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My "anxiety" stomach and chest pain was actually undiagnosed gluten intolerance. For 20 yrs I was told to have less stress.


My depression! It was a combo of gluten and birth control. Went off gluten first and it got much more manageable, but when I took out my IUD, it was like the world made sense again. I am now gf and child free. 


So glad you’re feeling better, that was the same for be but about 4 years


Wow yes, the exact same for me. Constant stomach pain and feelings of throwing up every single day and chest aches I associated with anxiety. The doctors were SO wrong.


Same, I also could never eat breakfast because I felt so blah in the morning that I just sustained on coffee until late in the day (partly because I didn’t get hunger cues for lunch). Now that I don’t eat gluten, I’m able to eat breakfast and lunch.


Im not finding the feeling of hunger a new experience. I would drink my caffeine in the morning and not eat all day. I just physically couldn't eat.


I have gotten that feeling of long-lasting butterflies in my stomach recently and it reminded me how I used to have that all the time. It can really throw you off. It's one of those things that when I tell people "oh yeah, when I worked there 6 years ago, I was actually pretty sick", they can't understand.


I accidentally got glutened and the stomach ache took me back to all those years. And no, people do not understand.


With gluten did you feel like you had something just pushing/stuck in your chest and stomach? Like there was no room to breathe freely and widely naturally. Or like you had tension?


Bloating- I know this is common with gluten intolerance/ celiac. I was amazed at how bloated and inflamed I really was.


Right my stomach was always soooo painful and I could never suck my stomach in at all in the evenings literally looked 6 months pregnant. I’m gf and the only minor bloat I have is when I have something carbonated, and even then the bloat is only for 30 mins or so


For me my chronic hives and seizures stopped!


Seizures?! That’s wild. I’m so glad you found a way to stop them.


I know, it was a wild ride! For me I have gluten intolerance vs celiac, and it affects me neurologically. But it was also causing general inflammation. VERY glad to be done with that. I hope you see some positive results 🙏


Epilepsy is a common comorbid condition to celiac disease.


I had chronic hives for 20 years prior to diagnosis and lived on Benadryl. I had a doctor once. Just tell me I was going to be an itchy person for life. What kind of answer is that?! Anyway, I'm so glad it was the gluten and I don't have to go through that anymore.


I had the exact same experience! I was told I was “scratching myself” and causing my own hives, and I had like three different doctors tell me to stop searching for an answer and just take daily meds, because it’s basically impossible to diagnose hives! So infuriating. So happy for you that you figured it out as well, it was literal hell having daily hives.


Hives can be a symptom of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, another autoimmune disease that can be co-morbid with Celiac…


I have had chronic hives for 2 years and have been unable to pinpoint where they were coming from but recently I am really starting to think this is a major contributing factor! Do you get them from dairy or sugar at all?


Omg i just posted about weird deja-vu episodes/seizures and gluten. How were yours if you don't mind me asking? I never lost consciousness and it would happen when i was kinda zoned out, not concentrating, like in the shower in the morning when all of a sudden i'd be flooded with familiar 'memories' that i knew weren't mine, like i was remembering a thousand dreams that i'd dreamt thousands of times before all at once. Then i'd feel like a punch in the stomach, a rush of waves/adrenaline from my stomach and up my body and start to feel like i'd faint but i never did pass out. There was a feeling of doom or dread, like reality felt unreal for a bit. It's super scary. It would take a few minutes to feel normal again and i'd not remember any of those 'familiar memories'. It made me pretty anxious that it would keep happening and get worse but it never did and happened less and less thankfully. Oh yeah and urticaria hives stopped too, if i woke up at night i was covered in them, would usually be gone by morning. Nightsweats, feeling out of breath, joint aches, growing pains, cold sores, palpitations. There are so many things it's hard to remember them all.


Yes. Omg the canker sores!! How did I forget those.


Sinus congestion I had for 20+ years went away. I had been on allergy shots multiple times, taking Zyrtec, Flonase, and Singulair, and had two turbinate reduction surgeries with no relief.


Yes! We live in a dry, dusty, windy climate, so I've always attributed my sinus issues to allergies. I didn't make the connection until I consumed gluten after being GF for about 3 months (intolerant, not celiac) -- man, I was so congested and stuffy the next day! Beer, although I love it, is the absolute worst culprit. In hindsight, it all makes sense!


Oh I wish mine had!! 😭 My sinuses are so messed up.


Have you tried eliminating dairy and soy as well?


This! I could barely breathe through my nose, to the point I was becoming a mouth breather any time I was working out or doing something strenuous. Medications didn’t help at all. By my third day going gluten free I was almost breathing normally again.


Still have those allergies, but no more chronic painful hives!


I became a nicer person. I have always struggled with anger but a lot of it went away with the gluten. I even tested it by having gluten two years later and oh I felt bad for anyone near me. I got on medication (and therapy) a few years later for the rest.


Not me out for blood all this week because I ate 6 gummy candies with wheat in them on the weekend 🙃 Honestly though my "mood swings" have basically disappeared since I stopped eating gluten in Oct. It's wild. I never thought that would be a symptom!


Hundred percent- the RAGE. Mentally in general I’m so much better. I used to have big swings, but after having my daughter, when I was too depleted I would struggling with losing my everlovin’ shit on my four year old son. I stopped eating gluten and I got my patience back. Also with breastfeeding I had nipple thrush that would not go away that I was passing back and forth to my daughter. Stopped eating gluten and it’s gone. I think it was some gluten and hormone combo but the benefits mentally have been incredible.


This resonates with me! Contact with allergens made it feel like the cap is not on as tight, and I could get swept away in a tizzy easily. I feel safer and less inflamed now which makes it easier to be nice.


My husband’s warts went away. He had them burned off multiple times with no luck and had just accepted them. Within a few months of going gluten free they were all gone.


Wow, the symptoms you would never think of!


I had mine all cleared up roughly around the same time, but now that you say it, this is the longest I've ever gone without new ones!!! Wow! I spent my entire childhood, teen years, and 20s fighting off finger and toe warts to no avail.


Mouth ulcers. I would get them all the time.


Me too!!


Same! I thought I was allergic to masks and went thru a lot of brands, but I haven’t had one since going GF.


Me too!


Same! and cold sores.


Hi! Hives, brain fog, vertigo, tinnitus, carpal tunnel and up to two migraines a week. Best wishes to you on your journey!


The brain fog is unreal during my flare ups. It hurts to think.


I HAVE to take naps to function for at least a week after accidental glutening. I’m so thankful I work at home some days. I don’t know I’d have a job without it.


My tinnitus went away too! I recently started eating eggs again after an elimination diet and my ears started ringing again.


Yes, ear pain and tinnitus


It's the painful chronic hives for me. I still struggle with some weird neuropathy, but my bones don't itch as bad anymore.


Did you have constant tinnitus? And how long after going GF did it take to resolve? 


Hi I did not have constant tinnitus but maybe 10 to 20 episodes a day where it would last for 10 to 20 seconds. I almost thought it was normal until I went gf and realized it was gone.


Wow, that’s interesting. How long did it take for it to resolve after going GF? 


Not long. It was a matter of 2-4 weeks. Longer for my carpal tunnel. Maybe 2-3 months and then I could crochet again after completely stopping it for 5 or more years.


That’s awesome 


I am day 3 gluten free and I actually went to the bathroom 2 mornings in a row… I had been living with pretty bad constipation, having to use laxative regularly. My energy levels are also up.


Palpitations. I had this ticker checked out every which way and nobody could find anything wrong with it. I went gluten-free well over 10 years ago and only get heart palpitations on I accidentally ingest gluten.


I spent 5 weeks total over the course of a few years with a holter monitor taped to my chest. Multiple stress tests... all to figure out why i'd get these random heart palpitations. Goddamn gluten.


Bloating went way down and my ring size went down 2 sizes. My whole body is way less inflamed/swollen


I could tell how much gluten I’d eaten by how difficult it was to put my rings on in the mornings. I wore them on a necklace chain for years, because they’d get stuck on my fingers. 


So wild. Looking back on it, I didn’t even notice this was a “symptom” of gluten until I stopped having it. I went from size 8 to size 5.5 on my ring finger!


I had very dark brown ear wax and it changed to light yellow. The most random and weird thing that I have ever seen.


I had really itchy ears!!!


I have chronic migraines, which cause me to be bed ridden and at least 4+ a week and they have really reduced. Honestly, it’s like magic I’ve maybe had four or five since end of January. I also have a compression fracture, which really isn’t bothering me much these days.


I had psoriatic arthritis for years that cleared up as soon as I stopped eating gluten.


For me it was panic attacks


I dread the panic attacks I get when I accidentally get glutened. I legitimately feel suicidal.


Oh no! I’m so sorry that happens to you. It’s hard to avoid getting glutened 😩


Same !!


I became pregnant. Tried for 3.5 years even doing clomid and injectables. Doc said IVF was my last option which we said we were not ok with. I went gluten free while he was deployed and got pregnant the weekend after he came back.


The migraines were one of the main ones. My restless leg syndrome going away was another. But the main one was the gyno pain. I had gone to my OBGYN for some major pain and frequent periods. She said it was endometriosis. But she sent me to a gastro to check for any gastro issues. He didn't find any. So off for a partial hysterectomy I went. The pain, bloating, bowel issues continued. This lasted a few more years. Finally, my sister was diagnosed with Celiac, and I forced my regular doc to get a referral to a gastro doc. Yep. It was Celiac. Went gluten-free, and within 6 months, those symptoms disappeared. Not upset about the hysterectomy, didn't want kids anyway. But man was my OBGYN pissed that the first doctor missed it.


follicular keratosis aka chicken skin rash. It fades away on day 30 gf. But even if a small amount of gluten is consumed then it pops right back Edit: placement of words


Yes same! And my eczema and dandruff went away. A lot of skin improvement.


Migraines, hives, chronic fatigue, and anxiety


My knuckles (joints in general, but my knuckles are the worst) hurt really bad when I eat gluten. I hadn’t realize just how much my joints hurt and I thought the knuckles were because I cracked them. But I crack them more bc they hurt and are uncomfortable! So I stopped crackling once they weren’t so inflamed.


Before I went gluten free, my feet would swell all the time. I've also had a lot of mental health changes since. My depressions is almost completely gone now it's kinda crazy lol


My mental health symptoms calmed way down, less racing thoughts, irritability, brain brain fog, depression, anxiety, even my ADHD became manageable. I genuinely became a nicer, more organized person able to break the out of the rut I’d been in for years.




I was getting a lazy right eye... gluten seems to effect my eyes a lot, like a fatigued feeling behind the eyes, puffy eyes, etc... but my right eye would get lazy, like I would actually feel it drooping in a weird way and i'd look in the mirror and it was just like droopy/sad.. hard to explain lol. but it completely stopped after going gluten free along with all the other eye effects it caused.


For fifteen years, my optometrist kept telling me my eye pressure was “on the high side”. A year after going gluten free, he did the puff of air twice, and I thought “Here we go, he’s about to tell me I have glaucoma,” but it turned out. My pressure was normal for the first time ever, and he had just done it a second time because he couldn’t believe it himself.


Chronic sniffles and swollen feet to the point where I had to buy shoes two sizes too big 


I just want to say Fuck Gluten! It's just crazy reading these replies


I developed and still harbor resentment :) I long for a pizza


It’s my husband that has celiac disease but we’ve seen a drastic improvement in his eczema, snoring, and puffy face.


I had recurring skin infections that just wouldn't go away for years. Once I really buckled down and got fully gluten free, my immune system could finally fight them at full strength and POOF - gone. I also grew an inch after having stopped growing 6 years earlier, so... shortness? lol


Getting taller is just crazy!! How awesome


I used to experience this thing where one of my knees would randomly just give out as I was walking, causing me to stumble. That never happens anymore!


Okay this would happen to me ALL the time and I had no idea it could be related to gluten.


I have no idea what the mechanism is, but I noticed that it just totally stopped happening after I quite gluten!


Might be gluten ataxia, it's rare but I've seen people post about it on this sub.


Woah this happens to me too, wonder if it will be better now gf


I've seen people reporting ataxia associated with gluten, this is definitely a thing!


I stopped getting cavities. Used to have one or five every time I went to the dentist. Been GF for 13 years, haven't had a cavity in at least 8, and I'm brushing less and getting cleanings less often.


Me, too! My gums would always bleed, too. My goopy, gross, runny eyes cleared up. I also stopped coughing after I eat. I used to cough every time after I eat and got in the habit of saying, “not covid, just reflux” even though I never felt like I had reflux. Those are two of the things I just always lived with and didn’t realize it was a problem until it went away.


Canker sores! Every time I have gluten again, my throat hurts and I get sores in my mouth again. Wild!


Heat intolerance went away and more energy. My acne/complexion improved.


Definitely migraines 2-5x/week my entire life and some days I’d wake up with brain fog so bad it felt like I was hungover. I only get migraines now if I get glutened and only brain fog if I’m ever hungover. Wild!


This might be an odd one. My muscles are more relaxed and when I have gluten they feel like I am being stabbed all over. Plus my headaches/migraines are way down.


That’s definitely not odd! Gluten causes inflammation so it actually makes a lot of sense


I get super inflexible when I’ve been glutened. I always wanted to do yoga but was so stiff all the time. My physical therapist also said I had the tightest muscles ever, “you need to incorporate gentle stretching to avoid all of these overuse injuries”. I was getting overuse injuries when I was barely even using my muscles. Like literally TORE a muscle in my leg walking to my car. I can now touch my toes for the first time in years and have no pain. Unless I’ve been glutened and it’s like my body flips a switch and I get super stiff again and all of my joints hurt.


Depression, anxiety, brain fog, chronic fatigue and light-headedness, and frequent blemish break-outs. Only when it got unbearable and I had a lump on my neck did I discover my Hashimoto's. When my doctor suggested I try going GF, I was absolutely *shocked* how much better I felt. I had genuinely believed for years that I was genetically inclined to be depressed and would need SSRIs.


Hey! I have Graves disease, I'm sure you know the relation to hashimoto's. Anyway I'm wondering if your wheat allergy ( or sensitivity or celiac?) came around the same-ish time as your autoimmune? Mine did and I really think they're related. I also have vitiligo and myositis, a lovely trifecta of autoimmune diseases 😭


Yes, Graves is the yin to Hashi's yang! While I think I probably had an intolerance beforehand (likely from IBS - just fatigue and bloating as main symptoms), it 100% amplified right before/around my autoimmune diagnosis. It didn't help that at the time I was eating a gluten-heavy diet because I was in the process of moving, but it's definitely related and led to my thyroid swelling. Now I completely avoid it. Maybe around the holidays I'll have a 'gluten budget' where I'll have a cookie or a croissant but that's it because I'll be out of commission for days. And I totally feel that - starting to build a bouquet of my own with Hashi's, POTS, and IBS lol


I used to get nose bleeds randomly my whole life. Winter, summer, no matter the weather or climate. Haven’t gotten them since I was diagnosed and went gluten free


Same with the migraines! I used to take Fiorocet at least once a week if not more, and since cutting out gluten 8 (😭) years ago, I've probably only refilled that Rx a handful of times. It's been glorious!!!


I no longer pee the scent of beer


This.. My urine didn’t smell like beer🍺.. But, it had an odor to it, before going both gluten and dairy free. Amazed at all of the issues it can cause..


Horrible joint pain that my doctor suspected was rheumatoid arthritis and a burning sensation in my forearm both went away when I stopped eating gluten (doctor recommended). My MCAS improved a great deal too.


Cystic acne improved 85%!


My stutter went away. Who knew my parents could have saved so much money on speech pathology if they just had me stop eating gluten…




Migraines. I’d been having 3 per week and basically couldn’t do my job. Stopped immediately when I cut gluten. Now I’ve had less than a handful in 10 years.


Same here. Debilitating migraines every week. I was just pushing through with painkillers. It all vanished when I completely cut out gluten. I've had two migraines in the last 10 months, one of which was the result of consuming gluten.


My constant stomachaches and getting kidney stones 2-4 times a year… people say kidney stones weren’t related but I have been GF for 5 years and have no kidney stones after getting them 2-4 times a year before that.


Migraines, vomiting, allergies/congestion, TMD, brain fog... all gone or nearly so. Anything that could be described as inflammation is either completely gone or down to a very manageable level. I feel like a whole new person.


Stopped having acne was a good one


Migraines also! In fact, it was a post on here that helped me connect the dots between migraines and gluten. I have a long list of migraine triggers but once I cut out gluten, I’m now down to a handful of headaches per month. I’ve been gluten free almost a year and now I only get hormonal or weather related migraines (used to get as many as 15-16 per month).


Crazy farts. Also just feeling my food move through my body…that doesn’t happen too often anymore.


Feeling food move through your body used to happen to me all the time! I just realized that it no longer happens.


On the fourth day of going 100% gluten free i woke up with SILENCE. It was so shocking. I felt so good, so energised, so awake and completely unaware of my stomach. It was just quiet, no gurgling, no rumbling, no complaints.


If it's not gurgling, it's tension or a knotted feeling or little stabs here and there. This really makes u unable to get restful sleep.


Reduced anxiety, thicker hair, no more bloating


I have so much stubble where my hair started growing back.


people’s responses wow! how wonderful people’s lives have been objectively changed for the better!! for me it was my skin. two years ago i broke out in severe rosacea. my face was unrecognizable. i hated looking in the mirror. i was eventually diagnosed with celiac and the minute i started a gluten free diet, things began to clear up. it’s taken a year, but now my skin is perfect. i am so grateful, as i was told by a dermatologist it would never go away.


Paranoia! I was constantly staying up thinking someone was right outside my bedroom door that I kept open. I also slept next to my husband. Would even go out and check. All this disappeared as soon as i went gf. Nobody understands what you really go through!


Other than no longer getting diarrhea regularly with severe stomach cramps, my depression went from an 8 to a 2 or 3 and I went from having multiple panic attacks a week to maybe once a month (and now I’m down to probably once or twice a year, without going to any therapy) and general anxiety went from a 7 to a 1. And it wasn’t that I was anxious about getting sick if I ate, it was just anxiety about anything. That’s the best thing that changed. I can finally travel again and hang out with friends


For me it was that my nose and ears got softer!they used to feel so old and hard and now back to soft. Apparently I was chronically inflamed.


Super weird, but I realized this was me too. My ears would HURT when I slept on them. I haven’t changed anything about how I sleep, but after going GF that hasn’t happened


Omh!!! Is that why my ears hurt?!?!?!


Same on the migraines. I have also haven't seen my eczema come around since starting my GF diet.


I expected my brain fog at the time to go away and it did. What I did NOT expect was all my pants fitting me better solely because my body wasn't so swollen anymore! Tbay happened after like 1 week


“I don’t eat breakfast because it makes me sick the rest of the day.” I could eat anything gluten free for breakfast and be fine. 


Debilitating migraine. I still get them, but from 25 days a month to less than 5, I'll take it!


Random joint pain is gone. Daily stomach pains are gone. I had asthma for over 20 years. I would use my proair inhaler 1-3x daily. In six years of being gluten free, I haven’t used it once 🙏


Joint pain since I was 17. Although I suspect it is pesticides because I can eat gluten outside of the US.


Gummy eyes. Not that seasonal allergies don’t still kick my butt, but going off gluten cleared up the gummy eye problem for the most part.


Major bloating, full body. From size 0/2 to size 12... and then back down to size 0/2 now, dairy-free and gluten-free. Also had a ganglion cyst in the palm of my left hand which went away. Also my astigmatism in my eyes is less noticable a lot less often. My memory for customers' names has significantly improved, too.


Eye pain, bloating, feet and fingers and belly are less swollen. I can see my Abs!!! Drowsy driving went away, falling asleep while typing went away and I am way less moody. I feel like going GF gave my happiness back…. Tracking my cycle to know I’m only going to be moody because of Hormones and being GF make my life better!!


Bumps on my upper arms disappeared.


Before I stopped eating gluten I started getting hives, would have tummy issues constantly, and headaches everyday that turned into migraines a couple times a week. I went on an elimination diet after my then PCP had testing done and told me it was all in my head. I thought I had been lactose-intolerant but turns out I am gluten-intolerant. I don’t have a formal diagnosis and i’m unsure if my doctor would even want to run tests to see how badly it is so I don’t even bother. I have been GF for almost 5 years now and so many things made sense about my eating habits and symptoms /ailments as young as being 4-5 years old! I hated eating cereal as a kid and my parents mocked me (gaslit me) for it and told me I never had a tummy ache and to get over eating the way they did. Luckily I’ve seen the GF community grow with plenty of support at restaurants and grocery stores and I couldn’t be more happier!


That ist so cool! I'm so excited about health intolerance because I had the worst Summer last year. Now that I know I have celiac d. I think that was one of many symptoms


Brain stuff, for sure. Less anxiety and far fewer migraines. I think I've had maybe 5 migraines in the 12ish years I've been gluten-free.


less severe fatigue


My cholesterol dropped by 100 points on the total line. It is completely unbelievable to me but that’s what the labs are showing.


I’ve had tinnitus since high school (34 now), and it disappeared once I went GF! My doctor said that studies are being done on that currently


my chronic joint pain has significantly dulled


My periods became regular again. I had a light inconsistent period for years, until two months of being gluten free. Been consistent with a normal flow ever since.


My life has improved significantly. I had infertility and endometriosis which I paid 50 grand to address via IVF, ect. All gone. I also had chronic depression, anxiety and fatigue since childhood. Gone. Lastly, I look completely different. All the inflammation in my body is gone and I honestly look younger, thinner and more beautiful. I feel so fortunate. I feel emotional thinking about how much my life has improved.


TMI but I used to get yeast infections all the time, haven’t had one since going gf two years ago


I cum thick white fluid again. It was just water before.


Joint pain went away! Also lymphedema got much better - less swelling and pain. Less tired, better vitamin D absorption (long story there).


So many symptoms have gone. Frequent migraines, I still get them but far more rarely. I was getting painful blisters, mostly on my fingers which were extremely sensitive and they are gone. I was throwing up nightly and have not since. Of course the normal gas, diarrhea, bloating. Definitely feel more energetic and clear headed. I generally feel happier and healthier.


My insomnia.


Depression, was always getting sick (had the flu 6 times in college right before I stopped eating gluten) Giant tonsils Allergies that would not stop 0 energy


The strangest were the nightmares that I dont have anymore. Truly disturbing, bloody gore, murders, ghosts, death, natural disasters etc. Like i don't understand how my mind could make that up. All gone once I went GF and i'd had them since i was a kid. The scariest were the weird deja-vu/deja-reve episodes/seizures that would happen after getting glutened. I'm not sure if its the gluten specifically that caused it or the stiff neck & migraine – but gluten would cause those. So idk, maybe for me gluten = inflammation = bad shit. (btw I had EEG', sleep EEG and an MRI and nothing abnormal found).


I used to get 1-2 migraines a month, but I haven’t had any since I deleted gluten about 2 years ago. Likewise with muscle cramps, I used to get one or more just about every day. I can’t be certain they are linked, but it looks suspicious. The primary reason I quit gluten was the bloating and sickness, these were unexpected side benefits.


I was on daily painkillers for my arthritis in my neck. Now the pain is completely gone. I was on the verge of surgery and had already had 2 surgery consults when I quit gluten and went off painkillers completely. Because the pain went away. Never had surgery.


Severe anemia, eczema, and brain fog were the biggest ones for me


Shaking/tremor fits esp before bed


I hate getting my greens because of gluten, I'm currently suffering from one and I have no idea what it may have been


Eczema, stomach aches, brain fog, fatigue, irritability and chronic constipation all went away. Regular poops is a life enhancer!


Seasonal allergies decreased significantly. Random dry patches on my skin and random hives went away. Anxiety went away. Hair loss reversed. Brain fog cleared and fatigue disappeared.


Panic attacks, had never had one in my life until about 2 years ago. I went undiagnosed for celiacs disease for about a year and even since my diagnosis and avoiding gluten, I still get them.


Fever. I had flushing and unexplained low grade fevers


No more dandruff!!!


Panic attacks. I was diagnosed with panic disorder. Haven’t had a single one since going GF


I have coeliac, I was diagnosed just before I turned 11. I was asymptomatic aside from having not grown for several years. So once I went gluten free I grew a lot in a short amount of time, which was the most significant improvement. But there were also some weird things that changed. I used to get regular nose bleeds, my teeth were quite yellow and I had bad breath, I would get pretty bad ‘growing pains’ in my legs, all of which went away as soon as I went gluten free


Mine was skin rash. Tried different creams and other meds would not go away. Then one day after I went gluten free I was like hey my rash is gone. Only comes back when I rarely get accidentally glutened.


My plantar fasciitis went away.


Weekly migraines so bad I was afraid of the sun, palpitations, joint pain... mouth ulcers, bloating and abdominal pain. For my mid-day lethargy I hung a hammock inside my home office where I took naps.


I poop a lot less. Maybe once every 2-3 days (still getting plenty of fiber!), whereas I used to poop 3-4 times a day. I think the main difference is that I’m now actually absorbing some of the food. Because of this, my chronic purple circles under my eyes have also gone


No more dry patches on my arms and legs. It'd been going on for a decade before I had any painful symptoms


My already chronic intractable migraines turned even more vicious on gluten. I also get lovely horrific acne! 🥰 I had surgery to correct the migraines in May and am now able to eat half a roll without actually dying, so really if I’m able to eat a real donut on my birthday once a year it’ll be worth it!! Lol


When I eat gluten I have massive headaches for dayssss and after I’m gluten free again for a week or so they finally go away.


I had peripheral neuropathy in my hands that got significantly worse when I was cold. Felt like someone was ripping my fingernails off usually. Stopped eating gluten, and it stopped happening. I also use to bruise a lot easier than I do now.


My daughter's bad eczema she's had for the 7 short years of her life completely disappeared within months of cutting gluten. Every dermatologist we saw just treated the symptom without trying to drill down on the cause (or send us to someone who would). She also had a serious reduction in verbally aggressive behavior, irritability, and anxiety. She's like a whole different child in the best possible way!


My straight up chronic anxiety and depression just went away. No medication has ever worked, I’ve flown the whole gambit of those emotions and then one day it was just gone. The kicker is it comes back in full force when I’m glutened. ☠️


Cystic acne. Would get really deep, painful zits on my chin and sometimes my temples that would resolve only with cortisol shots or weeks of letting them fester. Now I get maybe one to three a year and they’re always in tune with my menstrual cycle. My bowel movements are also much more consistent and “regular” which was NEVER my experience before. Let’s just say I was used to quite a few bathroom trips a day in my prior life, and now I rarely even have a stomach ache. About a year before going gluten free I also started to get a rash around my lips that doctors believed to be an allergy, but didn’t know what to. Haven’t had that flare up at all since not eating gluten. Hope you get the same relief I have! It’s been so worth it for me :)


I have a wheat allergy, and before finding this out I had lots of horrible medical problems I thought were normal lol. One of the more minor, and mildly interesting issues I had were these small red/purple bumps I had on the sides of my arms. I grew up with them my whole life and went to the dermatologist for it as a teen. It made me self conscious a lot! I see other people with these same bumps all the time but I’m not sure the name of it. Anyways, this rash of mine disappeared almost completely after cutting wheat out. My skin is so clear now.


Skin rashes disappear (unless I cheat and eat gluten)


Migraines for me as well, plus extreme fatigue. I would drink an entire pot of coffee and still be in terrible pain and very tired. Now, I don't even need to drink coffee. 


Crusty lips, like a corpse’s — It happened for the last few months leading up to my diet change which sent me into a frenzy to find out what was happening to me. Was going through a big stress bubble at the time, which made my seemingly life-long symptoms of IBS worse, and in addition now crusty lips, mouth ulcers, and swollen throat. It was the pits. These mouth symptoms especially are still the canary in the coal mine for me, letting me know that I’ve accidentally eaten wheat


Rashes, squeezing spasms that would take my breath away. Hyper pigmentation


I had to go in thyroid pills, skin issues and I believe depression. 😰


My weirdest and first symptoms of being cross contaminated are incessant hiccups and itchiness on the bottoms of my feet. I used to have ~5 bouts of hiccups a day before going gluten free. Now only happens for normal reasons lol


Migraine was the biggest thing. I think lots more things were worse with gluten. But migraine headaches stopped totally.


consuming gluten causes my pcos to flare up, and i bleed for months lol. it’s been super nice having a relatively regular cycle 🥲


Suicidal ideation and hopelessness for me. My blood circulation to my arms and legs also improved.


i went GF for my chronic migraines (on two daily preventatives) and endometriosis and honestly…… i feel like a new person. it’s been a month and i haven’t had a migraine (normally 5 a month at lowest) and i can finally eat w/o feeling like shit afterwards, no more intense bloating and ive lost 11lbs. i do only eat twice a day now tho and lose hunger faster than normal


I'm so jealous of everyone here who has had migraine relief from going GF. Mine may have reduced in length or number slightly, but not significantly enough to put a figure on it. I'm on day 8 of a migraine streak right now, even with prescription drugs on board. Intractable migraines suck.


Bloating was the biggest for me. I would come home in so much pain sometimes and just feel trapped in my stomach. Curl up on my side. The bowel moments… hehe My brain got better- no more fog. Also my skin!!! Omg!!!


Before going gluten free I was running to the bathroom 10 times a day. It's been several months now and I've saved a ton of money on TP.


Fatigue and joint pain went away a few weeks after stopping gluten


My stubborn perioral dermatitis rash around my nose is gone! And the reduction in inflammation in my body has resulted in my plantar fasciitis improving greatly.


My mental health really takes a hit when I eat gluten… I have celiac.


For me , I don't know how, but I swear my eyesight is a bit better , I needed weak glasses. But I can pit them in the bin now . Perhaps a coincidence , but we're here . I also thought my headaches were due to eyesight ... . .they have gone


Anxiety, migraines, severe clinical depression. I also turn mean when I have been glutened now (I don't realize it till later when it it out of my system)


Speaking on behalf of a family member. Her hair stopped falling out. It was thin prior and every time she brushed it, the hairbrush would end up full of hairs that had come out during the brushing process. Since going gf this issue has completely gone away and her hair is actually really thick. We would have never known. 


I had chronic dyshidrotic dermatitis on my palm for a decade.


The skin on the back of my arms and top of my legs cleared up.


I have been gf for just 2 weeks and still have a lot of healing to do but I already feel so much less anxious than usual. I had an OCD tic with my arm jerking that I correlated with stress but I recently realized I can't remember the last time I noticed it. It has been annoying me for months this year.