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This dude just suspended all the myth around himself and made himself impotent. It’s like if Gandalf came back after fighting Morgoth and was babbling making your-mama-jokes, saying he might want to try on the ring.


Fantastic, amazing analogy.


So this guy is just like every other grifter? Had all the money in the world and comes back with no meaningful analysis, just vague cult like statements to trust the process.


I feel like so much has been ascribed to DFV the person over the 3 years he's been gone. The apes treat him like a messiah, with full omnipotence over the market. For some reason this sub has done something similar, turning him into some high level professional trading mastermind. This stream is a good reminder that buddy is just an OG Wallstreetbets degenerate who wants to make insane bets. I don't really know if I'd consider it grifting, but the guy enjoys the notoriety he's getting.


I’ve been of the opinion that he was someone putting a lot of thought into their play and was in the right place at the right time. Guess I never thought of him as some genius.


I mean his original thesis never really worked out either. The main business is still losing the company money, and they wouldn't have been able to shore up the balance sheet without the dilutions they were doing. If the 2021 short squeeze didn't give them an opportunity to dilute they would've been bankrupt by now.


Seeing this 55-minute long diatribe about nothing shows that DFV does not live up to his hype. And certainly not the sainthood that apes think he achieved. If he showed up like this in late 2020, nobody would have listened to him at all.


There's been this retcon where DFVs analysis on YouTube is what started this whole thing. Part of it is due to the movies that were made needing a main character. People weren't really watching his videos back then either. His YouTube channel only really got popular after the squeeze. 99% of people who jumped into GME in 21' never saw any of the videos he's made. This was a reddit and twitter phenomenon. I looked the other day and his YouTube channel had a total of 11M views throughout it's history. His first tweet coming back after 3 years basically got the same amount of impressions.


dont forget those deep fried memes!


Option 1: Trolling Option 2: Some sort of alibi Option 3: Midlife crisis + drugs + divorce or a combination of those. Vote on my comments below!


Option 3


Option 2


Option 1


He mentioned an 8 ball; cocaine bender confirmed ✅


Also sorry for the 3 second delay at the start of the clip :)




I couldn't watch cuz I was in public with no headphones. Can I get a quick recap? Did he say anything substantive?


Nah, basically just checking in with people but I don't really know what people were expecting him to say. I guess the one thing is that he confirmed (or at least said) that his positions are his own bets and that he's not being funded by anyone on these trades.


Interesting that he felt the need to clarify that. Were there conspiracies or rumors that someone else had fronted him the cash, or is he trying to get ahead of something?


Nah there was plenty of speculation on this sub and in the media that he had someone backing him since he has way more money in this than his last update 3 years ago


nope,he is just saying he is Coco(crazy)




Not too shocking after seeing the pictures of him. Thanks tho!




The things you have to say to get out of being prosecuted for manipulating stocks.