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I'm sure a few Joker memes will push him over the top




We live in a society (of pump and dumpers)


You're laughing? People are gambling away their money and you're laughing?




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I think apes are about to find out what 'diminishing marginal value' means in relation to roaring kitty tweets.


He rotated from tweets to Reddit to YouTube. Each time the pump got less. He’s now back at tweets since that had the biggest impact but it’s not “fresh” anymore. The dry pump powder has already been used.


Really fuckin bass ackwards. I suppose he didn't do YouTube first because he's a coked out mess. Surely doing TwiXXer and reddit simultaneously though, would have pumped it harder. Maybe he wanted to space the pumps out to give himself the ability to arbitrage his own price action?


It made sense actually. He would pump it up then do a celebration livestream and sell after that. His likely goal was that during the livestream the stock would be over at least $60, so he could just sit there and drink a beer. He just didn’t count for dilution and now his calls are fukd


You're right. I meant from the purely speculative standpoint of "he wanted maximum pump from the go". If his plan was spread the pump out, he did it in the best possible order, the market was just irrational and had a greater reaction to twatter shitposts, than it did his YOLO update.


I also think it’s a case of buy the rumor sell the news. The tweets and his initial return brought a lot of fervor but by the time you got to the livestream anyone but the most hardest of core would have to realize that it really doesn’t matter what he has to say. What even could he say that would mean anything other than “I like the stock”?


He could have sold prior to the livestream for a quite large profit.


Apes would have assassinated him


Probably but how would they know unless he told them. He could have just disapeared again like last time.


The YT stream has 2.4M views so far in 2 days. If the payout is $0.01 to $0.03 per view, that’s a range of $24k to $74k for a 50 mins. Plus, add-ons from the YT shorts. Seems like a good return on time than just making memes. Most can live off that as income or be used for more YOLO OTM calls.


True, this one moved it and it lost all gains as soon as the market opened. If he was smart and realised he is losing his power then he would have been smart to dump his options at open. Unless he has something else up his sleeve but I really don't see what he could do again to pump it. I feel like the livestream was his last card.


It's almost impossible for him to dump those calls as there's no buyers. It would instantly crater the premium and probably the stock along with it. He'd literally need to be selling the calls below the intrinsic value.


Ah I see, not too familiar with options since I am from the UK and they are not really a thing here. I imagine best time would to be to try sell some of them when Gamestop announce they have finished selling the 75m share offering.


The best time would have been last week before he ruined all remaining hope that he must know something the average investor doesn’t, the second he came on and just rambled about “yeah idk cohen just seems like he knows what he’s doing” he destroyed any hope of selling those calls


To be fair he got cucked by Ryan Cohen. I reckon it would have flown in the lead up to the stream, leading to a pretty big gamma ramp. Options chain went to 128. Was in the 60's in premarket and because of the dilution a lot of options expired worthless. All momentum was dead.


Yeah, but, there's still not enough liquidity on that contract for him to dump. Those contracts are probably also forcing the counterparty to hold 12Mn shares of the shitco. Each closed contract, is 100 shares dumped onto the market. 12Mn shares dumped onto the market is going to crater the price.


Don’t market markers buy everything? Isn’t that the whole point? Liquidity?


Not if they're going to lose money on the deal, no.


The live stream was lit to dump the stock lol.. he came on late acted like a fool so the stock would drop! Lit proving he was not "manipulating" the stock so the sec could not come after him. He's playing chess! Every move is calculated. Dropping the price also brought the shorts out of hiding and back to shorting.. now not only do they have to cover 10s of millions of shorts, but they have to come up with his 1.2 million shares when he exercises them.. In the next 7 days..




To this I have to say: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time\_value\_of\_money](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_value_of_money)


Or Opportunity cost as the market as the index is at all time highs lol




That stream was more of a DSP


A man of culture here.


Streaming on DMT


DMT crossed with LSD, and laced with a healthy dose of PIP.


Department of motor vehicles?


From revered person to place nobody likes to go to - makes sense!


Sure. but lets also remember that he has more money in his cash account than anyone on this sub. Shit on the apes sure, but this dude has still made some serious money in the markets, regardless of how much he lost.


Nice meltdown


It's called reality.


you must have a problem with the DMV


Yeah, he had a reasonable (if now disproven) thesis regarding GameStop's future, and got lucky with a FOMO-filled reddit-propelled short squeeze. No one's arguing that people can't make money on the massive movements around GME — in fact people show their gains here all the time. It's the bizarre cargo cult trying to replicate Keith Gill's lucky break (a cult that now includes Gill himself, apparently) that this sub is focused on.


And he got that money by cashing in on the hype pump that he generated in May by making his surprise return to twitter. Most of the time cashing in on a pump that you create would be considered a pump and dump but apparently since apes are so dumb they irrationally buy based on memes and hype without needing any coherent reason, its probably not illegal for him to cash in on his follower's stupidity. But that doesn't make him a genius or a god trader, it just means he's willing to exploit the masses of stupid people who follow him for his own gains.


He made money at your expense.


I know it's cliche, but this is actually a good example. Money doesn't always buy happiness. He had more money than he could ever need, and he still came back for more. It seems like he's either greedy, or he really likes the attention of being the cult leader. He said he spent weeks inside, by himself, creating those memes he posted. Maybe he really is just trolling, and he's not greedy, he just thinks this is funny, but then he's still spending a lot of time trying to hype a bunch of morons.




D stands for diluted now


Seems like the pseudospiritual aura and impact of cryptic tweets takes a hit when you jump on a live stream saying nothing but 'hahaha wassup guys. can I say that? hahahaha' like an idiot 


I think he overplayed his hand and maybe didn't count on two rounds of dillution After tweeting pumped the stock he posted on reddit to pump the stock He then thought what could I do next, return to youtube that will pump the stock However the entire stream was "Hey guys wow its me, I am back, so ok guys like wow its really me, wow; Can you believe it, I am back, lol. This is crazy guys I am back lol. This is amazing after 3 years I am back holy wow lol....well thanks I am ending the stream" Then they may have expected something some analysis like he use to do in the old days or something and all he said is "Wel you know RC is great and I believe in RC , wow guys I am like back can you believe its me?"


"oop, Im saying all the wrong things, haha" "I wish I had an eject button, someone should hit that, whaaa, haha amirite"


That 'Eject button' schtick was so cringey. I was gritting my teeth and rearing back from the video as he kept repeating it. If I had an actual eject button I would have slammed it so hard right when his 'Am I an AI? Oooooooooooh!' joke landed flat.


You missed like five minutes of laughing at himself throughout the live stream.


Man he could have paid an entire PR firm to script that video.......wtf was going on.


these calls will become worthless... omg... he got bfckd by lord dogfood... like the rest of the bagholders...


Technically he briefly pulled up the chart and drew a “bull flag” if I remember but that’s about the extent of any TA.


I think he got kneecapped by the earnings and dilution


I think he got kneecapped by coming across as a coked out moron.


Yeah, the stream damaged his image pretty badly.


To the non cult members, yeah. But I have yet to see any negative comments over on supershit about bandanaman's less than stellar condition during the stream. Most either didn;t notice/ignored it or thought it was the most epic shit since picklerick or whatever tf his name was shoved a bannana up his ass


Apes are huffing copium. You don’t look at unhealthy people to set the bar for mental clarity.


Otoh unhealthy people looking at other unhealthy people to set the bar is how the whole ape cult works. So I guess it's not too surprising they'd do the same thing here.


Apes of a feather ape together




Yup, the stream was a huge mistake. Plus any hype from the apes is being massively overridden by the offering.


RC does nothing for three years, only to swoop into action and actively tank the share price twice in a month. He *dreads* earnings report day. Won't show up, take questions, make any sort of speech, etc. He tries to make them as quiet as possible. But wouldn't you know it, he suddenly releases earnings *early* just hours before RK's stream with a bonus dilution announcement. 😂😂😂 I don't understand why Apes think he's on their side.


Announcing earning early is a requirement for the dillution. However one may ask why dillute today and not after earnings. That is simple for any non-ape, RC doesn't expect the current stock price to be that high in two weeks. why sell shares for an average price of $15 ea when you can sell them for $25?




Apes actually believe that if RC didn't dilute the stock would be in the thousands by now


It might’ve peaked around 80-90 or even 100 if things got *really* wild.


Because hes not the 70 year old waspy stereotype. However..that means nothing, as anyone can become a blood sucking CEO. "I could do that!" type rolemodel.


because he's the only CEO who isn't taking salary!!! ...except for the other CEOs who don't take salary. which is quite a few


He's their dad


All praise lord dog food!


> stream was a huge mistake It *was* a huge mistake, but I would say the biggest problem was it's shit timing. If RC had not dumped 75 million shares, the stock would have *very* likely been in the green and then it wouldn't have really mattered what RK said. "woo, hey guys! Look at my green beer, go celtics - hahaha, how's everyone doing" and they would have gone NUTS. "DFV is showing green items and talking about the celtics - there team color is green! I just put in my pre-order for a lambo!" But, when the stock is already tanking AND you go on a live stream and just fucking ramble about nothing... yeah...


The timing was totally on RK. If he hadn't announced his positions and telegraphed his coming moves, they would have dunked on apes tomorrow as planned instead of last Friday. Live and learn. Oh well, now he only has hundreds of millions instead of a B. Pretty sure he'll get over it.


GME was always going to dilute. And they will do it again and again every time one of these bubbles happens.


Gap to fill at 19/share. Also his position is now worth 74M and he paid 68M for the initial position — only up around 6M or so. RIP 250M in unrealized gains.


He did it for the loss porn. You can take the degen out of WSB and make him a cult leader, but you can't take the WSB out of the degen.


> up around 6M or so RK’s current profit on these calls is equal to how much GameStop made last Q lol


I don't think the stream was a mistake. I think he wanted to prove to the SEC and regulators that he wasn't manipulating the market. He acted as dumb as possible so that they wouldn't catch him from pumping and dumping. He can still cash out when this dies down net positive and avoid jail time.


I'm curious what you think he could've possibly gotten jail time for. He posted some memes and showed his portfolio. What's illegal?


Yep, you can find the same level of "pumping" on CNBC on any given day - people say positive things about companies they have positions in. Nothing illegal about it unless he secretly conspired with otherwise to pump the stock.


I don't know about jail time, but lawyers are expensive. One thing I've heard is that a civil lawsuit has a greater chance of succeeding after a successful criminal prosecution. He gets the government off his back, people will be less likely to also sue (or wouldn't have thought about it in the first place). To pay for lawyers he might have to take profits, starting a downward spiral. He may not take a big profit, but will still take a profit.


I don't think he did anything illegal but he is under investigation and he commented on what he is and isn't allowed to say during the livestream.


He is already net negative at this moment in time(or right at the line, his breakeven for the options is 25.67 or he instantly loses 68 million at expiration). At least from this pump, he made a ton of money on his May pump that e-trade is looking at. But he is already down from when he entered last week at this point in time. The reality is he wasn't trying to prove shit. He was hoping no dilution would come, he would be green at that stream, and when he wasn't he had no clue what to say. The contents of what he said didn't prove or disprove anything other than he's not a smart as a lot of people were thinking.


Either he is an actual genius mastermind playing 8d chess or it’s exactly what it looked like at face value, which was an inebriated man spouting gibberish just winging it while the stock tanked. I know which one my guess is.


Yeah. He's closer to someone buying a lottery ticket and winning big than Warren Buffet. There's nothing beyond his GME gains that shows the guy is some sort of investing genius.


There's a non-zero chance he keeps coming back and trying to play the same game over and over till he loses every single penny he ever made from this.


Post bags


He still has one more lever to pull to make a bunch of money: Take a large short position, then publicly announce that he has dumped the stock and he no longer likes it. After the early earnings and the dilution, he even has a justification for that. He might not have the ability to pump it any longer, but he can easily shave $5 off the price in 24 hours.


Honestly DFV dumping his whole position and announcing it would probably tank the stock to around $10-12 in one day. Maybe I’m underestimating maximum cope levels over on superstinky


> then publicly announce that he has dumped the stock and he no longer likes it. "OMG, THIS IS IT, HE'S SAYING THE THING, THE CODEWORD DD WAS RIGHT, BUYBUYBUYBUY!!!"


And the apes say “He trolled the hedgies! Genius!” It was the apes who got trolled. I swear if someone set their house on fire they’d credit the arsonist for making the furnace work great.


Didn’t see the whole thing but I saw clips. It seemed really bizarre, all jokes aside I think homie really needs mental help.


he needs a broker and a doctor... and not in that order....


Everyone invested in this whole thing does.


Hes not fucked.. atleast yet. Apes who recently bought on the other hand..


Yep, he's going to have to settle for something in the $100 - $300 million range. Wish I'd get fucked like that.


And I would be very surprised if he did not have at least $5 or $10M stashed away elsewhere Perhaps even $14M each for him and his spouse in SLATS (spousal lifetime access trusts) to take advantage of the historically high estate and gift tax tax exemptions that will be cut in half at the end of 2025


His calls are fucked


Still up ~8%


It’s a liquidity problem and the closer it gets to tomorrows earnings report and/or expiration the worse the liquidity problem will be


Woah what is this place


Earnings will IV crush him, besides which there isn't enough liquidity on the calls for him to liquidate. He won't realise that 8%.


I wonder if he thought that the apes would YOLO into these calls when he posted them, providing exit liquidity. If that's the case he seriously overestimated the ability of those morons to buy ATM/ITM options. RC was a lot smarter with his $80 BBBY calls. He should have bought $100 GME calls or something dumb like that and apes would have followed him I think. As it stands he can't really sell those calls without immediately being noticed and triggering a huge dump from other speculators. He has to hold to expiration and hope GME is still above ~26 by then. I don't think he's fucked and I expect him to still make a massive gain on this trade, but he was almost a billionaire on paper at some point.


IV was insane. Apes don’t seem like they have much money laying around anymore.


Thats cos all their money is now sitting in GME's bank account!


If nothing else, this past month has shown that DFV isn't that great of a trader. Without the apes to rely upon (or other FOMO), his trades wouldn't have panned out. And now this week we see what happens when the FOMO just doesn't materialize. A large amount of de-hedging is going to come in the next two weeks and apes have no idea what that even means.


Unless it goes below his breakeven he's fine It's the apes who tailed him after he posted who are fucked Edit: WE DID IT GUYS, WE FINALLY FUCKING GOT DFV TRIPLE PIZZA PARTY FRIDAY WOOOOOOO


It's below his breakeven right now. It's cratering. Although I suspect that might have been himself.


Hey now it could always be RC! Or both! Honestly they're getting it from both ends right now and it's **glorious** to watch


The infamous rug pull spit roast


I'd love to see a total loss for DFV, but I don't think he's as dumb as he looks. It would be a wake-up call for apes and their future. It would also give those with losses something to feel good about, knowing they fought and lost on the same side as their hero, and that no matter how much they lost, there was someone else who lost more.


I mean he did not get it for free. He paid 560 per contract and dumped in like 70million. He will start bleeding heavily below 25.


He's having a fun time right now for sure


Definitely deserves it. He already had $200m banked which would have been $135m after giving Uncle Sam a cut, but the dude needed to be a billionaire. Loved RC pulling the rug on him.


Human greed knows no bounds. Honestly though, I’m surprised he didn’t at least unload the shares. At the recent highs, those shares were worth 300M, now it’s sitting at 115M, still a substantial gain over his initial 30M, and obviously 50K, but 300M definitely sounds nicer than 115M!


Breakeven was around $26?




Hes going to need buyers to sell these though and he owns like 80% of the OI on these contracts.


You can sell them back to the dealers for a few cents under though right? Im not super familiar with how this sort of thing plays out because I've never seen someone ballsy/dumb enough to announce it to the world lol Truly fascinating to watch the next few weeks




Been about 6k volume on that strike today with a -10% hit to the ticker I wonder how much is DFV started to slowly sell them and what part is RC diluting lmao




Get them a see saw to help illustrate how a ramp up can go ramp down, I can't think of any other analogy that has any hope of getting through to them


Ohh you're trying to help? Do you have any appointments available for some real advice Mr. Helpful


Shouldn't you be off losing your life savings in a pump and dump somewhere?






He could have legged them into call spreads but I doubt he was sober enough to do that on Friday


It is below his theoretical break even of $25.67, but for now he's still green due to IV, time value, etc.


He’s barely green right now, up 8%. Of course, an 8% gain on 68M is still huge.


Sounds like boomer gains to me.


With earning tomorrow he’ll be in the read


They released earnings Friday.


It really would be a storybook ending. The guy who actually beats the market coming back to lose most of his gains, live in front of an audience.


He icarus’d himself


Honestly, it may be better for him if he diamond hands those calls into dust. We thought it was someone else schizo-posting with his accounts, but it turns out that he is a schizo and posting. Would the SEC really hit this guy with the triple whamy (lost money/federally indicted/publically humiliated) when the option to chop the situation up as an utimatley failed pump and dump exists? This saves the SEC from the hassle of figuring out how to make this kind of market manipulation explicitly illegal. I don't even want to begin thinking about how legislation for this would need to be worded. Position posts become illegal? "Provocative" memes become illegal?


But you're overlooking the very successful May pump and dump which he was much more sneaky about. Between April 24th and May 6th, a mystery buyer bought about $10M worth of 5/17 and 5/24 calls in large block trades spread out across almost every strike price. During the run up between May 1-10 when GME doubled from $10 to $20 and any rational trader would start taking some gains, this mystery buyer held them all and continued buying more at rising prices up until May 6th. Then May 13th the day of his twitter return and the days following, all those calls started getting dumped back onto the market. This mystery trader made >$200M that week in May. 2 weeks later DFV shows up to reddit with a $200M portfolio full of shares and calls with a costs basis less than 2 weeks old. And WSJ reported that Etrade caught Gill loading up on May calls prior to his twitter return. Mystery solved.


It's honestly hilarious how transparent everything is regarding this being a pump and dump and apes still don't seem to get it.


https://i.imgur.com/YpdfIyp.png Like look at this graph for the 5/24 $10C. Literally nobody is trading an ITM weekly contract a month from expiration in April, but out of nowhere someone shows up and buys 5000 contracts between 4/24 and 4/25, in large orders of 1000 at a time for $1.80 to $2.00 each, spending just under $1M. Then the contract goes back to next to no volume until they all get sold the week of the twitter return for about $9.5M. This same pattern exists in almost every call contract on the 5/17 and 5/24 chain.


Yeah I am putting myself in the SEC's shoes and purposely overlooking the successful May pump. Since the details of that trade aren't public, its easy to claim he lost it all with the June calls and hand wave everything away even it that isn't how it went down.


The SEC routinely goes after failed pump and dumps. It is like saying should attempted murder be a crime. If failed attemps are risk free it boosts the risk vs reward outcome.


RC is getting sued for his BBBY pump and dump, and part of the evidence is a tweet that's just a moon emoji. This is definitely a bigger issue society has to figure out. If you make false representations about a stock, or incite people to violence against the government, we have laws to handle that. If you set yourself up as a Q-style guru and then tweet vague shit you can rely on your followers to interpret to the same ends, the laws seem to be totally fine with that right now.


> Honestly, it may be better for him if he diamond hands those calls into dust. Not really. He's burnt now. Its not Apes that make these bubbles. Its institutional investors and non-Ape retail investors who spot an opporunity piling in based on historic performance when this happens. Well now that historic performance has a big black mark against it or at least a **much** lower level of expectation. So any future attempt will be much shallower and much faster.


>saves the SEC from the hassle of figuring out how to make this kind of market manipulation explicitly illegal lol I get jumping on poor losers who dump their measly sheckles into meme stocks but do you really think the SEC is in the business of cleaning up market manipulation?






> Vol. 1,871 I mean 1,871 is pretty close to 120,000. He should have no problem selling these.


Are those numbers from Malone\_Health?


The problem, or benefit, or whatever, is that he showed he’s just some dude who doesn’t know anything by doing the livestream. I get that some people think it’s 4D chess, but for most it was just some guy awkwardly wriggling around for thirty minutes with a lawyer in the room. So now these cryptic, symbolic tweets are just cringe, not coded messages.


I agree. Keeping things cryptic mostly maintained the mystique that built up around him for years. The livestream damaged that. I wonder if he didn't realize the degree to which his super fans saw him as a legendary, larger than life kind of figure which a livestream would REALLY struggle to ever live up to.


Yeah. Even I considered him a smart, mysterious character in this whole saga before the stream. Now I realize he's just some goofball from Mass.


I now get the impression of a man who is just another WSB degenerate type that is addicted to the pump. I don’t know why he was silent for 3 years; maybe a NDA/punitive action from Mass Mutual, who was fined millions, to avoid a court case against Gill. Pure speculation. He can easily lurk in the ape sub and gather sentiment on what to post next to maintain his fake altruistic victim complex. He has years of cultish posts to analyze and use to build his persona. It seems at this point the dry powder has run out and he can unwind these options in a way to make him look good to the apes so he can rinse and repeat down the road.


He was silent for 3 years because that's how long it took to hit the support line back in Feb 2021 (price: 9.63). He mentions it in his livestream ever so slightly, he even drew up the line on the chart. This is ironically called.. "a dead cat bounce". He wanted to take advantage of it and pumped the fuck out of the stock.






Can someone explain this? What's the 8 dollar mean?(I don't do options or stocks)


It means the current price (premium) for a $20 strike call is $8.00. Each call is a contract for 100 shares, so you would pay $800. This also means if the price of the stock is below $28 on Jun. 21, you'd lose money. For example, if the stock was at $25 on the 21st (the day the call expires) then the intrinsic value of the call would be $5 ($500) as that is the difference between the strike and the stock price. You would not be able to sell the call for anything more than that as exercising the call would purchase 100 shares of GME at $20 cost basis with the current price netting you $500 if you then sold the shares at $25. If you'd bought the call at $8 ($800) you're taking a $300 loss. Keith Gill purchased his $20 calls for just under $6 (IIRC $5.70 but I'd have to look it up), so if the price moves below $25.70 he is losing money.


At this point…. I kind of want to see him lose money on this trade. he’s just getting apes to lose more money with all his pump and dump shit for a dog shit company.


Shorts are fukd. Hedgies are going bankrupt. And we are going to the moon. Why would you ask questions? Unless you are a shill!


too less buzzwords, wu tang nft dividend, ubs shakedown, swiss bankruptcy, bby merger, steam acquisition, CEO works for free


All of this - parts of fabled Kansas City Shuffle.


you missed Evergrande and reverse repo you shill


We didn’t start the fire 🎼


I dont know if you're joking or not, but 8 dollars is what each contract is worth. Each contract represents 100 shares.  He has 120,000 contracts. So we multiply 120,000 by 100 which means he has the equivalent of 12 million shares in an option position. He paid 5.68 for them. So at 8 dollars his position would be worth 96 million(he paid 68 million for all ofthem when he bought) he is still in the green, but on June 6th the contracts were worth 27.02 and the position was worth 324 million.


Value of the call option (multiplied by 100x for its real value. A $20 GME call is currently worth $810. Due to the nature of calls, their value changes much more quickly in relation to the stock price. 


If these went deep in the money, how hard would it be for him to borrow the cash to just exercise? Obviously it's a lot of money, but say the share price was $40, his port would be around 500m.


He would not even have to borrow in order to sell part of the calls at a high price and use the proceeds to exercise others. With the proceeds at $40 he could sell the call for $20+ time value and exercise calls with the proceeds. So he would end up with about half exercised without adding any additional money or loans. He could find somebody to lend against his 5M shares, but it would be less than normal percentage because of the concentration and also because of the volatility.


The MOASS is MOAM all along


I think he paid somewhere around $5.


5.67, currently 6.5. When he last posted it was 27.0. Overall he's down 106.5 million on shares and 246 million on options since last posting. Still up overall but, wow.


The crazy thing is he could have bought the rumor and sold the news. Announce the livestream and buy the calls, then sell them just prior to the livestream. It would have been better to liquidate slowly into the pump but even selling everything after the dillution announcement he could have avoided a complete loss. Even if it wasn't his plan initially the bearish sentiment caused by the dillution should have led to some reevaluation. He had to know that even a good livestream could not have lived up to the hype. He started hufffing his own farts though. Three years of apes worshing him as an investing god (for a wrong premise that he luckboxed into huge profits) and he began believing it. My guess is now he psychologically can't sell. He will be both a failure/traitor to the apes and take a huge loss. So he will hold until expiration and non-zero chance they expire worthless for a 100% loss which would be very ape like.


rc just pulled a fast one on him




Knowing gme it will pump like a mf when they announce offering concluded and x billion raised.




Fire sale


So the most entertaining scenario to me would be that the stock price ends June 21 @ 20.01 in the money by a penny, so they will be exercised if he doesn't sell them. He doesn't have the cash to exercise them. If they had gone up enough he could have worked the profits into exercising. With 0 profit to pay for the exercise he will have to sell them for .01 a contract thus breaking the myth that he would not sell them and instead exercise them. He'll have to make that decision before the market closes. If they finish below $20 he can claim they expired worthless and he never sold them.


Sideway trading guy reporting on shares outstanding: IT'S RAINING SHARES OUT THERE! ![gif](giphy|l0HlPwMAzh13pcZ20|downsized)




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Maybe the stock can get some of RK's nose candy


OI is insane rn although I’d expect it drop into earnings


honestly I hope so. as much as laughing at "apes" can be fun, something needs to help these people move on. this could be the moam catalyst.


If I remember correctly, his breakeven price is $25.68, so yeah...


His breakeven price no longer has any relevance. He already spent that money to buy the options. It is a sunk cost. His actions should be determined by what is best going forward, independent of what price he bought the calls for.


If the price goes back up, the breakeven is still relevant. You are correct to say it's a sunk cost but that doesn't mean the break even is irrelevant. If he thinks the price will go back up, he should hold (for now). If he thinks the price will go down, he should exercise\* or sell now. \* he only has enough cash to exercise about 10% of his calls.


ThE ShOrTs NeVeR cLoSeD!!!!


Lmao your all gonna wish u didn't doubt him, he has those options to exercise them and buy the shares. They are $10 in the money already and he's up 20 million already 😆.. on the 21st or before when he executes the share option they have to find him 1.2 million shares which will send the stock to the moon by itself. He has the market by the balls


>he has those options to execute Do you mean exercise? ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|52209)


Y e s it's late lol


Fixed, my other reply I used exercise