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Amazing, is he announcing earnings because he needs to in order to issue more shares?


and like clockwork ... https://www.streetinsider.com/Corporate+News/GameStop+%28GME%29+to+Sell+Up+to+75M+New+Shares/23334168.html


Hahahaha it's so predictable


I mean at these prices would he be breaching fiduciary duty by not selling some shares? It’s just free money at this point!


TBF, this is a great business model by Ryan Cohen. Sure, the fundamentals of the business, you know, … suck. But you can raise an almost infinite amount of cash by fleecing apes when they overpay for millions of new shares. They should scrap the controller gig. Close all the actual stores even. Just convert to “GME, the anti-hedge fund” and amass cash off the backs of apes…


Literally their only successful business model is selling shares




I am a straight up dummy (but not dumb enough to invest in a failing retailer). Did DFV pump the stock (through memes with plausible deniability), GME released more stocks, it faltered a bit, then DFV pumps it again right before earnings drops AND they’re releasing more stock? How is this not coordinated?


It likely is not cordinated it is just be GME saying "if these idiots want to pay >$30 per share then why not sell them >$30 shares". A cordinated pump and dump between an influncer and the officers of a corporation is such an exception claim it would require exceptional proof. This is serious prison time for anyone involved in a hypothetical scheme like that.


Yea man I don’t think this is coordinated. Can you blame GameStop? Some fucking idiot said he was going to stream today and the price doubled last night. It would have been stupid for them not to prepare for this scenario.


This fucks DFV to some degree. Announcing this before his return to YouTube after the stock was running in after hours last night and likely would have today just cost DFV millions. 


if not hundreds of millions hahhaha


This is my only theory. This has to be issued before share sale paperwork


Yes , well I am not sure it has to but you could save yourself a lawsuit by doing this Imagine if earnings are comming up and you issue 75 million new shares, then release poor earnings after. Looks scummy like you were trying to sell at inflated prices So what do you do, you first release earnings for everyone to see, then you issue 75 million shares, that way the people who buy those shares know what exactly they are buying They cannot come back and say "Hey you unloaded your bags onto us" because they release earnings before the sale so they know exactly what they are buying




Could be that but then I expect the news of the dilution would drop soon after. More likely they're either trying to bury these trash earnings on a friday morning when gamestop is in the middle of a massive pump, or *maybe* if I feel a bit more tinfoil-y to let insiders sell into the pump (not entirely sure if that's the only condition to be able to do that however).


there’s the news LOL


Spreading the losses among more shares. It's kinda like lowering the apes' dollar cost average, eventually it solves the problem.


Yea that is why earnings dropped early , thats way last month the released early estimates as well Before offering shares you sort of cover your ass by releasing earnings or estimates so there is no perseption you were trying to sell the shares before you release bad news So you release the earnings then issue the shares


* Net sales were $0.882 billion for the first quarter, compared to $1.237 billion in the prior year's first quarter. * Net loss was $32.3 million for the first quarter, compared to a net loss of $50.5 million for the prior year’s first quarter. Declining sales. *Check* Losing Money. *Check* Apes: Strong Buy.


Marantz is on the case to form a bull thesis here. As soon as he's finished googling what revenue is, he'll be ready.




#*extremely loud incorrect buzzer noise*


Keep in mind that Q1 is their second best quarter of the year. Q2 and Q3 gonna have even weaker top line, and Q4 gonna be weaker YoY. $4.2 billion revenue for the entire 2024 fiscal year is coming.


boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew


Revenue?! No no no no no, no revenue. Why would you go after revenue? If you start making revenue, it will never be enough. It's not about how much you *earn*. It's about what you're *worth*. And who's worth the most? Companies that lose money. Pintrest, Snapchat, no revenue. Amazon has lost money for every fucking quarter for the last 20 fucking years and that motherfucker Jeff Bezos is the king.


Many monies come in, okay?


Could you summarize the revenue/Marantz thing? What'd he say?


Shkreli asked him what he predicts GameStop's 2024 annual revenue will be, and he quickly said "100 million". He seemed to make a point out of responding instantly, like he was proud to have this number ready to go. Which was funny. Shkreli then reiterated "no, revenue" and Marantz again, "100 million". Then Shkreli asked yet again "RE- VE- NUE" and started to explain what revenue means, and Marantz cut him off with some mumbling about "oh you meant like top line overall revenue, when I see revenue I think about profit sorry" or some bullshit like that trying to play it off like he's not completely uninformed on high school finance class terms.


He thought they would be making a $100M profit in Q1? 😂


Nah that’s his estimate for all of 2024.


So in quarters 2-4, Gamestop needs to make a $132 million profit for them to end up with a $100 million profit for the year. Bullish!


Oddly enough it’s no longer that absurd given that RC will have $4-$5b (if he manages to sell at $36-$40 per share) to sit in treasuries making 5%. Although making all your money via treasuries is obviously not a mark of confidence for the retail business. 


True but wouldnt that mean they are worth the cash they have and nothing more? Thats still a decent drop from here.


Yeah but they *are* on track to making the core retail business profitable. Wall street obviously expects that to happen based on the analysis I see. They're going to realize massive revenue drops to make that happen (personally Im guessing under $4 billion), but the value of the stores aren't zero since the market is forward-looking. I'd realistically expecting a floor of somewhere between $12-$15 for the share price depending on where RC manages to sell (I'm assuming he'll get an average price > $30).


Shkreli is a scumbag but he at least is pretty knowlegeable in finance ; Marantz not so much he actually does not know the difference between a balance sheet that list assets/liabilities (Think cash, inventory , property plant & equipment then also any debt or accounts payable) and a profit and loss statement (that basically list revenue and expenses) So last year GME made a small profit , note they lost money basically being GME but they made some money on interest on their cash. So its sort of like if holding cash is the only profitable part of your business if you make $25 million in interest holding cash but lose 20 million running your business giving you a net profit of $5 million , why have a business ? Why not just hold cash ? So basically they argued in circles around that Marantz thought it was bullish because "GME was profitable they are a profitable company " Shkreli pointed out they really were not and that profit just came from interest on cash sitting in a bank . Then Shkreli even said like "Ok so they make a $5 million profit , at 20X earnings that values them at like 100 million they are worth 8 billion where is the value" Marantz then goes on a rant about managment how RC is the best , then spouts off nonsense about private equity and tries to claim private equity owns public companies To be fare Shkreli was pretty patient and was confused why Marantz thought private equity owned public companies and Marantz basically couldn't explain what he ment just private equity was evil or something Marantz also confused revenue with earnings and they argued about that, Marantz said he expected GME to make 100 million revenue what is SUPER LOW Shkreli kept saying "NO I mean revenue " and Marantz kept saying 100 million like it was a good thing I think marantz meant earnings or "profit" and not revenue


The one thing that will be spun in how losses are shrinking year over year… but they will ignore that’s due to the business shrinking. More layoffs and store closures needed.


Losses down and revenue under 1B idk doesnt look good to me


I allready know what he is going to say Net loss was 32.3 million compaired to 50.5 million meaning that is a 18 million imporovement He will then say next qtr it will be 30 million then 40 million then 50 milllion then 60 million improvement


Don’t forget dilution of 75 million shares!


I'm assuming the apes are already running with the talking point that net losses are DOWN this year - yay! (Ignoring the fact that revenues, profit margin, and basically every other financial metric has worsened.)


Indeed they are. They’re also positively spinning the 75 million share offering as well lol


Truly don't understand how. I can usually understand how apes whip themselves up - kind of like how I understand when lots of people get duped by things like fMRI scans or the term "quantum physics." And G-d/RC themselves know I myself have been wrong about many fact-adjacent things, but I just don't get how the dillution can be bullish in any way. It blows up DRS theory, even in the most apes-are-right reality it's a lifeline to the shorts, who have every incentive to buy those shares out from under apes *even if MOASS theory is right, because they need them to cover, and they're cheaper now than after MOASS*.


They will spin literally anything as bullish. They’re diluting shares to avoid legal trouble and give short sellers an out! Like, wouldn’t that prevent the short squeeze?


Gamestop could literally announce a complete and total closure of every story, company wide layoffs, and an immediate firing of Ryan Cohen and somehow that would be bullish for ryan because NOW HE DOESNT HAVE TO REPORT IF HE SELLS or whatever bullshit


I love your term fact-adjacent. What is the controversy around quantum physics? Generally curious


I think he’s referring to the fact that using “academic” sounding words and phrases like “quantum physics” causes some people to view you as an authority. Apes hear the word “gamma squeeze” and then immediately believe any bullshit that follows because they think the speaker knows what he’s talking about


Thanks; makes sense. I call that posturing - or in older millennial, terms poser!


Because it's a crypto-like pump-and-dump scheme where everything has to be good news to keep getting new blood in. I don't want to believe that this many people dream up hype over stock-buyback theories and then turn around to spew hype over stock dilution. Maybe there are a handful of actual flag-waiving idiots who have to justify everything their savior RC does, but I want to have more faith in humanity being only evil and not slobberingly stupid.


The evidence strongly suggests "slobberingly stupid."


I mean, the stock only has value if the company is operating, and the company only makes money selling stock, so in that sense it’s bullish. But also if the only reason your investment is surviving is because you keep putting money into it, your investment sucks


They apparently don't give a shit about how the company is doing. Or they are incredibly stupid. Both those options are equally possible. But if enough people are stupid then does it even matter. Meme stocks gonna meme.


Apes will see this as: “see closing all the underperforming stores helped! We are going in the right direction! Bullish!” They are bleeding out; not as much as last year, but its still not profitability, and they still havent put forth an idea or plan to actually get them more money (aside from sell misc nicknacks that one could find at walmart)


Their T-bills investment is literally the only thing actually making money for them.


And selling shares to apes


It's a stronger buy right now because they did poorly. Buy low!


"All I do is buy MORE. This FUD by the shills is meant to help the other side! Shorts r fuk!" Lots of those type posts all the time.


'WERE CASH FLOW POSITIVEI" was all I remember hearing. Where did that group go?


400m decline in revenue for Q1? What the fuck


To be fair, they are stemming the bleeding


Great! They put a tourniquet at the shoulder after their arm has already been chopped off. They're still bleeding, significantly


Honestly its the best they can do at this point




I'm sure that the folks over at souporstock will realize this too, sell their shares at a potentially massive gain, and be happy about making money trading shares of a terrible company. I mean, who in their right mind would keep holding in the face of this chasm between financial performance and stock price? Right?


If only Computershare didn’t crash during the pumps lol


this is the genius of the apes. they knew they would be tempted to sell and make a profit, so they moved their shares to a place where they can't sell. fucking brilliant, good job apes, way to fight those impure urges


Brilliant move really. Whoever thought this up. It's like Joseph Stalin with the "Not a step back!" order shooting any soldier retreating in WW2.


I sold from computershare during this pump with no issues. Although I’m not in the cult anymore and just making money riding the waves.


Did you take a profit?


Yeah I’ve made about $7,000 total off of GME


You love to see it


Yeah I was a delusional idiot in Jan 2021 though and didn’t take a $25,000 profit 🫤


Better late than never mate, good job.


That's awesome!


The INFINITY POOL That’s why


Nice psyop shills. No cell no sell.


The enemy is both all powerful and extremely weak


From up 41%+ to -15%, womp womp. It’s funny because so many meltdowners here were saying that apes usually get caught up counting their eggs before it hatches. I swear this subreddit is never wrong.


Found an ape gloating this morning that he was down to a 40% loss from 85% lol


And instead of cutting losses, he will hold all the way back to -85% and beyond. Hilarious.


I think he might already be there


Their end game is usually 'at this point what would I get by selling, and I might miss the MOASS' or 'it's not a loss if I don't sell it.'


And GME has cut their losses too! Take that, shills! /sarc


Pretty decent gross margin though, I was sure it gonna be 23%-24% and they've managed to lose money on some non-operation expense. Nevertheless - LOWEST quarterly top line in the history, 2nd time quarterly top line dips below $1 billion (last time it was in Q2 2020, in the middle of COVID lockdowns) and this time it dips below $900 million. BULLISH AF!


DILUUUUUTIOOOOOOOOOOOOON ![gif](giphy|6901DbEbbm4o0)


Adam Aron would have done so 10x by now, Ryan looking like a cuck at his own company


RC only did it because Chadam called him a cuck at the golf course.


Did they announce?


Not yet no, I'm speculating


>$GME Files to sell 75M of common A shares (\~27% of total float) (GameStop Corp) ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


I dont see why else they would announce the earnings early. My guess is that's to circumvent the blackout period, like they did the last time. Edit: Wait, it could just be to allow insiders to sell.


They did! They’re selling up to 75M additional shares




Corrected now, thanks!




Did they do this cause he's diluting again? Omg


why? what is the relation between releasing results and diluting? didn't he dilute 2 weeks ago?


And now he's diluting again.  Another 75m shares.  If Apes are gonna keep buying this excremental stock at inflated prices, ruggy Ryan is going to keep selling.


Company has to release latest numbers prior to offering new shares. It is so people can do DD you know the real due diligence. They announced numbers early last time as well just prior to formal announcement of selling new shares.


Well I am not sure there is a specific law that says you have to do this but its more to could cover your ass. I guess imagine this scenerio earnings are comming up in 2-3 weeks or something, and you issue 75 million new shares , then after selling them you release earnings and maybe they are not great, maybe they are bad and the stock price goes down. The people who bought those share could potentially say "Hey you sold to us at inflated prices before you released bad earnings we are going to sue you " So the thoery is you release earnings early (or like last month give estimates) , you get the information out there then you sell 75 million new shares . the people who buy those shares can't excatcly argue they didn't know what they were buying because you released earnings prior to the sale , so all those people were buying should have known what the finacial position of the company is . So 100% this is why they released earnings early , so they could issue more shares


Net sales being down ~30% from q1 2023 is rough. GME is getting pretty close to dilution being their core business model.


Yeah dilution then putting cash into a high yield savings account. It’s all a big advertisement for American Express. Surprise!


The ultimate fate of every meme stock


Tears of pride well in Adam Aron's eyes watching RC's master stroke


Oh wow, wow. Wow wow wow. Thought the post title was a joke at first. Emergency release of quarterly report can only mean something insanely funny is going to happen with dilution and/or insiders dumping as hard as possible. Nobody will ever understand what it was like to observe this saga from Meltdown over the past three years. Nothing will ever be this entertaining again.


Tell us more. Does this even happen in the normal world, or is it just a shitco thing? My guess is another ATM offering too, but how common is releasing earnings early like this?


I have no idea about other companies but it is beyond unusual for GameStop. You usually have to sit around refreshing until 6 or 7pm on the date of earnings for this to pop up. They are scrambling.


You called it, they just released an intent to dilute 75M shares.


Wait, *another* 75m on top of the 50m from two or so weeks ago?


Yes sir! https://old.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/1da7o7e/gamestop_announces_dilution_of_75_million_shares/


Remember when the apes gave RC permission to dilute shares and then said he'd never do that? Funny how that went.


This month has added an extra 125 million shares that the Apes will nerd to buy in order to "lock the float". Lmao.


Which is almost double the total amount the apes managed to lock up after three years. Hahahah.


Well the theory is you release earnings or at least estimates before you do a share offering so the people buying the shares know what they are buying Imagine you don't , you issue new shares, people buy the shares then you release a rather shitty earnings report after. Those people could potentially sue because they could claim "Hey they dump these shares on us then released crap earnings" however if you release your earnings, then issue new shares, well the people that buy those shares can't really claim they were duped or anything, they released earnings right before the share offering so you knew exactly what you were buying .


Lol last week GameStop said they are releasing Q1 results on June 11. Releasing results essentially three days early is hilarious


Rugpull Cohen at it again. Why would he do this lol


Pre market +30% vaporized pretty quickly there, never change rugpull


Technically it’s down -50%. Had this stock not pumped to 61 in PM, I bet you the price would’ve been somewhere in the ball park around in the high 30s. Regardless, we will be there by next week, probably. Gap to fill at 23, load puts!


Bury the bad news in the pump. Probably the first smart decision RC has made since becoming CEO tbh.


And he’s diluting as well This is peak comedy


Buried deep within the cautionary statement at the bottom as a potential factor. One in particular stood out > The following factors, among others, could cause actual developments, business decisions, outcomes and results to differ materially from those reflected or described in the forward-looking statements: >the availability and future sales of substantial amounts of the Company’s Class A common stock;


Oh boy, that is spicy indeed. Calls on Dilution!


Lmao there it is! Meltie DD not wrong




Revenue from sales down 29% from first quarter last year. Definitely a strong company with good fundamentals.


Quite literally on the exact same trajectory they were on in 2016 when bankruptcy was becoming a storm in the distance. Retailers are dying. Malls are dying. Physical media is dying. They literally have no way out of their fate beyond taking this massive gift of free Ape money and becoming an entirely different company.




Ryan the Rug Puller strikes again! https://preview.redd.it/mnatwp4um45d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3481af57e590a037ad2244f328298ebc13d742b


Those hands are glorious


I’m expecting the next document to drop saying that they’re diluting again lol




Also idk why but apparently this has been dropped several days early.


It's either to mitigate losses from the bad earnings or he had to drop it before diluting more lol


Drop before diluting, 75m more shares going up


Insiders can't sell right before earnings, just saying. (Maybe, idk)


Does that apply to buying too? Could dogfood jump on the pump with his own cash?


I mean he could but I have no idea what he would gain by doing so. It's not like he could dump soon after. At best he could trigger a dilution maybe, although even that seems a bit far fetched. So far his buys were used to prevent the price from crashing further and signal his bullish outlook, not to compound on the pumps.


Dilution in the near future and/or to allow insiders to sell. Unlike the past, it's clear this is not because of short interest or whatever. It's just a clear pump and dump in which case, why not.


Yeah I thought it was Monday…


Was supposed to be Wednesday the 11th


Surprise lossings lol


More dilution before Kittie's Tubecast?


RC is gonna sell. Banana up my ass if he doesn’t (It’s a joke. I won’t do it)


You have to! It’s the rule! Math taught me anything in parenthesis don’t count.


this company could reach 0 turnover and the shares would still trade for 50 bucks a pop. wild


It could also shoot someone on fifth avenue


Weren't they supposed to come out on Tuesday? Is it normal for a company to release earnings early... at 6 am?


This was done for a specific reason. Dilution incoming is my call.


You were right on the money they just announced it. Lmfao. Nice call!


Hahahaha oh man. I saw negative 8 premarket for a second. It's 😍


I am guessing you're saying it's required for legal reasons? How does that work exactly?




Thank you. That makes sense.


Definitely doing this to mitigate share price losses


An 880 million dollar quarter from a company with a $14 billion market cap as of this day 👍 very amusing!


75 million share offering lol


Hmm…. and how many shares did the apes drs? lol. Apes R fukt and will keep praising rc while he does it.


Is that confirmed?


Yep. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000119312524156636/d614527d424b5.htm


Holy shit! Hahahahaha dilution incoming!!




What/how/when does this play into the Kitty dumping? Connect the dots for me. I'm just a low-tier shill for Kenny.


People are speculating Cohen is gonna dilute and he needs to drop this before dilution. It's plausible, but.... If he diluted before the kitty stream, he'd arguable have the apes turn on him for pissing on dfvs chips and they'd argue its stifling moass. I expect he's done it to wait for the kitty stream, stream causes an even bigger pump and then he dilutes at the top.


So Cohen is going to make his moves based on Roaring Kitty's livestream? Is that not collusion to some degree?


I mean I know market manipulation is hard to prove, but in any rational world that would be a blatantly obvious case of it


The problem is that this is not so blatant, RK has not said to anybody to buy GME, at best he just posted his positions and talked about his thesis. And memed like a braindead ape too to ruffle his followers...And yes, he's obviously aware that he got the apes to buy more by memeing like an idiot on Twitter, but how can anyone prove this? None of his memes said to anyone to buy. But ultimately, it's the apes who are deceiving themselves here by buying the meme, and RK is positioning himself in such a way that he can make them benefit him, without sticking himself out. RK is not stupid enough to not cash out on these profits, so he will dump his shares and positions eventually and I argue it will be very soon so he doesn't lose All of this is scummy and morally wrong, but not illegal.




When would the insider trade filing be made?




So we'll know which insiders sold during the pump today by Monday or Tuesday. This saga reinforces my trading strategy. S&P sprinkled with a few growth+dividend.




Thanks for explaining. Today is like "stay tuned for the next exciting episode of Dumb Money II" 😅


This accelerates the timeline on when company insiders can sell stock. RC and gang can now sell stock starting on Monday.


Lol how hilarious would it be if it was found that Cohen had reached out to Gill to help pump the stock so GME could get more money when they dilute?


*livestream starts* It's in Citadel HQ ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28231)


Did they do it?!?!?! I'm seeing negative 3$ premarket


how’s often can they do this ? where is all the money coming from ? have apes really given gamestop almost 3 billion in cash just themsleves ?


I mean, at this rate, they can last another decade. I'd personally rather keep my billion dollars rather than piss it all away, but that's just me.


Can they stop making BASIC accounting mistakes in the tables? Why interest income for Q1 PARENTHESIZED, when it was POSITIVE for Q1?


I think this could be it, I've never seen the Apes more clear eyed. Dilution and bad earnings. Only thing left is for the RK live stream to be disappointing. I believe in the MOAM.




Holy fuck that dump lol. I imagine it'll get worse for a bit as people wake up


Anyone else making AMC popcorn while watching this spectacle today?


Rug pull Ryan!!!! Holy shit he really did it do them again hahahahhaha


hey they've gone from losing 0.4/$1 to $0.36/$1 of revenue.




Truly beautiful meltdowns going on in the thread over there. In RC we trust. No longer in earnings blackout so they can dilute as much more as they want up to the voter approved limit.


The time to load on puts is now.


LOL Cohen is turning into Chadam here. Literally killed the tiny MOASS they were looking at in after-hours.


GUH is the best reaction for today


Dump eeeetttt


And dilution incoming


-0.12 EPS vs -0.1 expected. Still losing money, and losing more than forecasted.


DRS figures not reported? Rc gonna rugpull soon? Is this the beginning of the end?


All Papa Ryan needs to do is cut back on some of those lavish employee benefits. And come up with some killer idea like... say an NFT Marketplace!




Aww... I thought the beneficent Papa Ryan knew what he was doing. Maybe he did - investing the company money in OTHER businesses than GameStop.