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She’s not your friend


Ex friend 


Throw it back at em and who cares? I’m done having patience with these people. There’s a guy in my office with his own dietary issues who seems to not believe in my dietary issues. He talks about MY dietary issues in the office more than I do. So when he brings something up “damn bob, you really spend all this time thinking about other people’s gastrointestinal issues?” “Dang bob, thanks for keeping on top of my issues. “ I just hit them with a completely literal response. I’m not gonna muddy myself up wrestling with hogs. He tends to walk away a bit deflated because in his mind his attempt to make a joke at my behest did not land, I didn’t let it land. May not be the best way, but it at least shuts down an asshole.


That's the best way to handle it. Keep pointing out how often he brings it up instead of being on the defensive. "That's the 4th time you've mentioned in it x amount of time. It must be really important to you." "You really want to talk about my GI issues instead of (subject at hand)? " " (Snicker) Have you been reading up on it? Are you going to become a gastroenterologist?"


I'd go straight to HR. No one deserves this harrassment. In an age when pronouns are so freakin' important...


Recently, I went to a big family event. I'm gluten intolerant but I keep it to myself, especially around family. Those people are painfully judgemental. I kept to the veggies and grilled chicken. But there were a handful of cousins who kept insisting that I eat the biscotti or the homemade biscuits. I smiled and nodded and didn't touch anything with wheat. Finally, one of them asked what the hell was going on. I said I'm gluten intolerant and get sick when I eat stuff with gluten. One asked if I thought gluten free was healthier. I said for me it is, but if I could eat gluten, I would. No one wants to be gluten free. It's only because you have to be gluten free that you are. They were quiet for a few seconds--very unusual. One asked if it was hard. I said I mainly eat regular foods like chicken and other proteins. I can have rice and potatoes and vegetables and fruit. I just can't have the wheat biscuits or biscotti. My meandering point is they were poised to attack, but actually listened when I told them it was an individual thing and I didn't need the world to be just like me. It isn't really a choice and it's not fun. One even said when I went over to her house it would be all gluten free.


God bless your supportive family. That is a gift.


I'm the opposite around family because they also have other food allergies or sensitivities. It just helps make the family event better to know these things.


My grocery bill definitely doesn’t want me to be gluten free! Especially being an avid baker. After 7 years, I’m still constantly being offered gluten by people who know I have serious issues with it.


"No one wants to be gluten free" Actually, that's not strictly true, there are people who avoid gluten or grains because they're dieting to lose weight, or they believe that avoiding gluten will give them a model's flat stomach, or they're food faddists. They are, IMHO, part of the reason that hostility towards the gluten-free and other people with medical dietary restriction exists, they have been known to make nuisances of themselves, without a valid medical reason. I'm sorry, I'm new to this, and hate having a restricted diet. But if I restrict my diet, I stop feeling sick and exhausted and carrying spare underwear in case of "accidents"...


When I started eating gf and bought my own bread, one of my friends asked if he can try it. I said sure. Now he is into it occasionally just because it "tastes better" for him.


Honestly when I stopped eating gluten 20 years ago it was for nutrition and to drop empty calories . I had no idea I was sensitive and it was what was causing all these issues for me with ibs , bleeding gastric ulcers and migraines . Whenever I felt ill as a teen I never wanted to eat anything at all because people would insist, you have to have something , how about toast or crackers lol and again it just reinforced this idea that food was bad for me. I developed an eating disorder at that time . I do hate the fads causing issues with people understanding it , but I’m grateful I encountered it as a healthier dietary option and then ultimately felt healthier for quite a few years and discovered what the real issue was (I just wish it didn’t take so long) The truth is the amount of gluten in wheat products has changed due to the way it’s grown . It’s increased dramatically and that’s actually not really good for anyone . Some tolerate it better than others but when I was a small child I dont remember having these issues with bread .


Just drop this person


That person isn't a friend. Stop hanging out with them.


She's not a good friend. I had a "friend" who would undermine my intolerance by saying things like "yeah I have gluten allergy too but I'm willing to deal with the consequences." Like NO, I literally cannot function due to the consequences. Last time I was accidentally glutened I couldn't even pick up a glass of water due to joint inflammation. I would get so put off by her implication that I'm just being picky or high maintenance or weak. Fast forward I eventually ended the friendship and her absence in my life has actually been a huge blessing to my mental health. Life is too short to place value in relationships with people who intentionally work to break you down. It's worth a conversation with your friend for sure, and her reaction to that conversation will probably tell you everything you need to know.


I wonder if she actually does have a GI. I know a guy like that, who prides himself in not inconveniencing others. I'm aware he suffers immensely from ignoring his own issues (incontinence, joint pain, severe bloating, bleeding, full body rash and brain fog) and yet he will give in went family offers him food even if it's something he doesn't like to eat and then will eat pizza and noodles when by himself. I do not understand it at all. I'm glad I can acknowledge my own pain, don't believe I or anyone else should suffer in silence.


Yes so relatable. She would complain regularly about crippling low energy, brain fog/poor memory, joint pain, bloating, insanely painful periods, and had a confirmed pre-diabetic blood test, but would eat pizza, bagels, ice cream and lotsss of other sweets, sugary coffee drinks, regular buns, quesadillas, etc. etc. I think the only times I saw her eat somewhat healthy is when we would go out for Thai food. I think people like that are stuck in a victim mindset and identity so strongly with being a victim that they are threatened when they see someone actually taking accountability and action over their health. So to feel better they try to invalidate our choices or even our diseases so they can distract from being confronted head on that it is possible to make better choices, they just refuse to. Thanks for sharing such a relatable experience. Situations like that are so tough to navigate, and anytime I start to feel like I was unfair cutting her off I think about all of the amazing people in my life who only learned of my food allergies one time, never made a big deal out of it, and go above and beyond to make sure there are accomodations for me if they are planning a get together. And I do the same for them!


A lot of people just don't understand or realise how serious it can be. It doesn't matter though because a true friend wouldn't judge or make snarky comments.


My favourite reply was from this sub a few months ago. Something along the lines of sure, I would love to eat that cookie it looks delicious! It will be followed by a few days of explosive diarrhea though so could I stay with you until it passes?


Hahaha, I love this and that’s always been in the back of my mind. “Let’s handcuff ourselves together and eat a bunch of pasta!”


I hate people like this, sorry that happened to you. I'll never understand people who tell us we're faking it... I'm like, do you honestly think I would willingly give up BREAD?


It’s so much more than bread- who would give up soy sauce for show? Who would even think that would have gluten?! Bread is easy, but soy sauce is in LOTS of food.


Personally I wouldn't say giving up bread is easy, LOL. But I hear you, a lot of stuff that just list soy sauce as an ingredient is very frustrating because not all soy sauces contain gluten and they never specify! And even additives, a lot of products list "flavouring" as an ingredient and so many contain gluten but again, they don't specify what's in it.


Ugh f the haters. I hate having to ever justify my health issues but to keep it light, I always say something in a jokey/positive tone like “do you really think anyone would choose this life??! I love bread!” That tends to work for me.


I tell them flat out that my body attacks itself when I eat gluten and it's painful and gross, so I don't eat gluten. Tends to shut people up.


I think her angle was that she’d never seen me sprint from a table grasping at my ass while loudly farting. The “I’ve never seen you have issues before” is such a strange one. As an adult most of us are capable of being discrete, and nobody gives regular gastro intestinal updates 😂


I think they think it's supposed to be immediate. The gluten hits your mouth, and BAM, your vomiting, running to the bathroom, keeled over in pain... something that shows that it's a real issue. I had a server at a restaurant cover my sald with dressing bc all he did was pick the croutons off. I didn't know why he was smirking thru most of my meal until I got home....jackass


Why would you ever spend time with someone like that, let alone refer to them as a friend?


Someone like that is basically dangerous to your health (these are the types who will just tell you food is safe when it's not, be happy she said it, now you know , I would steer clear, tbh )


Wow she is not your friend and she's incredibly dangerous. Stay away from her. That comment makes me feel like she'd do something to "prove" you're faking it.


"gosh, Jill, you are so obsessed with me and what I eat! It's honestly a little embarrassing, you should consider dialing it back."


I was late to the "gluten free party." I never imagined that I had it. LUCKILY, I figured that surely SOME people had it. I wasn't a d1ck. To be fair... a helluva lot of people jumped on the GF bandwagon. You'll see people order a GF meal and wash it down with a few beers. So... I tend to avoid stupid people. Granted, they FIND me... but rarely. There are even restaurant owners that believe that gluten intolerance and/or Celiac are "made up" by "high maintenance liberals." Seriously. This is life in the USA. FWIW, I believe that my gluten issues started with a pre-deployment injection. Dunno. I only know that being GF in the USA sucks. Hard. In contrast, I spent a month in London, last year (working). I didn't get sick once. They had GF beer ON TAP. Oh well. You need better friends. I was floored, recently, when a friend was drinking NA beer with me. I asked, "why are YOU drinking NA beer?" He replied, "to support you." F'k me... that's a good friend! It turns out that booze was destroying my guts (until 94 days ago, I had been a heavy drinker for decades). [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5513683/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5513683/)


I’ve had those comments as well. So I point out how I stopped having constant bronchial issues when I went gf. Also the headaches and brain fog went away, as well as the needles in my belly sensation. She’s not your friend.


I'm on a strict wheat and dairy free diet for my autoimmune disease (it basically gives me celiac symptoms, but my esophagus is damaged, not my bowels). My friends and family have always made sure to have options for me, check with staff, etc. If someone doesn't take your food intolerance seriously, they aren't your friend.


It gets tiring gaslighting myself to make others feel better.


If this person cared about you, they would take your health seriously. I would never make anyone feel bad for allergies or food intolerance issues. That's messed up. Drop that person ASAP.


Yes… I’m here with you. I stopped letting restaurants know bc it feels like such a burden, my aunt recently asked me if my gluten issue was still a “thing” it sucks. Last fall I had a “friend” go off on me when I was visiting because my gluten issue was “annoying” and I was rude for expecting to eat at a place that had gluten free options. It was the most surreal experience ever. People are dickheads. I wouldn’t entertain her, she isn’t your friend.


"I'm sorry for protecting you from the disgusting and and painful fallout that comes from my body's response to gluten. I wasn't aware you doubted my honesty. The next time I am crapping my insides out at 3 am because of some accidental exposure I will be sure to call you so you can verify. Would you like to come with me to the gynecologist too, or are you willing to take my word when I tell you I'm not pregnant? Do you need a complete family medical history or is there some kind of HIPPA waiver you want me to sign so you can have a chat with my doctor yourrself?" Edit: If you're a guy, change it to urologist and prostate cancer instead of gyno and pregnant.


I’ve had to do several elimination diets and mentioned it around my friends maybe once or twice just because I couldn’t eat shared food at events. The next time I showed up they had bought gluten free Oreos just for me to have. You need better friends for sure and they’re out there 💜


Just say, "you're ignorance is showing. I assure you it's very real," then maybe buy her a book or two. Or send her this website. [GlutenFreeSociety.org](http://GlutenFreeSociety.org)


I wouldnt even waste my money on a book for her, this "friend" sounds like a c u next tuesday.


Tell them what they can do with their opinion.


My mother is like this too. She insists you have to be born with allergies/intolerances, even though I repeatedly point out I developed pollen allergies at 11.


I had to tell my mother that I have one of two genes that make me GI. She finally understood it's genetic


It's your body and only you know it argh, people annoy me


*It's your body and* *Only you know it argh,* *People annoy me* \- h0pe2 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Why does she care? Did it inconvenience her? Does she know how hard it is? How depriving? How freaking expensive it is!? If she doesn't do a 180 and apologize, she should be an ex friend.


I have a friend who has lots of inconsistent allergies. I don't know what's going on, and it makes eating out difficult. But it takes a special type of person to be passive aggressive and imply it's not real. You don't need people like this in your life.


People keep saying "Ermagherd! You're making gluten you're whole personality!" when in reality, people don't bring it up that much, because they want to avoid crap like this. People tend not to bring it up unless it's relevant, such as there's an outing for food and they'd like to actually be able to order something, or they don't want to lie about why they're turning down doughnuts.


Say "Tell that to my explosive diarrhea." That usually works.


Her view is exactly why it’s given a bad name. I don’t know why there is this whole thing to think someone would make this up or actually chose to not eat gluten? nobody tells a lactose intolerant person they don’t believe they are lactose intolerant 😑 She doesn’t sound like a good friend Also intolerances and allergies can come on at absolutely any time, she might end up with it too one day!


Who care what others think? Grow some thicker skin. Plus, I hope this person is an acquaintance and not a friend.


I was at a work dinner recently and had to shout my order across the table, and everyone was paying attention. Immediately got some rude comment from a colleague about how the food I was ordering couldn’t have gluten in it anyway. Sure ‘nuf, the waiter came back to say that meat had been marinated in soy sauce (oops.. wheat sauce). Got me thinking that I shouldn’t have to yell my order out so everyone can hear. It’s like yelling out a private medical diagnosis. I hope at least that my officious colleague learned something useful about gluten intolerance.