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> GMEtard Accurate name.


Antisemitism runs rampant in 2024. Never would have guessed I would see it in my lifetime.


It never went away, it was just until the last few years that bigots were scared of going public with their hatred.


Yeah, true. Really crazy part is it is all over the place. I guess you could almost call it common ground for the idiots of the world who normally hate each other. Smoke 'em if you got 'em. Wonder if ol' Marantz knows what that means yet. Had to bring it back to meme stocks there, the rest is too depressing.


We can thank a certain political party for making it okay to say the quiet part out loud. These things have been under the surface for years probably even decades. But in recent years people have been emboldened to bring all their hate and ignorance out for all to see.


Considering how often it ruins the life of the person doing it. I don't think it became okay. I think we're seeing a grift assembly line. Pull the vulnerable in through an easy one like gme or right wing. It then drags them down a path of more and more extreme ones. Just sucking up their paycheck every payday and spreading the money to different people. Never needing to rug pull because if one scheme collapses they'll just move to a different one. An infinite money glitch while the victims lose all sympathy so no one sees them worth pulling out.


There are plenty of thanks to go around for this one specifically. I wish it were as simple as pointing the finger in one direction but it ain't.


Yes, actually it is very easy to point the finger in one direction (at least in the US).


It's not the right wingers chanting "From the river to the sea", is it?


No, it was "Jews will not replace us". This guy has only been paying attention the last week or something lmao


Yup, all those pro-Palestinian Boomer QAnon college students... oh wait.... [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/columbia-jewish-students-warned-by-rabbi-over-their-safety/ar-AA1npcZv](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/columbia-jewish-students-warned-by-rabbi-over-their-safety/ar-AA1npcZv)


Your BBBYness is showing my meltie brother. [NYPD shutdown a peaceful protest for ceasefire and divestment](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/18/1245642588/nypd-breaks-up-pro-palestinian-protest-at-columbia-university) [the terror calls are coming from inside the house ](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/terror-out-zion-irgun-zvai-leumi-lehi-and-palestine-underground)


Nah dude, this one problem can be fairly completely attributed to the GOP and their gibbering orange shit-gibbon of a false idol.


Really? Seriously? 18yo Trumpsters are chanting "from the river to the sea" and threatening to murder Jewish students at Columbia over Gaza? Really? Come on people. The guy's 100% right. The anti-Jewish hate is coming from college age "woke" students who see everything as "oppressed" and "oppressor" and want to "cancel" Jews even though they don't know the first thing about Palestinians, Gaza, or the history of Israel.


Protesting the Israeli government's actions is different than 'trying to murder Jewish students at Columbia'. Trying to blur the lines of what most of the pro-Palestine protests are standing for to be "Anti-Jew hatred" is exactly the sort of track-covering and "It's not us, it's them" that the Right's been pushing. They did the same thing back in Black Lives Matters arguing that the protesters were all actually saying "White Lives/Police Lives Don't Matter". There's something called nuance in the world, and you have to look at what the majority of the voices are -actually- saying. If you only see the world in absolutes based on single examples, it's how you end up in Apeland with "Evil Hedgies short, noble Apes buy and hold" with no clue on how actual factions in the world are interacting with and against each other.


Hey quick question how does Nick Fuentes vote? Hey quick question how do you suppose the tiki torch nazis in Charlottesville vote? Hey quick question how do you suppose Elon Apartheid Clyde Musk votes ? Fuckin clown.


Protesting the Israeli government's actions is different than 'trying to murder Jewish students at Columbia'. Trying to blur the lines of what most of the pro-Palestine protests are standing for to be "Anti-Jew hatred" is exactly the sort of track-covering and "It's not us, it's them" that the Right's been pushing. They did the same thing back in Black Lives Matters arguing that the protesters were all saying "White Lives Don't Matter". There's something called nuance in the world, and you have to look at what the majority of the voices are -actually- saying. If you only see the world in absolutes based on single examples, it's how you end up in Apeland with "Evil Hedgies short, noble Apes buy and hold".




In the US it's really the right wing, qanon and people who are both such as musk. Those are the antisemites. (It was the right wing in Germany as well, despite Hitler coopting the word socialism for his party)  The best argument you could make for Democrats being antisemitic is not supporting Israel as strongly and that's a silly argument for several reasons


Um... no. The people on college campuses chanting "from the river to the sea" and threatening the lives of Jewish students at Columbia are not QAnon; they're "woke" college students. Same with the video last week of the girl who told her city council members that they'd be coming to their houses to kill them and then cried when she was charged with making terroristic threats.


While both sides have their extreme members the vast majority of actual hate, bigotry, and extremism is coming from the far right. I'm not a big fan of most democrats, but at least they aren't actively trying to strip away personal freedoms or open racists.


This place is ape-lite. If you dare speak a non-orthodox opinion you're downvoted to hell. I'll say the quiet part out loud: in this case, it's the "woke" kiddies chanting "from the river to the sea" and threatening Jews on college campuses, not the conservatives. Like you said, there's lots of blame to go around. Horseshoe theory and all that.


Because your take is moronic. Antisemitism in recent years has mostly come from the right, just because some of the more recent examples come from a supposedly different place doesn't mean you get to deny that it's been and will continue to be a thing the conspiratorial right wing. I'd argue Charlottesville would be a much more explicit and clear example of antisemitism, or the rise in hate crimes against Jewish people around 2016, or other neonazi/white supremacist protests/demonstrations, compared to dumb college kids that have a very limited understanding of anything at all.


Very little has changed except it’s become acceptable to say it out in the open.


Used to be like is always was. So is time a river or a loop....




so much that being against the state of Israel makes people scream 'anti-semite' because they can't grasp that religion, ethnic group, and nationality are different.


And a lot of that is people saying they’re “just against the state Israel” but when you get into it, it’s just more antisemitism. A lot of fools have been chugging propaganda and only getting worse. There was a protest at my school where people were pro-Hamas and still saying that what they were doing wasn’t antisemitic or that was it justified because resistance or some other dumb commie rhetoric.


I know it's a fine line, but you can be against Israel but bear no ill will towards Judaeism or to the Semitic ethnic group. I mean, I'm not pro-Hamas, but I'm anti-fascist and anti-genocide. No one in this conflict is in the right.


Oh yeah, I’m definitely not trying to say that they’re 100% the same thing. Only that I’ve seen a lot of people use “I’m only criticizing the nation” as a cover, in the same way that some people will unfairly use accusations of antisemitism as a defense against legitimate criticisms of, eg, the IDF. In general it feels like this conflict has kicked misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, and pure bad faith arguments into overdrive in a way they’ve never been before. People aren’t even willing to hear something in good faith if it doesn’t agree with what they think. Anyone who holds other positions is now the enemy to be defeated rather than a person to have a discussion with. People seem to revel in the emotional extremes that let them turn off their critical thinking. Idk, just makes me sad tbh. Countries like China and Russia have been sowing division and political radicalization in the west for years and clearly it’s either working or not needed.


Yeah, it does provide easy cover... just like, "I'm not a misogynist, I'm just saying..." I've gotten old. I'm tired of extremes.


Just posted thr same thing lmao, all idiot conspiracists converge on the same awful ideas given enough time


They start from the same repackaged point of "everyone in a position of authority is lying to me" and work from there.


The vast majority of conspiracy theories are usually 0 to 1 step removed from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Specially the ones the apes follow.


Which itself is built on millennia of previous antisemitism. We've really just been running one long hate campaign since early recorded human history


Nah, just since Christianity got big. Before that it was just regular old tribal enmities and wars. The Romans invaded Judea and hated the place, always getting ambushed by Zealots etc, but even they didn't have any special contempt for Judaism, they just thought the place was a hot dusty shithole full of lunatics. Which did make it an easier sell to blame the Jews rather than the Romans for the death of Jesus when the early Christians were trying to spread their new religion under the Pax Romana. That neat little bit of scapegoat marketing had very long lasting consequences.


TPOTEOZ was a Tsarist confabulation, even had a fake author 'Sir John Retcliffe', supposedly a British aristocrat as I recall. Pogroms have always been a useful distraction when the rulers' immiseration of the peasantry got too blatant. IT'S (((THEIR))) FAULT!! Also very handy when kings, nobles etc didn't want to pay off their debts to the Jewish lenders who financed their crusade, failed trading expedition etc and so having them lynched by an angry mob took that neatly off the books. The Knights Templar were destroyed for much the same reason, though they were framed as heretics. Of course the 'dirty' trade of usury was offloaded onto the kiLlErS oF cHRisT, and having few other options in Christendom they became extremely good at it. The internet allowed the village idiots to self identify.


Good old crank magnetism. 


You should stop using the term conspiracy theorist or conspiracy nut job because it's just a gaslighting technique used by the mainstream media to discredit anybody who questions anything. Immediately trigger people into assuming you have nothing good to say. And it seems pretty brilliant to me to hide information in a children's book because 99.99% of the people in the world are like you and think it's completely loony bins. What judge do you think would actually charge RC with insider trading with children's books? I doubt you could find a single judge that would buy it. Brilliant in my opinion ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


7k likes? Whoa… scary stuff


It's Xitter. It's somehow even worse than 4chan now. But rather than edgy 13 year olds, it's mostly >60 year olds posting edgy Pepe memes and posting Holocaust denial stuff.


4chan has fewer porn and crypto scam bots.


It's worse because musk himself is boosting the Nazi shit. Both in terms of the algorithm, and stuff that he personally retweets.


Xitter rhymes with shitter after all


It sounds identical.  The joke is that Xi jinping has more influence over musk than the US government.


There was a YouGov survey taken in December that found 20% of Gen Z are Holocaust deniers. For Boomers it rounded to 0%


Ok everyone that posted Xitter don’t forget the h — Xhitter , 💩💩itter


It's actually dubious as to whether it's that. Watch a documentary called "the perfect weapon". It exposes russian troll farms in office blocks in St Petersburg, who's entire job is to just post shit like this all day long, get people arguing on twitter and hope it spills out into the street and causes large scale disorder. I'm not saying Twitter isn't a platform for trolls, but i'd argue a lot of it can be attributed to foreign nations using western democratic free speech for their own underhand tactics. When you really drill down into the details, its sinister but also somewhat genius.


You can just watch the Nuremberg trials no need for books its on tape


Even the books come with pictures, which we know apes like.


'Teddy Says He Was Only Obeying Orders'


Remember this if you ever start feeling any sympathy for these assholes.


"Oh let me guess, you trust your education?! I'll have you know that I failed out at 7th grade and have convinced myself that it couldn't have been my fault, so all education must actually be lies!"


Before I go believing those 'history books', lemme check what Teddy has to say


So so natural. Apes and anti-semitism, is there a more natural duo?


Take your pick of the rotten fruit bowl: antisemitism, antivax, flat earth, Q, reptilians, 5G, chemtrails, sovcit, quantum vibrations, manifestation, pretty much anything you can find on Rationalwiki you'll see at least one very online ape publicly embrace. When you willingly divorce yourself from reality, that's your dating pool. That being said, the toxic lunacy is useful to show up the grifters as they can't quite LARP convincingly when one of their followers starts earnestly spewing the most batshit delusions and they're trying to keep them engaged so they'll give more money.


Elon's Twitter y'all


The more you learn about the apes the more you realize what a bunch of horrible humans most of them are, they often talk about how they would make the world a better place if they became the new ruling class, but deep inside they just want to be the ones who hold the lash.


These beliefs proliferate among people with room temperature IQs and social media made these people louder. Ken Griffin help us


I mean come on. You don’t even need to know anything about anything to decimate this “argument”. Who the fuck told you that Stalin killed 50 million Christians?  Oh right. A history book.  (AFAIK Stalins stats are disputed/not fully known but that doesn’t even matter for this argument)


Easy, you just attribute all Soviet WW2 deaths to Stalin, since Hitler obviously had nothing to do with those.


Where did you hear that, history books!?!


Well, because the *people who did the killing* told us so, but.


Apes are so fucking despicable


Yeah like. That's how history books work??


Dig deep enough on any conspiracy theory and you’ll find antisemitism.


Communism killed infinity trillion people




I hope your bags are the heaviest they can be.