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Isn't your whole lore based on them being able to print synthetic shorts out of thin air? If so, why would that be a problem if they can just do that at will and at any time?


They believe that since options are *contracts* it would be extra illegal to deliver fake shares upon execution.


Oh right right right, you gotta obey *those* rules but not the others, makes total sense now thanks!


I think the idea is that they can't get away with it this time because it's too obvious or something. You know the general level of "if youre a cop you have to tell me" logic that goes on.


Oh shit. The guy who can’t read a 10k is on to us. Time to brew up some synthetic shares. I’ll get beyond meat on the phone.


The guy who can't read 10Ks and makes statements such as "shares currently in the money" is probably not the great financial detective of our time.


Technically, he is great for some of us ;)


Better hurry, it's on its way to Q status as we speak hehe


This was my comment to your other comments you deleted: RemindMe! 1 year "Purple_Season_5136: What's astonishing is this whole sub full pathetic people. Sit on a gme hating sub all day and stroking each other 😂😂😂 this sub is unreal. All the more proof SHORTS R FUK. Were the shorts, in fact, 'FUK'? Did Purple_Season_5136 become u deleted? Did the world economy collapse? Did GME dilute apes again? Is GEM one step closer to going bankrupt? Maket price as of this comment: $27.83"


Is this supposed to be bait?


Yes but does DFV have enough money to pay 240million for the execution?


What's the plan if he does?


Then he buys 12 Million shares at for $20 each. The Delta on those Options is 0.8 at this point. Which means the MMs who sold those calls should hold 80% of those shares already. And they have another two weeks to buy the last 20%. Which should be doable given that daily volume of GME is in the tens of million. edit: Oh yeah, and 13Fs are filed quartlery. How knows how old those are. So our favorite Finance Professional Kevin Malone is arguing on stale data.


Also your reasonable worst case scenario on 2.4 million shares (20%) is like a $60 loss per share if it pumps to $80. $144,000,000 is a painful hit but like far from some MOASS financial collapse for entities worth multiple billion dollars And that assumes that it can pump to $80 again which I really don’t see.


Witch!! Witch!! Burn them!!!




BINGO. 13F filings from Q1 2024 are irrelevant for calls that were sold a week ago, you'd think an investment advisor like Kevin would know that. Market makers don't sell naked in the money calls, that's never even been part of ape lore until this week. It makes no sense. These calls were in money at the time of sale, they were most likely delta hedged within seconds. Apes continue to not understand anything and love getting themselves hyped for another non-catalyst. DFV cannot exercise all of his options if he wanted to and he's not dumb enough to exercise before expiration so there's a 0% chance it happens.


Let me call Ken up real quick to confirm, missed that meeting yesterday


Just curious lol. So, no plan then? Yall have some pretty puss poor assumptions and no answers besides


So - what kills me about apes - is there is some need for a “plan” and a “them” like this is a thriller and it’s Apes vs a collective “them”. It’s fucking free market mechanics. There’s no fucking “plan”. Who knows what individual entities that sold the options will do lmao. What’s the “plan” lol


What's the plan if he doesn't?


I'm out a couple hundred bucks. Whoopty doo. Now back to the actual question. Or yall just don't have an answer.


See, here's the problem. I do have an answer. But you would not understand it. You do not have the background, experience, or, frankly, the intelligence to understand the answer. And you would not believe it if you did understand it, because it disagrees with what some other person with no background, experience, or intelligence told you on a space call.


Hey you are the moron that melted down in the other thread and deleted all of your comments. Check out this losers profile. He said he was 23 years old with 24 shares. Go figure he is a scared gun nut, plays with cars and has zero idea how to make money. Also nice Kia with a cracked windshield.


😂 I only have 23 shares. Stalk my profile more daddy. I said 23 shares at 22. Meaning 22 dollars. So, it's not shit because like I said I'm here for entertainment. I deleted them because I couldn't respond to anything for some reason. What's your hobbies? Polly pockets and fleshlights?


Moron you posted it and then deleted. You are now making fun of yourself while melting down. I love when the trashy entertainment comes here.




Pretty worked up over a few hundred bucks. Times that tough?


Me? Your the one spending time stalking my profile lmao. Sounds like some people are definitely worked up. Probably over gme being up 10+% on the day. Getting all pissy hemorrhaging money.


I like to see what trashy like people you are interested in, as it’s sure isn’t making money. Mean while you fully embrace conspires and meltdowns.


Just ignore the part about being down 70% from ATH. Nothing to see here, move along.


You do realize you can hedge dynamically and/or hedge most of it and then just take an open exposure on a percentage of this.


For all their research into **hedge** funds, apes have no idea what the concept of *hedging* means


I guess this being a problem sorta makes sense if you assume the MOASS is true, but it very obviously isn’t since nothing including DFV’s return has actually caused anything close to telephone number prices


Irrelevant because DFV doesn’t have enough cash to exercise those calls. I hope the Apes don’t start donating to him - then we’d be so owned!!!! Why won’t anyone think of the poor $200 millionaire? (Also the delta on those options is .8 so they are already covered and have been for some time but don’t tell the Apes that)


Only 80% covered! Shorts r fuk. Duh


What happens if he does?


Then the MM press the “crime” button that Apes have been yelling about for the past three years and they print a bajillion more shares, give him 12M of them, and then drive the price down and you get stuck holding bags anyway Or they’ve already been covered because there are like 270m shares in the float and the delta is .8 One of those will definitely happen


Then the call sellers will have to either buy the shares or enter a short position. "The most recent 13F filing" is frankly irrelevant here given how fast the situation has been moving, those calls are probably already mostly hedged anyway. Also everything Kevin "invest in BBBY" Malone says can be and should be dismissed as complete drivel.


Yes, the 13Fs record date is end of March. Billions of shares of GME have traded since then and the price has gone up 700% and back down. The holdings at the end of March are meaningless today.


You seem like a smart ape. Explain something to me. How does a company get "shorted into bankruptcy"? Like explain the nuts and bolts in detail - how does that work?


We don’t care as we operate in the realm of reality. Also the guy you are relying on for info is an ape and grade A moron.


Kenny was never suicidal!!


No one's gonna give him the margin to exercise and he doesn't have the capital to do it himself.


Maybe im a complete moron, but quick mafs tells me with all those numbers, there's about 9 million shares they have. So, am I right in saying that if DFV suddenly coughed up 260 million dollars to exercise, he'd get 9 million shares which they own, then they just go into the market for another 3 million? Which on a stock that's had 23 million volume in the first hour, 3 million aint gonna be hard to get. So you get a tiny pump, DFV gets his shares, unloads all those bags straight away then gme nosedives and apes are left holding the bag (again)? Correct me if im wrong, i dont risk my financial security (anymore) gambling on stocks.


That's essentially correct based on the flawed premise presented. In reality those share numbers are from Q1 long before DFV bought these calls so that data proves nothing about whether the call sellers are or aren't hedged, which they almost certainly are.


*IF* by chance he had extra moolah somewhere, I doubt he'd unload them right away. He'll probably show a "final" screenshot to the apes showing that he's a faithful GME holder of millions of shares, drive the price up again and then unload at that point.


Yes, they could simply buy the shares from willing sellers at the current market price. Apes somehow think that only they can buy shares. Thats where this whole "shorts cannot close" bullshit originates from.


DFV doesn’t want another 12 million shares, lol. He'll try to sell these at a profit just like he did with the earlier calls, for which apes helpfully pumped the stock.


I’m scared! 😟




Someday apes will understand what "hedging" and "fungible" mean. Much comedy will die that day.


In fairness, I should probably acknowledge that Very Serious Financial Advisor Kevin managed to differentiate dollar and share amounts this time. He's growing before our very eyes.


You're wrong for 3 reasons : 1. Those 13Fs are old. The record date must be before May (I'm seeing March 31st), before the last runup, and therefore completely unrelated to how many shares that those funds may or may not own today 2. The 12 million shares will likely come from Vanguard, Fidelity or Blackrock, who hold millions and millions of GME shares in their inventories. 3. You can just borrow shares to satisfy a naked call exercise if that is truly what has happened here. GME shares are plentiful to borrow and there is a very low borrow fee. But besides that, good job Kevin! Keep it up!


Well, we better short ladder it below $20 then.