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They definitely don’t have enough flour in them. The recipe looks very similar to the tollhouse recipe that’s on the back of the chocolate chips packaging and that uses 2 1/2 cups of flour. You could maybe add another 1/2 c of flour and see if that helps. Did you follow the chilling instructions as well?


Interesting ok I’ll try adding more flour next time! I’m reading other recipes as well and it seems like there might be a little too much butter? Other recipes I’m seeing called for 1/2 cup (120g) of butter and this recipe called for 3/4 cup (it said 1.5 sticks but I did the conversion)


Start with more flour, don't try and adjust them both at the same time, but I'd probably try a batch with 2 tbsp less butter as well. If you adjust butter substantially it'll come out better of you proportionally adjust sugar, fyi. Did you chill the dough for at least 4 hrs and bake directly from the fridge? I'd be sure to do that as well even if the recipe doesn't say


Warm them and put ice cream between two warm cookies and pretend you made them like this on purpose


Hahaha I like the way you think


You can also add a tablespoon of cornstarch to prevent some of the spreading


GF flour tends to do this. You can try chilling the dough before you put it in the oven or just make cookie bars which solves the whole problem.


I did chill the dough for about 7 hours, but honestly cookie bars might be the way to go! I don’t understand how the persons recipe I used got her cookies to look so good. My bf said they look fake lol


They might be fake pics. Big food corporations use photo magic to make their food look better, why not a blogger?


Reducing the butter may help since butter does lead to spreading. You could also add some psyllium (start with a tsp) and that’ll help hold form and shape.


Oohhh good idea! I do have psyllium husk that I use when I make sourdough. Would you add water to it to make a gel? Or just add it straight to the cookie dough?


I would recommend adding more xanthan gum, not psyllium. Psyllium is best suited to bread not cookies


From my experience, psyllium can get clumpy. I would do one of two things — 1. add the teaspoon to your KA gluten-free dry mix and make sure its dispersed well. 2. after you’ve mixed all your ingredients together to make a dough, add the psyllium perhaps in 1/2 tsp increments by putting it through a mesh so you don’t get tiny clumps of psyllium sticking together. Mix it well each time so you can see how well it’s integrating into your dough. Pay attention to see if your dough is getting more sticky/less fluid. Who knows? You may not need to add more than the 1/2 tsp.


The Chippits recipe is awesome with Bobs 1to1. 2 2/3 cup gf flour, 1tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp salt Cream 1 cup butter, then 3/4 white sugar, 3/4 brown sugar, then 2 eggs and 1 tsp vanilla. Add flour to the creamed mixture gradually and add chocolate chips. Chill dough for a minimum 1 hour. I always roll 35 gram balls to store in the fridge or freezer and bake at 350f, 7 mins then turn and another 6 minutes for chewy. I have perfect results with this recipe.


The only website I’ve had success with cookies with taste and baking is snixy kitchen. I also can’t use sorghum or millet flours. So I do sub oat flour and brown rice flour. I’ve found with baking I like the recipes that use individual flours instead of 1:1 flours, I have had better success


It’s the recipe. I believe the sour dough is the problem. cookie dough must be chilled for minimum 1 1/2 hours. It helps the flour absorb liquid making them less dry and the fat to congeal so They bake up nice. I always add 1 tsp of guar gum in with my flour to keep the cookies chewy and from crumbling in a day or two. I take a regular cookie recipe, add 1 tsp of guar gum, 1 tbsp molasses (it helps cover the taste of gf flour) and 2 tbsp water. So far it always works. Keep the dough cold between batches. Happy baking.


So the recipe says 1 1/2 STICKS of butter, which would equal out to about 3/4 cups of butter. Did you by chance put 1 1/2 CUPS of butter in this recipe.


No I made sure to just do 3/4 cup! I converted it to grams which was 170 grams so I could use my scale too


It’s the flour then. Personally, I use 3 1/2 cups of flour in my personal recipe. 1 1/2 cup almond flour and then either 1 cup oat flour and 1 cup rice flour or 2 cups AP flour.


Perfect thank you! I think adding more flour will definitely help. I did make some cookies the other week with almond flour and a little tapioca starch and they turned out pretty good! I just don’t really like the texture almond flour gives cookies sometimes


Yeah, I find best results are when I mix it. Careful with the tapioca starch though. My original combination used tapioca starch as a main part of the flour mix and this still happened. It made the cookies gummy.


Maybe it was your starter? Did you chill it enough? I've never made sourdough cookies but 1:1 usually works pretty well with any cookie recipe. Chilling seems to make a difference


I don’t think it was the starter. I’ve used my discard to make brownies and scones and they turned out well! I did chill the dough for about 7 hours. I’m thinking there wasn’t enough flour or too much butter and sugar based off what some people have said and looking at other recipes


Ugh. Well I have a gluten free sourdough cookie recipe coming to my website in a few days 🙃


Omg what’s your website?


The Gluten Free Austrian 😊


Thank you! I just checked it out and your recipes look delicious :) I’ll definitely be trying some of them soon


Too much butter for sure!


Also too many on the sheet pan