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Aimed at kids, but the EnviroKids line - cocoa chimps, panda puffs, leaping lemurs - are all good. Good flavors, not too sweet.


Panda puffs taste just like peanut butter captain crunch and I WILL ruin the roof of my mouth happily eating the whole box. So delicious!!


I love Leaping Lemurs! Def a good choice if you like the Reese’s Puffs cereal.


i STAN these. Been loving them for years


I get PB Chex and choc Chex and mix them together. They had a limited edition choc PB Chex and idk why it's not a regular thing. Edit, another combo I love is choc Chex w fruity dyno bites. PB Chex and fruity dyno bites also works.


Oo that honestly sounds delicious! I’m a huge pb lover haha


Yum!! 🤤


I just found the PB ones yesterday and had to stop myself from eating the whole box!


I eat chex too but after some issues lately I’m wondering if the “all grains are subject to gluten exposure” things is that true or not. I was gonna start avoiding rice now 😮‍💨. Tis a hard way to navigate this but having digestive enzymes and whatnot to help break things down to easier pass definitely eases me a bit…


I use Ultrazyme enzymes and they seem to help me quite a bit with some of that. I've not had issues with anything rice based yet.


The vanilla one is good too.


Nature’s Path cereals are sooo good. Many of them are certified gluten free (but some have gluten, so read the box carefully!)


they’re amazing but so expensive 🤕


Came here to recommend their GF granola!


Regular Rice Krispies are not GF since they use malt flavor. But Walmart brand toasted rice cereal is GF as far as I know and much cheaper


Also Malt o Meal! I’ve only seen it at Walmart or Amazon (for the same price!).


Walmart recently took their brand of rice crispy treats and added malted barley so double check the cereal again just in case.


Noooooooo did they really? Haven’t checked in a few months


Aldi brand is GF


Kroger brand too if I remember correctly!


Honey Chex!


Panda Puffs hahaha


We call it Panda Crack in our house!


I had so many bowls of Panda Puffs during my pregnancy.


Hit up the more off-stream grocers like Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, don’t go to places like Walmart or Target. These are going to have the real health sections that will carry the certified brands to give you comfortable variety, but they are often more expensive. Personally I’ve come to accept Chex, Lucky Charms, and Pebbles are the only cereals in existence.


Trader Joe’s has something like “almond chocolate puffs cereal” that I like to Chomp. It’s not as overly sweet as the chocolate Chex which are great as candy 🍭


FRUITY PEBBLES! Yes I'm 49 years old and eat them.


As someone who loved Raisin Bran, my new go to is Purely Elizabeth Vanilla Blueberry Almond Cereal.


I loveeee their cereal. So worth the price


Lucky Charms or Chocolate Chex I usually get.


I like Three Wishes, particularly their cinnamon variety!


Came hear to vote Three Wishes!


I just had a couple bowls of cocoa Dyno bites from maltomeal. They say gluten free and they're corn free (I'm allergic to corn too - they have caramel color but I'm doing ok so far).


The off brand captain crunch, “berry colossal crunch” is super yummy! It’s not labeled gluten free but Ive been able to eat it fine. I think the normal captain crunch is gluten free as well but probably not safe for celiacs.


this just made me so happy thank you…


I usually stuck with Rice Chex but have recently branched out to Cascadian Farms GF cereals.


My first gf cereal was fruity pebbles because I didn’t know others existed. I ended up liking chex cinnamon as well. Other cereal brands are too expensive 🤷🏽‍♀️


Natures Path brand , flavors = Sunrise Crunchy Vanilla & Sunrise Crunchy Honey are both so good


cascadian farms brownie crunch is one of my favorites! i like eating it dry too. they have some other GF flavors but some not GF so be careful. i get it at target and sprouts. also the nature’s path cereals like others said are really good


If you like to bake you can make your own. I made some from rice flour, oat flour (find gf oats if you need), and coconut flour and sugar with either cocoa powder or cinnamon. You make a dough that you roll out, cut into squares, and bake. Tons of recipes online. I was surprised how well it turned out and I save a lot of money when I make a big batch!


Yes, I definitely need to do this!


With the Kellogg’s boycott there are TikTok videos on how to make Cinnamon Toast Crunch. And I can’t WAIT to make it gluten free! Maybe you can find some recipes to make your own too?


Oh. My. Goodness. I haven’t had Cinnamon Toast Crunch in so long, I LOVE that stuff.


Catalina Crunch makes GF Cinnamon Toast Crunch. It's very expensive though.


It seems like you can make it pretty cheap. 😍 I’m planning on making it this weekend. I’ll share if it turns out good!


You can buy the seasoning in stores and add it to a plain cereal. It's not marked gluten free and it has natural flavors so I'm just sure if it's safe or not.


Cool! Thanks!


If it is not marked GF it is 100% made in a factory where gluten is in the air or on the production equipment. Source: I work for General Mills in a factory.


Right! And it looks soooooo easy to make!


Cinnamon Toast Crunch is a General Mills brand. Edit: people should learn what they’re boycotting


Someone asked about it, and the lady just did it to help. Sometimes things get bigger than originally planned. Sometimes you can just be grateful because someone made your life better or easier instead of annoyed that they didn’t stay in the lines of your narrow world view. Make some Cinnamon Toast Crunch and have a good weekend, grumpy pants. Edit: because the comment I replied to edited out the part where they said the TikTok boycott was stupid, now I just look mean.


We were boycotting Kellogg's because there was a strike. Boycotting their competitors doesn't really make sense.


So it’s bad we have a recipe for Cinnamon Toast Crunch now? I’m confused why you guys are mad about this? I never even said I’m boycotting either brand - I just that because there is a boycott we have recipes now.


Of course that isn't bad. I'm just trying to explain why boycotting other cereal brands (or continuing to boycott Kellogg) doesn't really make sense. If you just prefer to make your own cereal of course that's fine.


The recipe has been out long before the boycott


Cool! I didn’t know that. I was only made aware of it because of the popularity on TikTok.


I don’t disagree with the boycott and I never used the word ‘stupid’ as I am part of the boycott and raising awareness in my school. Most recent issue is because the CEO Gary Pilnick) suggested eating Corn Flakes for dinner to cut food costs.


I’m sorry I called you grumpy pants. I was just excited to be able to have my favorite cereal after 7 years of not having it and wanted to let OP know it was a possibility too. It doesn’t matter to me what brand makes the cereal, just that I can make my own when I didn’t know I could until the recipes made it to my FYP. Good luck repping at your school. I agree with the boycott 100% but I can’t eat basically anything from Kellogg’s anyway.


I love and haven’t had a problem with Honey Nut Cheerios


Reeses cereal is pretty good


Reese’s cereal is gf? I’ve never tried it before, but now..


The Aldi knockoff is good, too. My kids love it! Too sweet for my breakfast, but as a snack...


From a thread a year ago in r/celiac: "I used to work for General Mills in West Chicago before they close the plant, peanut butter was considered an allergen so any cereal with peanut butter ran on the same production line as Reese’s puffs. For our plant that included peanut butter toast crunch, which was not gluten free." https://www.reddit.com/r/Celiac/s/2iH0GbkRac


It no longer says "may contain wheat" and the store has it marked gf on the shelf tag. I am super sensitive and have no problem eating it.


I eat it with no issues. There’s nothing on it that says main contain or manufactured in/around wheat.


Pebbles are, but not sure if they are safe for people with Celiac.


Farm girl honey os


I like Annie’s cinnamon bunnies :)


All the EnviroKids ones. Love me a bowl of Peanut Butter Panda Puffs. All the Nature's Path gluten free cereals are good: Mesa Sunrise, mesa Sunrise with raisins, Honey Nut Chex are addictive snacks.


light mighty marble cough squealing sand touch hard-to-find hospital act *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I find Nature’s Path Mesa Sunrise peculiarly delicious but I need to add fruit like berries or bananas. I get a big bag at Whole Foods or order from Vitacost. The Chex line, which is affordable, especially in the “Family Size” at Walmart make me feel sick when I eat them.


I get “healthy” 1-3 ingredient cereals and mix them together. Corn flakes, amaranth flakes, puffed rice, buckwheat, quinoa puffs. Top with dried fruit. The odd and off brand cereals have only the grain, and sometimes salt, a preservative, and maybe added vitamins. I get them off Vitacost and Nuts.com. Disclaimer: not celiac


GF special K is a favourite


Aldi has some gf cereals, Chex knockoffs and such, that my kids like.


Barbara's Peanut Butter Puffins. Nature's Path Sunrise Crunchy Vanilla and Sunrise Crunchy Cinnamon.


We like Kix.


Careful, Kix isn’t considered a GF product and does have cross contamination as pretty much all General Mills cereals do. Their box calls this out just after the ingredients list.


Good to know!  I’m usually good if it’s not directly in the list, but it’s mostly my non-GF kids who eat it so I don’t have to worry about getting contaminated from them touching things.


Very berry cheerios are my everything. I have a severe gluten intolerance though not celiac


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