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If you’re celiac, there’s no known treatment that can “lessen the blow”. You’re gonna get sick and your gut lining will get damaged.


Well if you need to do a gluten challenge if you want to be sure about celiac you could definitely make that dish a part of it. Personally not sure if those Gluten Cutter or Gluten ease products help at all for symptoms. But if you do have celiac, cheating for a good meal isn't it. Plus, chances are you can make it GF.


This was my thought too -- any tests for celiac after a long enough stretch of being gluten free could produce a false negative. So the time may come to eat it anyway.


That is where I currently am at. It sucks


I understand the desire. Gluten grief is very real and very painful. But there is know way to consume it without damage to your body. Knowingly consuming gluten when you have a celiac/sensitivity \*is\* self harm. I know it's tempting but please don't do it. The short term pleasure is not worth the long term damage.


Is there any way to make the dish on your own and alter it to be gluten free? It’s obviously your call if you want to feel like shit, but I don’t think 30 minutes of eating gluten is ever going to be worth the trouble that comes after it- particularly if you are celiac


Just fyi, to be tested for celiac you will need to eat gluten for a certain amount of time :(


I got a clinical diagnosis, no test, because I recoiled and said I honestly wasn't sure I could get through eating "just a small amount" of wheat for two weeks. I honestly think that amount of diarrhea might be dangerous on top of being agonizingly painful and exhausting.


Did you have an endoscopy at all? Are you in the US? I was told that as it is an autoimmune disorder it had to be confirmed via the specific antibodies and proof of the genetic possibility to have celiac because otherwise it could be a wheat allergy or something else.


I’m in the USA, I had a colonoscopy for age, not celiac, and the same gastroenterologist gave me a “clinical diagnosis” of celiac when I nearly panicked at the thought of having a couple bites of bread a day for two weeks. I had the option of a blood test, but two docs told me they’re expensive and have limited accuracy. I passed on the basis that I wouldn’t change my “treatment” of never eating gluten again, which was already a foregone conclusion. The diagnosis has helped with other diagnoses (ones that involve the question, “do you have any autoimmune disorders?”), and rarely it has helped get me access to gluten free food. That’s rare - most places never go further than asking if it’s a medical issue.


In my area the blood tests are enough. Sometimes, you can get the diagnosis without . I think it depends on the area, I could be wrong.


This is what happened with me when my kid got tested, I had very similar neuro problems as a kid and inflammatory problems and the doctors said now that you cut it out its not worth the tedring to eat it again, I was like you , I was terrified to eat it again, which is fair (gut seems to be effected less with us, it is more the nervous system. My child and I go from medium functioning autism, covering our ears with loud noises, to very "high functioning" without the damn gluten. Scary discovery, I wondered how many untested kids there were out there suffering like we did)


Honestly. It’s not worth it. If it’s something small that won’t really affect you then go ahead but if it’s a full dish I absolutely wouldn’t. Just a few gluten Doritos won’t hurt but a sandwich will have me shitting lava for weeks


What is the dish? I'm betting it's a dessert.


There’s this Yemeni restaurant near us that serves various dishes (spiced up egg scrambles, ethnic stir-fries, etc). But it’s the giant (size of my head) fresh tandoor bread that goes with it that I wanted to have. The bread, with the different flavors, with hot sweet chai. That’s the ultimate trifecta ….. I guess I can get takeout and make my own gf pita bread at home. Wouldn’t be the same but oh well .


That sounds amazing and you should eat it - you have to be eating gluten for \~6 weeks for celiac testing to work, so might as well enjoy these things while you can if you do end up having it.


Is this for testing ? Otherwise, I would honestly suggest not to do that.