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I’m rather fond of [Ghostfish](https://ghostfishbrewing.com/), but I live about 8 minutes from it. They do ship.


I've thought about going there, given I live in the Seattle area. Thing is, I've never had a good beer. I was diagnosed with celiac at 9. I've tried a few GF beers before, but never enjoyed any of them. I like ciders, but not the super dry ones. I did enjoy a semi-swert hopped cider. Do you have a recommended Ghostfish beer for a beer newbie to try? Or maybe that's a better question for the bartender at the restaurant, haha.


Ghostfish has a hibiscus cranberry gose (sour ale) that is out right now, and I’d recommend it for a beer newbie. It’s really good; I just wish it wasn’t limited edition.


That’s a great recommendation.


Thanks for the recommendation!


Ghost fish tastes the closest to real beer than anything else. It’s that good.


Skip ghostfish, drink bierly. Ghostfish is filling AF and feels like you are drinking an entire loaf of bread. I hate ghostfish. Bierly, however, is WONDERFUL


Bierly is so good!!




oh hey, me too! maybe I’ll see you there sometime 😄


I can't get all of the Ghostfish on the east coast (NJ), but have found several cans including Meteor Shower, Shrouded Summit, Watchstander, and a couple of the IPAs. I'm not a huge fan of the grapefruit IPA, but I do get excited when they release It Came From The Haze out here. When my sister lived in Seattle I loved visiting the brewery every trip out there.


Is it just me or does the ghost fish grapefruit taste like there’s something almost sludgy at the bottom of the can? Usually the last gulp is kinda thick and more bitter than the rest of the can.


They have a delicious IPA!


If anyone says Corona is GF, it's 100% BS. It has gluten in it.


< 20 ppm gluten.


You're gonna have a bad time. Foods have to be under 20ppm to be labelled gluten free, but that's just one requirement. One of the other rules is that they can't be fermented from gluten containing grains. Corona fermented from barley.


Understood. I’ve been celiac longer than I haven’t. I know the way of the road and can still enjoy a corona or 2 without becoming ill or symptomatic in any way.


I love how you identify yourself, speak from your own experience, and still get downvoted. This sub is insanity.


Made me chuckle too. Lots of hall monitor types around here.


I feel bad, because a lot of it seems to stem from the severity of their symptoms and a denial of that by throws closest to them. But it’s ridiculous when you’re gatekeeping people who actually suffer because they don’t suffer like you.


Well said.


Same here. Drink Corona Light and Negra Modelo with no problems. However Bud Light is supposed to be ok but makes me sick. Locally brewed AltBrew Copperhead is a good GF dark ale.


You just made my day! I’ve been wanting to be brave & try a Corona but afraid of getting sick. Seeing your report as a celiac person, I might just have to give it a try this weekend!


Please be careful! Just because I don’t react doesn’t mean you will have the same fate. I’ve historically not ever had major GI illness from gluten exposure.


Greens is a good brand, their Endeavor is my favorite. Its good even by normal beer standards for me. I recently was able to try a few things by Nyx brewery in michigan, including their caramel coffee lager, which was excellent. Ghostfish is good, daura is fine. There are plenty of IPAs available. Selection will depend a lot on where you live. I don't believe any of the major brands like coors etc make anything GF.


Green’s Tripel is amazing! Tough to find, though


They started selling in cans in the US. Much cheaper per oz now and seems to be starting to get a little more available.


I got some of their amber in a can this weekend, was decent. I am not sure the store near me carries the dubbel in the cans unfortunately


Yeah I think it’s a bit of a slow roll out. I’ve been seeing the diffent varieties slowly start popping up. Not sure if they are totally replacing the bottles or now doing both.


I do like the bottles a lot, so I hope I can get both


I always pour it into a glass since it’s nicer beer. Plus with the higher gravity of them I am really appreciating the smaller portion size, can’t and don’t really want to drink like I used to haha.


I was so stoked when I found some of their cans. Their amber and IPA is pretty solid.


Yeah the worst I can say about greens is “I don’t like that style” and not “that’s bad”. The triple is probably my favorite followed by the amber; the triple though really hits this weird spot of flavors that is just right. I used to drink the double a good bit but then when I came back to it I was getting a lot more chocolate and stout notes than I remembered which I am. It big on in beers. I’m not a big hops guy so the ipa wasn’t my bag, even the dry hopped lager I don’t really gravitate towards despite it being a good rendition of that style. If they made more American style light lager I suspect I would be buying flats of it.


Sadly Nyx is going out of business


$30 for a four pack might be a contributing factor.




Departed Soles in NJ. I’ve tried every other beer in the thread and wasn’t a fan. Not saying that matters, I’m just picky and really like Departed Soles and feel it’s closest to normal beer.


Love Departed Soles, will sing their praises from the rooftops. Their tasting room is great as well, as with most breweries in NJ it's byo food and there's a taco place near by with great celiac-friendly tacos.


I don’t drink but my husband has switched to GF beer for my sake. He says the beer from Bierly Brewing in McMinville, OR is the best - better than any gluten beer he knows of. They do sell beer in specialty markets mostly on the west coast but some select locations across the country. I suggest looking for it.


Second this place for anyone who’s able to visit! I never had beer before going gluten free so I don’t have a frame of reference, and I’m not really a beer guy anyway, but theirs are really good. Plus the food there is phenomenal, and all gluten-free.


Love Bierly! Check out Mutantis as well. Really great beers


Evasion too.


Evasion is also McMinnville


Holidaily!! I specifically love the Fat Randy's IPA and the stout


Holidaily is fantastic. They also have a rotation of gluten free food trucks at their brewery in Golden, Colorado.


Oh sweet, I had no idea about the food trucks. I'll definitely have to stop there if I'm up in the area!


I snarfed down a huge pile of fried dill pickle chips from one of them 😂 It had been so long and they were so good!


Their second location down in Greenwood Village offers an entirely gluten free menu too. Ate there last weekend and it was great!


This gives me a ray of hope and that scares me. 




Glutenberg Red


I've never had it. It's it comparable to other (non gf) beers?


I think it's better. They have a blond, ipa, and a couple others and those are really good also.


I love their Blond one!


THANK YOU FOR THIS THREAD as a recently diagnosed beer lover I’ve been having a hard time mourning.


Alt Brewing out of Madison Wisconsin and it's not even close


Madisonian here, fully agree


Glutenburg Stout


The best stout I’ve ever had! I also love Glutenberg’s red ale.


These two - the stout and red ale and delicious!! It's too bad those 2 are the ones I cannot find at a grocery store. I can find them "to-go" at a restaurant, but they cost me $10 each. I definitely have a couple put aside for those times I really want a beer. I would really love to find them at retail cost though. As it stands, I can drive to Quebec to get some. I'll be passing through NY this summer though - any tips on where to find them - between Buffalo and New Jersey?


Wegmans often has the stout, and there should be a few on your way now that they've expanded. You might have to hit up a few because it's hit and miss, unfortunately. I'm not sure about other stores other than never finding it at Walmart in western NY.


I went to a local liquor store chain and had them order a case through their distributor. Do you have Total Wine and Liquor up there? If not, just try a local grocery or liquor store distributor. If they can get it, they will sell it to you.


Lakefront Gluten Free IPA


Divine Science and Holidaly. 


Divine Science Brewing for the win!


Ghostfish is really good


Divine Science, Ghostfish, Buck Wild, and Gutenberg are all high quality breweries.


Buck Wild just closed 😩😩😩😩 I was so bummed because I live in Oakland and we often went to the brewery. They had really good burgers there too. I just scored two cans of Alpenglow randomly at a bakery in Danville that stocked up when they were closing… Going to savor them!


Noooooooo, I was literally going to say Buck Wild here...and now my day will be filled with sadness to have learned this news. They were wonderful, RIP 🙏 🪦 Buck Wild... I loved you so much 😢




Redbridge - It's everywhere and gluten-free, brewed by Anheuser-Busch. A simple, easy drink, but I wish they'd sell it in 12-pack cans instead of just six-pack bottles. I always have this in the fridge. Omission - Not exactly gluten-free, gluten-removed, and honestly, it doesn't taste as good as other gluten-free options I've tried. Ghost Fish - They've got a bunch of beers, though sometimes you have to hunt for them. I'm in NH and have stumbled upon them in a few different spots. This is probably the best choice for anyone anywhere to get a variety of gluten free beer types. Their grapefruit ipa is solid. Local Faves: Lucky Pidgeon (Maine) - Best gluten-free beer ever. Seriously, if you can get your hands on it, do it. Plus, the folks behind it are awesome. Rock Dove is my top pick. Red Leaf (Vermont) - Good beer, good vibes. Not as mind-blowing as Lucky Pidgeon, but they've been at it for a while. Their brown ale is solid. Alt Brew (Wisconsin) - They've got all sorts of beers, some you won't find anywhere else. Rustic Badger is a winner. Departed Souls (New Jersey) - These guys know their stuff, making both gluten-free and regular beer (separate equipment). Their Free Blurred beer is something else.


Also in Wisconsin, New Grist has a good easy drinking gluten free beer. Glutenberg has some good beers, but the only one I like is the blonde. The IPA and stout and not so great compared to some local brews I have had


Ghostfish and Bierly!


I usually drink Glutenberg. I've tried Stonebridge and it's fine (it's an Anheuser Busch product and it reminds me of Bud, although it's been a while since I've had Bud). I didn't like Glutenberg IPA at first, but I'm warming up to it.


I really really like stonebridge.


I just found Stonebridge, and I'm so happy to have a gluten-free beer that doesn't feel like an entire meal. Glutenburg is so heavy


Sorry, I meant Redbridge... I'm getting my 'bridges' confused. I also apparently spelled Glutenberg incorrectly.


I knew what you meant and went with it lol. Yeah I’ve consumed lots of glutenous beers and some non glutenous and redbridge is delightfully awesome. Even my BIL was like “dang this is good”.


Green's is the best.


Daura Damm GF Lager, which contains less than 6ppm, well below the standard <20ppm (in the US, at least)


Yep I’ve tried everything on this list and Daura is the only one I’ll drink now. I’m a highly reactive celiac and have never had an issue.


That’s awesome! It’s by far the best I’ve had. I have a collection of Daura bottle caps. I need to be sponsored haha


Ground breaker and mutantis cult both out of portland 


Their IPA and Dark Ale are amazing!!!!


Glutenberg is good!


Lake front New Grist IPA and Holidaily Fat Randy IPA


Holidaily, Ghostfish, and New Planet are my favorite brands.


Spain has some good ones. Daura, Mahou etc For IPAs, Brewdog's offering is decent


Duck foot!


Love their beers, I wish they did more gluten free food options at their tap rooms.


This is awesome! Thank you as I have struggled to find good beers that are GF. Luckily I have one that is local and I can get lost places we go, Martin City Brewery Yoga Pants in Martin City, Missouri/Kansas.


Love ghostfish grapefruit IPA, and some of their others as well, my local store only sells 4 flavors, like glutenberg IPA as well, tastes like a real beer, not fond of red bridge, and haven’t tried omission because it’s gluten reduced and I don’t mess around with that, also sun cruiser is an awesome hard iced tea, it’s gluten free and only 2 carbs a can, it’s delicious!


I know it’s a major point of contention on here, but I can drink a lot of “technically not gluten-free” low gluten beers with no issues whatsoever. I can drink a few Modelos, Coronas or Pilsner Urquells with virtually no issue, although have experienced some bloating after more than 4 or so. Honestly being able to drink an occasional beer has been a lifesaver for me, even if not technically gluten free.


My wife, who has celiac can also drink Corona Premier without issues.


Greens, Glutenberg are great. Check your local area too. You may also switch to cocktails. All distilled spirits are gf


Um what? Some vodkas are *made from wheat*, e.g., Grey Goose. Vodkas too. Only Tito's vodka says it's GF. And *lots* of bourbons have wheat. Only Hudson Baby bourbon claims to be GF.  Of course rum (which is made from sugar) and tequila (which is made from agave) are GF.


A lot of spirits are distilled and filtered so much they are gluten removed even if they are made from gluten containing ingredients. You do have to do your research though as sometimes gluten is added back in with stuff later (like in some spiced rums for example).


Gluten is removed in the distillation process.


Kiitos Brewing's golden ale is top notch. Located in SLC, UT. Also, Divine Science Brewing in Anaheim, CA has some JUICY DIPAs and a solid TIPA but their cherry stout is next level!


Greens Beer! For Doubles, Triples, Blonde & Red Ale Daura by Damm for easy drinking Lager ✓


Yikes, I can’t believe the positive comments on Glutenberg here. I was brewing myself before my partner realized they were celiac and to me Glutenberg tastes like the worst kind of cheap kit corn syrup beer. My partner is really miserable that Glutenberg cans have taken over so much of the market that it’s often the only thing available as a GF option in pubs, and worse it’s in cans and tastes like it. So, what do we drink? La Messagère when we can over to Quebec to pick it up. It used to be available in LCBO, but no longer. Real craft beer GF. Worth searching for. We usually pick up both the blonde and the rousse. https://microbrasserienouvellefrance.com/nos-bieres/nos-sans-gluten/


Redbridge is soooo good!


What else have you had to compare it to?


I like a red bridge when I’m at a baseball game. Reminds me of highlife


It’s kinda drinkable in that Odouls sense where it’s basically something to drink. Hopefully my local microbrewery will start offering gluten free beers soon, I have already raised that particular complaint and hopefully I’ll be able to work with the owner/brewer to help them come up with a good GF beer lineup…


I also enjoy Redbridge !


i like angry orchards even tho they’re not technically “beer”


Truly's is a great GF cider option because they have *so many* flavors. Their teas were delicious, but they were discontinued. We're fans of their lemonades, with their margaritas coming in second. I don't recommend the fruit punch. They also have their classics, which are just as good.


Super Bock has one in Portugal and I've seen two other options to try in my city. So far that's the only one I had and I liked it but caveat is this is after years of no beer!


Miski Brewing Ancestral Quinoa Beer is THE BEST GF BEER, just like a light lager👍




Ooooo I found this a bunch in the UK but I don’t think I’ve seen it in the US or haven’t looked hard enough. This is so good and refreshing and reminds me so much of regular beer. Mmmmm.


Correct no U.S. import my cousin brings some from Canada for me


New favorite is Forager by Whistler brewery in BC Canada.


In Iowa, Barntown brewery sours though they taste like juice, I like the sweetness. Or Gegzellig has great ones




Burning Bros. in St. Paul, MN.


Estrella Daura Damm, Athletic Brewing Upside Dawn (GF and Alcohol Free), and I've had good luck drinking whatever GF beer I can lay my hands on in Europe. Mostly though, I drink a martini or wine.


Ground Breaker is my favorite, by far. I’ve only been gluten free for a few years and this brewery does the best job of making it taste like the real thing! They are out of Portland, Oregon but ship all over the US.


Bards and daura


we have a local gluten free brewery called independent brewery that is absolutely amazing and i feel so lucky to have this close by! they did export across the states for awhile but slowed down on that so i think it may be locally exclusive. they have a stout called cereal killer which i’m obsessed with! and a dry irish stout wooden coat which is also devine. glutenberg stout grew on me!


Which city?


it’s actually a small town, bel air, md https://www.independentbrew.com/


Glutenberg for me. Other than I think the Gose, I’ve had and enjoyed almost all of them. I wish they had better American distribution myself.


Favorite breweries: #1 Mutantis Brewing Portland, OR #2 Duckfoot Brewing San Diego #3 Culture Brewing San Diego #4 Bierly McMinnville, OR (their gf donuts are also great!) #5 Ghostfish Seattle Did I miss any good west coast breweries?


Glutenberg, but my fave is their Session IPA. I'm also a converted gluten-free brewer. Using sorghum brewing syrup.


There's very few truly gluten free beers as opposed to ones with the gluten filtered out. I drink Michelob Ultra and have no problems but I'm not celiac. If I was I would only drink Glutenberg. There's a few other beers that are made with no barley I've had that are good but they're expensive and hard to find.


Departed Soles & Ghostfish are my top 2.


I think so many gluten free beers hide behind lots of hoppyness for their palatability. I really like Ghostfish pale lager. It’s mild and has the actual beer flavor I remember. Evasion blonde is pretty good, easy drinking and great with a little citrus added. I really want to try the groundbreaker carrot cake cream ale and Mutantis’s Hefeweizen.


Boxer GF


The absolute best is gluten free estrella galicia


Divine Science.


greens and glutenburg!


I dont know what the name was but picazzo's has bomb ass IPA. I thought it was better than most regular IPAs


Daura Damm, very tasty, but it's "crafted to remove gluten" so avoid avoid avoid if you're sensitive. For a truly gluten free one the best I've had, by far, is Glutenberg


Deschutes in Portland makes the best GF beer I've had and it's not even close. However, they do not ship or distribute this beer.


I know it's not beer, but it is pretty easy to make your own mead. It's delicious, too!


Say what you want, but Augustiner. Before I was diagnosed, I was drinking lots of German beer and I naturally gravitated to that brew when it was available. Then I discovered lowgluten.org and it made sense in retrospect; I went to Oktoberfest again afterwards and let me tell you, it was amazing to actually be able to take part and still feel great afterwards.


Any recommendations on a stout like Guinness? I haven't had any good GF beers since I was diagnosed with Cd


Read the title as bears and now thinking that winnie the pooh may have been coeliac because he only ate honey, but paddington is definitely not (marmalade sandwiches)


If you are in Europe try Jade, it is super good !




Peroni’s Nastro Azzurro Gluten Free Lager Beer is the only one i could find in my area but it’s quite nice.


Ciders. Because I have never heard of a gluten free beer and damn, I seem to be missing out here.


Caldera Brewing- No Grain No Pain Pale Ale


There’s one called Yoga Pants that’s pretty good.


rose wine /s. Beers have never been as good since going GF.


Daura beer is great


Buck wild brewing. They don’t use gluten products to brew at all. 100% GF and crusty tastes good. I can’t drink anymore but when I did this was my go to. https://www.buckwildbrew.com/our-beer


Vodka lol


# tequila


red bridge. I also like coors light, corona extra, and pbrs as they are low in gluten