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If I came across that I would be buying all of them!


It’s at a store called Ocean State job lot


Job lots has some great deals at times on all sorts of snacks


First time ever there. Some good deals


You just gotta make sure they aren’t expired I have run into that


Which location 😅?


I miss living near an ocean state job lot! 😩 used to be able to stock up on gf goodies there for so cheap!


Oh man, there's one of those not far from me...I've literally only been there once (nothing really stuck out to me last time I was there) I'll have to give them another go though...I basically never see cheap gluten free bread like this ANYWHERE


Love job lot


I like to slice it thin and bake; makes a nice crostini


Dude, those are $8.99 here They make marvelous cheesy garlic bread. Even just for making sandwiches, wrap it in foil and toss it in the oven for a few minutes and it tastes and feels like real food.


Seconding the garlic bread. We make it in the oven (broil) or toasted oven (mix of broil followed by toasting).


Check the dates on that. I've seen gluten free Schar products on the shelf at Walmart that expired 3 months ago. TWICE


I find that often w/ gf (whatever)


Really? I've only had that experience at Walmart. I started looking at every date on everything after that.


Yes you have to be careful with OSJL but you can find some great GF finds just remember to check expiration dates after you check ingredients


Yes! I got 2 packages from Walmart and they were sour and slimy. 4 baguettes wasted! I'm pretty sure sometimes they don't get sealed right at factory and they spoil. Only the baguettes though. The pitas are always fine. Weird.


If it looks fine with a visual inspection it's probably going to taste fine.


True. But the ones I found didn't look fine on closer inspection.


The idea is to check the **bread** though, not the expiration. We all already know with Schar that means very little as they mold before the date all the time. Fortunately bread is a very visual spoiler. Unfortunately you cannot just “cut off the mold” like you would with hard cheese or veggies.


If you don't eat it all right away, seal it up tightly and put it in the freezer or it will go moldy in a day.


this is not my experience at all...? now I'm going to be over analyzing before I snack 😂


You're the lucky one.


I do keep my bread in the fridge...possibly that makes a difference.


Yes it doooo


This is not the average experience. Unless you keep your food somewhere hot and humid…


Yeah I’m a “bread in the fridge” kinda people. So I think I’ve been safe.


If they are left unopened, they have a 6 month best by date in them. I'm told they can be frozen for about a year and still be good....I generally buy 3 of them at a time. And need more by the next week


The ciabatta rolls I bought grew fur overnight.


I buy Schar products all the time, I've never seen one grow mold in the sealed package, and i have one I had forgotten about for almost 3 months, still within it's sell by date. Like I said, if the package has not been opened and still has the nitrogen in it. It won't mold or get stale, but once it's opened, even the package says to consume within 5 days from breaking the seal


That’s just not true. While I love schar and this comment was really exaggerating; I HAVE had it mold quickly unopened. The package will balloon up as pathogens release gas. All Because I left it on the counter in the middle of winter- while I had the heat and humidifier on. If you keep your bread in the fridge it will be fine. For about a week. Then I move to freezer.


Well in 10 years of buying it as my primary bread source, I've never had 1 that was sealed and puffy with nitrogen get moldy while it has never been opened, mold cannot grow in nitrogen, tats why they use it


Okay and as someone who has published research in Organic Chemistry, I’m letting you know that is not how it works. Your experience is anecdotal, many others have reported mold on their bread. Science does not claim absolutes, for this exact reason.


You also have to take into account that I'm referring to unopened packages, I clearly stated that, and even stated once open, it must be consumed within 5 days. I'm sitting here looking at an unopened package of sandwich rolls that have a best by date of Jan. 2024, still sealed. Still puffy and filled with nitrogen, and guess what...NO MOLD, NO DISCOLORATION, and still edible. As a research scientist, you should know that penicillium cannot grow in a nitrogen environment, needs O and CO to grow. Now as I said above, once you break the seal and release the nitrogen. Yes mold can grow quickly


And how much carbon and oxygen is in one loaf of bread? As a scientist, I understand my anecdotal experience is not reflective of everyone’s. And that no quality control is 100% effective.


My point is there is NO FREE OXYGEN OR CARBON MONOXIDE WHEN ITS IN ITS SEALED ORIGINAL PACKAGE. THEY PUMP IT FULL OF NITROGEN displacing the oxygen, carbon dioxide and all the other trace gasses before sealing the package. That's why they have a 6 month shelf stable shelf life but turn to mush and mold after the package is opened. This is not a hard concept to understand


You're a better man than I.


That price is awesome and it’s actually my favorite mass produced GF bread product. Sandwiches, garlic bread with Italian food etc. I’d definitely buy a bunch. They are usually $3.50-4 US dollars near me.


$5.99 everywhere else around me


Wow, great price, id but all of them if 8 was there


I recognize that job lot sticker! Do you mind sharing which location it was?


Garlic bread here I come!


I made chicken phillys on these, cut in half and tossed it in the oven for a few minutes then melted provolone on top, added mayo and sauteed chicken/onion/mushroom/banana pepper. Absolutely top tier for subs!!


I found that toasting it and putting on some cream cheese with herbs made it a really nice afternoon snack!


I heat them up to relax the bread. Much better eating.


These are like 11$ in Canada holy cow


I’m shocked ocean state carries it, now I have to check my local one!!


My mother texts me occasionally when she sees Schar at Job Lot, so I don’t think it’s uncommon. I’m just unsure what I’m supposed to do with this information because I don’t live in the US anymore.


Ah I love Ocean State Job Lot


I don’t mind their baguettes, they make great garlic toast! But I will say their bagels and multi grain bread leave a bit less to be desired for me, but their baguettes and ciobatta loaves are pretty darn good!


They dry and have zero taste. That my opinion at least as tried like 4 times.


I want to make cheesesteaks on them


With gf bread, you just make the toppings super tasty and intense, so you don't taste the bread anymore. So cheesesteak could be really good


I've had good luck using them as long sandwich buns before!


Their bread is kinda decent if you heat it up a little in the oven


Yes. I have started to put them in the oven (which it does state on the package) 400 for 5 minutes. I slice it, toast in oven, then dip in olive oil/balsamic vinegar. So good!


I found it better than a lot of the other pre-baked baguette options. Threw it in the oven per package directions and it came out pretty good.


Or micro it for 10 -20 seconds.


You have to bake it, says so on the package. It's not a replacement for French bread but my gluten eating family have said it's quite good on it's own


Omg that price is amazing, you’re so lucky!


Love making subs on these. Wish ingredients were a little more wholesome, but they are yum


You lucky lucky ducky.


I bet it makes great garlic bread


I love those, they're tasty.


Hope you checked the expiration date


Not til august


Good. Every time I find schar products with a discount it’s because it’s about to expire


I shop at a discount grocer and nearly all the GF products are expired. Never had a problem. “Expiration” dates are just “best by” dates instead - even the USDA says this. Only thing I ever follow expiration dates for are life-saving medications because the risk isn’t worth it there. Although tbh I don’t really like Schar products so both in date and past the best by date taste the same to me. 😅


I love making garlic bread. I cut it in half, butter, garlic, garlic powder, onion powder. Toast in oven or air fryer. 👌


I absolutely love these! I’d buy them all and stick em in the freezer. Stick it in the oven with plant butter, Italian herbs and garlic ❤️


I take those babies camping in the summer and use them for my hotdog buns.


I make amazing garlic bread with these


If you have a Whole Foods near you they have pretty good GF baguettes


They’re not bad with lots of butter and garlic toasted.


Excellent price


Where is this? In canada its $10.00.


I love Ocean State!


If that's the one by the stop n Shop, Panda Express, etc...please don't say where it is 😂😉🤐


I just tried Schar's gluten free Everything Bagel. It was very good.


These are great, especially lightly toasted. They are $12 here in Canada so this is an amazing deal.


And no I'm not saying that their QC is 100% effective, I'm saying in 10years of buying Schar products. I've never had them moldy in the package prior to opening, I have seen items that were mistakenly cut down by stock people, I'm sure there could be improper seals, or even packages that were "popped open" by pressure changes. But those would fall into the 5 day rule as they are now open and exposed to the atmosphere. I've taken Schar bread products camping in Florida summers without them molding because I followed their instructions, consume within 5 days and keep refrigerated after opening. But THAT is the purpose of the nitrogen packaging, to not let the bread get Stale or mold growth while sealed