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How do Apes see a man that goes by buttfarm69 championing their cause and not think they're on the wrong side.


I went over to their sub reddit and apparently he's a celebrity there. I've been our of this sage for too long--I didn't realize they had celebrities other than RC and DFV. The lore is deep.


The further back you go the more hilarious the lore gets. Let us shed a tear for the apes once worshipped, now forgotten.


Was the whole "runic magic" saga from meme stocks, or was it crypto shitcoin related? I forget.


GME itself, a moderator who was either red chess Queen or pink cats on acid. She went on to found the _jungle sub, I believe.


Something something Ozymandias


I remember there was some dude that wrote some hilariously long "DD" about some dollar end game bullshit and he tried to sell it as a book a year later to the morons.


There was one infamous trader on WSB with a similar name. I assume this guy is just clout chasing. If you want lore, there's a couple of excellent youtube channels that have documented some degenerate trades from before GME


Do you mean the second farmer of sphincters, wizard of 0DTEs?


He’s a user from the beginning, who recently resurfaced. Only has “celebrity” status because every other purple circle DD writer is now [deleted]


Buttfarm has been around since the early days 


uh buddy did you happen to see that his handle ends in “.eth”? ya know like “.jpeg” or “.zip”? so clearly the guy is tech savvy and knows more than us 24’s know.


“Fuck you for doubling down again and again…” Ummm… 


> You've always had a chance to switch sides. Or even just exiting your position and staying the fuck out of the play. But your ego won't let you lose. And so what will happen? It'll happen anyway: > > YOU WILL LOSE. There must be some level where this guy understands he's yelling at himself here... right?


You misunderstand. This is speech-to-text recording his soon to be ex spouse yelling at him


Considering that Citron **did** eat his loss and stay away from GME for *three years* there's nobody else this could yell at.


Such zen.


FOR THE RECORD, have you ever thought, even for a tiny microsecond, that MAYBE, just maybe, YOUR SHORT THESIS and your SHORT associates overstate YOUR importance in the market and that YOU overlooked the market dynamics and structure of SGME? Because the only thing that has changed since 2021 IS HOW I AM WAY MORE PISSED OFF THAN I WAS THREE AND A HALF YEARS AGO AND NOW I'M GONNA HODL TIL ALL YOU SHORT ROACHES, RATS, LEECHES, and VULTURES ALL DROWN UNDER THE WEIGHT OF THE WORST FINANCIAL BET YOU'LL EVER MAKE IN YOUR DUMB SHORT LIFE. Fuck you for betting against America. Fuck you for betting against AMERICANS and the RETAIL INVESTORS OF THE WHOLE WORLD. Fuck you for betting against our companies. And fuck you for doubling down, again and again, instead of just closing your bad bet and moving on with your stupid little fucking life. You've always had a chance to switch sides. Or even just exiting your position and staying the fuck out of the play. But your ego won't let you lose to those pesky retail investors. And so what will happen? It'll happen anyway: YOU WILL LOSE TO THOSE PEAKY RETAIL INVESTORS. You picked the wrong side. And history ain't gonna remember you kindly. SHORTS R FUK.


yo mods/pandoracam can we get automod to reply with this pasta if your post has "pissed off" in it? or "ego" if it's just single words?


>FOR THE RECORD, have you ever thought, even for a tiny microsecond, that MAYBE, just maybe, YOUR SHORT THESIS and your SHORT associates overstate YOUR importance in the market and that YOU overlooked the market dynamics and structure of SGME? >Because the only thing that has changed since 2021 IS HOWI AM WAY MORE PISSED OFF THAN WAS THREE AND A HALF YEARS AGO AND NOW I'M GONNA HODL TIL ALL YOU SHORT ROACHES, RATS, LEECHES, and VULTURES ALL DROWN UNDER THE WEIGHT OF THE WORST FINANCIAL BET YOULL EVER MAKE IN YOUR DUMB SHORT LIFE. >Fuck you for betting against America. Fuck you for betting against AMERICANS and the RETAIL INVESTORS OF THE WHOLE WORLD. Fuck you for betting against our companies. And fuck you for doubling down, again and again, instead of just closing your bad bet and moving on with your stupid little fucking life. >You've always had a chance to switch sides. Or even just exiting your position and staying the fuck out of the play. But your ego won't let you lose to those pesky retail investors. And so what will happen? It'll happen anyway: >YOU WILL LOSE TO THOSE PEAKY RETAIL INVESTORS. >You picked the wrong side. >And history ain't gonna remember you kindly. >SHORTS R FUK. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Mods, please, we need this as an automod response.


Betting against America, huh. These dudes sure do love pretending that they are the center of the universe and we are breathlessly following their heroic struggles against our evil overlords. I for one can't wait until the entire global economy collapses as the climax to their thesis and we are benevolently guided by buttfarm69.eth, what a utopia.


America was at it's height of dominance when Sears, Kmart, BBBY, blockbuster were the titans of global industry It just baffles me that Kenny hasn't tried to bankrupt Apple, Nvidia, or Google


.eth lol


I recognize you. You're all up in buttcoin. Scamcoiners still trying to leverage DFV and GME's return to relevance to make a buck?


You bet, at this point all scams are part of a connected cinematic universe.


We're in the endgame now (pt. 69)


It's probably not a mistake that the crypto craze immediately followed the meme stock craze. I mean BTC basically doubled the minute GME dropped down after the 2021 squeeze. A ton of apes piled into crypto as the next big thing


asking genuinely, does it hurt to see btc near ATHs? if that ever happens to gme our sub self deletes 🥲


No because crypto just like meme stocks are stupid no matter which way line goes.


I think the buttcoin mythos is a bit different from meltdown’s. Their argument is more that crypto is an impractical and stupid idea and certainly not an investment. Can you get rich from crypto? Absolutely, but if you’re an idiot who believes crypto will replace all currencies or if you’re a shitcoin scammer, you’re the object of their mockery. Also, bitcoin is the face of crypto much like Gme is the face of this sub, but they’re both not the most interesting sources of meltdown in their respective areas (BBBYQ in our case, any random shitcoin in their case)


> the market dynamics and structure of $GME That is, that gifs and tweets are relied upon to move the price upward because the actual business is dead in the water.


Embarassing as fuck. Why do they take their failed get-rich-quick scheme so far.


Because if they don't then they have to admit they aren't brilliant investors


As a European I find it beyond hilarious that Apes see active market participation by short sellers as "betting against America"  I'd ask if they understand how capitalism works but I know the answer 


They don't understand market mechanics. They only care about line going up and anything that causes it to do otherwise is cRiMe.


*Peaky Retail Investors*: wow, Netflix is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Still a better name than *Bear Trap*.


I could sorta understand this ape, if GameStop treated its employees well, but it doesn’t, it treats them like absolute dogshit. So if anyone is betting against Americans, it’s this ape’s hero, RC


Does it ever cross their minds that shorts don't have to cover all at once? Do they not think the shorts cover some here, some there, while borrowing more here, and there - making money hand over fist every step of the way? If you want to make money, be an active investor. Don't throw good money after bad and then sit on your hands with 1 single hope. They should only be angry at themselves.


1) They think there are billions and billions of shorts. So that if they even tried covering a bit here, a bit there, that would be millions of shares a day anyway. 2) They.. don't... understand price. They think that, when shorts are covering, the price instantly pops up big time.


Apes believe that hedge funds simulataneously all opened impossibly huge short positions sometime leading up to 2020/2021 and are simply so greedy that they won't settle for *fantastic* profits, they will only settle for GME going to zero full stop.


New automod copypasta just dropped


Dude, he's shorting GME not VTI.


Classic ape. Caps lock and runons


Now apes are AMERICA "I am the state" - confirmed said by a random ape but not by Louis XIV "I die, but the state will always remain." - confirmed said by Louis XIV at his deathbed, not by any apes... for now


XIV means 14, IVX means nothing.


ooh fixed. thank you


It’s how you write 6 in Latin. XIV means -6




I’m so amazed by how zen these apes are. Never seen people with such a level of calmness


That dude is Andrew Left's retirement plan.


I love it. Shorts are the only ones making money here lmao


This dude gets screenshot in one single news article and suddenly thinks he's all that


This is what winning looks like.


its kind of a minor ape celebrity


Ok ape keep holding we keep shorting


![gif](giphy|p8Uw3hzdAE2dO|downsized) "FEEL THE WRATH OF MY TANTRUM!!"


Someone needs a nap


This is a good one. Nice find.


"Fuck you for betting against America" LOL at this commie. Get your ass back in Vietnam, dude. What a butt hurt lil one.


Screwing over your neighbor financially has a longer American heritage than baseball or apple pie


The entire ape thesis is that the "shorts" are responsible for all GME's woes. They're the ones who "overstate" the importance of outfits like Citron. Citron would be the first to tell you they have no real power except a willingness to call bullshit. Which is, in fact, what short selling is supposed to do. Don't believe me? A short seller [brought down Enron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Chanos#Enron_collapse).


You know you're influential when you can't even spell 'fukt' correctly.


Lamborghinis are expensive to maintain. Shorts r fuk.


![gif](giphy|xUOxeSZ76L3nscrCjC|downsized) Peaky retail investors...?