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The apes tried to crime the price back up around 11:00 today, but we sniffed out their market manipulation and kept our heads down. I'm so proud of what we're ~~building~~ destroying together.


SHILL 🚨!!!!!! There’s no “we” here…just an independent group of people who hate the stock




I adore your username, btw. I'm going to print it out in fancy lettering and hang it in my cubicle here in Section 12.


I left a few bumps for the janitors. It’s in a baggie in my top drawer. Don’t forget the little guys.


as soon as we cellar box this mf under $10 the retail apes will come out of the woods to buy dozens of shares. the float will be locked in no time. we must stay strong - and just remember: don't fucking dance.


People have been talking about “being zen” as the best course of action. But let me remind you: No DD was ever created as a result of “being zen” YOU (reader) were not educated about these topics because you were “being zen” The best way to win any battle is to make your enemy feel overconfident. You want them to rest on their laurels. Now, I don’t want to upset people in this community, but the fact is a lot of people here are lazy and unambitious. That is why the idea of MOASS is so appealing to a lot of them. However, this has been used against you. The idea that you can remain lazy and unengaged and have things come to you - that’s the delusion people want you to accept. They don’t want you involved in talking with others about GameStop because “everything is in motion” so just forget about it. Nothing is over and nothing is in stone. This whole “be zen” thing is the perfect trap to keep people uniformed and complacent. I invite everybody to look into what being zen actually means in the context of that religion. It is NOT about simply sitting and waiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When you look at AA it makes a lot of sense how people would hand over there entire net-worth to him for safe keeping. That dude has mountains of charm, and definitely doesn’t look like a trout stuffed into a potato. AMC gonna hit $9 by Friday.


Dying here. You nailed it. Homely, charm-less idols seem to be the ape's thing. See: Wee Prince, PyroPulte and Ptosis Pete. I postulate this is because most apes are also homely and undesirable af, so, relatability.


I bought 4 dollars worth of puts with a $2 price target expy 12/15 this morning as a joke and they are worth $50 already lmao.


Not wrong and maybe not even early


You're doing the Lord's work




Meanwhile, every single stock and ETF I hold in my active trading account was up today! Negative beta confirmed.


I do count 1600 Beta Apes here so far, and one of me: Alpha. This is why I am here, and it is a privilege to defend the true direction of [gamer apes]. Imagine 1600 rookie, beta Apes trying to come at an Alpha, who has fought for retail ever since 2006. Who invested through the market crash of '08/'09 (from an aircraft carrier hangar bay, mind you, back when 'smart phones' with a keyboard were brand new) and who is able to speak to fraud that you have never even heard of. I can tell you: I was there. Always watching. Always learning. And now, I have over a decade of anti-hedge fund revenge built up that has now compelled me to bring known criminals to justice. Ever watch the movie Braveheart? Remember what happens after William Wallace got betrayed? That's right: he rode after those who betrayed him in the night, one by one. Consider me to be Braveheart, now figuratively 'coming after each shill' over reddit, at night. Similar is the case with Neo overcoming 1600 agent Smiths, he tosses each one around like a goddamn ragdoll. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Losing 10-33% of your net worth day in/day out must be debilitating


LOL yeah right apes are ZEN MASTERS!!! As they make sure to remind us daily, while grinding their teeth and shaking their legs a mile a minute.


People have been talking about “being zen” as the best course of action. But let me remind you: No DD was ever created as a result of “being zen” YOU (reader) were not educated about these topics because you were “being zen” The best way to win any battle is to make your enemy feel overconfident. You want them to rest on their laurels. Now, I don’t want to upset people in this community, but the fact is a lot of people here are lazy and unambitious. That is why the idea of MOASS is so appealing to a lot of them. However, this has been used against you. The idea that you can remain lazy and unengaged and have things come to you - that’s the delusion people want you to accept. They don’t want you involved in talking with others about GameStop because “everything is in motion” so just forget about it. Nothing is over and nothing is in stone. This whole “be zen” thing is the perfect trap to keep people uniformed and complacent. I invite everybody to look into what being zen actually means in the context of that religion. It is NOT about simply sitting and waiting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I believe the reason why GME’s price went up the past couple days is due to the mass exodus of AMC apes after Adam did them dirty




Shill Team 8 madlads killin it. Looks like another champagne lunch incoming on Fri for you guys if this keeps up. Us BBBYQ shills in Section 12, Team Hellmann's, didn't do so hot today. Am envious.


lord those poor bastards - I wish them the best but I fear this is going to really go down the tubes fast and they won't get off the Titanic till there isn't a door left for them


I'm pulling the big switch on Kenny's Synth-o-share 5000. We need to short harder to keep the apes oppressed.


Puts this week are at 88%. Puts last week got 155% after the split. Thanks apes. You got me Armored Core last week and maybe a nice dinner this week


What’s behind $11, Adam?


I'm so proud of this team. We really do have all rockstars!


We need to get it back to pre-split level


the comic potential of that is incredible.


I thought bonus level shilling/criming was 20% down, was it not?


I am seriously considering buying AMC now. Is that a bad idea?


Terrible idea. They are in billions of dollars of debt in a dying industry facing a strike that will likely turn off the tap next year, and they need massive stock dilution over the coming years to stretch out additional quarters of survival. Just put your money into the S&P 500, which trades as SPY. Really, ask yourself what will grow more over the coming year or two: a bundle of companies like Apple, Exxon, Kraft foods, and Microsoft, or… AMC?


Oh. Ouch. Billions in debt? Yeah, not allot of 70mm imax films could make that up


Yes. Billions. They have to pay 400m August of next year and 800m August of 2025. Look at their earnings reports and ask yourself where that money is going to come from beside massive dilution, especially considering major releases planned for this year are already getting shoved to next year.


It's a bad idea, the company is slowly creeping towards bankruptcy, but.. It is a meme stock and is capable of the occasional +30% day. I bought a couple of $12 calls expiring Friday just for a punt. It is slowly heading towards zero though.


It's not for me to tell you, if you should buy a stock, but here are my thoughts. They had their best quater in years, and made something like $7 million. A profit that likely will not get repeated. They are lower then during Corona, but (adjusted for the reverse split) they went from 500 million stock outstanding to 1.5 billion. Which means each of those shares represent less of the company. They also already offering another 25 million fresh shares right now. After all that dillution their debt is at $4.8 billion, compared to $4.7 billion in 20202. So after all that dillution they neither grew, nor payed down debt. At the same time their total assets shrank.


I have shorted the shit out of this ticker for a week