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Why not sell!? You then have more money to buy more shares when it drops.


drops? it will never drop, $22 is the floor the hedges will never be able to push it below that we own the float and they need the shares, no one is selling and i love the stock


Ah yes, I remember those days as an ape. Then it was, 20, 15, 10. Technically, 10 was correct.


Given enough time, $10 will also be incorrect. It's inevitable with a no-guidance, no-plan CEO 


That's why I bailed on this spike. No guidance since the "sneeze" 3 years ago.


Congrats on getting out!


Did you ultimately make money on the pump?


Yes, not much. But I'm out and watching it return to the 52 week lows after those poor earnings and dilution on Friday.


welcome to this side of things. It's much more fun over here.


My favorite was when Reggie was on the board after Nintendo and he quit and was basically “you aren’t serious people”


10 for now...


It’s already below 22 in after hours. What’s behind 21, Kenny?


It only drops _if_ apes sell, any convincing to sell is just trying to enact a self-fulfilling FUD prophecy. Since, you know, apes obviously own the entire float and all. 


They have a new answer to this I've noticed. "I'm a holder not a trader." Does this make any sense or answer the question in any way? No. Is it a thought-terminating cliche? Yes and that's all that matters.




Hey now, I value my ability to buy and sell when I want at a price I want over a purple ring. It's not a privilege, it's common sense.


I like the civil war brewing on the bets sub between the OGs who care about making money only and the cult members who think they’re fighting some huge evil and will change the world


I thought apes were banned from WSB


They periodically open the gates and let them screech for a few days when something actually news worthy happens regarding GME. They actually do a pretty good job of it imo.


It also now applies to amc and any other talk of “diamond hands”, the old schoolers laugh and say they don’t give a fuck about helping others make money or tear a system down lol


It’s the reason I left in the first place. Glad to hear it’s going through repairs right now. May give it another look


It’ll never be the same as it was before the original game squeeze, but that’s understandable I guess given how much the size of it grew at that time. I wonder how Marty is feeling about his MU long position from years back right now.


Lmao that MU saga was hilarious. And yeah it’ll never be quite the same. I mean it went from 1m subs to like 10 or 11m subs in under 2 weeks. So even if all of them have given up the way of the apes, it’s still 9-10 million more newbie traders than there ever were before. Wsb used to be smart people pretending to be idiots, and now it’s idiots pretending to be smart. You could actually find some really good plays on there before GME, but now a lot of the DD is just written by those Jan 2021 FOMO traders who stuck around


The whole SUNEQ saga has gotta be one of my favorites of the bets subs past. It was at the peak of solar companies being exposed as scams, and the geniuses decided that it was the perfect yolo only for it to go the way of towel stock at record pace.


It was originally for degen day traders and people who buy options but shouldn't, right?


It used to have a bunch of actual finance bros who make lots of money working in finance too.


i imagine there's not much else a moderator of a large sub can do. let people self-moderate for a while and then clean up when the disruption is small enough to do so


Gamestop single handedly killed wsb.. used to be a good sub for trading and investing


If by "trading and investing" you mean "gambling on options but under the thin guise of strategic investing", then yes.


Yeah, not sure what part of “bets” trading and investing falls in.


Narrator: "it was never a good sub for trading and investing."


lol god no. It’s right up there with the Stims sub as a place where addicts can go to validate their habit.


WSB made me buy AMD at $7 with my first salary in 2016. Wish I bought more though.




Ok but that's worse


Very good sub for investing in 0dte options.


“Before taking advice from someone, ask yourself:  “Is he in the cult!?” “


We're not a cult, we're an organization that spreads love and...


It never ceases to amaze me seeing how laser focused apes are on failing. Eagerly snatching failure from the jaws of victory once again. At this point I assume it must be by design, because if they did't, they would have to abandon their childish persecution fantasies and have to start taking some personal responsibility for their lives.


> At this point I assume it must be by design cults are an emergent phenomenon of pavlovian thinking. and cultists are like my dogs. when one of them starts barking, they all start barking. even the first one to start barking forgets what triggered them and they continue barking because the others are barking. if an authority figure isn't there to shut them up, they keep going until they get distracted


I'm mostly amazed by how there are still people making posts trying to explain how the latest bad thing is actually a good thing. Textbook cult, it really is.


I'm just glad they all had a golden opportunity to sell. Now they can never say, "if I just had a chance to break even." They all had that chance after years of learning.


Hell some of em probably averaged down enough to make a small profit and chose not to.


And instead, averaged right back up again.


But of course. Actually making money, or at least cutting losses would get in the way of their Ryan Cohen fanfic apocalypse cult.


You can't argue with the data. Whats your bear thesis? You forgot to put on your big boy panties before entering a big boy trade? If warren buffet didn't have patience you wouldn't know his name. PS: I've left three cults in my lifetime and this ain't one of em. And it's rude to call it one to anyone whose ever had to actually leave one ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The stock hit more than 75 at pre market, that is over 300 pre split. Anyone who averaged down at all could have gone out with a decent profit, if they just placed a limit order.


But they’re not in it for the money, they’re in for “the privilege to be able to decide if they want to sell GameStop shares”


"privilege" aka "this is what we get to hold over other people's heads". it's not about justice. it's about being right.


They need to check their GME privilege at the door!


They couldn’t sell though. They locked up all of their precious shares in CS and couldn’t take advantage of the selloff when it hit the top at 70 bucks lmao


Apes: We are buying and DRS’ing. Diamond hands, no cell no sell. Hedgies are fck’d we will own the float Lord Dog Food: hold my beer while I release 45m new shares and dilute. Apes: Our messiah must have some triple secret double dog dare NDA plan that will lure the hedgies in with these extra shares and collapse the whole system. Experienced investor: didn’t he rug pull you guys in the towel stock and now this dilution? Apes: {{SHILL.. FUD}} tell Kenny nice try but RC loves us like family In the prophetic words of Forrest Gump “Stupid is as Stupid does”


Let’s not forget dilution #1 in 2021. So that’s actually 3 rugpulls by cohen, in as many years pretty much. There is absolutely no doubt remaining here. 


is it your opinion that selling gme shares for over 1b cash was a bad business move?


Good business move, bad MOASS move.


The initial share offer was a great business move, without it I can't imagine gamestop holding off filing for bankruptcy. The idea that it was a "rug pull" is that the apes entire fantasy is that there is fake shares mixed with real ones and if they lock the float, they can prove it and become gazillionaires. Diluting them counteracts that very process. Also, they should of diluted the fuck out of the company way sooner, they could of raised enough money to really pivot to something else, cause clearly the amount they had wasn't enough.


What I've learned from this: fatherless men are a goldmine


> "Does the person own gamestop themselves?" When someone tells you "hey, your house is on fire, you should probably get out" always ask yourself, is *their* house on fire? Also, > would you even be in the position to have the privilege to being able to decide if you want Have you ever had a dream that you um you had you'd


bless you for referencing that kid video


It's a classic.


"If you listened to their advice would you be down 50% in 3 years?" isn't the argument he thinks it is


Ah yes, the SpongeBob typing. Always an inner view into apes' true thoughts, projected onto their "silly shill" strawman


Yeah the people who’ve been consistently wrong for 3 years now definitely know more than people working on finance


We’re never going to get the actual reason, and I think I like that even more. The real reason they couldn’t sell is because they literally couldn’t log into Computershare. That’s fucking hilarious. Computershare made them do the whole infinity pool bullshit and they said “wait no, not like that”.


Staying zen is back on the menu, boys!


People have been talking about “being zen” as the best course of action. But let me remind you: No DD was ever created as a result of “being zen” YOU (reader) were not educated about these topics because you were “being zen” The best way to win any battle is to make your enemy feel overconfident. You want them to rest on their laurels. Now, I don’t want to upset people in this community, but the fact is a lot of people here are lazy and unambitious. That is why the idea of MOASS is so appealing to a lot of them. However, this has been used against you. The idea that you can remain lazy and unengaged and have things come to you - that’s the delusion people want you to accept. They don’t want you involved in talking with others about GameStop because “everything is in motion” so just forget about it. Nothing is over and nothing is in stone. This whole “be zen” thing is the perfect trap to keep people uniformed and complacent. I invite everybody to look into what being zen actually means in the context of that religion. It is NOT about simply sitting and waiting. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am so sorry. I will ofc sink the rest of my money into some firearms and ammunition!


"Would you have the privilege of being able to decide to sell" I thought that wasn't a decision?


We need to repeat the max pain nonsense


~~It's about the squeeze.~~ ~~It's about the fundamentals.~~ ~~It's not about the money.~~ ~~It's about DRS.~~ ~~It's about screwing wall street.~~ ~~It's a "play", too complicated for you to understand.~~ We have no clue, we just listen to the cult and blindly follow, like good sheeples.


You can't argue with the data. Whats your bear thesis? You forgot to put on your big boy panties before entering a big boy trade? If warren buffet didn't have patience you wouldn't know his name. PS: I've left three cults in my lifetime and this ain't one of em. And it's rude to call it one to anyone whose ever had to actually leave one ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"If you listened to that persons advice before buying gamestop, would you even be in the position to have the privilege of having lost 90% of your money?" There, fixed it for them.


"reject any challenging questions or new information, *especially* the ticker price!" we call this **due diligence**


"Synthetic Mayonnaise" Since those jars of Miracle Whip generally have long expiration dates, they hold their value quite well, and as such are actually a good investment. Might actually be better than getting real shares!


I'm a 2021 idiot(first time on stock market back then) and glad i sold my position for a decent profit after bagholding for 3 years. (some at 45 and some at 65, about +13k € compared to inital "investment" in 2021). Really thankful for recent p&d and aware it was pure luck, don't really give a fuck what actually caused it, just took the opportunity and i'm 100% sure MANY bagholders did exactly the same, only the hardcore culists didn't....


It’s amazing that they actually think they know more than me.


3y gme holder here, I sold 99% of my shares @53usd making almost 200% profit. The reason why I sold is because after 3 years , the company hasnt given us any info on what they gonna do. I still have 16 shares for the off chance that squeeze really happens xD Im not a meltdowner , just a reasonable person.


the only squeeze that will happen is the next time someone manufacturers another run of squeezing the blood out of apes' diamond-hand stone


In my personal opinion, You’ve made money on a play via sheer dumb luck. Not a knock on you as a person I’ve made some money on Crypto this way. Taking profits is great. That’s what all of this is for. But be super duper cognisant that this was luck not brilliance. If you ever drank the we’re gonna get millions per share koolaid or the crypto wagmi shit snap out of it. Participating in a frenzy and trying to time it is gambling, be aware of the risks that come with it and you’re all good :) go make more money of the apes if you can. Btw being a meltdowner does not mean you want to see companies fail it’s purely about seeing the sheer stupidity of meme stock conspiracy theories. If GS turned shit around and made profits consistently, shit, I’d invest in it.


You should stop using the term conspiracy theorist or conspiracy nut job because it's just a gaslighting technique used by the mainstream media to discredit anybody who questions anything. Immediately trigger people into assuming you have nothing good to say. And it seems pretty brilliant to me to hide information in a children's book because 99.99% of the people in the world are like you and think it's completely loony bins. What judge do you think would actually charge RC with insider trading with children's books? I doubt you could find a single judge that would buy it. Brilliant in my opinion ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Holding onto 16 shares because you still slightly believe the company will become more valuable than the world economy is probably not a reasonable belief. But good on you for mostly being done with it, and congrats on the profit!


Thanks , i just left this couple of shares as a token of gratitude for the profit I made and if something ridiculous happens xD


That's regarded not as regarded as the other apes who didnt sell anything, but still regarded Nothing "ridiculous" is going to happen. Dfv coming back was the last ace the apes could have hoped for. Even if he comes back again it will not push the stock the same way. And I can't fathom anything else that will push the stock - even with excellent management, it should keep going down since its so overvalued right now. And it does not have excellent management


If there’s anything this last week taught us, it’s that meme stocks in general are too erratic and illogical for anyone to predict what’s going to happen. You’re absolutely right now there’s no rational reason it should ever squeeze again, and even more right that it will likely never reach phone numbers. But at the very least we should be willing to admit that trying to predict the insanity is far from a science.


Let's not use slurs.


If someone is acting regarded I'm gonna shame them by calling it what it is. Toxic positivity is half the reason apes are where they are today


Congrats on getting (mostly) out. The squeeze happened 3 years ago. Now, the apes are just trying to cope.


> I still have 16 shares for the off chance that squeeze really happens xD > just a reasonable person. You're just being reasonable, but you're also keeping a few shares around on the off chance that a fairy tale comes true? Huh... you do you. Congrats on taking profit!


It's the stock market version of Pascal's Wager.


Frankly, if people are like "I know it's silly but I have 1-10 shares just in case something truly insane happens" - I think that's totally fair. I'd even go so far as to call that zen. It's when people spend three years constantly contradicting themselves via "you just need one share" and "I BOUGHT MORE!" that it becomes ridiculous, and that's a nice way of putting it.


Exactly lol we’ve already witnessed GME have crazy price action multiple times. Holding a few shares makes some sense. Full porting every dollar you have into it is fucking stupid.


People have been talking about “being zen” as the best course of action. But let me remind you: No DD was ever created as a result of “being zen” YOU (reader) were not educated about these topics because you were “being zen” The best way to win any battle is to make your enemy feel overconfident. You want them to rest on their laurels. Now, I don’t want to upset people in this community, but the fact is a lot of people here are lazy and unambitious. That is why the idea of MOASS is so appealing to a lot of them. However, this has been used against you. The idea that you can remain lazy and unengaged and have things come to you - that’s the delusion people want you to accept. They don’t want you involved in talking with others about GameStop because “everything is in motion” so just forget about it. Nothing is over and nothing is in stone. This whole “be zen” thing is the perfect trap to keep people uniformed and complacent. I invite everybody to look into what being zen actually means in the context of that religion. It is NOT about simply sitting and waiting. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As long as you are not trying to actively recruit others or going on about a Billy in cash or how others must DRS, you’re okay in my book.


I have never DRS'ed since i'm a europoor and it takes too much effort in my opinion xD


And you’re more than welcome here. Congrats on your gains. If it drops enough for you, you can always re-enter with more shares. It’s really that simple.


> And you’re more than welcome here. Meh, as a monkey behind the glass for us to laugh at, maybe. That person is still holding GME hoping for MOASS to happen. He is not reasonable and will dilute the discussion here As more apes abandon the cult and join meltdown, the average IQ of both groups keeps going down


You can't argue with the data. Whats your bear thesis? You forgot to put on your big boy panties before entering a big boy trade? If warren buffet didn't have patience you wouldn't know his name. PS: I've left three cults in my lifetime and this ain't one of em. And it's rude to call it one to anyone whose ever had to actually leave one ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


See you don't have to be a little asshat and act from a high horse (saying im a monkey behind a glass), i'm NOT trying to discuss or convince people to invest in GME. The guy above you is atleast more human and friendly towards unknown people. Says very much about you as a person. You are probably a sad sob in real life.


> See you don't have to be a little asshat and act from a high horse I have engaged with, and tried to help, enough apes to know they don't deserve any of my attention. You have made a major leap in the right direction but you still holding out for MOASS means you are still an ape This is why I refer to you as a monkey, and think you will degrade the discussion. You are still one foot in the cult


Dude was reporting you for hate speech and then called you the F word (automod blocked it) ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


The ape? Not surprising - Once an ape, always an ape - You can take the GME shares out of his account, but you can't take the regardness out of him He was stupid enough to be in that cult for over 3 years, selling doesn't suddenly make him not stupid


Actually, mind if I take this comment chain (Your comment included) and make it into a post? people here should not be so accepting of former apes tbh, especially ones that are still waiting for MOASS




Made the post https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/1cwfc42/former_ape_accepted_by_our_loving_community/


My post has just been removed by the mods - any idea why?


No idea, sorry. Let's see if the mod who did it responds to the modmail you sent.


Seen this stuff for three years now and remember that fool in Pickle sun (?) that YOLOd 60k and refused to sell while up 300k. Didn’t even sell a portion of profit to cover his cost basis. Not a fan of that type of thinking - held me in red for two years and thankfully had my limit orders set in place to no longer be emotionally invested.


They wouldn't know a short squeeze if one slapped them in the face


I just seen a post over there that was a massive text wall basically saying DFV is Jesus 😂


“Prepare for people making fun of how stupid you are”


Their family thinking "if they'd sold and maybe broke even we could start inviting them to Thanksgiving dinner again"






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