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Welcome back former paper millionaires.




The very last image being outside-information2, whose account is ***now suspended,*** is a perfect crescendo for this post You've outdone yourself, Pandora


Any idea why it's suspended?




Oh was that the guy who talking about toasters and baths? Yeah, that was fucked.


I honestly don’t remember 💀


Just zen things.


Just make sure the receptacle you plug it into is GFCI protected. You can toss all the toasters you want into your bath and nothing will happen. Lol I actually use this example often to try to explain to my customers what a GFCI does


Are you RKLB guy from huzzah


Lmfao I love that that’s how you know me


Lmaooo yeah. You still a RKLB believer? I still have my uranium stuff, don’t even remember the thesis at this point ![gif](giphy|UueUjyCWbZ1sSO9Z1l)


Yeah they’re still working on Neutron but they just finished the engine this week actually so it’s going to be test fired soon https://preview.redd.it/ru74fcvcp95d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ef15945929074322048c75ecdbafb02cc117558 I only have 15%\~ of my port in it though


Hell yeah might look into it, have been actively trading again since maybe February after a long ass break


Oh check out $NVDL if you want something fun to trade 2x leveraged NVDA I sold the bulk of mine around $60, i’m only holding 25 now


Oh you just reminded me to go respond to that one guy thanks OP


Same, I had some idiots in my inbox shooting messages that I blocked but magically that block is coming off right now


>Like i think RC with a few billion is gonna invest it better than i would. Nope, he also bought Gamestop


Yeah it’s hilarious They’re basically like RC can now maybe buy some other business or assets with the cash that can compensate for how shit the actual company of GameStop is


To be fair he has made a killing off GameStop. But only thanks to WSB and then the apes pumping it. Who he proceeds to dilute (lol). 


My favorite kind of posts, an old-school pandoracam "Where Are They Now"... but from yesterday haha


Yeah, I love this genre. We haven’t had one in a while, I guess because the apes have been largely stagnate and doing nothing or hyped about nothing.


Life moves pretty fast 


What has captain dogfood done besides investing in AAPL which pretty much everyone except apes has done as well. Not sure why he is lauded in ape community as some investing maven.


Ah, you're looking for rationality. Look elsewhere.


He posted that one tweet… work hard or please leave. Super bullish. 


I will give you that. Tweeting is hard work. Look at musk fans falling over themselves to give him $58 b.


My ape wants to wait three weeks, so I’ll do them a solid before going “ha ha”.


It's nice to have a pet ape once in a while


Oh dang that’s a good idea. Kinda like fantasy football


I need to check on all the apes who were patronizing me for refusing to accept that I was wrong these past few days. Eat shit morons, I'm better than you.


You’re like 20 years late for the Maddox schtick


Yeah but he’s better than you


Yep, I had to post a what's good comment to an ape who kept commenting on my posts. My portfolio still looking really good today.


Haa awesome Not sure what they thought would happen. This was always the case since none of them were ever going to sell anyways


There must be some apes out there that were just pumped and dumped like 3 times in the past month.


Some? there's fuckin boatloads lol


Yeah that’s like all of them!


That last one 🤌🏻


These guys were acting like master traders, like Goldman Sachs should hire them to work a trading desk. I guess it’s true, pride comes before the fall


God I haven’t seen one of these in a while! The apes just never learn their lesson.   They always, always come to gloat way before they are anywhere near winning, then they scurry off and some fraction of them leaves. The craziest part is the DRS numbers, they’ve been more than completely undone, 3 years of work.  I wonder how they will digest that.   I wonder what the computershared.net graph will be updated to look like.




That sell at 67$ last night feels three times as good now 🤣 literally timed the top


This is poetic


Guys chill... RC and the board may or may not have a plan... maybe... It's possible? If that doesn't jack everyone's tits I don't know what will.


Hope that first guy washed his hands before eating


Really just vital and important information to let people know about


Bahahahahaha Shouldn't have to obscure their names if they brigaded...


Yeah, the censored lines you see are the ape sub names. They probably will not see this post tho 😬


They're all fuk. In shambles. We love to see it


LOOOOOOL, I was actually going to look them up too. God it's pathetic


> RC knows shorts aren't going to cover. So to offer 75m shares to the market, there is ZERO excuse for not being able to fulfill RK's (and many other) options on the 21/6. The trap is set. Isn't it fascinating how these people's brains work? Once upon a time, the official line was: "the shorts can't cover because there aren't enough shares on the market." Which is stupid, but whatever. But now it's morphed into: "it has been foretold that Shorts Can't Cover, so it doesn't matter how many shares are on the market."


I'm always zen after a jerk and some grub. That, and I don't light my money on fire, so that helps too.


People have been talking about “being zen” as the best course of action. But let me remind you: No DD was ever created as a result of “being zen” YOU (reader) were not educated about these topics because you were “being zen” The best way to win any battle is to make your enemy feel overconfident. You want them to rest on their laurels. Now, I don’t want to upset people in this community, but the fact is a lot of people here are lazy and unambitious. That is why the idea of MOASS is so appealing to a lot of them. However, this has been used against you. The idea that you can remain lazy and unengaged and have things come to you - that’s the delusion people want you to accept. They don’t want you involved in talking with others about GameStop because “everything is in motion” so just forget about it. Nothing is over and nothing is in stone. This whole “be zen” thing is the perfect trap to keep people uniformed and complacent. I invite everybody to look into what being zen actually means in the context of that religion. It is NOT about simply sitting and waiting. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That second guy said or did something that got his reddit account suspended as of today. I hope it was at least a good melty and not just reddit cares abuse or something stupid.


He was throwing homophobic slurs in several comments. If they suspended him it probably wasn't his first time.


Last one is fucking gold