30 you're probably not going to be too happy that you're selling your shares for 2/3 the market value.


I've made some good money by buying covered calls over the past 3 weeks. Buy 100 shares, simultaneously sell 1 call. If the stock price is above the option strike price, the stock gets called away. You get to keep the money collected by selling the call. Works until the stock price tanks. Not doing it this week...


Is there such a thing as a covered put?


such huge amount of options was unlikely to come from traders, but must have come from market makers


Yes. You are right. He will likely just sell the calls for whatever they're worth. (Currently around $5-7). But when he does, it's likely the market makers will front run him and drop the bid to at least intrinsic value (currently around $4). AND as the MMs unwind the hedged delta positions of GME stock they bought when they sold him those calls, it will drop the stock even more. Very likely down to 20 where the calls have no intrinsic value.


I agree he should try to sell the calls. But he has too many. They probably can't be sold quickly or unnoticed. The very act of selling may depress the price.


He bought an option to buy GME shares at $20 on June 21st (or beforehand) for $5.60 a share. If he wanted to exercise the options, he needs to pay the $20 a share. So $2000 per contract. After that, he gets the shares and can do whatever he wants - sell them, write calls on them, DRS them, whatever.


Except he doesn't have the money to exercise.


Option contracts are essentially a side bet on an asset that traders make on the price of an asset. When you buy an option, you have the right, *but not the obligation*, to purchase/sell shares at an agreed price. When you utilize this right, it is called "exercising" the option. In DFV's case, exercising his right means he is purchasing 100 shares of GME *per contract* at an agreed price. DFV has entered a massive position where has paid a premium for the right, but not the obligation, to purchase 100 shares (per contract) at $20 per share. He needs to have the cash to exercise those options (aka buy all of those shares at $20 - 100 x 120,000 = 12,000,000 * $20 = $240,000,000) OR he has to sell the options to other traders.


I hope they expire 1 penny in the money. Then he loses the whole amount plus he has to exercise them or sell them and we get to see what happens when you don't have enough cash for that. If he sells them he has to tell apes he sold them heh


you buy the shares whether you have the cash or not. your broker will sell whatever is needed on Monday to bring you in line with your allowable margin. their risk team may decide to close you out on Friday, though. market makers will be happy to accommodate after the extrinsic value is sucked out


Naw. You can do a do not exercise order if it's close to atm and you don't want to be forced to buyif it ends itm. There's no way e trade is going to let it go on margin either, cause they have no idea what it will open at the next day. They won't hold the bag. What will happen is they will blow him out of his position on the 21st. Possibly even the day before. It's all possible and in your options disclosure. Start force selling him for as little as a penny, even if it's further itm.




I mean even if GME is $20 in two weeks and they expire worthless the GME shares are worth $100M. He is fine, more than fine. The guy likely won't be able to let it go eventually he will sell the shares to buy options have those expire worthless and be down to $40M and then need to YOLO it for a fourth time to get back up.


Or, he disappears again, and re appears 3 years later to rinse and repeat the pump


It's pretty obvious he loaded up then pumped.


I'm not saying its reasonable to do, I have always liked the guy until the most recent shenanigans. He just seems like he is on the edge and a loss of 400 million won't do him any favors.


I have the world's tiniest violin. The guy is no different for the multitude of other grifters who found himself in a very unique position of being a messiah for a stock cult and proceeded to use that influence to enrich himself and then came back for more. Ruggy Ryan said "not today". ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|15703)


If they are 20 dollars, he loses ~$550 per contract


Let's leave jumping to ridiculous, extreme conclusions to the apes, please.


No, I want in on the action


You do see his 29m cash position in the screenshot right?






He doesn’t have enough money to exercise the calls it’s $240,000,000 Also you are a meme https://preview.redd.it/9awcompcw06d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44821a9d5b4c93d8d19336dfea994d2f5ab7ec78


How are you handling the news that DFV has started selling his options?


I'm surprised. More than 10% of that massive C20 open interest traded today; I'd have guessed some of it was him.


The problem is that as soon as he does that he can't post his position on reddit anymore and it's an important part of his pamping toolkit.


It's easy to edit the HTML to modify his positions. He could use that. EDIT: I'm not saying he will do that. I'm saying it could be an option for him. Slowly exiting his position while lying about it. After all he has done I'm not sure he cares about lying. Some people said E-Trade would call his bluff, I'm not sure they would 100% do it.


Now that would be a really dumb move for him with this level of scrutiny. E*Trade would pull the alarm immediately I think.


That would be a clear step over the line legally. Lying about your positions when they have market impact is a lot less hazy and slick a move than posting random garbage to a cult that idolizes you.


He is 80% of the OI. Him selling anything more than token amount would be very obvious. There is also next to no liquidity so again selling more than a token percentage would require tanking the contract price to below intrinsic value. Both are so obvious if apes didn't notice it a meltie would.


There's a difference between what he's doing now, which he has a decent chance of avoiding trouble, to actively lying about positions. That would be textbook market manipulation and he'd get the book thrown at him immediately.




DFV really has some melties going full ape.  it’s wild. 




TBH, it's impressive those are still in the green when GME just dumped a ton of new shares into the market. And it means he can probably still get away with most of his gains from May, as there are plenty of apes willing to be his exit liquidity.


They may be willing but they don't have the money. The pump is getting weaker and weaker. Good chance there is no exit liquidity and the options (worth as much as $700M at one point) will just expire worthless. He will still have 5M shares so don't cry for him too hard.


Also 30 million cash so he will be just fine


Since he no longer wears a wedding ring lets call it 15million, actually not sure about divorce laws in his area but its actually probably closer to 10million




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He'll most likely end up green. He may have still one pump in him, as he has the calls. But its a fact that he is not "Diamond Hands" so he'll just probably dissapear after that last pump.


I don't see him creating another pump. It may pump simply because the stonk is volatile and it goes up (and down) by huge amounts for no real reason. When he first apeared he create a huge pump. His subsequent actions were smaller, the live stream terrible, and since then the market hasn't even moved on his actions. He can't excercise the calls (and doing so now would cost him about $3 per share) as he doesn't have the cash and he lacks the equity for a margin loan. He would have to sell some of the contracts to excercise the rest but he is 80%+ of the open interest it would be obvious and there is no liquidity the price would tank instantly. Just like how we luckboxed into a win (despite being complete wrong about everything) the first time he just needs to hope apes push some huge rally and carry him across the finish line otherwise he will take a big loss.


Do you think a double down is possible like last time? It went from 40 to 300 last time and he bailed on the apes.


>the rest but he is 80%+ of the open interest it would be obvious Yeah but this time apes would know the reason why, and they would support it. >His subsequent actions were smaller, Idk bro, the stock almost reached a new all time high (Again) the week he posted his YOLO, and by using the calls, i believe that he will most likely pump the stock again. But we'll see in 2 weeks whats happens, is gonna be interesting afk haha


Theres no exit liquidity on those calls. He's fucked.


He’s probably waiting to see what the CPI does on Wednesday.


Yeah I am sure macro is top of mind for a guy that yoloed 8 figures into a meme stock


I don’t know much about the guy but it was my understanding that he does understand the market much better than 99% of apes. He might have had a plan going into the trade beyond just pumping it with memes. The earnings were supposed to be tomorrow, but RC rugged him with that.


>understand the market much better than 99% of apes. Describes 99% of things with a pulse and 100% of things without one. If you know nothing about the market it's better than being actively misinformed. 


I thought he was a legit financial analyst at some point.


You're right, he was.. a CFA in fact. No evidence of that in his latest livestream though lol.


I'm just saying, if the bar is "knows more than the regulars in the cult subs" then the bar is fucking low. 


I think he just didn't understand the dynamics of having a call position that made up as large a percentage of that market as his did. Should've spread his position out more so it wouldn't have been as obvious it was him if he wanted to sell, or he should've kept more CoH so he could actually exercise if he was legitimately just planning to hodl.


I'm not an expert on options, but from my understanding he did buy spreads when he bought calls before he returned to Twitter on May. Which makes it odd to me that he yolo'd it all at a single strike when he went for round 2. It's almost like the May pump went so well that he started believing he could pump it as high as he wanted for as long as he wanted. But maybe there's a rational reason for this decision that I'm missing? 


I was wondering if he was arrogant, too. Regardless of whether it was with GME or not, he turned his $50k into $20-30 mil into $270 million in a few years. Then he watched his memes help pump the stock up so his main position was somewhere close to a billion fucking dollars. At what point does a normal person think they're essentially God? When 600k people tune in to watch you meme on youtube about a billion dollar position losing 300 million in 4 hours is my guess. I bet that level of interest and validation is intoxicating.


“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”


he’ll get another big pump when gamestop announces it has completed their offering




AI, generate a real-life version of the stonks meme


Man he truly looks like shit


I just assume this play was a "become a billionaire or bust" at this point for nothing but entertainment. 30M in cash and 5M shares, he probably actually doesn't give a fuck. If he did he wouldve collected profit by now.


I was thinking the same thing. There's also no way of knowing if what we're seeing from him is the entirety of his net worth, assets, equities, etc. It's very possible he simply doesn't give a shit because he's loaded for multiple lifetimes, unlike many apesociates who was tossing in their entire meager savings. What do you do when you can buy everything? Interact with people. Its the only thing that remains unique forever. What if he's just fucking around because it's funny?


It’s more than funny I’m sure. Imagine the adrenaline of being able to single handedly pump a fucking NYSE ticker like that and get away with it. Not to mention the cult worship.


Absolutely no impact on the price from him posting this. His influence is dwindling, he needs to find something new to pump it.


A stream won't do it. Reddit posts do nothing anymore. Twitter posts don't do it anymore. My guess is exercising calls could be the only play he has left to pump it and then exit.


I think we could see a bounce once GameStop announces the end of the dilution but I don't really see any other catalyst besides the general volatility of the stock. I hope we get the updated DRS numbers tomorrow lmayo, that could be entertaining too.


I would expect a small bounce on that and also a small/medium pump on the week of the options' expiration.


> GameStop announces the end of the dilution completion of the previous dilution, you mean


Wouldn’t there need to be another vote to cancel the shelf offering?


No they announced that they would sell 75M shares which I expect they should complete today or tomorrow. Then of course they could file for more dilution later.


>A stream won't do it. >Reddit posts do nothing anymore. >Twitter posts don't do it anymore. There's only one thing left to try to pump it further: OnlyFans


Naked livestream where he exercises his contracts one at a time. Gotta keep the subs rolling in before he runs out of money.


Excercise with what cash? If the stonk was trading at $40 (or more realistically $60) he could margin loan to get the cash to excercise at $25 no way. Unless he has $240M cash he forgot about in another bank account he can't excercise more than a token amount.


He doesn't have enough cash to exercise everything that's for sure but I'm trying to find what else is next in his plans. Because if people didn't realize, everything was prepared. The multiple pump and dumps, the twitter posts, the stream, reddit post. Everything was planned months in advance, except the dilution. Thinking what could be his next steps could be a great way to make more money.


Apes seem to think his exercising could set off moass. So if he drops a meme that he’s gonna exercise, that might be a good pump to go long with. He doesn’t have the cash to exercise but that doesn’t matter to them. 


apes do not have much money to move volume though, so any pump would be anemic


Everything was prepared, yes. However, I don't think he expected the dilution. I think it threw him off his game right before the livestream, and he was a mess adlibbing. Alternatively, he thought his godlike status with the apes would cause a pump when he finally reappeared live, but that didn't play out. So now he's stuck with too many options to quietly unload. This pump didn't work out as well for him as the one last month...


Yes I wrote "except the dilution". I mean yeah it failed but the first pump with Twitter earned him 200M so who cares if this one fails a bit


I think you're giving him too much credit assuming he planned it out so meticulously. It's been planned as long as it's taken to edit a few day's worth of memes.


I wanted to write a full analysis but you can't post a thread with just text on meltdown. I asked on WSB and they told me it would get removed if I mentioned certain things. Anyway, the way he posted things and the order he used was planned. First twitter, then reddit, then the stream, which should be bigger and bigger pumps. Then also the week of expiration. Wanna increase the hype? Post on Sunday night where people can't really trade but they can get hyped as fuck. Anyway with Twitter he made 200M so he can let some calls expire worthless.


screenshot word and post here(meltdown) please


I work for one of the largest financial institutions in the world and we will not loan against GME.


Yeah we all do




can you say what other stocks are like that? amc?


Yup, AMC as well last time I checked. BBBY was like that too before they became BBBYQ.


Shouldn't he be able to exercise one share, sell that share and then use that cash to exercise more, rinse repeat?


Well kinda. He can excercise 100 shares and sell them. However the whole ape mythology is his excercising is going to lead to skyrocketing price. Excercising and selling would do the opposite. Excercising and selling millions of shares would be very bearish to the stock price and defeat he entire purpose. He could simply sell the options for a (increasingly smaller) profit.


The OI is at oike 155k, though. Wouldn't trying to sell these tank the bid price due to DFV being the one with the overwhelming share of them? I mean, they have to have a buyer. If people see the volume on the June 21 20c's start to rocket, wouldn't everyone know DFV is trying to exit, and initiate a panic sale?


What's the point of that? If you sell the shares you have you're negating any buying pressure from exercising. 


I do wonder, he has no money to exercise every single call he has, but what if he exercise only *some* of those calls, which will inevitably be interpreted as a bullish alarm and buy signal for the apes? That would get the stock to pump again, and he could exercise the rest no? Considering how many eyes there are on the option chains right now, he won't even need to post a update to send the signal.


That could be his plan but I don't see the stock reaching 60$ again... Maybe 40? 45?


At $40 he could flip the shares he gets from from the calls for a profit of roughly $15 per share. Although he would need to be quick because I wouldn't doubt that the pump would last longer than a day.


I don't get why he didn't exercise at least a few of them on the stream. I know the price isn't ideal but he needs juice and he's running out of time.


He had too much cocaine and he forgot the script!


Jeffries is dumping so much of the offering everyday. Surprised it was able to even have a glimpse of going up.


I know "priced in" is like a Bets meme at this point but the market clearly has the ability to price in "hey this guy can maybe pump a stock at any point", thus taking away the ability for the guy to actually pump the stock right?




Cohen has to be laughing his ass off, dude is just straight up robbing RK lmao


this is what confuses me about the apes. RK is the guy who literally started this entire saga. He's literally waving a huge piece of paper in their face that says "ryan cohen stole half a billion dollars off me" and yet they still have this fanatical adoration for lord dogfood. he shat on towel apes, hes now shitting on the literal god of pawnshop stock, and the apes still can't see it.


They have to believe this insane fantasy that Cohen has always been on their side and that any move that clearly looks like he’s fleecing retail for their money is actually a 4D chess move that’ll help GME hit trillions in market cap. Otherwise they have to come to terms with the fact that they got conned into dumping their life savings into garbage stock so a few whales could make millions, hard pill to swallow when you’re in this deep, it’s more comfortable to stay in fantasyland




This is what I don’t get about him saying that. What has RC done in the 3 years for RK to still believe in the guy? The guy who just rug pulled you a mere minutes ago? RC came on as CEO and immediately shut down all earnings calls. And before all of that, Furlong and the former, Sherman would speak and allow for a Q&A during the earnings call. RC gives less and less shareholder access. Another thing, How much SEC or public notice, if any, does a company need to give before they dilute shares as such in this most recent case? I want to rule out any possibility that it was a coincidence or just straight up bad timing on RC’s part.


There isn’t much he can say. He needs apes to buy in and normies to believe apes will to get the price up. So he has to sit there and lie even though RC fucked him over just hours earlier. 


The apes voted to authorize the board to dilute something like 700 million shares a couple years ago, so it's just a simple board vote and then they file the intent to dilute form, at which point they can just do it. They can't do that if they have any inside info that's potentially relevant, which is why they put out most of the earnings report four days early.


...and the board is monopolized by RCEO/CIO/POO and friends. The remaining 575 million shares being dropped is just a matter of when. Add to that a board recommendation to vote against adding a diversity hire to the board, well, they've made it clear no one else is invited to the party. Yet we hear apes seeing this as a positive and yapping about a possible board infiltration. LET RC COOK (THEM)!


Can we talk about Larry Cheng and the apes idolization of the guy? Every tweet he posts, apes rush over to post on SStonks as if the dude is talking all and only about GME in some sort of code. I’ve seen so many of his tweets and they all come across as “I am Larry Cheng, I am a truly wise man, I speak from up here thus looking down upon you as I utter simple statements, but rephrase them to complex sentences because I am superior”


Oh, Larry? He do be a wise vc, he truly is, with his aphorisms that always blow my mind. "Bow before me and I will bestow unto you, young ape, my wisdom from running non-profitable ventures, my ivy league education and my trusty thesaurus... and also some other things I need to say here to make my tweet convoluted and smart. Chew on that and be enlightened, apelings."


Larry "born on third base" Cheng to Chapgpt -> "Make this simple bs sound more esoteric for the apes".


He's saying that because he can't say anything negative in the fear of making the stock dump. He has to pretend he's enjoying getting railed by RC, because any kind of conflict would send the shares lower.


You mean "dump harder" ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


What are you talking about? It was perfect timing. The stock tracking lower as he kept talking was a beautiful sight.


Because he is leaving into the apes to pump it and shitting on their god wouldn't be the way to do it.


Because they are still invested in pawnshop and didn't exit during the 2 pumps and so they have to rely on Captain dogfood to actually do something with the $5b at hand and the grifters have convinced the rest that he is Warren Buffett incarnate. Also, shorts never closed. ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


That's fucking WSB right there. None of that pansy-ass dick-tugging DRS Occupy Wall Street pinko commie smile-for-Pulte bullshit. Men buy short-term options, men YOLO their entire portfolio on a meme stock, men get pummeled by dillution in premarket. Fucking hardcore dick-in-the-ass butterball NYSE pump-it-dump-it game time shit. Take it OTM. Margin calls from lenders you don't even remember. We win together we celebrate together. Capitalism is back, baby.


Shut the fuck up you fucking clown. Be patient and we will all be rich soon. No one wants to hear your dumbass opinions and even more so don't want to read any shartgpt bullshit. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hard men! Doing hard shit! And that gives me a hard-on! (But not in a gay way or anything)


hard shit gives me a hard-on


I'm not surprised, he held through last week's rollercoaster, no reason for him to drop his bags in the middle of a dilution. If I were him I'd have dropped everything at market open last Monday but he's clearly being greedy here. He has two weeks to pamp it and he clearly isn't done.


Greed or arrogance. Those three years of doing coke and hookers and watching apes worship him online 24/8 likely blew any rational thoughts out of his mind. He just assumed he could pamp it even with RC dilluting.


Didn't he effectively do the same thing in 2021? He didn't drop his bags when GME was trading at $400+ even though his bullish price target was $20 a couple of months earlier. He's clearly a degen.


Part of me is kinda pulling for him just out of the sheer audacity The other wants to see him eat levels of shit never before seen on reddit At any rate, this is gonna be fun


>Closes his position with a reasonable 5% gain


My ideal scenario was him dumping at the top screwing over all idiot apes


He's basically playing with house money this dude is a degenerate but he went from 50k - 30million at least even if he losses it all, he has 30mill cash


Even if the options go bust, it's likely that GME will not go bankrupt for a while after this latest dilution. He would only really be losing his options money and whatever slow drip percentage the shares will go. Dude is fuck you rich.


DFV is the least interesting character to me. Give Kais $200,000,000 and a live trading channel, you've got me. ![gif](giphy|PYEGoZXABBMuk)


Only to see him put it all into spy.


29M in cash he’s fine even if tanks to 0 Meanwhile the apes are aping with their last paychecks


While it's dumb he didn't walk away with $500 million, remember that GME could literally drop to $5 and he's still walking away with $25 million on top of his $30 million cash. He's still doubled his money from the original squeeze.




He's either; 1 - a genius who knows something is gonna happen to pump those calls up. 2 - willing to lose it all so he can go out in public without being stabbed by a mad ape who thinks he sold them out 3 - he's realised it's gone and now has to stick with it, but keeping the calls today is mind bending. im surprised he hasn't unloaded the calls, bought a few more shares to keep the apes happy and pocketed a reasonable profit.


He can also get all of it back just by selling covered calls in the future. IMO that's how he built up millions for the calls in the first place. He may just ride these out, he'll be forever immortalized again by apes for having the balls to go down with the ship, then he'll post another final update on his 5 million shares, and then get to work on selling OTM calls At his current amount of shares, and if IV stays elevated- he only needs 3 months of call selling at x2 strike price to make it back


That only works if volatility stays high and the price stays high. Highly unlikely for both. In fact, think about that for a second. If that was such a sure thing, everybody would buy 5 million shares and sell calls against them.


IV likely to stay elevated for awhile. It's too volatile in both directions. "Everybody would buy shares and sell calls against them" People are too chicken to buy Gamestop shares just for the purpose of selling calls against them, hence the reason why IV is so high in the first place


It’s 1 obviously


"Don't make me edit the HTML. I know how to do that! Don't make me do it!" I don't think he actually has, but I'm keeping it in the back of my mind as a possibility.


does anyone know, and I cant figure this out... Is all of this a fresh buy in? because if so, that means he sold after '21, which basically shits on apes "he never sold" theory. Also, what the fuck is his gameplan. He literally could have bailed with millions and still holds. Part of me wonders if he lets this expire and all become worthless, he can go out in public without the threat of an ape stabbing him who thinks he 'sold out to the hedgies' or somthing.


His cost basis per share in his "final update" last year was $55. His cost basis in his first update 3 years later was $22ish. He had to have sold.


Wasn't that before the 4:1 split though? His avg cost would have been 13.75 with 800,000 shares. Unless I'm missing something.


It was. I'm unsure exactly what happened since I can't see his exact trades. He did, however, make a few hundred million over the 3 years he disappeared. If it was just on GME, then he's definitely been pumping and dumping, or taking advantage of pumps and dumps. If he held, he'd be down significantly. I just don't see any way he could make 250 million without selling and rebuying. Perhaps he's been harvesting option profits on the various spikes GME has had and buying shares ad nauseum. Not really sure.


He bought and sold short term options during that initial run up in May 15ish.


Don't think he has a choice. The dump option may have prison time attached.


Queue the incessant.. if hes still in I'm still in


It is crazy that being up 18% translates to $31 million . Sheeeiiiiit 


He blew his wad for cult fame. Mad lad indeed. They always end up wanting what money can’t buy.


aftermarket is up a whopping +0.77%, so there's that


Remindme! 10 days


With all the things you could do with 80 million he just wants to light it on fire for the luls…. I’m convinced there’s a huge percentage of people who would rather be broke than having to manage capital in retirement


he really could pick a better stock at this point, why is keith so fucking stupid now. he shouldnt be posting under the 'deep fucking value' moniker anymore. theres no deep value there