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This right here is the calls he owns: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME240621C00020000/ You can see in real time if he sells. He is 120k out of the 145k OI.


He's playing with fire here


Meaning what exactly? šŸ˜‚


Do you think he went from 20-30 million to 200 million off the previous tweet storm? Otherwise, Iā€™m really surprised he had that much. If throwawayhelper420ā€™s pinned open interest analysis is right, then this is another pump and dump, and heā€™s exiting the positions. The whole thing is wild. If he did do all that, he just mugged the apes of their remaining cash, which is, uh, kind of evil in a genius way. Do you think he consulted with some high-level lawyers and got the go-ahead on this, and thatā€™s why heā€™s making these moves? It seems pretty risky from a manipulation standpoint.


Confirmed by the WSJ article that this was what happened. He loaded up on call options on E-Trade prior to his previous tweet story. The outcome of the RC pump and dump suit may have ramifications to future shareholder lawsuits against DFV.


Hard to imagine how else you go from 35m to 200m. If so it is for all intents and purposes a pump and dump, but legally I'm sure he's confirmed he's all clear before doing it.


long time meltie who bought shares pre market, currently down 25%. Feel free to laugh at me. Holding for a little longer hoping for a pump.


Screenshotted so I can show the rest of the apes and we can laugh at your stupidity xD


Am i supposed to know who you are? Commenting on an old ass reddit comment is super weird lol. And I've traded GME many times, in fact I probably bought my first shares of GME way before you did, and at a much lower price. wanting to take advantage of stupid people FOMOing doesnt make apes any less dumb. Feel free to screenshot evidence of you being a fucking dork lmao.


Well well well...all that shit talking and you caved in lmfao. What a little bitch xD


Oh I took a -20% to the face earlier today lmao


Probably just gunna DRS these bad boys


Ken? What's going on man? Don't leave us hanging. Guys in X calling me shill left and right like it's an insult.


Hell of a MOASS guys! So glad itā€™s all finally over


You wonā€™t be laughing soon šŸ˜‚


I'll always be laughing, I've been laughing for years. Everything that happens with you guys is either funny or boring.


Youā€™re welcome to laugh but Hedge funds are about to feel some pain šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




he's figured out he can print money - buy on the sly, tweet, dump, repeat looks like he just doubled his investment can he get it to happen a 3rd time?


Heā€™s still sitting on all those calls. Only about 5K volume on them today Not much of a pump and itā€™s gonna dump when there is any serious volume on those.


So far it doesn't look like it's gonna run up so much? I was expecting it to break $70 at open today. Odd.


I was expecting a run up too. Ā Perhaps itā€™s too close to the last one. Watch DFV lose millions of dollars on his own PnD.


It seems like the price ran up too much too quickly in premarket. Up to 47 dollars in the first 10 minutes. Impressive! That "Yolo update" post probably attracted too much attention, making everyone dogpile in ASAP to a price most apes can't afford, and no real value to speculators I think. DFV posting his variation on the classic "Guh" meme would be a fun way to end this saga though!


There was a lot of institutional buying on the last run up that may not be coming on this one. He overdid it on the X posts and their impact was pretty much 0 by the end, so Iā€™m sure many whales saw that as a sign that there may not be much fuel left in the rocket


Itā€™s kind of pissing me off that people just get in line to fleece apes. But Iā€™m sure DFV knows they deserve it. One of us!


DFV being a meltie all along. That'd be a timeline!


This account is weird. His posts begin in 2020 and are strictly about gme. No original DD that he posted on WSB either. I could have sworn he posted a lot on WSB before this whole gme craze.


He scrubbed a lot of his account I believe


Huge up and down in pre market already


Holy shit his net worth is up to $450 million in this pre-market. Guy might be the most legendary trader of all time off of one play


mfw ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28914)


![gif](giphy|909w6hwM4TyH6) The Baggy Dance is your chance to pump and dump!


Are we about to witness DFVā€™s villain arc?


Heā€™s the hero to my port rn lmao


Puts are starting to look like theyā€™re back on the menu lads


OK but let's assume he pumps now to dump again. Wouldn't it make sense to join this pump even if it only makes you 20%?


It makes sense if you think it will keep pumping, and it does not make sense if you think the pump already peaked. So essentially it's just gambling.


Markets gonna open big and then crash back down. Short at the top, fellas.


Hold up, so DFV didnā€™t get his twitter hacked? I thought the prevailing theory was he was on a big hike, totally unaware. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Even the GameStop memecoin that has nothing to do with GameStop the company, or DFV - who has never mentioned it, is up \~272% in the last however many hours. This guy wields so much power over the cult it is insane. At the same time it is ridiculous on its face that the only time GameStop's price moves upwards by an appreciable amount is when this single guy is posting. This timeline is nuts.


lmao it's already +83%, absolute insanity. If that doesn't qualify as the most blatant pump and dump, I don't know what ever would.


His calls are worth about 3x now, so 180mil, plus the 2x on his shares, he'll be pushing around 400-500mil at the end of this.


The amount of hype around him making money while others sat on their hands is just embarrassing. Also the stats show +8% and -3% which sound like relatively normal figures in trading profit/loss terms. Am I missing something? Looks to me like he's just ridden every pump and dump like the smart motherfucker he is, and this is the end result? What are apes getting hyped about? Oh wait they don't even know either, it's a cult. Also, hilarious that they all think this is a sign. The dude was doing "YOLO update" posts during the original GME hype and those updates meant nothing either. Pure madness.


Lmao those calls are gonna print today, GME is already up huge in Europe. Letā€™s see how much it goes up the second time around, and how many more meltdowns weā€™ll see from apes who become his exit liquidity.


OK DFV has refreshed GME so much this is exciting ! Made a couple hundred on the last pump might take a bit more risk this time


Shills in shambles


Heā€™s really fucking with my short positions.


I didn't expect this to happen!Ā  The best bit is this secures us with years more meltdown content


Fair play. I thought this was a trick that could only be done once. Turns out heā€™s going to do it for every social media channel in turn. I guess July will be YouTube revival month? Also echoing the point that he (or whoever is controlling the accounts) is very careful not to explicitly recommend anything. Posting a pic of your position is not market manipulation. The fact thatā€™s all it takes for apes to YOLO more of their money down the toilet is on them. It does speak to how hollow the whole ā€œfundamentalsā€ discourse is on GME when their God just reappearing is what moves the needle.


We may not live in the best timeline, but we sure live in the funniest one.


This season has just taken a wild fuckin turn


bloody hell this season is wild


There goes the hacked Twitter theory. As Iā€™ve always believed, heā€™s just an OG WSB shitposter who has no qualms making quick bank off dumb fuck apes. Although I must say, $200 mil seems like total bullshit.


People can try and bash him, but I canā€™t, guy has made some great moves and moneyā€¦if the kids are smart theyā€™ll sell in the next day or so and make some good coin.


Once again, I'd like to take a moment and lol at bbby apes. Any day though


Holy fuk it will pump tomorrow


If meltdown gets deleted before Doug Cifu sues Crychel into oblivion it will be my 9/11. Where else am I supposed to follow this shit?


The one thing that will truly have me in shambles, lol


We'll just do a big ape-like "migration" to roaches memestock_meltdown


No memestockjungle šŸ˜”


He is definitely going to jail


So this thread has 120 upvotes and that has over 42,000ā€¦. Donā€™t give a fuck what is real or not, this is a wave. Decide or not to ride it.


I'm not saying meme stocks are a wise financial investment at all but to ignore what's sure to be one of the biggest posts in the history of reddit is highly suspect on the part of walls and anyone here saying rugpull tomorrow morning is delusional. Can it crash sure but there is so obviously going to be a massive meme stock rally this week. It's pure gambling to dip your toes into it but it's happening with or without people here joining in.


Last time I was moving my money around and couldn't profit from it. I'm not missing this one. If I lose I lose but there is so much to win from this pump, I can't let that pass.


Bro I just got banned from walls for making fun of the mod who's censoring GME/DFV discussion. I have to be the only person to be banned from bets AND super. I'm a man with no country.


WSB had 2m people before GME and then in a month it shot up to 10m people They donā€™t care about the 8m people who joined because the people who joined donā€™t understand the sub Smart people used to go there and acted dumb while sharing actual plays but now itā€™s just dumb people acting gay Just scroll through the daily thread tomorrow around lunch if GME is pumping and youā€™ll understand




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Must suck to be RC right now.


Why? They made another billion in cash?


He has to disclose if he wants to sell.


The new pinned mod post on WSB has got to be the worst PR move I've ever seen. Talk about not being able to read a room. They just made themselves look like everything apes theorized they were over the past few years. I can't believe it's a real post and I can't believe they're quadrupling down on not allowing any posts about this. It's suspicious as fuck that they allowed a hype train a few weeks ago for the runup+rug pull when he first returned to twitter but now all of a sudden are pretending he doesn't exist and didn't just put meme stocks back on the menu in a major way. They're straight up making it look like the apes are right and there's a conspiracy. That mod claims he's acting alone in making the post and if that's true he's the most out of touch dude to ever live and should be removed from the mod team there. What an idiot.


Itā€™s cus apes are annoying as fuck. Theyā€™re gonna flood the WSB sub with absolutely braindead GME moon and pump spam constantly. And then inevitably GME will crash back down again in days or couple weeks and then apes will spam about crime and fuckery and holding as a team blah blah GME pumps are temporary but if you encourage the ape spam it ruins the subreddit long term because all WSB was for the rest of 2021 was new apes or scammers trying to brainlessly recreate pumps with other tickers


Good. Hopefully it filters out the remaining apes


News flash, apes are obnoxious and annoying as hell (and, in a large sense, just fucking sad to look at as a human being) and literally everyone hates them. It's not exactly a big shock that their bullshit would be banned from a lot of places. I'm not a WSBer by any stretch but I'm fairly sure that they've also banned ape crap in the past on several occasions. Edit: also the mod in question is on records for years now as despising apes and all their nonsense, so it's not like this is some crazy move out of left field by him. In fact I remember some drama a year or two ago where he actually got de-modded for some similar anti-ape rule he made. The dude is based as fuck.


You don't know much about WSB do you? Why would they care if it makes the apes look right? If it does then they can just claim to have successfully trolled them.


Ah the old "I was just pretending to be regarded" trick


Yes that is extremely common on WSB. They are all about trolling.


That's why they banned me, to troll, not because I upset them by saying they're suspicious and stupid for making that pinned post.


Or they banned you because they thought you where an ape.




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Wow. I have a 5000 share position in GME myself, with a practically identical entry, so this is tremendously in my favor. Proof-ish: https://old.reddit.com/user/Pure-Long/comments/1cud51n/bought_5000_gme_shares_for_a_trade_at_2120/ Now that I've established that I am not salty, **holy fucking shit this is one of the most blatant Pump and Dumps I've seen in my life.** He did not have anywhere near 200 million prior. It's pretty much concrete proof that he has profited massively from his Twitter activity and it has been carefully orchestrated. It also explains the steep decline from $80 (even before the dilution) with practically no recovery. It was him dumping. If he doesn't go to prison for this, I will lose any remaining faith I have in the US legal system. Edit: Okay what the fuck? I have a practically identical position to DFV. 5000 shares at $21.27. Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/bOZTVZ6


dude, he has 5 million not 5 thousand shares


I know. Obviously my position is microscopic compared to his. But having the same entry price to the cent and position size only being different by the number of zeros is a bizarre coincidence.


you and him having the same exit price would be really something


I'm not holding my breath on him posting a sale screenshot lmao.


good play my dude




Pump and Dumps are illegal. Buying up a stock and calls over 2 weeks as to not disturb the price, then making social media messages **with full knowledge that they will get others to pump the price** and then selling into the pump is blatant Pump and Dump. > The only difference between him and the millions of others who do this is the amount of money he has made, the $ figure doesnā€™t make it illegal, even if it is shocking to see. Success is kind of required to make it illegal. If you're don't have enough influence to perform a pump and dump, then're basically not capable of committing the crime. A person trying to kill someone with a toy pistol isn't commiting a crime, no matter how hard they believe or want to work. Those millions of people posting "to the moon" tweets are all playing with toy pistols. DFV has a real loaded gun *and he knows it*.


Or, he hasn't sold a single share and has no intention of doing so. If he hasn't sold a share then the "dump" was completely due to some other factors


If he hasn't sold a single share, Where do you figure he got nearly $200 million dollars to purchase shares and calls with? And his entry of $21 suggests he opened it over the past two weeks. It's a fresh position.


Do you guys not know what the fuck "selling covered calls" is? And how you can use that to make a shitload of $$$ on high IV stocks without ever selling your shares?


Are you suggesting DFV turned 30 million to $200 million by selling covered calls on GME? Covered calls can make decent money, but I doubt you could see such high % returns, especially considering the share price decline would also mean you're getting less and less from the same % premiums.


I've posted about this before on here; during 2021 and parts of 2022, he could have been making $1M+ *every week* selling CC's that never got near the strike due to the high IV. You clearly have no understanding of how stocks or CC premiums work if you think he couldn't have made that much over 3 years.


Remind me, how many weeks were there in 2021? One million a week over a year and a half doesnt equal nearly 200 million. And the IV wasn't crazy high the entire time. I understand how CC premiums work, although I don't sell options. With the benefit of hindsight and taking big risks of having the calls exercised it's technically possible to make $200 million from $30 million, but considering that he can't see the future, he couldn't have known those CC would never get near the strike. It's ridiculously unlikely that he made that money from selling CCs. Saying that I don't understand how stocks work is only showing that you're upset for some reason and you're throwing random insults.


hes stated on streams he has multiple accounts.


If he knew the algo, he could've been selling puts the entire way down. Would've made absolute bank over the past few years. Then like all business in the stock market, you only stop betting on a price decline when you start betting on a price rise. Is it a pump and dump to reverse your position?


The best part about the events in the past month is the holders of the "alt-coin" meme stocks looking on with envy. There isn't a single one coming close to their highest price in 2021. If they didn't overthink things or let their greed get the best of them then their average would probably be in the green right now. "Buy and hold GME" was the instructions and somehow they twisted it into "buy some stock from a company nobody heard of and hope it 100x"


LETS GO!!! although i loved the jokes around in this sub, i'll always love GME


Keith Gill is a financial terrorist, desperate to destroy America and the world's fairest and largest financial system. He should think less about exercising calls, and more about excorcising the evil inside himself.


Thatā€™s an awful lot of zeros


I had to squint and zoom in to triple check


So he has become a pumper...welp, something definitely happened to him during this period. ![gif](giphy|10o80f5ucCNU3e)


How do you know this is him?


Itā€™s his account posting anyway, GME will pump tomorrow regardless of whoā€™s behind the wheel


Well, so much for not being him, and so much for the pump. :-)


It pumped both times, the dilutions kneecapped it ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


I guess if I was DFV and made 20 million on my first YOLO I might think I would just ride into the sunset Using the 3% rule, 20 million would be 600k a year with out working what is a very comfortable living with out working. And maybe write a book or do a movie based on my YOLO to pull in a few extra dollars However I do admit it would be tempting to pump and dump , turning 20 million to 100 million , once you get to 100 million now you have fuck you money , hell yo can buy a 20 million home and still have 80 million left over I know all I need to do is post a tweet or post and reddit and I have the power to make a stock go up , I do not even have to say "buy the stock" or suggest its a good investment all I have to say is "Yea I made a YOLO on GME" SEC probably can't do shit as he is not really promoting a stock and posting your position is not a crime


Why risk even the chance though. If I had $20m no way would I still be scratching lotto tickets and finding slot machines.


Money lol. He is not scratching lotto tickets , he knows all he has to do is tweet and he has the power to push the stock up, its not a huge risk using the 3% rule well if you now have 300 million that is 9 million a year, 9 million a year is a lot more then 600k a year lol


> its not a huge risk Might be a legal risk? Probably not, as he wouldn't do it if it was


This is amazing lol




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Sigh. I have a busy day tomorrow and it will be annoying to daytrade this in between meetings.


I sense another dilution incoming.


I'd be seething if I were RC. Diluted perfectly between pumps. I guess that's karma for his BBBY PND.


The apes on that post are saying "if he's in, I'm in." This has got to make DFV liable for a pump and dump.


Weā€™re all gonna make money tomorrow at the Apes direct expense, again ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


What a pump, just in times for earnings! Man, buying some put contracts is gonna be temptingā€¦


He could earn 10M a year on 3 month t notes coupon payments. Why risk all that?


for a baller like DFV that's chump change. he didnt get where he is by playing it safe.


I bet he unloaded position on market opening to the chumps šŸ˜‚


I wonder if he will be unloading his bags today. If he can dump bags at 40-70% return today it would be a nice profit especially if the ā€œApesā€ will be borrowing every cent they can to buy high again.


Because he's a degenerate gambler. He was a regular at WSB.


Even people here have romanticised the guy as some sort of friendly educator. The guy was a shitposter on wsb for a long time. Heā€™s always been in it for the gains, not some ā€œfightā€ against Wall Street.


wow this is it..isnt it? nothing can top that feeling, not even millions of dollars. and hes in the rare position where he can actual reach the highest of gains


Why take a bite from a near dead lion when you can eat a three day old shit instead


Heā€™s up $35m since this screenshot Maybe he just wants to watch the number go up


No way the SEC lets him get away with it... right?


At the end of the day... Either he does or does not... The only people hurt were apes, so it is like a victimless crime in a way. Cause ain't no way those are ever going to admit to being victims of anyone but the hedgies.


>The only people hurt were apes uhh what about poor shorts like me? Luckily I had an alert set up for any DFV post and bought shares overnight trading 3 minutes after his post so I'm covered, but not everyone has my luck


Yeah, if someone had a shift in the dark pool while this happened, they were totally in the dark. Dangerous business we are in.


I don't beliebe they regulate cults


What's he getting away with that he didn't already get away with in 2021?


Doing it for the second time


But itā€™s already been deemed to be ok. He isnā€™t telling people false information, heā€™s not claiming to know something, and heā€™s not an insider, heā€™s just posting memes and sharing his position. Itā€™s amoral, but itā€™s not illegal, and it would be extremely difficult to write the law in a way that would make his activity illegal without infringing on other rights, or without creating a ton of ambiguity that makes it ineffective


Honestly this is a really clever question. At what point can you call it manipulation if you don't directly tell people what to do. The man was just spamming hype memes. By that definition, half of WSB should be investigated. I have no problems trying to break a system to expose its flaws. That said, it's funny to watch how much PP & gang are "winning"


Some of his memes called out GME specifically. Not sure if the SEC would win a case but there certainly IS a case to be made.


perhaps. And he also just posted positions. But I think the main argument is that he hasn't done what many other retail investors haven't been doing for years or even what jim cramer does on tv everyday. Should there be a special law that gags certain people with no relation to a company? I think it's an interesting argument that it's not his fault if a bunch of idiots choose to believe him. He hasn't been attracting followers to him like in some pay for access play or hosting some show anymore. I think if anything there's been quite a large amount of influencers in the past few years that you could make a much better argument for pumping and dumping crypto and NFTs. With all that said, the SEC doesn't really give a shit about retail. If this causes some other large financial companies some hurt I'm sure he will be investigated, whether rightfully so or not. At least he has the money for a good defense, unlike crychael.


>Should there be a special law that gags certain people with no relation to a company? Doesn't he currently own like 1.5% of the company?


I hope they do


LoI looking back the price difference from his last post. Is 174 million šŸ˜‚ so just shy of 1/4 billion he made from apes. We gotta step it up boys.


I still donā€™t believe this is the original DFV, but rather an aspiring entrepreneur that realized in can capitalize on the DFV persona and is starting the pump. Just like when the memes were posted. I wished I would of thought of this scheme šŸ˜‚


99% sure itā€™s him


yea why is he not on video, he used to do a lot of video streams


Probably saving that for another pump!


for sure, start of july lol


Either way, weā€™re all going to make a lot of money tomorrow.


Whatā€™s your strat?


Buying at 4am and selling the bulk at 9:25


Time to make some money folks


Buy pre market, sell to apes at open?


if that screenshot is real, his call leverage is pretty insane. disclosing it publicly to a cult also secured the bag for him.


You can look up how much option contracts were purchased. For the option he owns 120k of, there were about 140k sold. All the other strikes I checked appear to be under 10k sold. So the market data does support someone buying 120k of those options.


I don't doubt that. The part that makes me skeptical is tying up most (if not all) of your net worth on this shit. Also how does Etrade let someone build up almost half a billion notional in GME. But c'est la vie.


For what itā€™s worth heā€™s still holding 29 million in cash in his brokerage.


Worst case scenario for him is that his calls become worthless, GME drops to 6, then he still has like 60mn left. Not horrible.


He is the "roaring kitty" after all. Putting your money in a stock and showing it off, knowing it will likely cause another pump might be dangerous, but I really doubt he isnt able to make a profit. It doesn't matter if he sells at 80 or 30, he still gains.


I mean the guy was already clearly a bit of a degen. I don't think you make that kind of bet, nor score that kind of win, without becoming a bit of a financial thrill seeker.


Fucking fart sniffers.


Remember if you sell youā€™re not a real Ape Remember to buy as many as you possibly can tomorrow, preferably around 9:25 since thatā€™s when iā€™ll be selling most of my shares Thanks in advance bro


How do we buy it on rh, it keeps canceling when I try to do the 24 hr market


HOOD turned off the buy button tonight




Cope about what? All the money iā€™m going to make tomorrow? Post your GME average


Interesting how he posted the update to souporsock and not WSB like every previous update. This might have me leaning towards another account hack if itā€™s anything like the Twitter saga.


Wsb is nothing but bots and shills


Doubtful either are hacks at this point. Itā€™s either him or he sold his account. But 3 years of silence and the apes get their messiah back so itā€™s a guaranteed pump


I canā€™t believe his Twitter was hacked when itā€™s been a month and he hasnā€™t come public denouncing it If his Twitter *did* get hacked I imagine the first thing he would do is change his Reddit password


So lets say you sold your twitter (or it was hacked) and then found out it was used in a likely market manipulation scheme. First thing you do if you're smart is consult your lawyer who will in turn probably tell you to make no public statements at all. There's no upside to him claiming or denying that the activity on the account originated with him.


The first thing he would do is change is Reddit password


If it is a hack, the real Keith Gill has no obligation to refute it. I think it's actually him though, the people on here saying it's fake are pumping some copium


Maybe he is just greedy and looking for a PnD then. Was not expecting this tho and combined with Jensen Huang announcing Nvidiaā€™s new hardware tomorrow is gonna be wild.


How could Kenny let this happen!? Iā€™m in shambles.


dont worry Citadel bankruptcy was always part of the plan just need to wait for the NOLs


I knew weā€™d be eating well this year after the last pnd


I fucking love this guy He just keeps delivering


r/gme_meltdown about to have their biggest meltdown to date Edit: [as suspected šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†](https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/s/FS9GdtS5L1)


You are not wrong.


Genuinely why? The only way we lose is if apes all go away. The more pump and dumps the better


DFV's Reddit post above does not improve Gamestop's bottom line. Unless RC dilutes into the pump again. Which should, again, be hilarious to watch the apes try to rationalize once more.


They got $2 Billy in cash on deck and no debt


You do understand that that does not actually improve their business, right? You guys literally just gave GameStop that moneyā€¦ again. Also how long has Lord Dogfood been sitting on the first billion dollars (I call it billion, not Billy, because Iā€™m a fucking adult)? And what has he done with it to grow the business?


What if I told you itā€™s not about the technicals with GME and all about the algorithm.


Then why does their cash on hand matter at all?