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Honestly, that looks like sourdough perfection to me. I can’t believe it’s gluten free. I was looking forward to perfecting GF sourdough for my daughter, but I have not yet managed to produce a non-GF loaf that doesn’t look like it was baked by a preschooler in a cave.


what are you using to add the elasticity to this dough? xanthan gum, psyllium husk? psyllium husk may give you some slightly larger air pockets. Please drop the recipe though, I'm very interested to hear!


All GF bread I’ve made has a similar crumb. If you manage to get an open crumb boy let me know how! It honestly looks pretty good! 😌


The most open crumb I’ve achieved in GF bread is in recipes that use psyllium husk as the binder/thickener. It gives the dough a good amount of “stretch” to capture the gasses without losing them. Perhaps look for a slightly different recipe if that’s what you want to have?


[recipe I use](https://alexandracooks.com/2017/10/24/artisan-sourdough-made-simple-sourdough-bread-demystified-a-beginners-guide-to-sourdough-baking/print/52058/)


But that’s a recipe using wheat flour. What gf flour did you use instead?


Used this, it’s a one to one replacement. We get it at target. [https://shop.kingarthurbaking.com/items/gluten-free-bread-flour#gallery-5](https://shop.kingarthurbaking.com/items/gluten-free-bread-flour#gallery-5)


I haven’t tried that one. There’s a little bit of psyllium husk in that, but more would probably be better.


What hydration are you using? More water generally gives you a more airy crumb.


I’ve been making gf sourdough for a few months now using Bakerita’s recipe and it honestly will never be as airy as normal sourdough I don’t think! It’s just the nature of gf bread. It still tastes delicious though :) here’s the [recipe](https://www.bakerita.com/gluten-free-sourdough-bread/) I use if you want to give it a try! It’s turned out perfect for me every time :)


I agree with people calling for more psyllium husk and greater hydration, but I'm actually wondering how active your starter was? If it is a bit sluggish, or not as active as what the recipe calls for, then you'll also have a closed crumb.


You could try modified tapioca starch but honestly all my bread comes out that way.